Why don't people with cancer ever check their goddamn privilege?

Getting slowly killed by an incurable disease isn't anywhere near as bad as an upper-class white woman who doesn't work getting called mean names by people she autoblocks on Twitter. Get a goddamn sense of perspective Total Shitscuit. I can't even.

NeoFag thread I guess if you're into that kinda thing

Other urls found in this thread:


cancer can suck a fat dick.

pic makes me sad

"plagiarize" in this screenshot needs the Ben Garrison treatment.

Well, I guess their logic is that he's going to be dead before the woman so good riddance to white men?

NeoGAF to me seems like this weird forum where poe's law smacked it 12 different times with a round-house kick to the Godwin's law.

I don't hate myself that much, so no thank you


Quit saying he has cancer just because he's using an Alienware laptop.

Or, you know, what usually happens when you have a high enough concentration of leftists.


Rest assured, user. No matter how much you hate yourself it doesn't come light years within how much the Neofaggots hate rationality

Ahahahaha both OP and the faggot in the picture are morons

nice try neofag

Nice try, shitskin

I never said anything about his race, fam.

Oh wow look at all the misogynists crawling out the woodwork to defend a straight white cis fucking male. It's simply impossible that the difference between male and female achievement is biological because there is literally no difference between men and women it's just upbringing as countless fucking studies have concluded, but you'd know that if you weren't all gross sexists. And by the way being born into a rich family doesn't make up for the sexism that womyn receive, poor white cis males are STILL more privileged than we are just look at politics and business it's all males and they're all white too, do they have to deal with catcalling or being literally raped by men on the bus I didn't think so now stop being such manbabies and grow the fuck up and get on your step on the progressive ladder below us womyn and trans*folk where you belong


I honestly keep forgetting that NeoFAG even exists.

By that logic Hitler wasn't white either

you should be used to their faggotry by now

Hitler had brown hair and piercing blue eyes, dingus

But I wouldn't expect much from someone who posts that ugly hapa

pick one


Nah, I didn't insult filthyfag in my first post, and you know I just had to do that

Ummmm People of Caucasia (PoC) and People of Judaism (PoJ) are not white but they are white for the purposes of assembling statistics in order to demonstrate how privileged these white filth are.


Ecelebs and video games aside, is it worth it? If you don't treat cancer in any way - how will you die? Will it be just as painful as with treatment but faster?
I'm curious - if that happens to me, should I even bother with the misery that is cancer treatment?

Daily reminder that all you fucking Edomites are going into slavery



I thought as much.

God I love NeoFag, it's such a wonderful source of comedy



Comedy mixed with rage.

Looks like the chucklefuck in that screenshot signals 24/7.

I wish I could see it as comedy. I hope that little shit gets terminal cancer and then cries about it, only to be told he's privileged.

He posted a shitton of content that week so he didn't get fucked up from only laughing.

I really hope they can fix this britbong up before he dies

Oh boy, Neofag thread you say?

This one is so fucked up it deserves its own post.

Going off-topic real quick, he links to Everyday Feminism in one of his posts, which is essentially the Onion only it's not actually satire.

Almost every article is comedy gold

>7 Ways of ‘Honoring’ Other Cultures That Are Really Just Cultural Appropriation: archive.is/YhXJh

>3 Reasons It’s Irrational to Demand ‘Rationalism’ in Social Justice Activism: archive.is/EFUQR

>4 Reasons Why Penis Size Shaming Is Anti-Feminist: archive.is/NfiG8 (Someone should show this one to Devin Farci and see what his response is)

Meant in response to

Most current cancer treatments are not worth it, in my eyes. Especially since their most common side effect is more cancer.

This takes me back to 4/pol and this lame baiting should have stayed there. Yes I took the bait

its funny because TB is on same boat as them but he has bit different approach to things

Alkalize the body. Cancer can't survive in an alkaline environment.

All joking or metaphors aside, there is. Bite down on something and cut the fucking parts out. Just hack 'em right out with plenty of sterilizer on hand.

You'd have to look into alternative medicine, frankly. Cancer is a strange condition and it's reasonable to suspect, especially in the west, that if there were better, safer and cheaper cures they would not get traction because:
1. Academia stops it, no peer reviews even if good research and good results = no one takes you seriously
2. You get a small amount of traction, but get shut down, killed off or bought off because your treatment is better and cheaper in all regards. Something like that Chinaman that found out some revolutionary eye treatment and was one his way to a Nobel Prize rec, but "died". (Happened and was publicized on Holla Forums as well in relation to some user coming out about being a professional shill)
3. You get your company going, but your product doesn't go anywhere because you're contending with huge super giants, that pay off the media so nobody knows about you and you can never get this shit into hospitals

In any case, a more alkaline diet, fasting, being in a more natural environment could possibly give you better results without giving you a spiral of cancer. Then again, there's a lot of research to be done to figure out if it does and you won't read about it in any respected journal.


Even if I didn't like Trump I would want him to win just so I can watch all these leftist cockroaches cry bitter tears.

Problem is when it spreads to vital organs or even the brain.

I don't like these people; not one bit.

I don't think any of them even understand what they are talking about. They are told if they keep throwing these magical power words at the people their handlers tell them to throw them at that sweet, sweet female approval will become female attraction and they'll finally get laid.

Really, feminists and the rest of the leftist pets wouldn't get anywhere without beta enablers.


You don't need it anyway, just let it fall of and stop thinking about it.

Nullfag please, not everyone wants to hear about your shitty fetish.


Blotch or dot?

If it's a dot, that comes and goes it's likely the same thing that happens to me. Thought it was Herpes but it's nothing like Herpes, doesn't itch or hurt (and urination isn't painful).

Just wash yourself more frequently and apply some Hydrocortizone cream on the dot until it goes away.

If it's a blotch then GO TO DOCTOR NOW

Uhh. I have blotches on my dick sometime. I just can't tell whether it's because something pressed against the skin or a legit problem. Likewise with any sort of testicular cancer, I don't know how to tell.

Honestly, just kill yourself after doing the things you always wanted to. Blow all your money, sell everything, do everything, end it.
I wonder what his wife will do with his youtube channel once he is dead.

Ain't have time for that.

Still, doesn't they get responses like monkey sounds or laughs at their face? or counterpreachs.

Are americans that cucked?

Apparently dying from cancer (the final stages I mean) is pretty unpleasant.

The peer review system may be corrupt as fuck in that it's entire existence hinges around how much money you throw at the companies responsible for publishing, but they would gain literally nothing by shutting down legitimate cancer research. The ONLY people who would get anything viable out of hiding cancer research are the cancer research foundations themselves, really. If ANYBODY had a cancer treatment that was PROVABLY (through research, not through fucking testimonials) better than current treatments, they'd be the next goddamn messiah for a few years. People are desperate, which is the only reason so many shite homeopathic "remedies" are popular.
The chink had done nothing but copy some existing work, and pay people to publicize him.
"Alkalkine diets" are fucking retarded, and aren't supported by even the most basic research. Fasting is also retarded, and funnily enough happens anyway on 90% of cancer treatments (because they inhibit hunger and make you puke everywhere).

Cancer is your OWN CELLS going full retard and damaging you (same with certain diabetes types, too), and once it starts you can't really get rid of it completely, because some of it will get into your blood almost instantly (because your blood circulates your whole fucking body), and those cells will just start a problem somewhere else. That's why there's no cancer cure; you remove the tumour and use treatments to limit the spread, but it WILL come back at some point.

Fucking alt-med/homeopaths, I swear.

Ok lets see:

These people are just racist and sexist, they look at skin, check if he has penis and judge him based on these two things.

Human bodies regulate their pH automatically, and almost all cancer cells die in the exact same conditions regular cells die; i.e. if you get the cancer to die by increasing your pH, you're also dead. Most current cancer treatments are basically targeted poison, and fucking with your pH forcefully (which, by the way, you can't do meaningfully with food) is significantly less targeted and more dangerous.

>turns out I still don't know, but that was 10 years ago and I didn't die so I don't need to get checked out, do I?

I dunno, you tell me britbong :^)

Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

Not brit, but good try using an even more cucked country.

Depends what part of you is cancerous.
Letting skin cancer be, for example, usually ends in huge parts of your skin basically becoming massive sores, or patches of dead tissue, followed by either infections, or general organ failure when it spreads inside.
Things like malignant tumours just grow and crush nearby organs to death, where you'll feel your body dying in the slowest most awful way (unless it's a brain tumour, in which case you feel yourself go potato).

Depends on the cancer. My aunt lives a long life despite having to have her breasts excised from breast cancer.

Other people remove ovaries, testacle(s) and prostates.

My brother at church had his large intestine removed, in fact.

It depends on where the cancer arises, the type and how long until the doctor. Biscuit may have gotten a lot better with this if he had not been such a child about getting his ass and prostate checked on the regular.

Sometimes we overcome it and live longer. Sometimes we have to remove parts of ourselves to live. Sometimes it comes back (if it wasn't removed) and sometimes it's in your stomach, bones, heart, brain or otherwise irrevocable place.

It's not totally hopeless, man.
Unlike the geopolitical suicide of Europe

Out of curiosity, which esport is he involved with?

Starcraft 2 IIRC

Holla Forums fuck you
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
you are nothing but fucking /n/ right now
where is the video games in this thread ?
tell me you fuckheads
fuck you fuck you fuck you



That's good too.Gotta get drafted and die like a bitch,and maybe they will make a monument with all our names on it.Seems pretty great for NEETS and depressed shits like me

Well yeah, if you're lucky (which a decent amount of people are), enough of it gets removed that it takes decades to come back, and you might die of other causes. But it almost always comes back.


I thought he also plays dota, though not in any professional sense. Nifty.

Don't forget that practically anything is "sexual abuse" these days.
I'm also not convinced children are so super-fragile that seeing boobs would ruin their lives.

Is it varicoceles?

>turns out the woman just found out she has pancreatic cancer

I feel sorry for them, especially for the kid.

I think that's what they do when the cancer is in some non-critical part. Problem is then it spreads to your brain and the like.

No it's like, you see the testes in pic related, I can grasp my right one just fine, but my left it feels like it has a 3rd ball stuck to it, I don't know how to explain it

The left eats another of its own. Who cares.

They won't be crying tears for long. Trump actually loves this whole transgender shit and openly supports it.

He even changed the rules to make a transgender Miss Universe win back in 2012.

Did they really write Wiig's name wrong on the poster?

Related to this post, I mean

you've got ball cancer m8, go see a doctor

No you don't understand, it's always been this way

mr. penis guy, what is pimple looking thing on shaft then. thanks



They're the only ones (plus Israel) that actually run the entire planet. Europe might as well be a theme park, it only exists for cool monuments and neat food. Food which, by the way, has been mastered by world-class American chefs. So have fun being a giant tourist attraction until Mohammad burns it to the ground.

Honestly, you guys shouldn't worry about these people.
Its a phase. I know this because i've seen plenty of ultra hard-core gender-fluid tumblrites switch it around to a more "normal" sort of person as soon as they're smacked with a little bit of reality.
Usually this means having to get a job and/or them just not making any new friends while having lost all their old.

So really, its not that big of a deal. You're essentially dealing with a bunch of shitty brats. overgrown babies.
But most people do eventually grow up. People do eventually realize that their causes and crusades are wholly manufactured.

And since the majority of these people in this amazingly anti-white racist thing are actually WHITE, they eventually realize that the self-deprecating attitude in the face of some wholly nasty and angry people is just not fun anymore. This usually crops up when they eventually actually achieve something and someone attempts to make them feel lesser for their achievement because of "privilege".

So yeah, they eat their own because the extremism and lack a nuance is the realm of children. Black & White morality is unsustainable for an adult.
I'm a firm believer that mental adulthood doesn't necessarily have an age on it. Some people have "grown up" by the time they're 16 while others are in their late 20's still acting and thinking like children. Adulthood in this manner is usually caused by a sudden change to the normality of their lives and/or the realization that there is no safety net and they have to make it through this world on their own.

And honestly, for those that make a money off the backs of those stuck in that constant childish state, that won't matter much in the long run either. Because even true believers get tired of the same old shit. Oh, what's up with this game now, Polygon? Sexist? Guns are bad? Yeah..same article different game name?
And they move on.

The only thing Britain runs is pedophile rings.

we should evacuate white people and just nuke the continent

Depends on the stage of the cancer.
Stage 1 and 2 are most of the time treateble and you should do it with regular check-ups for the coming five or so years.

Stage 3 is bad. Can go either way with treatment.
Stage 4 you can say goodbye. Only a miracle could safe your ass. So do whatever you want, if you're still capable to do it.

Why cancer is seen as so fucking dangerous is that it takes everything your body can muster up to fight it.
So that even a fucking cold could potentially kill you.
In fact, most old patients that have some form of cancer don't die because of the cancer itself, but something else like the flu, but get still counted as cancer deaths.

beautiful post user, i dearly hope you are right.

Total biscuit cant die soon enough and he can take those tumblrites with him

My dad had cancer twice and he is still alive thanks to radical treatments. It can work.

>"white males" he exclaims while rubbing his hands "white males control everything & oppress everyone!"
>"no matter how unrelated they are to said oppression it still benefits them so they're still oppressors!"
>& the wealthy jew professor with his trust fundie students called this.. "privilege"

That's what you say, but the reality of the situation is that much of the first world is slowly trying to grow into a situation where people have to never grow up.

The ever increasing welfare lets people get by without doing anything productive. Many people already live off of autismbux.
At the same time we have stuff like basic income on the rise here and there, where governments realize that just giving everybody money is cheaper than all the administration that comes with handing out welfare to only those who need it.

As much as I want to believe you, extremist ideology has ended up being a parent for many of these people. There's very little incentive to actual grow up and stop viewing the world through Black & White morality, especially when all the friends around you view the world the same way.

I hate to say it, but I think that this shit will sooner die from it becoming unpopular and hated. With making fun of political correctness becoming more and more common, normalfags are less likely to accept all the bullshit that is peddled. Eventually you'll be shamed for doing this shit or taking it seriously in any degree, and then children on the internet will stop latching onto it.

I've seen plenty of empires in history succesfully build slavery around allowing people to never be hit with reality in a single lifetime. How late would that have to be to start worrying? Because I've been worrying since I saw 16-year-olds inching close to their deadline to adulthood without being halfway ready for it, and those kids are pushing 30.

Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8 just maturb8 l8r

Looks like you're full of shit m8, the tranny sued her way in.

ing8st g8or8d

At this point noone should be surprised when it comes to Neogaf.

Come one, it's current year


However much you hate his opinions he's a big guy to be tanking cancer this late.

I have an uncle with late stage cancer, he's only alive because he's the definition of a dwarf and just "walks it off"


Jew York isn't really America at this point, tbh. If they tried that shit anywhere in the midwest they'd get their faces broken in.

No, they wouldn't. Quit acting tough armchair warrior. You would put your head down and keep walking

I wouldn't mind shoving a barrel up your mouth.

I kinda agree with this guy. Where i'm from, this shit wouldn't fly. Black and white would think this guy is screw-loose.

Why aren't 90% of the replies showing up I was only gone a couple of hours


karma is a bitch, eh?

It's hard to be an armchair warrior when you workout friend.

Seriously, not even trying to act tough, the added test needs to go somewhere, and I've put myself in situations where conflict was needed (didn't end violently) when I would have avoided it years ago.

There's a time and a place for keeping your head low, but when someone is pulling that shit, that is not one of them.

t.user who was at one of the more rowdy trump rallies

Well they're right, he gets to leave this sad sad world while we're stuck here.

Better filter that shit.

Fuck you. Western Europe isn't the whole continent. This is why I hate Russians and Americans. Fuck off to your countries where you'll get arrested for having a penis or being against Putin.

that lack of self-awareness.

I counter that video with this one.

This retard didn't know he has cancer when he wrote this, right?

Don't even know who this guy is, though. Don't know all those e celebs.

However, NeoGAF IS pure cancer.

I'd agree with this post. I've seen a lot of it myself and even partially experienced it, to a lesser extent.

I'm no botanist, but I'm pretty sure the reason we imprison murderers is because they fucking murdered someone. God I fucking hate liberals

daily reminder ya'll niggers are the world's biggest cowards and the second whites decide they've had enough the lights are going out.


these are libatds, they've been fed horseshit about how they're enlightened from the mass-media, so they all buy a fucking dictionary-word-a-day calendar and try to use bigger words to seem smart.
meanwhile the actual programming inside is more dogmatic then orthodox Christianity.

Video games.

Ah the open relationship thing.
Yeah, that's not a relationship. That's just having a FWB. A no-strings attached thing. At the very most its fucking a room mate. In a way this is a good thing because hey, who wouldn't want some free fucking, but I suppose the problem is that there is an implication of an emotional attachment.
And that has dire consequences and problems for everyone involved. If it didn't exist to begin with, one of the parties involved always ends up growing an emotional attachment. If the relationship was exclusive and then suddenly opened, they usually crumble apart very quickly.
Now, the only reason I can figure as to why "open relationships" are such a big thing among the beta hives like Neogaf and other shithole communities is because it helps beta orbiters have a hope of getting at least a pitty blow-job every so often for all the gifts and shit they're buying for the whore they're in love with while said whore goes out and gets properly fucked by someone who doesn't spend any other energy on the chick, financially or emotionally.

As for the other shit? Just a bunch of white people who have never lived or been in an area where they weren't part of the majority. That's all there is to it. Probably never lived around actually poor people of any race (including their own) either.
I also guess these retards figure that there might be a background check for the refugees and because they have no criminal records they must obviously not be criminals coming over the borders.



Technically the reason we imprison anyone is to better society by punishing those that can't/doesn't follow it's rules.

It's not the act, if a cop kill someone or if you kill someone in defense they don't (or shouldn't) get imprisonned for it.

So it's not the "act of killing someone" as in Religion, that is punished, it's for disrupting society.

Now of course take people with 80 of IQ, pepper them with non-sense that is modern education and watch in how that fairly simple concept are derided into "killing is ok".

Well no fucking shit, you don't need to sound like a faggot pretentious homo to say that, in fact you don't even need to say that whatsoever. It's like writing a thesis paper on why we eat food

Also it is religious because believe it or not faggot liberal your society is based on a moral imperative, which is governed by religious beliefs. The only reason you don't think it is, is because civilization has become so accustomed to it you fail to recognize it and then go off spouting some faggot liberal shit like a homo

That's the United Shits of Americunt for ya,
truly, a disgusting irredeemable place.


Where does he say he isn't white?