==Do you think Trump knows more than he lets on, when it comes to America's changing demographics?==


So, Holla Forums how much do you think Trump truly knows about the demographics problem? Or do you think he was just larping, trying to get elected?



Of course he knows. Everybody in politics knows. Is he willing and able to do something about it? That is the question.

I have faith in him.

If whites should allow themselves to become a minority, then spending resources on saving the Panda is a waste of time and money.

Oy veyim merhcants.

Nice to know you're from cuckchan, OP.
Every single time we have this "how much does Trump know/is he controlled?" thread, a massive autist loads up Tor and link spams.
But you didn't get the reference, nor did you feel that this topic has been exhausted extensively.
Enjoy watching your thread go to shit at the hands of the cancer you're now aware exists, fucko.


Why don't you explain to him what a Merit based policy means instead of name calling.

I fucking hate the word 'marginalized'. It's so meaningless. You might as well change the definition to 'shitty'. 'Shitty' immigrant neighborhoods. 'Shitty' illegal immigrants. 'Shitty' women.

no saging habbening itt

We don’t spoonfeed here, moishe. We stuff a funnel in your mouth and drop an entire meatloaf in there.

Why don't you already understand the meaning of a very simple and commonly used method of controlling immigration across the world?

They are worried that Muslims and spics are either hostile to or indifferent to zionist aspirations. That's it.

Less laws, more nukes. If we just nuked the shit out of nations like Kenya, we wouldn't have to worry about these things. We could have open borders.

If he wants to get re-elected he knows he has to do something. And if he keeps booting out the illegals (which makes the legal beaners leave too because they can tell they're not wanted) he will have a much easier 2020. Also if he kills stuff like social services it will give beaners less incentive to stick around where they're not wanted

We can't begin the exterminatus of non-whites until we regain control of our own countries.

If whites should allow themselves to become a minority, then spending resources on saving the Panda is a waste of time and money.

This is a catch 22. If a liberal says you're wrong then Pandas are more important than whites.

You apparently don't do shit at all your mason kike

It means more white people.

Learn English and then come back with an insult that actually makes sense, yid.

Non-whites offer no merits. Happy?

Good. White people need to stop bending over and getting fucked because they're afraid of being called racist. Ingroup preference is something that literally every racial group on earth has, and it has value.
The Jews look out for other Jews.
Asians look out for other Asians.
Blacks look out for other blacks.
Everyone looks out for their own interests.
It's time white people went back to doing the same.

Merit based system - a immigration system that selects immigrants based on their ability to be self-sufficient.

you could lump asians in together with that, doesn't necessarily mean just more white people.

Per , to Trump it means more white people.

Merit can also be based on how well they integrate into the culture as well as being self sufficient. Every Asian I know sticks with their Asian counterparts and culture.

Not really. I like harsh realities. Words like "we are bringing all the Boers and half of White Europeans to America" are more up my alley. But ok. Seriously what is wrong with cussing at these speeches? Not his style I get it.

It doesn't, but that's how they sell you on it. If it doesn't exclude specifically and categorically on race, White Australia style, it's not about more White people. More Israelis, yes. More Indians, yes. A widespread flood of non-jewish White people into the United States isn't in the interests of Donald Trump or his family. That presents danger. What they want is enough of a facade to get the internal pressure down and try to remove/limit elements of the population who are spreading anti-zionist sympathies within the population.

He can only do so much being the first. It's up to the future to decide how much of a cuck they want to be after doing all he could as the progenitor.

Let's hope so


Lets just get this out of the way.

He has to, one of the big reasons neocohens cuck on immigration is in a limp wristed attempt to make spics like them.

The real solution is to remove spics.

No, Trump could actually do a lot. If he chose to go after anchor baby citizenship retroactively along the chain of descendants, the sea change in US demographics would be massive and could blow open the path to even more corrective domestic policy.

By just closing the door now, removing obvious illegals [who there are a lot of, let's face it], and letting existing anchor babies keep their citizenship, nothing really changes in the long term projections. If any kind of amnesty is attached to that, you probably couldn't draw up a worse scenario. Jewish interests would benefit, the Republican party would benefit, but the White race's position would be dramatically worsened.

I think there's no fucking way he doesn't know. Considering some states have been fucked so hard for so long they've seen a 10% shift to shitskins/mudslimes since Bill Clinton passed NAFTA and started importing Somalians.

they don't pay you enough moshe, ask for a raise

Where do you think all these untapped white people are? Europe's birth rates are even worse than ours and most of them are boomers just like here.

So a worthless marxist mouthpiece that deserves a bullet through her head. Good to know.

It would be more of a european refuguee program, where certain europeans are tired of living in absolute cuckoldry. It wouldn't be many though. USA doesn't need any immigrants, it would be more of a charity case for white poeple. Aside from that block all non-white immigration, somehow. And then wait for Europe to implode into civil war, then take it back along side russia to stabilize.

Trump needs to introduce legislation that helps promote stronger families and penalizes divorce. No more wishy-washy marriages!

everyone knows niggers and spics won't give a shit about saving the panda

Agreed. Constantly changing our population prevents any real culture or people to form. It's no wonder empty Americanism is so wide-spread. I'm tired of living in some international shopping mall where economic utility is the end-all of anything.

Oh yes, Mexicans and Muslims are our greatest ally, please tell me more.

That's like #72 on the MAGA "to do list".

He has already signaled enough times that we know he knows.

One user even talked to him about it at a rally, we have no reason to think he was lying.

Honestly, I like spics more than I like niggers. At least we got Zimmerman out of spics.

Unpossible. As long as the 1st Amendment exists I'll always be an outspoken "racist/bigot" anti-Semite. Jesus Christ literally says in the Bible that Jews worship Satan.

According to the kikel's part of the Bible I'm a Japhethite. Even worse people that call themselves Jews I might be descended from Gog of Magog (not Gog and Magog). Which means they think they're going to destroy me and install a Supreme Globalist Jew Ruler of the World that they pretend is the Messiah, but which would really just be the anti-Christ.

I already have an unbroken European bloodline (AB-) which modern science says provides for better psychomotor performance than any Rh+ bloodline when not infected with kikel/whore parasite Toxoplasma Gondii.

t. white reptilian non-rhesus monkey master race

No, it isn't that. It's just that's why the conversation centers exclusively around them instead of focusing strictly on race. Indians are very enthusiastic about fighting with Muslims and are very loyal to international zionism, very compliant. Getting White pussy, extracting wealth, and bending the military power of the United States to serve their interests is very enticing for them. The jews get all the benefits of hostile, anti-White immigrant groups that drive up property prices, corrode White unity, degrade White representation in the corporate world, are enthusiastic about conspicuous consumption, with none of the indifferent indolence present in Mexicans or the unpredictable hostility and fanatical in-group loyalty present in Muslims.

Someone should just uncuck the Evangelicals already. The kikes already openly proclaim hate for them. Point to them bible and talmud quotes if you have to.

Oops the TORpedo just went insane. Since when, and where, do hostile anti-White pajeets/tacos drive property prices UP? Because that is provably false, and the exact opposite is provably true.

Well, good for you, but the average White Republican is a colossal jew tool. We are an absolute minority in the Republican party and the party is actually doubling down on philosemitism. Inside the Democratic party, it's still a minority but it's a significant minority – and rapidly expanding – that is hostile to Israel. In fact, our overt anti-kike positions rub off on them even more than they do the "grassroots" Republican.


I do. It's hard to claim you're a Christian and then argue against Jesus Christ's own words:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. –Jesus Christ (Revelation 3:9)

New Jersey. You're welcome to come here any time.
You seem to have a comprehension issue. Mexicans are lumped in with Muslims, not curry niggers. Mexicans are targeted for removal because they are largely indifferent to kike aspirations. They don't care about Israel, they don't care about the Holohoax [if they are even aware of it]. Many of them barely speak English and simply don't ever consume any serious element of Western goy-thought propaganda. There is no cultural connection to the postwar order whatsoever.


Bullshit. I've seen where spics live out there and it's fucking garbageville. You're mistaking rich faggot Jews for spics intentionally. Those are the people that drive the prices up where white people actually live, and you know it.

I think Trump is just fucking pragmatic. I think the campaign exposed him to the reality of politics, but he's old, so he's conservative, and he know what people love to hear.

Now his advisors, like Bannon who apparently has read Evola 100% are more redpilled than they let on. Tbh I think at least someone in the admin is redpilled on the JQ, but can't/won't say anything.

That's not true. Even the shittiest housing in CA is extremely expensive. Obviously it's less than nice neighborhoods.

What the hell are you talking about? Literally everywhere they are, at least with the pajeets. They're the same shit as gooks when it comes to fucking up the property markets. Just go to Canada and you'll see countless pajeets fucking with it like nothing else. The worst part about pajeets are how they have almost jew levels of nepotism. Once one is in a management position watch every other position they themselves fill up with other pajeets. Even the gooks don't do this shit. And for spics, I don't know but a lot of them do shit like owning multiple houses with shady undocumented cash which fucks up the markets too but nowhere near as much as gooks and pajeets do like in chinkcouver and pajeetoronto.

You seem to be generally uneducated. You probably think North Indians and Sikhs are shitskin streetshitters. Let me tell you, Jorge, my white culture, and the English language, is Indo-European. Now what taco-bender?

In my mind, the rebutal they might give, or the contradiction they might feel in their heart is as follows: Yes, he'll make sure judgement is had–after death. In living I should forgive them, last first and first last. So, I should continue to be pro-Isreal while on this earth and turn the other cheek.
The issue with most Christians is they have no capacity for self-think. Even if you present them something, if pastor says otherwise, they'll believe that. In addition, very few care about a second part of God known as justice. Honestly, the fact that any Christian dare be pro-refugee while the verse regarding:
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."
So to willingly put one's own children in harms way is such an abomination worthy only of death. Even if one said "we should be nice to them though and spread the word". I'd say, O.K., do that, but do it like the actual people in the Bible do it and say to do it, i.e. you go to them. Don't bring them here. That way, at minimum, the casualties are restricted to you and your kin.

Not to mention Netanyahu's own quotes about how Christian Zionists are "scum" and how 9/11 was "very good".

Also remind them that Judaism is a false religion and that Jews cannot consider themselves "holy" while rejecting Jesus Christ.
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. - John 14:6

Great speech, but basically confirmed he will not be standing up for white people. No one has the balls to stand up against the brown hordes.

I live in Minnesota and everywhere you taco-benders, paki-treetshitters, and somaliniggers live the property value TANKS. Because no one wants to live next to you shitskins. Period.

Keep shilling that you increase property value. That's the funniest fucking shit you faggots have tried to pull here in months.

You are. Feel free to trot out the same half dozen models to prove the opposite.
What are you talking about? I'm not against removing mexicans at all. I'm against stopping there, i.e. shitskins like you aren't welcome, either.

Zimzam is the exception. I'd rather have neither, but spics anger me more. They're more unhinged, have 6 gorillion kids, and use more welfare than blacks do. Spics make my blood boil. Blacks don't make fucking taco shops on every block or constantly fly their stupid spic flag every where and speak beaner everywhere I go. The "conservative" spics I meet too are the worst, every single one is a sycophantic neocuck who want open borders and the liberal ones all want to kill all white people and annex the southwest. My mother also lost her job to illegal spics when my dad died and she had to support my family because he had no life insurance and my sister and I were kids, so this is fucking personal. This meme that's forced that spics somehow aren't good goyim and le based muslims needs to fucking die.


Forgive them with whipping and destruction of their places of worship. Jesus did that too. While he was alive.

Yes we know you streetshitters are Pakis and Dravidians. That's why we white Indo-Europeans call you shitskins. Thanks for backing me up on that one.

user, the leaders of BLM called Israel an apartheid state and while at most the kikes kvetched some and disinvited the niggers to some gay broadway thing they still support BLM and niggers like nothing else and niggers couldn't give two shits about kikes or Israel, in fact they might be more hostile to kikes than we are considering the Crown Heights Riots and constant statements by famous niggers about what pieces of shit kikes are so you're full of shit. The hilarious thing is that if kikes actually if kikes actually promoted spics in the media as much as they do niggers over the years, Trump would have nigger won because Trump would cuck out on them as much as he does for niggers right now due to it. And Poo in Loos, I looked up. They couldn't give a damn about kikes and Israel either. No shitskin does. Only white cucks care about Israel and kikes and that's where the problem lies.

You will be hanged on the day of the rope, traitor. Jews have always been evil.


Of course he knows. He's dealing with people that know all about it, and he's read books from people like Iron Ann Coulter that talk about it.

I should have filtered you several posts ago. I'll go ahead and correct that mistake now, Sanjay.

Learn to read, Rabbi. I'm a Japhethite. I'm an anti-Semite. I worship Jesus Christ, our Lord, and the only true God. You will be gassed like in your ultimate fetish/fantasy. Except it will be real; not just in your mind.



Right, but niggers largely have citizenship unless they are straight off the boat from Africa. So the jewish play is to simply try and tamp down the numbers of people who aren't on board with the Greater Israel project that they can with little fuss and then hope it's enough around the edges to generate consensus on external policy again while maintaining enough internal pressure on the White population to keep them loyal to the Republican apparatus.

The Jews are literally anti-Christ. Even fucking Mudslimes believe in Jesus. I just don't know how in the fuck Christians got so cucked. It makes no sense. Every Christian knows or should know that the anti-Christ is confirmed as being a Jew. They are literally aiding Satan and are going to go to hell for helping Jews with the exception of converting them being the only help permitted.

I'm arguing against them, you nigger. They fuck up prices with their bullshit. Either with gooks and pajeets it rockets sky high or with niggers and muslims it plows straight into the fucking ground deep until it reaches hell itself.

The Israelis are tearing themselves apart as it is on the brink of civil war. Even superzog kike Kissinger says Israel won't exist in the future. Worst kikes are the elite ones, always have been. Nearly all hate for Jews comes directly from how annoying they are like their inane whining and selfishness. Most of the people even if they hate kikes still aren't redpilled enough on them and that's a damn problem.

well… They don't really believe in the Jesus christcucks do. The Koran has baby Jesus talking in tongues and shit.

Of course I like spics better than niggers and persians better than spics and so on, but I like no shitskins better than any shitskins so it's irrelevant

checked and well, ya got me there.

What does he mean by this, Satan dubs? Immigrating is pretty easy for successful people, especially Europe because their immigration quotas are far from being filled.

If his friends are so successful, they can just invest 1 mil anywhere in the US and automatically get a green card. You could just open a restaurant and probably it would be enough. If it's a poor area you can even do just 500k.

If they don't even have 500k to invest then they don't sound very successful, but let's say they are just at the beginning of their career or they are successful at something that's not lucrative, like art or writing. Well guess what, there's several categories of "unusually skilled" immigrants, you can get a green card pretty easily if you're very good at something. For Europeans it's even easier because so few people from Europe apply, meaning that there's less backlog because the applications are capped by continent or by country.

So who are these Europeans that are friends with Trump, are so successful, but they're not allowed to come to the US?