I don't think I can take much more irony


Shouldn't we just rename Israel and the US to the lands of projection, at this point?

Other urls found in this thread:


name of the song op?

Back to reddit with you


Holla Forums SHIT PLEASE GO.

you can't be on the left if you aren't 100% anti imperialism/anti israel. read more books you stupid zionist dick sucker.

Hah, you got that one backwards.

Though I suppose I should say gb2/pol/ to you, rather, as neo-Holla Forums loves their fascist allies in Israel at this point. They're like mainstream fucking conservatives, everything is pro-establishment, pro-empire talking points, and the only way they can exist is via their idpol counterpart. It's pathetic.

Is this the effect of Trump just being another aipac bootlicker? His piss trickles down into your brains?

It's from Большое космическое путешествие, a Soviet kid's show. (The Big Space Travel, directed by Valentin Selivanov, 1974)

"I'll certainly believe it", is the name of the song; composed by Alexey Rybnikov.

don't reply to trolls

thanks comrad

This triggers me.

Israel is not imperialist. It's surrounded with huge amount ridiculously anti-semitic members of an expansionist (read: imperialist) religion. Yet they are the only country in that area that guarantees equal rights to minorities.
Also, liberal =/= left. I know you know this.

you know just because you were born jewish doesn't mean you have to shill for israel? regardless you need to read more theory, it's obvious you are an idiot you imperialist apartheidist zionist scum. go back to Holla Forums.

What page of Kapital is this on?


you are a disgusting human being, imagine if muslims defended isis just because they both happened to be muslim. that's what its like everytime i see someone jewish on the left defending israel's "right to exist".

nazi scum go back to Holla Forums

has to be troll post

reddit is full of pro-zion liberals

Maybe Holla Forums and left/pol/ could get together and gas the keks?

Seriously? Wow.

Triggered, mossad?

Anti zionism and Anti Israeli imperial colony outpost mentality has nothing to do with people who happen to be born jewish, but thank you for supporting the very same propaganda that Israel and the US and imperial powers want to push. Any criticism of an obvious fucking occupation, and an obviously fascist ideology = criticism of the identities that it tries to support itself on and exclusively dominate. Who's the biggest proponent of trying to make Israel = jews and jews = Israel? The Israeli government.

Suck the tip of my unopened wine bottle you trolling little self replicating viral molecule. How about you comment on the article posted, itself… Israel, in bad faith, justifying silencing of political dissent by reason of "foreign interference and donations"… Israel. The nation who's government has for the past decades, created and sponsored aipac-like political lobbying institutions in almost every fucking nation in the world, to try and silence and bring support for its occupation - it's state of apartheid (just like SA did back in the day).

Israel, who while claiming to be the only "democracy" in the "middle east", does nothing but act like a colonial settlement out of the fucking middle ages, all while trying to 'pink wash itself' by saying "we are inclusive!", as if that somehow justifies ANYTHING they're doing in regards to their actual occupation and technical genocide of another people.

So it's not Jews that are the problem, just Israelis, Zionists, the AIPAC, media Jews, liberal capitalist jews and the politicians who support them? topkek.

Really the biggest difference between far left and far right is muzzies. The far right sees them as fundamentally incompatible with the west, the left sees them as eternal victims. Like just a couple of years ago being neutral of Israel was a lefty thing and the far right hated jews more than muzzies. Now the far right is swinging towards supporting Israel cause the kill muzzies while the left is assuming Holla Forums's old position of hating merchants. You people are total bitches to the poor oppressed brown man. It's pretty damn funny.

No, it's a nation state in a imperial lackey position engaged in an ongoing - current - occupation appropriating the land of people already living there, while serving as a military outpost, and support, for the empire.
Your cute little injection of "media Jews and liberal capitalist Jews" into what was otherwise reasonable, was quite telling.

Fuck off. You are a shill.

I know its a Holla Forums meme, but I'm quite sure you actually are from the jewish internet defence force.

Reminder, Arabs started the six day war.

Also, >JIDF >meme thejidf.org/ Nice try Moshe

He didn't offer a "balanced" position on Israel. He offered a fucking "any criticism of obvious occupation, and lobbying to support the capitalist elite in the nation doing the occupation = anti semitism" explanation…

You're , aren't you?

And I know it exists, thats why I fucking said I think you are ACTUALLY, FOR REAL, part of the JIDF.


(And the fact that you first say "lol jidf meme" and then proceed to be incredibly butthurt over the fact that you thought i called it a meme, only makes me more sure of it.)

This is now a bad memes about jews thread

Sliding and trying to control the thread, turning it into "it's just anti-semitism guis, totally, it's all just anti-semitism! Israel is in the right."

Blow me. No, this is a thread about Israel silencing political opinions, within their own nation, based on "possible foreign interference" and the irony of Israel of all nations making such a claim, after fostering lobbying centers in most of the western world to foster, fund and support efforts - political and media efforts - to hide and excuse away their occupation. Which is the reality of the matter. It doesn't have shit to do with jews, or religion, it has everything to do with money and power.

Im not the jidf shill. I just want to post memes about israel because its a fucking retarded state.

You do realize that posting those memes, even ironically, just aids the same mentality?

I didnt post >>939293
I said bad memes, not pol propaganda.

How about posting things more like this?
Source: TheAzov (youtube.com/watch?v=LI-LF1k8WjM)

fuck off bleeding heart liberal

I like how the mods are just deleting all the pro-israel posts, as if there is some sort of board consensus on the subject

Israel still an apartheid shit tho

there is, fag

Mods would ban Emma Goldman.

Feels kinda bad.

Also, they've deleting a lot of nazi-flag posts too, which would be a good thing if the nazis weren't being more civil than usual, not spamming and sliding and so on (don't they say they're allowed to be here too in the FAQ?). I guess I'm only mentioning it because they deleted a particular post I wanted to reply to with Marx quotes about what he calls reactionary socialism.

to be fair I was just shitposting. Then when I suggested GAS THE KEKS I was banned for being a Useful Idiotist.

To be fair, Emma Goldman was outspoken against the ideas of Zionism, which is moreso the issue.

It's hard for us with a modern understanding of that geopolitical situation to think back to a time before the Israeli state. Back then, while it could certainly be questioned as to the legitimacy of European jews exploiting private property laws in the region to settle already occupied lands, it did not also have the reactionary state backing those actions. There was, in theory, a real chance that the Jewish flight to Palestine might have simply resulted in a coexistent situation like what had been the norm there for centuries. When one reads Goldman's thoughts on Palestine, it is that hopeful optimism that is pervasive. At this point though, that possibility has LONG since been exhausted.

Also yeah, there are honestly other threads and posts that are more worthy of deletion. Specifically there are a lot of threads up right now that are downright shit-tier quality.

I think a lot of her critique of Zionism overlaps with her critique of the Bolsheviki, because of the persecutions against anarchists, the other trajectories of the Soviet revolution, et c. However she was also an advocate for some of the Jewish communes in Palestine to have self-determination because they also "tilled the soil" with them.

I agree, and I'm trying to abstain from saying too much because I know very well that I've been fed loads of propaganda about the situation now, from both pro-Israel conservatives, and pro-Palestine liberals…I would benefit more from just listening to someone more knowledgeable and wiser than me. If you wouldn't mind me asking, what's your opinion on possible solutions since Mrs. Goldman's are now seriously outdated?

To me, this is one of those rare circumstances where I don't feel like there is a directly stateless option for peace. If the states of Israel and Palestine were to be abolished right now, it would be genocide of one of the two populations. There's simply too much ideology getting in the way meaningful cooperative interactions between members of the working class in that region.

Unfortunately the best hope I can think of honestly is the transfer from separate Israeli and Palestinian states to a joint state with equal representation between the two groups in question (I won't speak much of the specific political organization here). From there, promote (or force) interaction between the two groups towards common self-interested goals, likely through shared ownership in production and such. Much like blacks working within the labor movement in the US, that cooperation and self-apparent mutual benefit goes a long way to dissolve ethnic/racial tensions. Meanwhile, the state would probably be necessary to make sure outside radical groups aren't trying to force their way in while also pushing for secularization on the Palestinian side of things. Additionally, obviously land redistribution and optimally communalization would be desired to try and lessen the material gap created by Israeli occupation and hording by the bourgeois.

From there, a framework is made for more long-term societal change, even if that means revolution to then overthrow the new state in question. That whole region honestly needs to have the ideology beaten out of it before mass movements are going to be viable.

Can you please stop nukemodding already? It's a pain in the ass to follow old conversations like this when you scorch the earth like this.

I'm OP. I get your point, and I don't disagree in general, but this person was legitimately just spamming sliding pro-Israel garbage. There wasn't any argument, and memes were attempted used in a propagandic fashion (i.e it's "cool" to be "pro israel now", and being anti-israel belongs with "le reddit tier").

I do not think anything they posted was sincere, nor in good faith. I don't disagree, it's bad form to ban or remove posts (unless it's strictly spam), but if you want to be filled in on what went on in the 'conversation'; that was it.

before israel existed palestinians were all brothers and sisters christian, muslims, and jews.

then the fascist zionist hand decided to buttfuck them and create a caliphate of their own, an apartheid colonialist state based on the torah where based on your ethnicity you were given the ability to exploit others.

you literally can not be an ACTUAL leftist without being anti-zionism. it doesn't make sense and you need to read more.

the only cure for the israel palestine conflict now is the dismantling of the israeli apartheid state to create a workers state where ethnicity does not matter. all zionist trash and exploiters of man will be lined up and shot, and the beauty of it is that this outcome is inevitable.