Terraria thread

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Would monster would you get fugged by

Jesus tittyfucking christ that's creepy.

So anyway, who remembers me? I'm the insufferable faggot who wanted Tar to be my waifu, and who never fucking finished sorting my items out in SP so I just stopped playing because that's a genuinely crippling barrier for me.

Terraria sucks lmao go play real legos dorks

my mom

I stopped playing because I got burnt out but I remember you

Were you Tar? That's literally the only name I remember.
I'm shit with names.

There's probably some other names in my screenshots though.


Kevin pls go. I hate you so much. Just wait until I surprise you with my katana blade after school. Then we'll see who's laughing.

That sounds familiar. Were you the guy in the red frost armour, in one of these pics?

Also fucking fishman!, I remember that dude.


Take the huh pill, anons.

t. me

So, is there any official art for Terraria? Like, illustrations of the NPCs or monsters by the actual game artists, that sort of thing? As far as I can tell there is absolutely none of that, and it's odd. Surely they must draw stuff before they make the in-game sprites.

I've only seen concept art for the moon monsters.

Do these count?

I think I've seen a couple of pieces for new biome ideas, but they could have been fan ones.

These are all official.

Not really. I mean stuff like in , especially the fifth pic. Art that depicts stuff in the game but isn't intended to be used in-game at all. Either drawn for idea development or ideally for splashy promotional purposes.

Okay, I guess there is some. Though it's pretty underwhelming aside from the fifth pic, which is alright.

And I'd still say that's a weirdly tiny and mostly unimpressive selection for a game that's done as well as Terraria has. I like Terraria, I like game art, but apparently there isn't much good official Terraria art.

I wish someone would draw boss battle art, Like pic related.

All the art for the steam trading cards is like that, but I think that's it.

I've also got these two.

The fucking Guide left the door open!

Sort of like this?

Crimson > Corruption

yeah fuggin noice!

If only we could have human characters with in-game equipment, then it would be perfect

Vampire knives in the late game is better than vilethorn in the early game.

Hallow > Crimson > Corruption

This is the objective truth
Sadly in Expert that would be Corruption = Hallow > Crimson

…in what terms?

but then you need a different world to get the crimson items that deal the piss debuff

Just import some damn seeds and grow one, it's really not hard.

hey Holla Forumsros is there any server to play or i should make one


ppl help pls

Make one.

What version is it up to now?

ok brb
have a pc meanwhile

The game? 1.3 right now and 1.3.1 on Sunday

millennials I fucking swear


I wish I could've played with Holla Forums in their terraria server. Sadly, the sunday they weren't in hardmode, I was sick with a headache. Monday was hardmode, but I didn't want to ruin my singleplayer pacing. Fuck my life.

ok guys here is the ip preparomg the server

right now

expert or normalfag?
also new player or not?
dude try im making the server

fast guys

Do it expert.

ok creating

New chars only?

30% creating

bump guys

25 max guys

yes faggot

vrothers password

prepare your assholes all set

Calm down nigger

sorry dude im hyped

Cannot connect.

password is vrothers

No, it literally just hangs at the "connecting to [ip address] screen. Are you sure your server is working?


Well, damn. Is the server port default or not?

port: 7777
pass: vrothers

Well, for some reason, it isn't working. It might be just me. Sorry for wasting time.

My firewall's off and everything. The old server worked fine.

it doesnt let me too D: anyone knows?
should i use the host n' play or the dedicated server

trying the host n play brb

ok new server ip is the same
pass is v
and port is normal

buddy, you've got a firewall on or your ports ain't open.

help pls?

hey does anyone uses hamachi?


calm down man and atleast sage when just posting info so we dont reach the bump limit really early.

Have you port forwarded? Are you using the dedicated server?

You really expect people to use that shit? You must be underage or retarded.

it does let me connect if i use the ipv4

ok sagin for now


Its another piece of software that tracks everything about you and sends it to everyone connected. Thats my reason.

sage cause off topic.

oh ok sorry for trying to sell your ip to the soviets
so, any options(other user,helping me check the firewall,etc.)?

port forward you nigger. If you cant manage that then idk how you even know how to breathe.



calm down, do you want to help out or not
that does not help

already forwarding port

Im literally telling you what you have to do to run a server. good. Now run the dedicated server and it should work. If it doesnt then that is a problem on your end or a problem with you network.

it's already on… so it's a network connection
then,any volunteer?

did you set the port to 7777 and forward that port with tcp AND udp?

i think i did tcp but not udp
how do i then?

hey dudes gotta go in 40 min, help me and i will leave the server open until i come back

That is specific to your router. go to Holla Forums or another board if you want someone else to show you how to do that. Or you could just google how to do it.

Mom calling you for dinner? Better hurry then, gotta get those tendies!


dude, i have to go to see a doctor because of my goddamn scoliosis

close enough

ok so did some shit at the telecom page and added a virtual server but what do you put in the remote host option??

guys, gotta go, this is plain shit, at least for me, let other people try

Use this to check if it's working: yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/

it says that the port 80 (?) is closed

all my ports are closed

go to Holla Forums or another board for server help. Also each router is different and unless someone has the exact same model as you then they cannot help.

I might be able to help you though, email me.

That's not what you said in bed last night slut

shut up

well, google n shit i had opened a virtual server but i dont know which is my remote host, google, and found it

Just send me an email and ill guide you through this, just stop spamming the thread.

not spaming nor bumping
also wheres the email

the email field. Hover over my name.

sent you the email

1.3.1 soon fellow stalkers
Best patch 10/10, I don't even care about the wiring shit.

Seems they still have more meaningful content updates planned. Part of me was worried 1.3.1 would be the last patch.

I would join a server but I really need to hurry up and complete my Normal Hardcore Mage run. I've already beaten the game once on Expert in Singleplayer (that is, beaten Moonman once) but it was only a Softcore run with no class restriction. I wanted to complete at least one Hardcore run on Normal before moving back to Expert for Hardcore or Class runs but Normal mode is depressingly easy compared to Expert.

Expert mode is ez. Just make cactus gear early and you are good for like 2 tiers.

Oh I'm not saying Expert mode is that hard, just that compared to Expert Normal mode is a joke, like depressingly so.



Trust me you can build in space really easily without wyvern encounters. You just need to have enough NPCs up there to completely suppress monster spawning. Just make sure to have and escape hatch in case of bloodmoons/eclipses.

Couldnt you place some sunflowers to reduce spawns as well?

ok guys thanks to user it works
go here
pass is vro
port is 7777

any one?

im really alone here D,:

reading about it apparently their spawn is blocked entirely if even a single npc is nearby
still wish there was a way to set generation parameters

Bumping a little
sorry the server closed suddenly

Preview stream at 1 PM EST
What kind of hilarious cock-up will happen this time? Stay tuned!

is there a mirror?

because fuck giving him views

Finally I now have a reason to build my base in the snow.

It's not hero this time.

Call me crazy for complaining about free updates, but what I really want is a better looking Terraria. Like with bigger sprites and stuff. Which would require the game itself running at a higher internal resolution, and that's never gonna happen. Otherwise, beyond a certain point, it just scales the "pixels" up more.

So personally, I don't want more updates to Terraria, I want Terraria 2 or Otherworld to finally happen to give me the upgrades I want most, then by all means work on improving that.

Also, aside from graphics, the one update I want most and have wanted forever is more storage space. More slots in your own character storage, more slots in each chest, just plain more space. And make everything stack to 9999 already, since the game can display 4-digit amounts. But noooo, we never get that ether.


Bitch, blocks used to stack to 99, but yeah it's still not enough. Chests fill up with dirt and stone so quickly.

Also I dunno man, Otherworld looks really fucking ugly to me, the style of the original looks great.


Some faggot made a video showing controller features on 1.3.1. It looks pretty good.

Watching now. This guy is a complete faggot. Guess I'll have to wait another day to see 1.3.1.

can't we all just add some faggot on steam and join through steam
at least that way its easy to communicate

Wyverns were the a fucking plague when they got first introduced, back then they could spawn at a much lower altitude so if your world generated a lot of mountains in the middle of the map you would never know when a wyvern was going to attack your commie block and kill every single NPC

I'm watching now not for the jackass on stream but the devs in chat. Couple big things mentioned are a creative mode and possibilities of texture pack support.

wait so is anyone setting up a server or have we just given up


Why would you want a server now when the update happens tomorrow?

So is any one else planning to on making a map using the new wiring stuff?

wyverns don't spawn so long as a player is backed by a player made wall

this is some autism if Ive ever seen it.

Jesus christ that Pedguin guy sucks at basic arithmetic.
Also does anyone know what time the update's getting released?

normal steam update time



1.3.2 will give improvements to best biome.

is new update out?

Not yet but any time now.


And by that I mean…


The update is live. Someone is going to make a server?

>Called in for work last minute
Well so much for having fun.


nevermind, restart fixed it.

Blue team vs. Green team when?


These new wire tools are fucking awesome

You have to try the static hook.

red pls

I assume by the name that it hooks to where you are, instead of a block.


It hooks you to a block and allows you to reel yourself in and out. It's by far the best hook for building. Better than even the gravity hook or multihooks.

Hoppers and item filters when?







Nobody wants to be jewed today.

Update when?

I can do it if you don't mind waiting 5 minutes to open a chest




YOU WERE TOO LATE, he's already dead…







still no server.

How do i host?

Ooga Booga download link when?

Wake me up inside

So what's new with this patch?

patch notes are
- everyone loses motivation to make servers
- new grapple hook

This user got the point!

But still server pls

Any torrent or gog installer for 1.3.1?

I'd make a server but the thing is, it wouldn't have any working admin tools thanks to the new update.

And you fuckers always grief the shit out of each other if there's no admin tools to ban the worst of it.

What? Are you scared of fun? Or taking risks?

Do it pussy.

imps, demons, slimes, salamanders, hornets, worms

Lamia, lost girl, queen bee, slimes

The closest we've got to kobolds I guess.

Make new characters I guess? Or don't, whatever. I'll leave this up for at least a few hours.

And if it goes to shit, don't say I didn't warn you!

Oi, one of you assfaggots just tried to connect with an old version. This server is running


Well, is there a cracked one out yet? I guess not.

about fucking time.

dun goofed

Is it possible to have a server give people a separate inventory from their single player one?

yes, but it requires doing someithng

tShock needs updating, but when it updates, Server Side Character/SSC

Rebooting server to make an expert map, I told the fucking server client to do it but nooooo.

anyone else having that shit where your mouse no longer clicks in the screen?
that could be detrimental in numerous ways

I'll upload mines. what's the Holla Forumsolafile link again?

It better be GOG, fag.

What? you can't play multiplayer through a cracked steam version?

Dunno, but I hate steam cracked versions,specially when there's a nice GOG version around. In either case, there's apparently one already uploaded. Downloading right now.

Couldn't find a crack from GSC anyway, good luck with that version.

Well that was kinds fun. Manny is an asshole, but he was no match for my minigun
I'll be too busy to play vidya in the next few days so whoever finds the house can take it.

I took care of it for you.

It just proves your satan

but why


Well, according to someone on the server, a guy named doc gave everyone more than their daily dose of asspain by blowing up every player structure he could find on the map.


So, it is worth creating a new world? I remember when 1.3 came out they added a lot of things to world gen so making a new world was worth it.

Is that the case here?

Not really. Most of what they've added is just more tools to build an autismfort.

Great news for me, I guess.

We unfucked it guys, come build more shit!

So I see no one here really talking about new features and ways to use them. I'm thinking about using the liquid sensor for underwater chamber of sorts, but I still have to figure out how to use them.

What are you doing with the new features, user?

If you want to harvest the new statues, then yes.

Is Terraria Otherworld actually ever coming?

server's going down for now! maybe I'll let you sperglords destroy it more later.

Probably. I think the dev said this was going to be the last Terraria update. And it was a little disappointing. I guess the wiring have a lot of potential for mechanism, but until I see a completely functional elevator, I won't be satisfied.

There'll be more.

1.3 was the last update REDIGIT, the main creator, is working on. They still have a team of people working on it without him.

Dual Hook best hook
fite me


I want to cuddle with the sentient mushroom.

and worms are just freerange tentacles user

"get fugged by" implies that they're capable of fucking you, ie sized appropriately

This wasp is shit

Wasps are the most terrifying shit in the world. Also the title of that middle picture is funny.

So, in my autism I did a marble gallery and I'm shaping the interior of the tower.
For the marble gallery I wanted it to be classy and you should guess where the inspiration came from, if not straight out ripoff.
For the tower I wanted some halls and I'll do a big dance hall.

I will also modify the portal to it's original form, since I think is a little more aesthetic.

such a waste of space on that bottom third of that tower.

So, uhm, I know this is a weird question to ask but, are there any lewd/monster girl mods for this game?


How so?

Nope. Monstergrills are technically already in via several monster types but none are friendly.

There's a big empty room. That's how.

No idea, but there isn't enough sprite detail for it to make much difference.

I've kept thinking about it too, but terraria doesn't actually have a whole lot of actual things you can do with the wiring other than fire traps and open doors and that kind of thing.

It needs some kind of item sensors and dispensers and block breakers and pistons and that kinda thing.

Maybe you could make one of those underwater airlocks slightly more automatic, but that's all I can think of. I was thinking about an automatic home defense where mobs trigger one of those turrets/cannons, but again, I don't think there's any automatic way to put ammo into any of the turrets.

There are a lot of those. Which one? Consider that the gallery and the big empty room behind NPCs are work in progress, so is the cavern.

If it's a work in progress, explain more in detail

Is there a server up? What are you autists working on?

About to start a character and world, time to actually organise all my items from the start this time, and not fall into the trap I did last time!

in the marble galleries on the left, the last one on the right is 1 block short


I'm hyper aids at making nice looking buildings and organising shit, it's the only thing I came up with that appeased my autism.

I'm hyper aids at killing people with sand.

Man, I want to build a deadly fortress now.

It's the obligatory dose every server gets.

Well, for starters, the marble gallery is the one at the bottom in the island rather than the tower. Is called like that for a reason, it have statues of marble and shit, although I still don't know how to locate them. The new statues are actually beneficial for me and I will go hunt for some.

Beneath the marble gallery there's a granite cave that will have a room of gold and other or marble, with waterfalls going around and shit, like an aqueduct.

In the tower itself the red part with the dragons is the foyer, sure, is kind of empty but it have a huge ass portal in the middle, some sweet columns with stairs and a lava lake that serves as a trap for anyone who comes close. Feel free to tell me how I can decorate it further, but decoration would defeat it's purpose.

Beneath it there re some big curtains. I might change it. Above it I will do some rooms and hallways with decorations such as small windows, vases, shit like that.

Above it, in the other empty space I want to do a dance hall. The problem is, I want a classic one, with kind of pastel and red colors, but I have no idea how to. If I don't have any idea I will try a modern party hall with Party girl decorations.

That's about it. user recommendations are always welcome.

I wanted to do it a little different on purpose. If it isn't good looking, I'll just expand it an extra block.>>9426166
Well, for starters, the marble gallery is the one at the bottom in the island rather than the tower. Is called like that for a reason, it have statues of marble and shit, although I still don't know how to locate them. The new statues are actually beneficial for me and I will go hunt for some.

Beneath the marble gallery there's a granite cave that will have a room of gold and other or marble, with waterfalls going around and shit, like an aqueduct.

In the tower itself the red part is the foyer, sure, is kind of empty but it have a huge ass portal in the middle, some sweet columns with stairs and a lavalake that serves as a trap for anyone who comes close. Feel free to tell me how I can decore it further, but decoration would defeat it's purpose.

Above it there are some big curtains. I might change it, but I wanted it to feel like the first are of Dracula's castle.. Above it I will do some rooms and hallways with decorations such as small windows, vases, shit like that.

Above it, in the other empty space I want to do a dance hall. The problem is, I want a classic one, with kind of pastel and red colors, but I have no idea how to. If I don't have any idea I will try a modern party hall with Party girl decorations.

That's about it. user recommendations are always welcome.

I wanted to do it a little different on purpose. If it isn't good looking, I'll just expand it an extra block.

That's an horrible post
My god, what the fuck happened.

How autism is to pool underground water from 1/3 of the map into a huge aquifer at the bottom of the map?

Any good rundowns on the new stuff yet? By which I mean more info than just a list of the names of the new items, since that doesn't exactly clear everything up.

Water evaporates in hell though

A lot when you can just use the infinite water bucket.
Makes making pools and shit easier.

Check the version notes in the wiki. There is more than details. But it's really disappointing. I want a damn elevator.

Not entirely true. I dug a hole in the ocean to hell and drained the entire ocean, once it went to hell it actually stacked along with the lava, creating obsidian, and when the first layer was created it was successfully flooded. It's a good trick to avoid lava against WoF

This was when?

Water really does not want to remain in hell anymore, I'm pretty sure that if you flood it with the ocean, it will at one point or another quickly erase all the water connected to it at once. That's happened to me several times.

Actually, just yesterday using the last drill machine.
In fact,I took a capture because I thought it was unusual as well.

This is the first time I've ever touched palm wood in the game. How'd I do?

I think it looks rather nice.
One little trick that can tie blocks that don't merge together better is to put some kind of wall behind the gap. In your case living leaf wall would be the best choice, although sometimes the best thing to do is to paint the wall with shadow paint.
I like the little pond under the house.

serber where

What's with the Loading code… in the new update?
Was the new update really big it has to be loaded?

It's just a little UI change. They said they put that message in because some people thought the game was hanging up on world load.


Where ever you are user, you need to update your guide.

Could logic gates replace bird engines and such?

They serve different purposes; they're more of a supplement than a replacement. The new stuff can do some of the more complex things we'd do with creature engines more space efficiently, but the best option for the most complicated stuff would probably be to use a combination of the two. As far as I can see, the new stuff can't be used to pulses anywhere near as rapidly as a crab or bird powered pressure plate engine, and I think a bird delayed switch will be more efficient than one using the newer tech.

It didn't work. It gave off a cloud of smoke when I turned it on, which only seemed to happen for a would-be oscillator.

Someone more autistic than me could do an in-depth test and confirm it, but I think oscillators might be intentionally disabled.

Embed related is relevant.



Find out what they've been torrenting and blackmail them


You're welcome

its not torrents

its retarded netflix marathons of FOTM shows and movies, all while another is watching shitty sports clips on youtube in 1080p60

not to mention that i'm on a dynamic ip so the only torrent i saw was some shitty porn movie downloaded ~3 years ago in some town i don't know jackshit about

Shit sorry you have to deal with that

Forgot how slow it is to find hearts on large maps.

We may be getting another update before long.

Speaking of updates. Is this the final-final update before that Terraria spinoff and Terraria 2?

Terraria: Otherworld WHEN?

That's me, how do you get team blocks? I haven't played 1.3.1 a lot yet because of other stuff

Not really. They intend to keep making small side content and "quality of life" updates on and off for the foreseeable future. The team maintaining Terraria is different from the one working on Otherworld which is different from the team working on T2, so updates to Terraria aren't affecting any of the other games.

You get them randomly from the Travelling merchant. You can get both the blocks and platforms of the same color at a time. But he only seems to offer one color at a time and he won't offer them every time he appears so it may take awhile.



I'm kinda in on this, there has been very little server going on.


user kun, they only want hugs.

That reminds me; I discovered that you can use the mount button to get on / off minecart tracks, which is way better than right clicking the tracks.

Or Terraria 2. I'm tired of eternally updating clunky old original Terraria, you can only do so much with that old engine. Red said so himself waaaaayyyy back when he "announced" Terraria 2.

Though back to Otherworld, some news wouldn't hurt. It's been a long time since we saw anything about it, and surely by now they must have a better idea of how far behind it still is.



I feel like I'm missing some obscure reference here.



It's a Terraria reference


gotta love autism


Yeah I think you'll have to wait till 1.3.2 for those.


Well now I understand, thanks.

That just as well. Since 1.3.2 is going to mess around with the UG Desert and also add another event, they're likely to add more blocks in that update too. So you might as well wait and do 'em all at once.




now make it a commiebloc

Thank you kindly


someone is hosting a server?

the fug is this, i swear i've seen a similar art style in some 90s computer book for kids


yeah right, server when?

I want to fug the Mechanic

someone post porn


So has anything been added in the last few months?

Your wish is my command!

Wiring stuff six days ago.

Not much gameplay stuff really.

Bump because I have an emotional investment of this thread's survival.

Have some neat little builds I didn't make.

That guide one, oh my!

Oh, we've hit the post limit.

the what?

Post limit, beyond a certain number of posts a thread will stop being bumped. So it's on page 16 now and should die soon.