Sargon's Great Offensive

This liberal hero is countering fascists with naughty pictures. How are you fighting fascism Holla Forums?

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The alt-right are self-defeating

wait is this real?
like did Sargon really get in a twitter fight with an alt right autist then post gay porn to try and make them mad

I thought Sargon was part of the alt reich?

He also got trolled by some little guy.

Holy kek

Who wears a crew-neck undershirt with a polo shirt? Does this man realize he looks like a homeless homosexual?

I don't believe it but the article's real

He's an enlightened centrist who has moved past ideology and understands that reading books and taking a stance against things makes you like a marxist SJW or something

He also wants some cheese pizza.

fucking kek

Keep up that kind of talk and you won't be on the flight plan.

I've got a bridge to sell you.


send him your cutest loli

holy shit the cosplay.

oh fuck

I thought Sargon was their little pet

sargon has never been outright "kill the jews, burn the niggers, cuck cuckCUCKCUKCUCKCKCUDKCUIKCCUK!!!!!" alt right. He's really just a somewhat politically incorrect moderate who is a staunch advocate of the status quo and thinks it's a big deal.

He's a "moderate" that takes extremist positions and then accuses everyone else of being extremist.

Basically the whole "lol im neutral u guis r dumb" meme incarnate.

What extremist positions does he take? I haven't watched him but at least he seems to make the right people mad.

I don't make shitty youtube videos where I offer no solutions and just highlight what I find "problematic." He's no better than the retards on any part of the spectrum.

Accusing anyone that doesn't agree with him of being a SJW. Also spamming your own twitter with gay porn is pretty odd too. He's also what you would call the "radical center". Any position that he deems "too extremist" on either end of the spectrum is attacked rhetorically and not on its substance.

Basically what this guy said.

he's a liberal

What about his "muh will of the people" video?

what vid are you talking about?

Send him some books on what words actually mean while your at it.

"The Assassination of Donald Trump"

Why does everyone think this? Are plebbitors this stupid? jesus
He's clearly a typical
youtube, milking youtube from his views by attacking low-hanging fruit from tumblr and universities

I don't see how sending them things they like is "fighting back"

I guess you could call him… Status Quo Warrior.
*ba dum tss*

That actually helps them because they like BBC too much

Sargon kind of is, and kind isn't. He's an entertainer. He has a following. He likes to have a following, and enjoys the spotlight.

I remember back when what was then the core influx of people to Holla Forums were engaged with Holla Forums trying to stop them from making GG related crap turn into the idpol war that it became. To stop, their propaganda, and the bullshit they were arguing against.

Sargon kept bringing up "marxism", then claimed when pushed on it that 'I never brought up or talked about marxism, wut you talking bout', then starts talking about it again, right afterwards. Having 0 understanding of it and solely referencing "Cultural Marxist" bullshit (playing right into the hands of idpol), instead of seeing it for what it is (which would be hard for him, seeing as he supports capitalism, and his perverted understanding of "meritocracy")

He has no understanding of economic theory whatsoever, and he panders to a specific audience that he - whether he does it consciously, or not, aids into shaping as a 'political bloc' where idpol, views on identity and gender (the same shit he keeps saying he's fighting on the flipside) somehow become determinants for political opinion and philosophy, as well as economic theory and standpoints.

For those of you that can't recall, or are just here to slide, back then (during GG), one of the huge issues was trying to get people to see that scam artists and liars - totally in support of the system as it is (capitalist), were being discredited as doing it because they were "marxist and commies", and the Holla Forumsacks were all over the place trying to make it into a "good capitalist right thinking people" vs the "dirty subvertive commies and actual marxists that want to turn us all into transgendered black people".

For his misrepresentation, and ignorance, I do not appreciate Sargon of Akkad.

I think in one of his recent videos he explicitly stated that "Cultural Marxism" is really just a bastardization of the Marxist class struggle (wrongly) applied to identity and it isn't something that is legitimately Marxist (as in something Marx actually wrote about)

Only took him bloody years. But nice.
I had no idea, I stopped watching any of his videos and gave up on him quite a while back.

“If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement.” — Leon Trotsky
"If you cannot convince a Fascist, send him interracial gay porn"-Sargon

Sargon of Akkad (otherwise known as Carl Benjamin) is a fat MRA alcoholic who loves to see women cry, probably why he is a notorious wife-beater, and doesn't give a shit if children get raped by sand niggers. Someone who was so egotistical that he named himself after someone who founded an entire fucking dynasty and empire, Carl has become the main figurehead with 300k+ subs in a 'New Wave' of parasitic YouTube Ranters who like to circlejerk each other off to videos that disagree with their ideological world view by splicing in their snarky 'rebuttals' bearing their severe autism over a microphone or camera, for their audience to groupthink themselves into self-delusion as 'intellectually superior'.
kek, gotta love ED's description of him :DD

Somebody on Twitter claims Sargon was asking around for child pornography supposedly to post and trigger the fascist. I don't know if there's any merit to the claim, but do you guys think Carl the Classcuck is that stupid?

actually, yeah

there isn't

The Alt-right is another fad of the moment to be used and discarded by Holla Forums. Most of Holla Forums don't give two shits about Trump. They want a big beautiful wall, no Clinton and no more muzzies. If a black homofag had come out with these policies they'd have Holla Forums's vote.


wow so real

Also, the reason they don't have real streets is because feminists have the work ethic of Muslim slag (All Muslims), while if there were alt-right volunteers there would be real walls on the houses, and real bricks on the streets.

