White female Doctor gets a black male and an Indian female companion

I know it was expected, but the political correctness can't get more higher than this. I bet the black guy will bang the Doctor, while the Indian chick will be a lesbo.

Not sure about who the old white guy is. Maybe he will be btfo'd in every episode, because of his privilege; or he will be the homo who will be hot for the black guy.


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What are the ratings?

lol, this is the sort of thing that's supposed to be the joke.

"omg a woman doctor? I bet she'll have an islamic sidekick and a blakc friend next"

It's not out yet. The 12th (Peter Capaldi) still has to step down in the Christmas Special, which will be broadcast at December 25th. The season with the people on my pic will start at around next year's summer. I've seen that Anons predict, the first episode will get a very high rating, because virtue signalling faggots who had no idea that this series even exists will watch it, just to tell everyone about it; but since it is obvious how fucked up and unbearable this season will be, the rest of the episodes will produce a steady decline, that hopefully end the series for a good time.

The showrunner maybe.

Question, what will happen when the female doctor gets impregnated by her nubian friend but then goes under a regeneration into a man? What happens then?

I think he is much younger, but not sure about it. It could be him…

You think that's gonna happen?

Alright, into a differently-genitaled-female (of colour), then.

I think it will fuck up the regeneration process and the person resulting will be some mixed mongrel who is also severly disabled. This way, it will be the Doctor everyone really wants to see

Can't wait for all the fans to leave this show.
Reading a paper about feminists being BTFO


That was the 6th Doctor though wasn't it ?

BBC's Nurse Who with her lesbian paki companion and her gay interracial couple.
Truely the best timeline.

White guy is Bradley Walsh, a comedian and host of a quiz show. With that and all the other pieces, expect him to be the comically inept white man who gets saved by the non-whites and women every episode.

One in the right is another 'quintessentially british' londoner like Boyega. Could you actually imagine these people being a part of cultural icons like Doctor Who or Star Wars if it wasn't real? It's like a big joke

To non-brits batty is gullah slang for buttocks

They should definitely hire you.


OP pic is actually missing one of the companions, another brave WOC.

That's probably gonna be the mommy of the black dude

Not many people had a problem with multiracial casts and even interracial romances until they started getting forced, overused and turned into propaganda. But that was all part of the plan of course.

Yepp, that's the problem. It's everywhere…

Bradley no, you're much better than this

What a poet!
It sickens me really, hope ir will be the last season.

I doubt it, the tumblrfags diddle themselves to that shit.

They are not enough I think.

They were enough to push the creators to fuck the series up

I hope you're right m8, I really do.

This is a good thing, in hindsight. If we stayed at say, 1990s level of propaganda, we'd be doing a lot worse. Because they have overplayed their hand, however, so many whites are getting fed up with all the PC poz.

The downside to infiltration is that there will always come a moment of truth. We've entered the phase where the real agenda is becoming more and more obvious.

Same shit that had feminists confused by Bayonetta. Many of them didn't seem to get that it was a woman that designed the character.

Because for women, a sexy character often is a powerful woman that they want to be.

To give a film relevant analogy - The Handmaiden got a lot of hate for it's 'male gaze' despite Park Chan Wook collaborating with a female writer and even getting an actual lesbian to judge if the lesbian scenes were true to life and not 'pornified', changing where necessary.

Also happened with 'The Neon Demon'. Refn talked to a lot of models to make the film realistic (with artistic license) and was said to be very polite and courteous on set. Got many bad reviews for having a lesbian villain and an icky male director suggesting a fictional 16 year old might be attractive.

Pointless to make concessions for whiners, they will never be happy and rarely even understand what has been made

The jew fetishists have gone to extremes this time.

I recommend no one watches it, and bad mouth it when someone asks about it.
The fewer people that see it, the better.

Look at the expression on the criminal nigger's ape face.
Vacant, a dog would have more behind it.

We have nothing to do with this we are on your sides guys.

Ashley is a slut who pretends to be a virgin but she's been passed around a lot.

Good. Only virgins watched that series.

This gives me hope in 60 years we won't have feminists anymore since they refused to breed and went extinct.

If western society doesn't collapse soon, even the hint of female intelligence will be bred out as the society does their hardest to collapse the functional fertility of any woman with even a few coherent thoughts through education.

Oh i thought you meant a real doctor.
Its just some retarded cuckbritstan tv show i never even heard about. Who cares, that whole worthless country is gone.

Is the designed girl at least cute?

She mostly an hypocrite, Communosm is a Jewish invention and suddenly they are not responsible for it.
Same with mass immigration they now pretend they have nothing to do with ot and they are the sole and first victims.

Where do you think you are, m8?

no one cares about your shit brit show m8.
europe is flooded with muslims, your leaders are intend on cucking the country, it only makes sense that your show is full of crap like this. Please don't trouble us with your issues. Luckily it'll take much longer to completely pozz up a nation as big as ours.

Even in science fiction black kids are raised by a single parent.

Martha Jones had a complete family, though her dad went away to fuck a white bitch, but at the end of her season, he returned to the mom and they lived happily ever after.

Bill had a single mom though, but she died before we met her. So it's 75%, if we count this new guy.

at last i truly see.

Bradley Walsh. He has his own programme, I doubt he's involved with this.

Why not? Last season they had Matt Lucas

minorities have always been used as propaganda and protrayed stereotypically. Now it's being done in the opposite direction. Both are gross and ultimately detrimental. There might be some small minded people who enjoy the switch, but revenge against random people for what was done to you by someone else sounds like the reasoning of a woman.

Expected that reaction and also the feminist response. The female Doctor Who isn't the problem. It has always been alluded as a possibility. Even his timelord nemesis became a woman (and possible lesbian love interest). The reason they are doing it is. Like a manufactured decision because a vocal minority demanded it and once it was approved, the majority who actually watch the show are hesitant about the decision. Also, Jodie Whittaker is relatively unknown to me since I don't watch many British shows and likely a no-name to those who only watch Dr. Who on BBC America. I think I would have preferred Maisie in the role, before they used her as another character, as she trains to lose weight and be a fit girl so that she isn't confused for the Tardis in a running gag.

There is a possibility it could work out but that last season doesn't fill me with confidence. Capaldi was good, even with the terrible material he had to work with. He tried till the end but couldn't handle the behind-the-scene changes anymore. Is it a coincidence that the writing is ever more noticeably awful once Moffat is in the midst of departing from Who? Maybe he was more of a gatekeeper than people let on.

Bradley Walsh character arc:

It's nigger slang.


brown girl is cute, who is she?

Jesus Christ, she looks like the most disgusting fucking fetal alcohol syndrome troll there.



Actually I wouldn't be surprised if they ramp up the racemixing.

The native brits are already a dead slave race beaten into submission by the kikes, but the poo in loo's still have an understandable dislike of actual niggers, seeing them as the ape men most people do.

My money is on the nigger fucking the paki woman to finally make everyone accept the beautiful nubian race.

Me too. She really is something special, isn't she, fellow Maisiefriend?

The saddest part about this is that are posters on this board that actually watch and care about Doctor Who.

Sometimes I think there's no God.

Why are you so full of hate, Anons? Why don't you let Maisie into your hearts? Maisie brings joy

Wanna bet the nigger will be arrested for rape before the season ends?

yea, that's what I said.

As someone said once: Bayonetta is the ultimate powerful (not "empowered") woman. She is badass by her own merit. Feminists hate merit, they see it as oppression and demand handouts.

Don't let them get to you. With Maisie on your side they can't ever get you down.

Thank you for the advice. Much truth rings in your words

It’s literally always been a show for roasties and British slags currently love the bbc (no, not the channel). This will change the moment that British men stop being feminine and passive. It helps to have a strong belief in something like religion, traditional values and culture.


The tenth doctor & Co were the last decent ones anyhow.

Same here though I look better now, would you let me give you a fellatio?

Such a basic bitch.


In a sane world, we would discreetly and humanely eliminate that aberration as soon as it was born.

Shoo shoo colony gremlin


Once she gets adult size, couldn't they just give her a donor face?

pee eww stinky I bet that nigger stinks of shit

the white guy is the cuckold.

Is that a nigger?

Spoke to a tranny who said that because the director was a man, it doesn't matter if the artist was a woman


It paves the way for a tranny doctor.

Those should be shot

Absolutely. One day we can watch them all die on BBC.