Anyone here played this game? Also obscure games thread

Anyone here played this game? Also obscure games thread.

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Move the fugg over, Sonuc the hodgepodge, I grew up with an entirely different kind of furbait.

Played both. The first one on the Dreamcast is absolute trash. I found out there was a second one and since I've got a modded xbox decided to try it out too. Also, trash.

Did anyone else play this?

PC release has been fucking amazing so far.

Really? Might be worth a pirate then. I used to have it on GC, never beat it.

i'd say its worth a sale for once. considering it sold fuck all even after being hyped by fans since its announcement. the devs are saying they wanna port 2 and 3 but thats clearly not possible right now.



I'm getting a fucking massive nostalgia boner here, user.

It didn't fucking dissapoint. Thanks Dad, for being a forgetful old man and accidentally giving me good taste.

what a fucking fantastic mistake.
yeah i dont know. things are looking quite grim. ty 1's port is fucking near perfect already but it didnt sell well at all..

oh no.
Th-they're all just waiting for Ty2 to be ported though… R-right? After that the sales will start coming in for sure!

No, but for real, if they don't port 2 I'm going to be sad. I think I have 1 somewhere but I haven't played it yet, I think. Gonna play the PC version for sure now, though, after your recommendations.

I didn't even know there was a third game. I don't think it was my fault though, it only came out for the Xbox here in europoor, a system I didn't own.

the sales should be fucking coming in right now. this is the only instance on steam were a game is actually fully functional and given new content the original didnt. the fuck.

yeah it's a simple level based collect a thon. a lot different from ty 2 and 3.

i had to hunt down ty 3 for years until i realized amazon was a thing. now the proud owner of it on xbox. and ps2 at first because faggot seller sold me a broken game

Is the fact that it is early access scaring people off? Looking at the fucking numbers of countless minecraft rip-offs still in early access I wouldn't think this to be the case.

Is it like the Banjo-Kazooie games? If that's the case I could get into it seeing as how Banjo-Tooie is one of my GOATs.

Is 3 any good though? Is it worth importing? Prices for that shit is pretty steep for that nowadays over here.

honestly wish i knew.

sort of yeah. there's a hub world that you use to access each level through portals.

real fuckin good. its a step up from ty 2 that adds close quarters combat were ty runs up to the main enemies of the game and chops em up. if i werent tired and completely fucked out of my mind i'd give you a better description, look it up its some good shit.


I don't know if it's obscure, but I almost never see anyone talk about it.

I'm almost certain I played that game a long time ago. It starts out with you breaking out of a cage at shipyard, right? From what I remember, it was pretty decent. It kind of reminded me of those Looney Toons spinoff games.

Stopped reading right there. I'm bying that shit PRONTO.

Also you're making me hype for 1, gonna play that too, now.

Now the real questions remains: did anyone play 4? What the fuck is it?

2D platformer. not mediocre but its eh. i bought it to support krome on windows 8 then again on steam.

Captain Claw is where it's at.
I still have the level 1 music playing in my head every day.

Why do you guys do this? I'm not judging you, but why do this?

That is pretty much the only porn/r34 image I have on my computer.
I just couldn't help but laugh when saw that someone has actually made porn of an old obscure 2D platformer that barely anyone has heard of outside of eastern europe.

It did have amazing animated cutscens though.

Nothing is pure nothing is sacred

Post the airplane porn.

Stop this thread, I think this is where I get off.

the art style is actually okay?

My nigga.

Body Harvest is to GTA 3
What Wolfenstein 3D was to DOOM

GTA 3 gets all the recognition for being the first 3D Open world sandbox game.

But Body Harvest was clearly a big learning process that laid the groundwork for everything GTA 3 would later become.

Ratbat is better

Awww yeah, this game was pretty damn fun.
I always found it funny how the 'hero' characters in the story had goofy portraits. I thought at first it was just a result of a mod (I got TZAR via a CD included in a PC magazine. Thought the magazine guys were behind the 'mod').

Used to play this quite a lot with classmates, and we tried making our custom campaigns via the editor, but we couldn't grasp its complexity back then when were were 10. In comparison, AoE2's editor was easy to use and understand, and we had a blast making our custom campaigns with bullshit history rewrites. This and AoE2 were our main bread and butter back then, and we used to have discussions in history class about facts we've learned in AoE2.

I don't think it's to that extreme. People recognize that Wolfenstein 3D was the predecessor to DOOM, but gets it's own merits too. Body Harvest is only really known to those who played it and a few non-casuals. Not sayings it's a bad thing but comparison is a bit extreme.

Anyways have some obscure as fuck racing vidya Which might be cheating a bit considering the starting genera but still, these games are basically unheard of

The first one I understand, but even that I don't find that bad.

Playing through it. It's fucking hard at times
