Halo 5 Forge on PC 4free

Microsoft wants you to make content for their shitty console on their shitty OS for the small price of free.
What a bargain

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please use archive.is/the-halo-5-forge-editor-but-not-halo-5-is-coming-to-pc/

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I don't know what to say. I mean, on the one hand it's free software that could produce some interesting shit, but on the other hand fuck windows 10, fuck Halo, and fuck D3D12. Do people still play Halo anymore after Bungie left? Does 343 make interesting Halo games? I was never big into Halo myself, even the first three games, so I don't fucking care, honestly.

It is shitty that they expect a community of PC modders to give a shit about their toolkit just so they can say "hey! console mods weren't a failure!" without at least giving some incentive. Fuck, they could at least release the game on PC at a reduced price, for fuck's sake.

It's gratis. Pardon my autism.

Não, é de borla

Some idiots yes
Ahahahahaahhah, no.

I don't speak Rainforest Taco.

Stop culturally appropriating my fucking language then Anglo fuck?
Gratis is a Latin word you Barbarian Germanic fuck.

Halo 5 is shit. this is now a Halo Online thread


Wew lad, enjoying ramadan this year>


Serb when?

Nice try Satan



mudslimes were kicked out of iberia like a millenia ago, schlomo pigberg

That's right. Not a Portuguese one. :^)

It was 624 years ago.

Correction: 524 years ago.


Back to the oven Shlomo, Ill be sure to remove you too.


>Implying you aren't a filthy Brazilian.


Get fucked Pole

Got a time-stamp, Moor?

end your life

Pull the other one.

Marlboro or bust

Also, what is your favorite Halo? It better be ODST.

1 though Reach, my good man

I enjoyed 4 but not for the gameplay, but because I gamed constantly with a tight-knit group consisting of my cousin and all our friends from highschool.

Well Forza on PC sucks too, so I assume this will suck even harder

anyone has the first one?

I liked Reach, though not enough to actually buy it. The flight-sim part was breddy cool, too.
The last Halo I actually bought was Halo 3; I played ODST and Reach at a friend's house. I was never really interested in 4, but one of my friends insists that it's great. He has shit taste, though.

It is shit, but it was a fine medium (like paper, or a can) to enjoy messing around with friends

Fair enough. I don't really have friends anymore. Kill me, filho.

Ye best be rectifying that immediately familiar.

What is your steam so that I might help avail your suffering

You mean apart from no firefight, terrible frames during splitscreen, shit theatre, and even shittier forge?

At that point, what the fuck is left? You could've paid me to play Halo 4 and I'd still hate the fuck out of it.

Which is why I compared it to paper, or a tin can

It was a medium for me, and nothing more

Enjoy your rapefugees
They dont want to come here

Enjoy seeing the end of Western society

I dont think so kike

Shit filters and shit taste, cant even feel the smoke


I don't use Steam, fam. But thanks for the offer.

But how? I legitimately don't see how you could possibly derive any enjoyment from it, unless you get your rocks off to stomping randoms in team slayer.

It'd be like playing soccer with wet dog shit. If it was dry I could maybe understand, but it's still steaming fucking fresh.

oh man a huehue, I'm so sorry

We were young



No excuses, user.

I pre-ordered Halo 4 and attended the midnight release, too. I don't think I could've set myself up for more disappointment if I tried.

Still no terrorist attacks here, but Im sure youll enjoy praising Allah after they rape your wife and your life.

(checked in kind)
I live my life with few regrets, and attempt at all oppourtunites to look at the positives.

The positives here were that I loved my friends, we were the greatest of friends and gamed like nobody was our master. That all changed when I left for the military, I came back and nothing was the same, my friends scattered and now all that's left is my cousin.



I don't understand what you're upset about. Also, which Halo game is your favorite?

D-don't bully.

Filtered, shitposting Maurian

That's some high quality discussion.

Good job user, you got me
My favorite is CE, 3 going close second.

Think on the bright side, at least you didnt buy a Xbone for it

It's like shitposting in realtime!

Gonna make this post for anons to reply to directly; what are you fag's favorite Halo games then?
It is a tie between either Reach or ODST for me, both of which me and my mate are playing through currently.

>he doesn't enjoy fucking up randoms in splitscreen with friends even in the shitpile that was Halo 4

What happens after death, user?

Its my thread nigger, dont make me delete it.

Why don't you find out, user?

I would say that Reach is the best as a complete package, but I love all of the Bungie games near equally.

(nice Bungie dubs)
Two people is just overkill anyway. Regen field, BR, boltshot, and frag grenades made any game trivial, at least when I last played.

Your life energy is used to sustain the Sun for 5 more seconds

Oh, alright, I get it now.

Fair enough.

I am agnostic.

That is unfortunate.

I don't understand.


Elaborate on how the image is Holla Forums
the image is just neutral

It's a long list of thinkers leading to modern leftism. People like Zizek, Foucault, Lenin, Bakunin, Marx, etc.

Smoking just makes your body crumble faster, plus all the life-ending shit smoking causes are painful as fuck. Enjoy your slow and painful death while giving thousands to the jew-run tobacco companies, retard.

From a contemporary, mainstream standpoint they are accepted as philosophers. it makes sense, even if they were mostly full of shit and working to subvert their host populations or whatever.

*referring to marx and the other commies, here


There are so many things wrong with that statement.
To begin with, the fact that the commies are the only ones that actually killed in the millions for ideological purposes, of the two.


Custom Edition still the best

Custom maps > minor edits of pre-existing maps

And nazis killed for super practical reasons, right?

Don't blame me,
I just found that image on that thread.
>>>Holla Forums5985742
Ctrl + F , then search "phisophers"

lmao. maximum lefty/pol/ achieved.
The holocaust never happened.
And even if it didit didn't, what's 6 million compared to ONE HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION?

Yeah, defending your country from communists is a damn good reason.
Better dead than red.


I dont give a shit you fucking faggot, its my body, Im not addicted yet and its pleasurable after a meal, an espresso and sex.

Whats with the triggered fucking babies everytime smoke is mentioned?
Reminds me of the indocrinated ADHD little American faggots who were sheltered by their worrywart moms and anti smoke ads.
I dont give a shit if Hitler didnt like Indians, euthanize yourself.

Reactionary extremist faggots all look the same to me and want to force their shitty fucking values my life.
Fuck both of ya

That was to goal with trying to eradicate the local old german cultures and forcing this third reich bullshit on everybody?
Like said before, you natsoc-shitters are just commies in denial. Same hiveminded authoritarian retards seeking an excuse to release their primal urges while pretending to be above the average nigger. Do you get a boner when you fantasize about breaking into people's homes and killing them for going against the great Authority?

I don't give a fuck if you smoke, but don't try and justify it.

As opposed to rolling over and taking it from the communists, instead? How about selling out to transnational corporations instead?

Reminder SPv3 comes out this june




You don't fix the threat of a police state by building a worse police state of your own, you dumb videogamer.

Worked for the Spartans for a while.
In fact, going all police state is the only way to not get rolled over by a massive empire, specially when it's one that is sending revolutionaries and terrorists your way.

Only if you smoked recently or have smomed for decades
What the fuck am I justifying? Im jusy sick of seeing triggered "muh degeneracy" faggots who have to scream that smoking is bad for you, like Im not aware if it, when they probably listen to jazz.

Stormfags should be gassed

pic related

Of course not, they are nationalists, the exact opposite of globalists.


One hungered and ten million of what?

Yeah, but I'd rather have the meritocracy of a proper capitalism than the selective welfare state and pre-planning catastrophe nationalist far-leftism


Too bad millions of lives are sacrificed so such thing can be accomplished, how about you give a headstart and euthanize yourself, you're awfully ignorant if you believe you would be part of the small minority if people that actually lived well enough.

I guess thats why they injected their fucking awful culture and plundered whole countries, why they didnt raze the fucking cancerous shithole that is Paris I will never know.

Which didn’t happen.
Nah, not a marxist.

Nazi Germany was like that except they were extremely against globalist exploiting their nation, kinda like what is happening in the USA now with Disney forcing their employees to train their own imported indian replacements who came through EB1 visas.

None of the things you said even happened, injected their culture and plundered countries?
They allied with colonies and helped them free themselves, that's THE EXACT OPPOSITE of injecting their culture and plundering people.
Are you insane?

The only difference between you and the commie kikes is that the commies are still predominant now (until the pendulum swings right that is).

It's okay to admit you were entirely wrong you know.
You have to be pretty retarded to believe that NATZEES WANTED TO KILL ALL NON-BLONDES AND CONQUER THE WORLD indoctrination but not everyone can be smart user.


There is no pendulum you retard.


If it weren't for the heaping shitpile htat is halo 4 I'd say CE were the worst in the series.

So you say, lots of people going right nowadays just like when people were clamoring for communism.

Is this bait?

Those people are about 10 years from becoming ethnic minorities in their own countries. Even if they all cooperated, which the far right (nor the far left for that matter) are not capable of doing for any length of time, they wouldn't be able to outvote Sharia law.



Is the Halo 5 forge even good or is it shittier than Halo 4's?

No idea, I'm just hoping JoJo hosts another one of these Halo Online servers.

It has to be

Or we could just swarm other servers since no fucker other than him ever hosts

forge is shit compared to sapien and tool

My fucking sides.

Only the best from Microsoft.

I dont know a single PC gamer that likes Gaylo, only a couple consoles rejects that played it in their childhood

That's pretty much why there's nobody playing it despite its popularity on the xbox.
PC just has better games, hell even Planescape does a better job with vehicles too.

what's it like being 13
your hand and your mother don't count as people

you faggots should just go back to your shitty console

Bet your only exposure to Bungie was hearing about Halo

I played Oni before you were born, kiddo

But its *free goy

This ain't abad idea

Should we have a Holla Forums meetup or is that too tripfaggy

Stop trying to make Xbox happen Microsoft.

It's not going to happen.

and I played pathways into darkness about 3 months after it's release.

Drat, foiled again

I would've gotten away with it too, if it hadn't been for you meddling goyim

Halo 5 is pretty alright, I'm 145 right now and been playing it pretty much everyday since launch.
Forge looks cool bit the controls are a fucking nightmare. I think it'll be nice for pc bros to play customs with.
Hopefully we hear more at E3 about this before I get my hopes up for something I'm not gonna use.

If dubs nuke the thread

please use archive.is/gaming/2016/05/halo-5-online-multiplayer-forge-mode-are-coming-to-windows-10-for-free/

Neato, so it's actually multiplayer. Shame folks will dismiss it because muh windows 10 but I think it'll be cool for everyone to play the only part of 5 that matters




I really would love to read a summary on the clusterfuck of decision making that caused this outcome.

Shlomo please

It it a Windows Store exclusive game?
Because that's the real problem.


Yes, either avoid it completely or use an unrelated computer.
That fucking OS will forcefuck you with telemetry and no you cannot toggle it away no matter how much fanboys and shills tell you so.
And its going to become paid next month.

it's already easy to pirate it though.

win10 was paid from the start, but you don't touch any money because you are the product not the seller/buyer

This. Windows 10 is not the problem. Win10 is fine if you have even a modicum of computer skills to tweak it.

Windows Store is the problem. Anyone who calls themself human should have permanently removed the Store from their Windows installation fucking YEARS ago.

Windows Store is the gom jabbar. If you have it on your system you're an animal taking human form. Removing it proves your humanity.

adverb: free

without cost or payment.
"ladies were admitted free"
synonyms: without charge, free of charge, for nothing; More

noun: software

the programs and other operating information used by a computer.


Is the guy on that video an actual retard, and i mean retarded to the point there's a maid taking care of his entire life because he spends his time shitting himself and drooling while vocalizing random noises?

Chances are a child rapist interacted with any money you touched, teh entire world is literally satan

He sounds like that guy that did the "Hi I'm Bulbasaur and I'm gonna use my solarbeam!" vocaroo a few years back. I don't remember anything I've laughed harder at than that in recent memory.

The man he's talking about is a big detractor of proprietary software, the people he's apparently against are supporting his foundation. The man is supposed to be against these corporations yet relies on their support, meanwhile spreading the word that it's viable to use GPL'd software and be a successful for profit business, it's a bad sign for his message since if it were true he'd have support from companies that share the same political ideals but those companies regularly fail to sustain themselves let alone others, the only companies that do make a profit don't do so off the software directly, they sell support contracts and provide developer training. If their own foundation can't support themselves without the help of the people their against what does that say for others?

What he's saying is just the matter of fact, the face of the FSF shouldn't be a hypocrite.


What's the latest on HO? Is it still being worked on? I don't want to follow any outdated guides to get it working. I know there was something called El Dorito, but now it's El Dewrito? I just want something for mouth-breathing retards such as myself.

Even morons can follow these instructions.




And here is to remove windows apps.


Hope it helps someone because Sithis knows you'll all be on windows 10 in five years. Just like last time. And I don't want your computer to look like this pic.

Nah, Ill be using GNU

Dude, youll be wasting more time uncucking windows 10 than installing it. Just stick to windows 7 from 2010 and never update it.

Or wait for a custom shit free version, like windows 7 mini. I can see that happen. Ill stick to Trisquel

BSD cuck leave.

That graph is retard, user. This horse shoe "theory" always tends to be a huge mental ginast in general anyway.

nigga serioulsy, is this shit for real ? Its lefty shit in the core, bullshit
totally not biased, goy.
because nobody at right is capable of helping or donating to help others, there is only kikery
straight out of modern lefty propaganda and buzzwords
Muslism dont give a fuck about this economic-political view faggatory, they just want to push the values of their religion
Because its ok to give all the shekels to state and be equally poor, while your overlords re-choice in fortune

Yep, its libcuck shit created too look "balanced". Might as well be Murrican libtard propaganda.
imfuckingplying environmentalists actually care about the environment, like they give a fuck about things that actually care

Fuck Win10 and DX12, seriously.
ElDewrito doesnt need a new OS and Halo after Reach is beyond fuckednot that it isnt already, for being Halo of all things, but 4&5 shows how bottom low this shit can go

As far as I'm concerned if Bungie's name isn't on the box then it doesn't exist.

Because GPL and BSD are the only licenses. Regardless of what license I use that doesn't excuse the FSF or RMS for not practicing what they preach, if you agree with the ideology they advertise then you should be annoyed at this in the same way I am.


shit they only had 3 games planned, reach was a technicality they had to shit out for microsoft, it was a good game, but Bungie only planned on 3 Halo games

Hoping Anvil or w/e uses the traditional Halo file system sop that we can start seeing actual custom maps and ports of older maps

So is anyone going to host a server tonight?

shut up faggot beaner


Im probably whiter than you, shitskin.

Hey gaylo shitposter, you dropped this

Is CE even still alive?
I'd be super fucking interested in returning to it if there's still servers up

FFS people, the Covenant represents Religious Fascism, the UNSC represents Classical Fascism (SPARTANS DUH), and the Flood represents Communism.

Or just keep it to the simple Biblical allegory if you wish, doesn't get much more obvious than that.

loads of servers still up, sadly a lot of them are just stock maps loaded with spics

I think there's a fraction of the custom map servers left now

maybe I'll host one next week, put SAPP through it's paces


Still hoping that someone will spoonfeed me on how to get Halo Online working in 2016

Try this docs.google.com/document/d/1yVlMw6NzM-liatgr1hBI3hVQN_STHinP2gQQTNjcTnA/edit#getstarted


Anvil when?