Just when I thought these elections couldn't get more retarded.
It gets worse: Billionaire founder of Occulus was founding r/The_Donald memes
Thanks capitalism.
Wow, we now have proof that shills have actually compromised the Holla Forums board?
Memes died long ago
ahahhahaha Palmer Luckey is such a fucking piece of shit
I knew it.
There's no way they would have let Hillary have CTR without countering her in some way.
I keep telling you guys that memes are shit and a cancer and you never listen to me!
Probably because it's one of the tritest, dullest statements that has ever rolled off a keyboard.
Wow. is Palmer the greatest lolcow?
Dare someone to post this on 4chan Holla Forums
Of all the fucking things
Billion dollar memes, my man.
Watch out world I'm a fucking maniac
Good investment.
Don't do this.
Full damage control right now
lmfaooooooo Correct the record much Holla Forums?
We're all in this together, kid
I'm just happy I can say "thanks for correcting the record" to Holla Forumsyps now whenever the babble on about anuddah shoah
copy paste this in their thread
Thank you for correcting the record
try again new friend.
shit, nvm
thought you were from Holla Forums for a sec
I think the thread is archived anyway.
Is anything safe from capitalist recuperation?
The guy can claim credit for whatever he wants, but I want a more credible source.
How the fuck do you even "fund a meme" - buy bots to shitpost it? Who paid for "shart in mart"?
what is the newfriend word filter?
what kind of faggot names their kid 'Palmer'?
a rich faggot
This has caught Holla Forums in an incredibly confusing position:
>>>Holla Forums10794662
There's also some faggots confused between the differences of SJWs, liberals and Marxists if anyone wants to seize the opportunity to school them for the hundredth time.
>>>Holla Forums10794936
Fuck my sides, they really are just a bunch of 14 year olds.
>>>Holla Forums7615772
Thread deleted, pol having a bit of a meltdown. It hasn't occurred to them that derailing threads in Holla Forums for months using any insane fucking tangent they could find to shoehorn 'muh cultural marxism' meme may have rapidly drained any favor they curried there with the mods, fucking retards.
Maybe we should refer to them as >>>/shillpol/ ?
Actually most people think it is all the same shit, not just 14 year olds.
Most people like Coldplay and voted for Hitler, these people don't get to walk around and count themselves as sentient beings.
Probably, yeah. I remember the le B████bros soggy knees thing Cunton fabricated, and falseflaggers or bots posting 'we are the B████bros' on random threads I shitposted on.
Nobody probably. That meme exists because it's funny and generates butthurt, like most other non-forced memes and unlike trumpy memes.
Shart in Mart generates butthurt on the first posting because it's funny and makes an accusation of disgusting foul-living behavior my fellow Burgers have yet to come up with a justification for or otherwise answer satisfactorily, with the previous popularity of Poo in Loo making it ironic and a turning of the tables. It took effort to come up with, and was clever, quotable and chantable. Posting it can deflect most criticisms by Burgers of other countries, which makes it useful. So it spread naturally like any other useful tool or tactic.
Trumpepe generates butthurt by people getting sick of it being spammed everywhere after seeing it 50 fucking times on a board about anime or programming, which you could do with pretty much anything except possibly whatever kind of porn the people like on the board it's being spammed to. It took no more effort to come up with than Sonic the Hedgehog in a Starfleet uniform, it's never more than the sum of its parts and in fact it's less than that; it makes Sonic/Trump no better and Star Trek/Pepe significantly cringier and more autistic.
lmao, fucking porky kid got a bunch of money from mommy and daddy and ZeniMax to make a VR headset, had to get Carmack to actually make it usable, then runs off with the product and pretends he actually did anything and gets 700 million dollars for it.
And people say capitalism is "efficient".
Would a reference to The Thing be too obscure? Y'know, since they have Palmer's hand up their ass?
Holla Forumsmerfags
There you go.
I had actually never heard of Luckey in my life before the story about him wasting money on Trumpenproles hit
Trying too hard: the posts.
maybe you'd be out of your parent's basement by now if you'd ever put that much effort into anything in your life user
Yeah, Holla Forumsmerfag is the superior brand.
Effort is pretty good, but not when you put it into non-insulting insults
my point is that that is really not very much effort at all
wonder if this is why the shitposting's been so bad the last few days
is that why they get so triggered by it?
When Trump loses I can't wait to see Holla Forums flip out.