Anybody interested in modern revolutionaries?

Anybody interested in modern revolutionaries?

By modern I mean post 1970

I always wondered if there were cells long after the Soviet Union fell (or if they still exist today) somewhat in the vein of Carlos the Jackal. The idea of being apart of an underground unit of revolutionaries has been an interest of mine for a long time.

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But seriously I want to learn more about the red brigades.

Honestly, I think the FBI is more concerned with right wingers than lefties

Oh my sweet summer child.

Though the NSA and CIA are probably the ones who carry out modern COINTELPRO

OP here:

I'm more interested in groups like the Revolutionary Cells in Germany. Not so much the feminism part tho tbh

well the red army faction sorta made a comeback

Yeah I read about the Hijacking, but there needs to be some more things going on mane. Especially in the States. Organization. With the technology we have now, it would be easier to communicate with each other, but possibly easier to get stopped. Worth the risk though if you ask me. Tired of sitting around jacking off all day

I-I didn't mean jacking off as in masturbating….I meant doing unproductive things

This is mostly due to the internet being seen as the final battleground for the world. That and even the most radical people in the EU at this point are LARPers.

So you think that revolutionary politics (like in the Cells-era) are essentially dead then?

right wing organizations are funded and trained, equipped and transported by the fbi.

leftists are disappeared and murdered.

we aren't living in a revolutionary moment, but I think we will see something like it soon. the economy is about to crash and its going to be worse than 08' and the bougies aren't equipped to cycle the loss around like last time. in the places that we don't see out right overthrows of government I believe cell activity will increase. we don't have the ideological organization currently to influence the direction of the urban geurilla and its likely going to be hijacked by liberals and psychos.

2017 will be 1905. I pray that the world can survive for another two decades.

I was waiting for you - can you explain to me exactly why the USSR was a degenerative workers state? I wanted to task a trot.

Do you mean terrorist shit? If so, please GTFO because individual terrorism is useless. If you mean genuine class struggle, there are thousands.

Didn't see this reply earlier, but it looks like it's going to take another financial crash for people to care enough to do it, there's no catalyst right now and the lefteyes spent the last one in '08 circlejerking so hard that the narrative managed to be spun into the fault of the poorest rather than wreckless banking practices.

I think all the EU needs to be spun into civil unrest is a financial crash and a few nasty local scandals in the hot spots. The US has always looked like a bit of a lost cause to me, but apparently people have a more favourable view of socialism than capitalism there now so we'll see what happens. I'm hoping Trump wins and makes either a glorious success or a total fucking trainwreck. Hillary will probably fiddle the results either way and win though, but if she picks a fight with China and Russia then that could see the end of capitalism's sacred place there.

All of this tbh, but especially
The problem with wanking yourself furious with theory discussions all day is that while you're doing that someone else in putting in place the infrastructure to seize control through force. You don't get to turn up when the ball is already rolling and open people's eyes, it's too late at that point.

the workers were not dominated by a ruling class economically, only politically. the bureaucratic class could not economically dominate the working class as the bourgeoisie could in the west and so it was a workers state. that the bureaucrats did come to rule politically thus degeneration

So you don't believe it was State Capitalism?

the eu is basically on the brink of collapse, the state of banking in Italy and France makes me a little giddy tbh even though I know it will be mostly poor people hurt

more like end of the world. Holla Forums doesn't take capitalism's necessary use of war seriously, and if we are not lucky human life won't exist in the next twenty years. jesus obama is putting so many warships on china's borders its insane
I disagree but not completely. we need to have an ideological and organizational infrastructure, but this infrastructure need not be massive. when the old powers have melted away the barrier to entry for revolutionary politics drops to near nothing. the rsdlp was nothing before the revolution, a handful of members, even fewer were bolsheviki but in 1905 the party increased massively, the same was repeated twelve years latter.

tbh I'm not interested in that debate so I have little background in it. but no I don't believe that state capitalism is an accurate description of the soviet political economy 1920s-1970s


Oh boy they're in for a rough ride there, the French have never lost their love of a good riot. I don't know much about their politics but I'd imagine them being slightly more socialist and critical of capitalism than the rest of Europe, which is quite heavily leaning towards that tendency anyway. If a financial crash comes in the next few years we could see the Balkanized UK and France set up a reformed EU.

The end of the USA, I can't see EU countries getting involved in an even more disastrous military campaign or all the Trumpheads letting Clinton start WW3. The KGB will definitely be courting angered Republicans and if she tries to disarm them I don't think they'll be politely handing them over at the local police station. Meme man is America's only hope, but I think any candidates victory is going to provide so much great drama.

I hope Trump is actually a cool guy if he wins it, but it won't be a fair election.

I'm not a Holla Forumsyp but Islamic terrorism in France(which is a small nation) is increasingly making them more and more reactionary. I wouldn't be surprised if Marie La Penn gets elected.

this is retarded comrade, turmp will have no more control over the national security apparatus than clinton, obama or bush.
the election will have no effect on the movements of history. the next economic downturn has already started but has yet to hit the us in any major way. the table has already been set for war with china. the crazy retarded fascists in hungary and poland are shaking their sabers at russia.

our generation will answer once and for all the question of socialism or barbarism.

I don't think that the fascists will gain any ground in france. if socialism reappears in the west I believe it will do so in france.

La Penns party won the first round of elections last time.

bro elections are a sham and no social movement with any significant difference to the status quo can gain power electorally.

tens of millions of members of the french working class have been involved in militant workers action against the "socialist" government for over 6 months. when the state can no longer pay for the cops who have been begging for a ceasefire with protestors we will see exactly where these nationalists stand.

I think you're forgetting about all the times Europe where a fascist government was democratically elected and then they murdered all the leftist.

In all those cases the left had been beaten before the electoral victories.

Apo is 10/10 would revolution with

Are we not "beat" now? I feel that the left now is weaker in Germany now than it was in the early 1930's.
yes I know the revolution failed, but at least there were actual leftist parties


No, you just need to bring down the internet so that all of us larpers get off our asses collectively. Otherwise we're just lashing out individually, and even that is incredibility rare because you already know that you're impotent when acting solo so there's no point to doing anything. While when we bitch on the internet it at least keeps us from becoming suicide bombers.


Mine too. I'd like to form a paramilitary group but the logistics and resources required are pretty overwhelming.

They're concerned with anyone a threat to state power, and anyone who might serve as an example and inspire others.

then get in contact with them

I would really like to join even a RAF type of group, but I don't see anything in my region, just essentially pro-status-quo established lefties that write reformist critiques and academic yuppies writing useless masturbatory theory to make a name for themselves. There are a few (very few) of those edgy "anarchist" liberals that do some useless symbolic pacifist performance shit to get likes on facebook, but that's pretty much it. That's the most radical thing I have managed to find so far, that's how depressing the current state of the left is here. It seems like it's much better in Greece where you actually have cells attacking the system.
The revolutionary left has been isolated to the point of individual isolation.

anarkiddy useless faggots that became states boogeyman into driving people do accept antidemocratic measures
truly revolutionary

What about ETA?Are they still doing something?

do you even understand the lyrics?
wizo is one of the worst mentally depraved faggots and hyped by edgy punk scum kiddos

The last significant communist movements all died in the late 70s. Massive state repression and devastating restructuring of globa production did them in. It's been 30 long years of counter-revolution and vague anarchism.

There's not enough about the 70s US new communist movement. Too many academics and cool leftists are hung up on yurop's 68 in France and the 70s of Italy.

Revolutionary cells are dead end fantasies for declassed intellectuals. They're either gloriefied reading groups or suicidal ultra-leftists disconnected from the class.

I don't know who Wizo as a group even is and I don't care, I just found that music when searching for RAF a while ago. Yes, I understand the lyrics a little and I know they're mostly infantile, but there's a point in the second half where they say that RAF has been isolated by the state, which is very relevant. I don't think it's wrong to perceive the whole of neoliberalism itself as a counter-revolutionary technique of isolating any resistance through forcing people into individualistic entrepreneurial work and consumption, and this "technique" actually has beginnings in the era of RAF. The same goes for the security techniques, verification of identity for everything financial or bureaucratic you do for example was used to try to catch RAF members.

Right-wingers, no matter how extreme, have always been far more favorable and manipulable for the system. Just look at America's foreign activity.