Alex Jones Explains the Star Wars Prequels

the original prequel apologist

stop shilling sarcuck

shut the fuck up this is relevant to tv. you're just jealous someone is actually successful while you're still NEETing wasting your days on internet forums HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAAHA

Post the actual Alex Jones vid instead - I don't need to hear Sargon's shit commentary on top of it.
The nigger actually spews the just go watch the RLM reviews line


Where is the delete button?


extended version


Rogue One review


You know what, I actually miss Аватар ;_;
I would much rather have him here, than the other waifufaggots we've got shitting up this place.

Imagine basing your opinion on RLM. Ugh.


I am just fucking tired of these RLM cucks parroting that line every damn time the PT is discussed. People actually consider the ‘reviews’ to be funny and enlightening.

that face
lol alex gives no fucks making fun of trad jewish ceremony right in their faces. He must really piss his wife off at family gatherings.

pics related

Reminder that Jones got outed as a Zionist shill by the Duke and had to delete the video from his channel.
fags in this thread should unironically go back to sucking both him and PJW off on r/The_Donald, enough of your shilling.

I'm not going to dig up the video again but a long time ago I put a compilation together of alex talking about the Jews. You don't just forget that kind of redpill, Alex clearly made a decision to keep his mouth shut knowingly and I believe it was a decision based purely on tactics. Don't be mislead, Alex knows exactly what role the Jews play in the current mess we're in. Not every leader can go around ranting about Jews all day, it's important to put up a friendly ignorant front most of the time. Alex wants us to win this war. Just look at how over the past year he's started talking plainly about immigration being designed to genocide native European populations.

Stopped reading there. Shit or get off the pot you baiting turbonigger.

Not the guy you're quoting but he definitely made remarks about isreal being involved in 9/11. That being said he is a disinfo shill now so what he said 20 years ago isn't really relevant.

Take a hike disinfo kike!

no i'm not gonna dig it up again. I have a vague idea of where to find it and I've dug it up twice already but none of you niggers save it and spread it around.

no shit we're not going do your shilling for you, holy shit you're not even trying to hide it anymore, just kill yourself.

Literally a minute on YouTube to find this you lazy nigger.

It's also 11 years old. These shills are trying to say that despite talking about these subjects way back he is now trying to address the issue by not actually addressing it (muh 4d chess) and putting the blame on other groups. A decade old clip of him saying that isreal commits false flag attacks doesn't negate his "germanic death cult" and "Arabs control the US" theories of the last few years.

t. Aut-blight SJW

Alex Jones didn't care about the prequels in terms of quality or even Star Wars.

He was looking at them as a criticism of the Bush administration.

This was back when Jones disliked the totalitarian militaristic idiot Republican we had as president.

Now he has turned to the dark side.


for anyone that may already have cancer…

Yes, and while this is going on they also tells the story of countless other characters, like the fall of Anakin into the dark-side.

The prequels are, when you think of it, on a genius level in storytelling. The greatest work of fiction in the 21st century and the faggots at RLM and it's cucks are criticising it because they didn't get to see Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon. Who really are the intellectuals here? Do you see the comparasion between their criticism and our praise of the movie? Fuck, even stuff like "I don't like sand" tells us countless of things about where Anakin is at as a character and foreshadows his demise. Jar-Jar Binks is a bumbling fool, but he's also that to Sheev who uses him and the Gungan's as useful idiots to make the empire happen.

I think there's one major problem with the prequels, and that's the timejump between episodes 1 and 2. So much time has past that the cast you got to know in the first movie are basically unrecognisable, and you have to get to know them all over again. I never really believed in Anakin and Obi-wan's brotherly relationship, or Anakin and Padme's romance since they didn't get the time it needed to develop, and largely happened off screen. I think the Anakin, Obi-wan relationship should have been much more central to the trilogy. The core of Episode 1 should have been the story of two young men meeting, forming a friendship, which is solidified when they witness the death of their mentor figure, and together defeat his killer.

hi Alex

It would be better conventional story telling, but perhaps a worse story. Imo there has to be a gulf between Anakin and Obi Wan (and the rest of the Jedi) for his turn to be believable. One of my favorite parts about the PT is the portrayal of the Jedi Order as flawed and arrogant.

I think you actually have to set them up as brothers before that relationship starts to crack though.


Nobody is doubting that the actual overarching story and parallels of the prequels is kino, and the scene posted with Palpatine, Ian McDaramid is just a based actor in general, the scene is one of the best in the entire fucking saga.

But there were massive problems with the prequels, doesn't mean the are TOTAL SHIT
but you prequelkinnoseurs need to accept that
1. Episode I could have been great but was squandered by Jar Jar and Anakin and Padme being almost unbearable (Anakin compared to the other two is tolerable though)
2. Ways to fix this would have been either focusing the first film entirely on Obi Wan and Qui Gon and having Anakin come in much later and have him be a minor sidekick, say if you completely took out Jar Jar he could fill his place and be a young teenager who is kind of an ass at first.
3. Or the entire Prequel trilogy should have started forsaking telling Anakins origin on tattooine like in Episode I and having him already be Obi Wans apprentice in Episode I (this would give Obi wan and anakin a lot more character dev. and you could also have Anakin maybe not remember his past and have him discover where he comes from along the way)
4. Episode II has some good things going for it but Portman is such a bad actress and in general Anakin and Padme were not directed properly, ie they needed to be way less stiff, more natural, more easy going, more light hearted to contrast the politics shit.
5. Episode III is pretty good the only negatives really are the insane us of CG which is acceptable.
6. In all the worldbuiling is good, but with better execution could have been better, the films are not edited tightly like the OT are either.

So are the prequel terrible blockbusters? No, but are they masterpieces? No, but are they watchable sure.

Not really since if you payed attention to the Phantom Menace you already know Anakin's and Obi Wan's relationship. Qui-Gon offered to replace Obi Wan as a padawan, Anakin is the chosen one, Obi Wan worries more about the future than living in the present, completely different compared to Qui Gon, the man that Anakin looked up to as a father.

And there you have to beginning of the broken relationship between a padawan and his master.

No you moron. He's just another actor.

Nah, they were fine. Jar Jar isn't even present that much.
Doesn't need fixing.
Sounds like Jew Jew shit.
You're going full pleb here. It needs to be less like a Greek tragedy and more quippy and quirky? Is this reddit?
Pic of tons of locations and miniatures.jpg
Do you want a movie and not kino? The editing was perfect.

Episode 1 should have been a 2 films, part 2 being about Qui-Gon/Obi Wan and part 2 about Anakin/Obi Wan.
That would then leave enough room for Episode 2 for the romance between Anakin and Padme

My problem is I never really got the sense the two particularly cared for each other. Obi-wan barely interacts with Anakin throughout Episode 1, takes him on more or less as a favour to his dead master. By the time Episode 2 comes along their relationship is already troubled, so in Episode 3 when Obi-wan says "you were my brother, Anakin", you're left scratching your head thinking "when did that happen?".


they look like shit compared to the OT because they were filmed in 1080p and not on actual film


He's actually right, and it pretty much rips to shreds the Pleb Leddit Media reviews.

Doesn't matter, because kino can be watched on anything and still be kino.