Some scalp for my gamergate friends.
Some scalp for my gamergate friends.
Other urls found in this thread:
this cant be real or serious
This is the beauty of SJW faggotry. They eat their own.
Who are you?
This ain't video games. Take this shit to the GamerGate thread
Gamergate is already talking about it on the thread. Therefore, this one is pointless.
But, it is, user. It is. He spoke and said "maybe, just maybe AVGN isn't a misogynist" and boom they ate his ass alive.
Holy shit, it's real.
They're eating each other.
Fuck you and that fucking thread you faggot ass snakes pile useful information into so nobody sees so you can circle jerk about gay ass fucking threads like:
Blow me.
It is. AVGN said he wasn't going to review CisBusters and the leftycucks cried soggy knees. Movie Blob sided with Angry Video Game cuck and pic related happened.
calm your shit user. The only anons who complain about laughing at bob chipman are trolls and beta anons.
The author might not be real, though.
As I recall, her profile picture is a stock photo with the hair color changed.
Quit trying to ruin other people's fun. This is a time for celebration.
I'm at a loss for words. The only expression I have is this really old meme.
i thought that Bob Chipman guy was an SJW m'lady white knight faggot? is he? did they eat their own? that would be hilarious poetic justice.
There's no fucking way this is real. Even the Onion has never parodied this hard. This is either a fantastic joke article, or we're witnessing the final stages of terminal brain cancer.
This year has been the best year of the century easily
No this is a parody it's not real, gave me a giggle but it's clearly a joke.
You understated what movieblob is, user.
Yes, he is.
He is also fat and ugly, of course they will eat him alive first chance they get.
That's probably how all feminists talk in casual conversation, though.
why is everyone taking this bait?
This "Rachel Banks" doesn't exist.
Fuck off back to tumblr
it isn't, the underage just wants it to be so they can laugh at their boogeyman
The meme was updated a few moments back though. Get on with the times, grandpa.
Pretty good satire, but there are some mis-spelled words in there, I think. Sage for unfortunately not vidya.
That makes no sense.
Holy fucking shit. This has to be a joke.
It's a joke, right?
U feckin wot m8
You could easily push it and feminists would surely roll with it and burn Bob without a single doubt though.
Yes it is, but these ADD underaged fucks can't identify satire.
This cant be real
Disappointing, but it was a funny thought.
You're an idiot.
It's not satire you fucking idiot.
Well of course, it's Holla Forums.
Read further you fucking retard, it's satire.
Do some research faggot, it is.
Unlike James, who still has millions of fans even if the SJW hivemind turns on him, Bob has literally nothing without his in into progressive circle
Get fucked, you lying shill.
user. The horrors of feminists seem to be out of your reach. Let me guide you to how insane they really are and how real it is.
Having fun? You're not as clever as you think you are, you know.
This isn't just any form of shitposting.
This is advanced shitposting.
Show me where it's satire. Right now.
They always have dummy
You know, a sign of autism is not being able to tell when people are joking.
Hurry the fuck up.
k done
Actual marvel comic. Not fake.
In other words you haven't even clicked the link. I hope you don't pay you shills.
He is well known.
He is also a bigot as far as feminists are concerned.
That statement accurately depicts their views.
The article totally is satire, but that's a terrible example.
That doesn't make it satire.
Anyone can write here, is every post a satire? Apart from yours, I mean.
But I guess you don't remember the age old adage "No one should take anything posted here as fact."
Jesus Christ, lads, calm down. It's a funny joke article, but you shouldn't throw a fucking fit when someone points out that it's blatant satire.
Not only did I click the link, I went a step further and checked out this chick's account.
This is the >(1) of online blogging.
Fuck off, retard.
Yeah, and leftits wanting paedophilia to be accepted was a joke too.
Every day is a miracle.
After looking into this I'm pretty sure it's a false flag or at the very least just a satire piece.
I'm thinking this was written by anti-sjw to see if they can get dumbshits to agree with its sentiment and eat movieblob alive.
I think you need to buy a dictionary and look up the word satire. Maybe the cucks you work for can provide one.
They're doing it for that exact reason. Get shits and giggles out of watching people get angry. Classic internet. Gonna follow the sensible example myself and get the fuck out of this thread before it descends into a porn dump or something.
>>>Holla Forums
I hate this new trend of people spamming Holla Forums shit on Holla Forums just because it's got those pesky SJWs in it.
It's a fucking joke. You faggots have absolutely no sense for satire.
Who's this Holla Forums guy?
Thanks, professor.
as if I were going to try any harder for these spergs and newfriends when something is so obvious
Sounds legit. $10 bucks earned.
Isn't Rachel Banks also a character from Fresh Prince?
Yeah.. still fairly certain this is a fake persona. That's a shooped stock image.
>The left won't force us to accept pedos as actual people, _______
Fill in the line however you like.
i'm sorry your joke didn't take off the way you wanted it to, user
try to hide your power level more next time
Not saying you should, just saying that was a terrible example. Let the spergs sperg themselves out.
Shut the fuck up, retard. Do a goddamn google search for 5 seconds.
video games
What is "Poe's Law"?
Claim satire all you fucking want. There is no proof it is or isn't. Mostly because sjw do for a fact act this way.
Give archive faggot
Or I refuse to believe this is read
Pretending to be retarded isn't a funny joke.
Can't even get angry anymore. I'm just disappointed.
Nevermind that I suck cocks
Amazing. Say one little thing and they sling every single label at you. Left wing reactionary death squads.
So you were fooled and now want to save face?
This article lays it on very fucking thick.
The article is Poe's Law you dumb faggot. An user can claim the article to be satire. But when a real publication prints out the same fucking insanity on a comic strip in a non satire way you can't say for sure one way or another.
Bait: The Thread
Whether the article is real or not can't be said. Mostly because I already posted
Where in a non satire way a fucking feminist writer writes the same fucking insanity. Whether or not the writer actually exists does not point one fucking way or another on whether or not the article itself is satire. Could it be satire? Sure. But it's not clear about that because it's easy to find the same exact writing being written in a non satire form.
I'm sure Holla Forums and Holla Forums would.
That a parody website.
Which didn't change the fact that Movieblob shat his pants.
Holy fuck, why has this site fallen so far? Why are there so many retards here?
Holla Forums is a fucking circle jerk full of retards and now Holla Forums is a ded board with the only remaining full of retarded faggots
And yet you are still here. :^)
This thread has some serious autism.
Well someone has to be the outlier so this board doesn't devolve into complete shit.
Don't you have a sony thread to take out? This thread is pretty much dead so we don't need "heroes" like you.
Movie Bob is now less Cuck than Brad Jones
How long will Holla Forums defend a pro Islam anti-theist atheist who happens to also be a literal cuck and Hillary Clinton supporter like Brad jones?
It's because there are so many people who unironically spout the same kind of things said in that article. Good on the writer though.
Get your story straight before going into damage control, moviebob.
Its because faggots here react instead of reading.
It's fake you faggots
At least you stopped saging at a thread you don't like. Thanks for the bump m8.
But can we make people believe its real?
I hope you're not the "I can fix Holla Forums" autist.
Man,Movieblob is such a fucking fag desperate for attention.
Is he having economic problem,needs to lick some new feet for a job?
Autism detected. Please remove yourself from the genepool.
No one can fix this site, people are happy its full of fucking idiots, which is exactly what happened on 4chaim.
Like how one guy at one time said porn stops shill posting.
Because totally some anonymous dude is telling the truth about him being a marketer.
Totally no one lies in order to get porn dumps.
You are getting fucking played, this nigger obviously wrote this story solely to drum up attention, but nope lets ignore that people get paid on comments, site hits and controversy lets just continue to react blindly without understanding the situation.
I guess since cuck is taken you have to find another term to browbeat people with.
Autism: a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.
I'd say he's failing to communicate appropriately or make relationships. Or should I call him a faggot? Or a retard? Because he's being all these things. Now fuck off.
I hate pictures like this.
I'm guessing the kid is the child of a single mother?
That's not what I was referring to. As far as I'm concerned, this could definitely be fake (though I won't really be surprised if it's real). What I was talking about was the mentality of "yeah guys you're all shit but not me, I'm the only thing that keeps the site from going to shit".
Spoken like a true cuck. You sound traumatized.
Are we posting angering pictures?
Holy shit, guys, I found the missing link! He's just as much of a mongloid as we thought!
I am not the best poster, I argue with people who agree with me because I'm not reading their posts.
I shitpost uncontrollably late at night.
I'm a contrarian faggot.
However I'm aware of what the fuck I'm doing and I'm not unwilling to realize I'm being a fucking retard.
Meanwhile 50% of this board honestly believes the "post porn to stop shills" among other obvious lies which are believed without a singe lick of evidence.
can mods delete this thread please?
Virtue signaling.
You deserved to be laughed at for your baiting
Let it stand as a testament to how fucking dumb people are.
I love this shit its like a /numibia/ but not nearly as dumb.
You really are retarded, aren't you? Listen, I know Santa Claus is generous, but he fucked up giving that extra chromosome you always wanted. It's time to kill yourself and go back to the earth.
It's fake. That said, it is still pretty funny, especially since they actually write and speak like that
Kill yourself fam.
This half this thread is an IRC pretending to be retarded Holla Forumsacks that believe this article in order to make Holla Forums look bad.
I don't even like Holla Forums, but this is too obvious.
Its okay user
I'm sure if you guys make your own board about it, ban anyone who disagrees, and circlejerk you can make blobbybob great again.
Just like
Kill yourself fam.
Someone is still salty about numibia.
Its okay user I still believe you!
Kill yourself fam.
Will it take me to numibia, the white man's paradise?
He probably won't wise up since he is, what I would call, the Terron Gorefiend of SJWs. But I have never had this feeling of pity and smug at the same time.
Your movie wasn't that good anyway.
No it will take you to your mothers vagina that i fucked last night.