Is bunkermag dead?

is bunkermag dead?


Which is a shame, because of all of leftypol's projects this is the only one I liked

more people should write for it tbh

why don't ppl add their shit to it?

Even AW (the arrogant loser) could add his stuff.
There needs to be more contribution

If people start to write again it would live again.

Xexizy can you do book reports on the stuff you read now?

Also we need more leftcoms and other fringe groups to write articles that trigger people. That antigerman article was good, it created discussion and even spawned another article.

into the trash he goes.

He's mediocre and a kid going through a mere "leftist" phase

I was looking forward to the writing prompt idea that was in the last thread on bunkermag, but apparently the editor wants the site to die.

The problem is that, in a way, there's no reward for it, not even the reward of pure exposition of ideas. We're writing for ourselves.

Idk who the Editor is, but he could have pushed Bunkermag into different circles.

Should I write an article for Bunkermag proclaiming the death of Bunkermag and/or write an article BTFOing A.W. y/n/kys

Now, now, you needn't be so aggressive.
Write one about your ideology

Write about me. I'll write a counter article for Bunkermag. Shitposting will save the online rag!

I hope so.
Allowing articles about anime and in defense of israel makes it a fucking joke that shouldn't exist.

It got pushed in different places but you dont gain a reader base overnight, there needs to be somewhat consistent content that slowly establishes bunkermag as something interesting.

It's just so unrewarding to write stuff that nobody will read though.

what did he mean by this?

Could even get some of the Holla Forumseshiners that BTFO xexizy to write some guest pieces.

What's the writing processes involved in writing articles for Bunkermag anyway?
Does it involve people commenting on a draft made here on Holla Forums?
Does Bunkermag take suggestions on what to write?

I wrote two articles, but after not getting a response I stopped it there.

This is why networking is so important IMO. If any of us was a regular at other left-wing circles the amount of readers and supporters would have been much bigger.

I'd publish it.

Every article get's published on the DCMFCP, which as of now has 43,000 likes, as well as relevant subreddits.

But just to be very clear, if we get good articles, we will publish.

Which articles? How did you submit them?


So much to say, so little time. I'll throw up some book reviews and see how that goes next month.

How does one submit an article? I'd like to write one about the class conflicts in the Roman Republic/Empire for Bunkermag.

Kinda. If you know what to write an article about, go ahead.

Click register on the right side, set up an account, and then make a post, submitting it when you're ready.

Do people read stuff on there?


You write something and send it in, maybe they will help you with some editing to make it better.

I'm just gonna put something out there.

Most media people are familiar with (MSM) is absolute shit. Something a newfag ex-liberal writes would probably be more worth reading. Be more concerned about quantity than quality. If you get enough people writing, some articles will be good, but you need a steady stream of articles for a publication to gain traction. The way this sort of thing works is people form habits and get used to reading your publication as part of their routine.

