What's Holla Forums's opinion of Saddam Hussein?
What's Holla Forums's opinion of Saddam Hussein?
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Based Arab revolutionary. He's also an anti-imperialist hero that the Americunts had to execute.
He was a patsy, his fault for thinking you can survive a game of chess as a pawn though
eyy lmao
I guess Qaddafi was also a socialist hero in your opinion?
tankie logic
positive opinion.
he's cool, any anti-imperialist force that isn't a tool of israel/america is cool imo.
dead now, but he died a martyr.
yes? both were socialist anti-imperialists so yeah. now the countries are right wing islamic hellholes
look at his future not his past
literally maoist-tier retardation
you a fan of ISIS then
Former Mexicant pres Vicente Fox looks like him. Coincidence?
ISIS exists because people like Saddam were killed off by US imperialists.
Well said comrade.
ban all the redditor shitposters
He was a shitty pro market nationalist
CIA-installed genocidal tyrant. Only fascists and tankies like him unironically.
10/10 for gassing the Kurds
scumbag, but Iraq would have been 100x better off with him than America going all muh imperalism on his ass and creating the clusterfuck that now exists.
Batshit dictators like Hussein by in large keep things in line, Iraq wouldn't be the mess it is today with him still in control.
Let's also talk about other Arab Nationalists
he was a dick, it's just that what CIA and western politicians brought upon middle east and africa is so awful that we feel like we need to worship anyone who used to oppose them.
I love it when secularists/leftists say to me that Ba'athism is secular.
isis is a puppet of israel/america, so… i guess you didn't read what he said.
Compared to most things in the region, yes, yes it is secular.
The US tried to sabotage Ba'athist Syria at around the same time
Ba'athism is in general leftist, eve nif it has fascist tendencies.
damn, i'd rather have aflaq and arsuzi the people who DEVELOPED ba'athism…
All of these people have issues massively, but Qaddaffi was lulzworthy and like bond villain behavior. so Qaddaffi
pretty sure cracking down on sunni and shia wackjobs and having an officially secular ideology….is secularism. respect for the religions of islam and christianity, from a philosophical POV (what Aflaq said) is different than believing the shit is real.
Qaddafi is objectively the least-shit of all of those. He never even genocided anyone!
no, because if you actually see what isis is doing you'd know they are technically a tool of israel/america.
i'm a huge fan of hezbollah/pflp/hamas and the other actors and means of resistance against imperialism, as should you be if you are an actual leftist
Gamal, always gamal.
the original "fuck you" to the colonialist thief
Jesus fuck what kind of shillary is this?
Hes a shit
He was shit but what followed was worse. If various outside actors weren't constantly playing games in the middle east then perhaps it would have worked out better for him.
I doubt he set out when he took over to genocide people and go to war.
Better than ISIS, or any Salafist bullshit.
Still pretty trash, but hey, what can you do when the only people that love you, do so because you're a strong pawn?
I am glad he is dead.
Nasser is mai hazubando
A fine example of an imperialist pawn, and a finer example of imperialists really not giving a single moment's thought of what could replace their pawn once it's perceived to be of no further use.
The fools dismantled not only the Iraqi government, but ravaged and then abolished its military and destroyed much of its infrastructure, setting the stage for the collapse of an entire society. There's divide and rule, and then there's wanton, indifferent destruction. It's a nice case study of imperialism, once thought of being an essentially progressive force, proving to be the opposite in late capitalism.