ok, lets try to see if we can revive them
present your candidate user
Battle royale
Other urls found in this thread:
I nominate Jason Fly
How many nominations total ?
I nominate Throne-chan.
but if we cant get active i suggest to make multiple nominations
I nominate jaguars fan
I nominate Hudson
I nominate Femanon Delivery.
we have the first district
I nominate Mansa "Just Fuck My Gold Up" Musa.
>inb4 WE WUZ
I nominate Darth Nihilus
I nominate Mike
I nominate best nier.
Where was this? On Holla Forums?
I nominate Neko Arc Chaos
heres the first nominations
Can we nominate more people? or just one per ID?
if it keeps this pace of user posting i think we can agree to have 2 per id
will wait another 15min before announcing the rule
Nominating Ducken
Nominating Caim
nominating CURRENT YEAR limey
Nominating the UltraSmurf
heres an update of all nominations
in 5 min i will allow 2 nominations per id
I nominate Jorji Costava
I nominate CIA
I nominate D.Va from Overwatch.
ok contendants, double nomination is allowed now
lets speed up this mofo
I nominate big guy
I nominate
Prinz Eugen
Then The Haruspex joins the fray.
Okay, my second nominee is Hiromi Tengenji from Burning Force.
I nominate… Impmon
Soviet Space Man and CGB Spender
I nominate Inquisitive Sperg
I guess my second nominee is this sectoid
Second nomination is Perfect! Kirby
Someone nominate an X-COM rookie. Make this interesting
Bernie Sanders and Vladimir Lenin.
Checked em, all of them.
I also nominate Razial.
For fuck's sake, I barely have Vidya pictures.
I nominate Cuck Orc
I nominate Shit Eating Grin Riker
I nominate Luigi looking disgusted
In that case, Arino.
How about putting in two doom guys against one another?
Nominating Tracer Gondola for my second one.
heres the situation. get ready we are about to start
I nominate this Thanksgiving turkey.
I Nominate Old Opie Dildock and Poe
Is the nominations full yet?
rev up the engines
Generic X-Com Rookie
Tatsuya Suou
3 spot left
Dam Son
Lets make it spicier. I put this chick that recently made entire Holla Forums butthurt into nomination
Naah that two bit whore with a gangrenous prolapsed asshole can go fuck herself. You faggots shilling the board with 700 pph was annoying as fuck.
Sage because Evalion is cancer.
I don't know who this is I don't get my political opinions from memes so I don't go on Holla Forums but I think she's a good entry for this post alone.
Have it your way.
Based op.
will tripfag from now on to make it simple
well, learn to crop your screens.
They outright said it was bait in their own post and you responded
crop your screens OP
Toppest kek.
OP faster please.
Sometimes a nigga got's to.
it will take double the time
next time will do it ok?
or if everyone is ok i can crop them and be slower
In MSpaint its literally just mark an area and then press the "crop" function. I don't see how that can take "double" the time.
True Communist.
Don't crop them, the other Anons are greedy bastards.
have croped some area. will keep improving on the move
But was it REALLY the Steel Samurai? It could have been anyone in that costume
Should just be using the snip tool and set it to "window" anyway. two clicks to create the jpg.
First blood to Poe. nice.
Already a million times better.
Also goddamn Tatsuya that is some taste you got there.
Oh, cuck orc. You are managing to cure your cuckholdness
I guess he finally became self aware
Ahahahahaha. I bet now Hiromi has to become fujoushi.
It's not Friday, yet though.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who wanted to revive them.
Taofag here. Here's to a new era of shitposting you sons of bitches.
My two nominations are having sexy times.
I ignored those threads before, but it seems its actually fun.
Darth Nihilus confirmed for being scared of girls.
Lenin too.
What's up with those faggots?
im not that user
Is Darth Nihilus the straight edge student council sith?
They're putting on a show. Make em think you are afraid, and then SHOW EM IT WAS ALL A RUSE
What matters, is that he died with a smile on his face. As always.
Inquisitive Sperg is right they are semen demons.
Where the fuck is prince Eugen?Where is my baby aryan girl?
He died knowing it was the current year.
I'm starting to feel proud of my orc
Arino's a trap.
In before Tatsuya rams Arino's butthole.
This is my first time in one of these so I'm not entirely sure how it works.
My guess is the ones who didn't enter the mansion are fucking around doing whatever in the woods and we'll get to them later
Where did Throne chan go ?
So ?
But can you survive in the woods? I doubt.
No, Arino was killed by a character from a game he is good at!
I knew those fuckers weren't trustworthy.
Tatsuya. Please. Stop your sex rampage.
What monster have I unleashed?
I don't get, aren't Cuck Orc is supposed to be a cuck?
Why he is so alpha suddenly?
Nihilus confirmed for being just some massive Sith nerd who spends his free time floating through space watching Neimoidian cartoons.
I guess Arino survived the hammer to later get fucked to death by Tatsuya.
There hasn't been any cannon shot for them so they must still be alive
Because it is on his blood.
Maybe after beating up all the people who cucked him gave him back his orc fucking powers.
Tatsuya wtf are you.
At least before his death he stopped being a cuck.
Who killed the Steel Samurai?
Who's (Player2)?
OP, are you sure you're getting everything in those screenshots?
Don't lie please.
yes….i supose that the scrip is mistyped
Maybe it meant he stabbed himself? I am too confused what the fuck happened with him.
Tatsuya is just unable to give a fuck.
In before dead.
Have some old cancer.
Nice pic.
There were a few people missing during the opening too, like Eugen
Please user.
Get in the forest instead of a mansion = die.
They gone two days straight without food. Think about it.
I'm just glad I could actually find it. Its fucking ancient.
I don't give a fuck about anyone except Tatsuya now.
I hope that motherfucker won't be killed after everything he did.
That's not what I'm saying, I mean we didn't see what happened to them during the opening. Of course we know now
just like in the movies
Don't worry, tomorrow's thread will be much more organized.
No but for real man kill yourself with a helium tank and mask.
I believe this one will end in less than two hours.
People die like flies in this one.
Im just waiting for the next update then I go to the gym for an hour or so.
Maybe if we're lucky I won't have to makr threads at all.
I just wanted to spark a revival, but it seems OP has already began rising the fire.
It's for your own good user.
Seems it was Op who was stabbed by Steel Samurai.
There's no way. Who would care so much about a game like this to rig it?
I mean, we're all just in it for silly moments like pic related, right?
op here. wifi got me cucked out of Holla Forums
fucking aussie i swear
I bet he does it only to jerk on footage of people getting fucked.
Oh you naive user.
You don't remember nepfag?
That's right, only someone extremely autistic would do that, and I know that no one on Holla Forums is like that
Oh well. I guess you can't change history after all.
I-it's fine Razial is just in the spirit world, he w-will come back once he finds a dead body to animate.
Tatsuya fucks D.Va to death confirmed
That was some sexy fucking dead maid I tell you what.
I don't believe this is going to end with tea alone, but with the full hot coffee, if you know what i mean.
Nihilus has gone absolutely insane
Sammy confirmed for Holla Forums
i smell trouble
Why Tatsuya and D.va both at the same time hidden in the same spot after drinking tea?
What they are going to do there?
Oh, its the horseman event of some sort.
suck each other's dicks
Fuck, now Nier is dead too. Well, there go my candidates.
All best candidates left alive.
UltraSmurf, you have failed the Emperor.
IT doesn't matter, we can rebuild you as a Beligirent Engine.
There is no justice
Yet Tatsuya has the most RAPES.
Here's hoping he fucks best Overwhore to death with his rainbow seed
Nigga died from obvious Ebola.
Both of my noms are still alive, but Sammy just got kidnapped
Tatsuya isn't stopping.
Ducken pls, youre not a sex toy just because youre made out of wood
Well shit.
like poetry, it rhymes
They will fuck but only one will survive
aaaaand apparently we cant keep going
no idea what the fuck happened
I need to play persona 2 after this.
ayy lmao
yay! these threads are back
y-you too
The hunger games are off to a fantastic revival already
Just go back to the simulation you dumbfuck.
tried. it brings me back to the menu
well fuck. will you try again?
The only thing that could fuck up Tatsuya's rampage was op himself.
Great job op.
You saved D.Va from being raped.
I like to think she was raped off-screen. Like Iwata
Unfortunate I'm busy the whole day, because I actually know what to do. Hopefully you get someone who isn't retarded hosting later, because I don't know what the fuck you did.
Pastebin once again for those retarded people who can't run the game.
And thread to figure out how to run it.
if you guys want sure….i dont have nothing to do.
if you want an event to occure post it while i get a beer heres the example
I have an idea. Delete all already dead character and ask people to make new nominations instead of them.
Sure. Cheers btw!
thx for it. i know i suck cocks…was my first one
Hey, at least you tried. I wouldn't want the games to be restricted to a select group like before.
Alright, updating pastebin with events now.
ok. OP is back
Nominating Duck King and Blue Mary.
Nominating Dr Piccolo
we submitting nominations again?
here's Adol Christin and Paul Denton
Nominating Jewish Nigga and Zburdo
Nominating Hisao and Vincent
Do you nominate everyone again?
Nominating Katia Managan
Nominating Female Revan
We can nominate again our tributes if they survived the previous game?
And now nominating Vegeta because the other image refused to be posted
nominating matpat
I believe Tatsuya and D.va MUST FUCKING RETURN.
Miku and Chen
Nominating Crash.
yeah, i guess it would have been bad have the same nominations
Nominating Mecha-Hitler.
Nominating Ebola and Char!
Alright. Nominating Rando
Side note, pastebin has been updated with new arena code, so watch out for that OP.
Ultrasmurf again. You have the image up there
Donald Trump and John McAfee
Double D
Dee Dee
Nominating Fluffy Hair
Wait, are we now allowed to nominate doubles?
Albneert Barboozl is here to avenge the unjust death of Mansa "Purest actions on earth" Musa
Nominating the Shagohod and Q.
Nominating Crusader
I nominate Chaika and Catman
Well then, I nominate Neko-Arc Chaos again
Nominating Nemu-chan
This is going to be good. Great nominations right here.
A great return to hunger games-ish threads.
renominating Ducken>>9383057
and nominating Bugzzy
Nominating Uncle Dante and Goddess Furiae
Probably late but Mayor
If it's not full, I nominate Pope Urban II
Nominating Senator Armstrong if it's not too late.
Op, how many slots left, people are asking?
Nominating Yuri and Yuri
Pope Urban reincarnated as Armstrong.
What the fuck hotwheels
looks active now so 2 max
Show people how many slots left, if they believe that its late. Because i don't think you don't have slots left.
Nominating Jieu-kun
I counted how many nominations were posted. 4 slots left.
Nominating Homura.
Hudson 'll make it through.
"Zyklon" Ben Garrison
Nominating Jason Grant
All full now, let's get started!
i still miss some character that are after pope armstrong…getting them
That's a beautiful fucking rooster.
this is going to be a shitshow a good one
At this point, an open tab with "how to take a screenshot" would actually be an improvement
Hope Matt will die in first day.
you could crop the images user, clean up that junk
can't wait for night 1
you cant ask me to crop also the offtopic user
didnt do it since was just a check up.
from now on it will all perfectly done
so much for D.Va getting raped
Its all the Matts fault.
Brad was right about you, you fucking failure.
this is already amazing
looks like Yuri will have a nice moment
Looks like it's up to Trump now to MAGA.
goodby DOCTOR
Fuck you Nemu-chan.
wite wimminz tbh fam
Nemu is a strong bitch.
Game theory DOOD video confirmed
Nemu did nothing wrong. ;^)
Th-thanks doctor
Way to go, Chen
heres the fallen candidates
for shame
This is what you get for putting too many based characters, i guess.
this is horrible. oh well at least Ben is still alive
ben have to avenge the stumped Trump
Back. I wanted to do this.
I know that feel.
The Jews did it and Ben knows
This can't be a coincidence.
5/4, very nice
vegeta miss his daily dose
D.va, that filthy lesbian. She should have that Tatsuya's cock to cure her from her cancerous homosexual behavior.
I can't wait for Ben to go on a shooting spree. Possible killing Alberto.
Nemu is on a fucking rampage.
Tatsuya is not the same this tame. Shame.
OP just get fireshot or something so you don't have to use fucking mspaint to crop shit into multiple images
The plot thickens.
Ultrasmurf is probably traumatized.
It's not rape if it's Dante.
interconnected shit like this is the best
muh lore
will check it for the next time. thx user
I wonder if Adol likes traps.
This is getting out of hand
This is what happens with you when you are a fucking homo. You die from aids.
What happened to our man Mecha-Hitler? You also double-posted an image.
He better have a pure aryan lineage, ol' Ben can smell non-whites from incredible distances
Don't tell me Tatsuya is dead. He has to rape D.va yet.
he tried to have some company in the bad with Q
Did he died?
The Ultrasmurf has done nothing but fuck around the entire time and he just keeps finding dead people/dying people
W-wait what the fuck happened to Tatsuya?
Well, this game is surely fucked up one.
OP, you faggot
you missed one for Night 2
RIP Mecha-Hitler
He probably posted the same image twice, instead of one of the screen of Night 2, where Tatsuya died.
Anyone else having deja vu?
Why is this bump-locked?
D.va is going to investigate who killed her boyfriend Tatsuya!
It appears we are past the bump limit.
I guess 350 replies bump lock the thread.
But we aren't even half way, there are still loads of people to kill off. AT this rate we'll reach page 9 before the game ends.
You know the rules.
Gas yourself, kike.
wait so the bump limit isnt anymore 350?
FFS….well ok
Mark believes that "bump" means ability to post into thread.
fucking boos
Fuck these spectral-kikes
thats retarded
well then ive to speed up before we rech pg13
Jews haunting the mansion killed my waifu and made Zyklon Ben flee. I bet they also killed Hitler and Armstrong with the gargoyles.
down to 6 nominee
who will survive?
down we go
Fucking homos. Got what they deserved.
He knew too much.
That D.va slut has such simple life compared to everyone else.
Is this your first hunger games thread?
I guess she shouldn't had sex with all those maids.
aaaand we are done gentlemens. say thanks to the kike to bump lock and good night
I hope Ducken will be the only one to survive.
Bugzzy had a good run
hell yeah, ducken
Wait, what happened to neko-arc?
When using Firefox press Shift + F2
Type the following into the text field which appears at the bottom:
screenshot –fullpage
Hit enter & a prompt will appear asking where to save the image.
This saves a screenshot of an entire page. No scrolling needed.
thanks to every user for being here tonight. will try again soon. remeber that tomorrow there will be a more capable OP hosting them
Nonetheless great thread op.
I am off to play some jew vegas.
Thanks for the thread OP.
aw yiss
thats sounds useful, at least will be faster.
thx user will use it next time
The command has two hyphens. One was removed because of some weird formatting shit 8ch does.
ops, off with the tripfagging
ive tried also with one and worked fine
Rip peacock the grousst hunter