I tried to play earthbound and mother 3 but everything does crazy damage to me and I'm starting to think I might be...

I tried to play earthbound and mother 3 but everything does crazy damage to me and I'm starting to think I might be just not getting how to play this.

I beat like two bats at the start of mother 3 and they did 50+ damage to me. I mean that can't be right.

What the fuck am I missing?

Well, welcome to RPGs. Mother is one of the more brainless ones in terms of grinding and all that, just keep beating up bats until they're easy to beat up and then continue on.

For Earthbound you can just grind until you learn the first tier of PK favorite-thing and then mow down everything with it. It gets easier from there on because of how much of a statistical powerhouse Ness is.


You're not allowed to bitch about Mother 3 until Miracle Fassad

You can avoid fights or just grind near a hot spring, but you shouldn't have to grind until later. Also use rolling HP, if you kill the enemy while your HP is rolling down it will stop

Mother 2 and 3 are some of the easier jrpgs out there.

Ech, I was really hoping I wouldn't have to grind
that's really annoying

In Mother you have to grind.

You don't "have" to grind in Earthbound and Mother 3, although it makes certain parts easier if you are ahead. In particular the department store, which is one of those really off-kilter areas.

Ness, however, becomes a vertible god really quickly. He's always playable, so he gets every drop of exp. You also get power-leveled cause "muh story" latter on so.

Graphics rip of Dragon Quest, 3 is just lolsoedgy despite comedic tone of first 2. Shit, overrated series. Sage.

Protip: heal yourself after taking damage to avoid dying.

Yeah but I have to buy a shitton of healing items every time

I had to grind in Earthbound too though

>Not New
Miracle is a fucking joke comparitively.

But user Mother 3 starts off in noncapitalist paradise. Healing items are free.


Not in Mother 3, I beat the game without grinding and had little trouble with it. Earthbound you only need to grind at the start before the battle with Frankie.

This. MOTHER games get incredibly easier with the more party members you have.

These games are still expected to be played by children, you can't expect them to be difficult enough to keep challenge to adults.

I played Earthbound when i was 10 and shit was hard as fuck. Not that i had lots of experience playing RPGs too. Eventually i managed to master every cheap trick around.

I have literally never had any trouble with any game, but I've had tons with earthbound

It is not for kids

Here's the attention you so desperately seek.

It is absolutely for kids.

Japanese kids.

Not you casual round eyes.

It wasn't Communist either.

I had to grind to beat New Fassad and I think a bit to beat Barrier Trio. Otherwise, it had a good difficulty curve.

Certain parts of both games are a moderate challenge, moreso if you don't take advantage of niche abilities (e.g. paralysis on the mole boss).

At the risk of completely derailing this thread, you do know there's like, an entire spectrum between capitalism and communism, right?
It doesn't have to be one or the other.


No shit. I support neither.

You gotta grind like a brainless mongoloid. You wont do well in these kind of games if you are a thinking man.

New Fassad was the only part of the game I had difficulty with, but he's still not too tough.

You know how to combo, right op?
Also, prepare to cry

Mother 3 is pretty grindy honestly.

Also, comboing's hard as shit on a computer based emulator, since the timing with the music is all off. Runs best on a flashcart. Hear it runs just as well on a Wii

Learn how to do the rhythm combo thing in Mother 3 for extra damage

what's comboing

I'm playing on 3DS

This is the excuse shitters used because they were tone deaf.
Most emulators for GBA nowadays have proper timing

Think of Mario&Luigi RPG except the action prompts are based around the battle music and the prompts are invisible.

Well that sounds fun

you don't even need to use them once but considering you are having trouble with it might as well.

During an attack, you can press the A button again to add more attacks in, but you have to time it with the BGM. Once you get Duster, you can put enemies to sleep and get a better idea of the timing with their heartbeats, but until then you are going to have to play it by ear.

That's only in Mother 3, right? I don't recall that being in Earthbound.

Alright, cool, didn't try it for a few years.

Tap A to the beat of the music. You deal extra hits, up to 16.

Yeah, I never combo'd because I only played on my GP2X. That shit definitely is off on some things. Still didn't have a hard time with this game.

No. It was added because of the series' GOAT soundtracks

Vid related is a good example of this.

I think Mother 3 soundtrack was bad, except for like 3-4 songs, and it was all the fault of the combo system

earthbound's wasn't that amazing either.
There's a few that are really catchy, but everything else is just bad sounds put together

It depends how you play. I beat mother 3 without grinding without any real trouble. I thought those bosses were tough too, but then I realized how useful the offense/defense altering spells were. They were buffed significantly since earthbound.

I don't understand people bitching about grinding.

You do understand that a major core to why RPGs of all stripes are so satisfying is that you're taking a weak character and making them the strongest thing in the world.

In order to do that you need some form of training (grinding), and a few power gaps that challenge the player to reward their training.

If anything it's realistic, as it would take considerable training for a child (as is the case with most of the Mother franchise) to overcome such odds.

That said it does appear to be a great casual filter as fags who want everything handed to them as they thoughtlessly rush through the game tend to bitch about it.

If you're emulating the game then expect to fail every rhythm combo in Mother 3.
If you're not, ching chong nip nong.

You're so casual it hurts. You do that in a ton of RPGs

Please don't call weeabroo grindan sims "role-playing games"

Grind or die, Japanese mentality of doing repetitive exercise till you feel stronger :^)

I completed both games when i was 12 lmao git gud.


The Wii U release of EB got a T rating on America but a Cero A on Japan lmao.

I'm genuinely sad us westerners are pussifying our children.

I'm going to expose my child to hardcore shit, like I was. Although I was only exposed to it because I had a genuine interest in more adult content and my parent was very open in letting me choose my own way. This country has really gone to hell since the 80's in terms of how it treats it's children. Now every child needs a safe space, which explains how these little shits are acting now on college campuses.

Meanwhile in Japan little Shintaro is taught to work his ass off every day, even when he's playing vidya.

I thought Mother 3 was a mockery of Slavic/Socialist culture with New Pork City being a utopia where everyone is "equal"

Word, being in a safe box doesn't help you grow, it's like a tree without wind. All these little and big troubles you used to get into when you were a kid ended ultimately being something from where you learned a valuable lesson

mother 3 is the most overrated out there

the gameplay is not even that good

And it only gets downhill frlm here with shir like common core

New Pork reminded me of North Korea even

Because people want games to be about player skill as opposed to spinning in a circle mashing A until you win.

That's an oversimplification to make your point have more validation


as a *

But, again, a game focused too much on player skill would lose the whole "Build a character from nothing to hero" thing that RPGs have always based their core on. If your character is already fully capable then it's not going to be very satisfying as an RPG, even if it's a more enjoyable playing experience for you.

Besides, the game is still based on player skill, it's just also based on how you build your character. I mean you could grind to a retarded high level and just sweep everything (though that's not true of every RPG, but generally most of them) but knowing how the tricks of the game and having skill will help you clear the game at a lower level.

Someone explain the (you) meme for me. It doesn't seem to make any sense.

It was a satire on consumerism. I don't know where you got the everyone is "equal" thing.

Here's your (You)

As in, whoever posts the above phrase, or simply (You) is accusing the original poster of baiting for replies

sucks to suck OP

I beat Mother 3 without actively grinding on my first playthrough

it wasn't until I watched a let's play that I realized I was supposed to grind
in short git gud

You're the only one calling it a downvote, you dumb nigger.

I'm probably only one dumb nigger, who's waiting for Mother 4.
And it will probably end up shit.

I'm waiting for it too
Don't talk about it yet unless you want to summon the autism brigade