ITT the most despicable things you do as a consumer of video games

I make a lot of expensive purchases to gamestop for rewards points. I know full well if I went to amazon or a CD key website I'd end up saving more.

I pirate games just to delete them and pirate them over and over again.


I never pay money for video games. If it can't be pirated I won't play it.

Spent $100 in cards to get steam level 50

Nigger are you retarded ?
I'm level 81 and I made money.

I borrow copies of games from friends and family instead of buying them myself. I'n the cancer killing video game.

Does having fun while playing them count?

I am not a jew,

i managed to make some earnings but at snail pace, and steam has been putting all sorts of locks to trading, and even if you pretend it's "free money" it's not because you are spending precious time micro managing shit just to earn a few cents. In the same amount of time you could make 30x the money doing other stuff.

I bought MGSV on release.

I don't erase my save files on game carts when I trade/sell them.

I trade in Collector's Edition games to Gamestop, including all of the extras like art books and CDs even though I know they won't sell them together.

I buy games digitally, don't delete my login info and sell the console without transferring data to a new console.

I ignore Holla Forums's opinions on most games because 99% of the time they're either chalk full of hyperbole or weeaboo dick sucking.

I did that when the cards were new, I stopped as soon as they asked for the mobile shit.
Also, this argument is stupid, if you added all th time I used to go to my inventory, click the card, put the price and clicking OK, I probably put 10 to 20mn and I got about 50€ on Steam. This argument is only good if you have a job where you are constantly monitored and payed by the exact minute, in the vast majority of jobs where you have a computer or even a smartphone, you can probably just go on Steam and do this shit.

I purchased ds2 and dlc for it and remake of it.

I pirate all my games
And I never seed

I bought PS3 only to play every MGS on it
I was playing Quake lIve since beta and got the 2016 re-release for free
I am using Steam for 9 years
I've played Dota 2
I bought train simulator
I bought Duke Nukem: Forever
I've bought Borderlands 1/2
I've never played any Dark Souls game
I'm still using Doom95

What the fuck is wrong with you? Some hacks after beating a hole in a game, yeah. Why be a faggot and cheat yourself? Are you that big of a cuckold?

I only pre-order collectors editions so it is not like am doing any cardinal sin here.

The fact I am buying games on steam is bigger problem, but I only do it when they quoter of a price so the fact I get license instead of copy seems fair.

Oh yeah I wasted about 500h on assfaggots and gave them about 100$. The best part I only liked it in first few hours when I kept playing with full team with my friends. pic related.
It was shit ever since. The deathmatch was fun but I learned about in last 2 days it was up, fuck you riot.

These aren't that bad.

The one that has a billion dlc that cost 10k$?

I whore myself out to my friends so they buy me vidya.

You sound like a pretty cool guy

yeah, this game is so time consuming and boring that i only played 9 hours for three years (which is 4 routes).
But i like this game.

I played Dota 2 for 800 hours over a period of two and a half years before I realised the fleeting satisfaction of victory wasn't worth the constant frustration of playing with Russians and BRs who literally could not grasp the fundamental mechanics of the game.

Never again.

Same here in LoL. You are able to get one good match for 4 bullshit ones and this one is in most cases caused by easy win because enemy team is fighting each other.

The worst part is my friends are constantly playing it so I keep coming back to it.
Sitting with them on TS is more or less listening to them get angry playing this bullshit and later get mad at you when you ask them why the fuck they keep playing this bullshit if it makes them so angry. It gets even worse when you don't try to try-hard and surrender ranked that you clearly lost.
If not for the fact I don't only play vidya with them, I would drop all contact with them long time ago.

I have +3k hours in dota 2 and I haven't spent a penny on it.

I have about 3k hours in Dota 2 and I have spent at least $700 on it.

I will not defend myself. Dota is legit.

Truly devious.

What saved me from spending money is I am in the state where I want to quit, but dota has pretty much become my "Fire up when I don't feel like doing anything" game.

I've purchased a NISA game new instead of used. I support them when they don't fuck up and ignore the games they fuck up. I don't think it's a sin to support good business and avoid bad ones. However, my money could go into feeding faggots that will screw over games in the future.

Already bought the new compendium?

The immortal treasure 1 is SO MUCH SHIT

Just the Phoenix head is cool. The faceless void staff is bullshit, it blocks vision so horribly.

No. I got out of the trap around this time last year. The only cosmetics I've seen have been ones I've glimpsed on streams, and they all look retarded as fuck. Like omega ultra super miracle retarded. Especially the new Enchantress rainbow vomiting javelin.

When I stopped playing, I was already thinking the cosmetics were going down the TF2-tier levels of ugly and distracting. A year later and it's much worse than I had anticipated.

I tell people to look up gameplay videos or pirate a game beforehand and make an informed decision about their purchases.

I didn't pre-order Fallout 4 and its season pass.

I bought a PS4 thinking there would eventually be games

underrated post

The fuck is Jack even doing now?

I pre-ordered Bioshit: Shitfinite (but I regret doing it)

Also, I'll buy a ps4 neo , I really, REALLY want to play bloodborne and DaS3

I pirate games that I never play.

Never again.
