Boring Ass Catalog

Pretty sad how Holla Forums gives more of a fuck about video games then Holla Forums.

Get fucked.

Also, what builds in an RPG do you tend to play as in video games? Thieves no need to apply.

Melee. More recently casters.

>>>Holla Forums

I balance out everything

Why the change?

Does that ever work out?

why don't you go back there, they'll probably welcome your faggotry

Stealth archer.

Full Moxie DiscoBandit

Who /trump/ here?

Nice digits.
Don't you get bored though? I have tried that kinda play style, seems really relaxed.

Fuck off gook.

sorry you dont feel comfortable outside your hugbox.

Im still in aweh how doom gets a cycling thread and any other thread made gets porn dumped, yet Tumblrtale and Rehash Souls 3 is okay.

8ch Holla Forums is fucking boring now.
Where are the dev interviews? where are the gaming events? why do we care about E3?

Holla Forums is getting better

Why just yesterday I only saw a three hundred contrarian faggots who don't play video games!

just like with probably any other imageboard, just use the catalog to get to the good stuff.

That's hilarious coming from you.

Let me tell you a tale of a thread, I want you to tell me which site was it on, Holla Forums or Tumblr.

Its a thread about a recently released game where you kill demons, the entire thread is people circlejerking each other over how right they are, virtue signaling to others that they to hate this game very much and siding with the very media that shits on us on a daily basis purely because they didn't like this mystery game either.

Tell me, what this thread on Tumblr or Holla Forums, the answer might surprise you!

Yea man you're right, if there's one thing a videogame needs its less videogame discussion.

Seriously you just proved OP's point, you faggots don't want a videogame board, you just want a place where you can endlessly shitpost and only pre approved threads get a pass, you want a fucking hugbox.

πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œnever change Holla ForumsπŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ

Any of you faggots gone back to check out halfchan? I am sacred to even see what that place has become.

At least the new admin isnt dying and fucking hookers.

I don't know. Age maybe.


Day of the rope is coming for you.

Well OP, we had a thread about this other day and this thread you just made is exactly like most of the others in the catalog.

Still, i like going enchanter or caster.

At their neogaf and reddit hugboxes, too extreme for 4chan, remember?

I am OP, and video game discussion is fine, but if exclude one major game title, why not just exclude the rest? Like Dark Souls 3? its fucking hypocritical. As for the new DOOM, my friend is playing it right now and said he will give me his impressions tomorrow.

But nigga, what build you do in RPGs?

not even trump can give you that chromosome my nigga πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ‘Œ

Video games are degenerate hedonistic jewish creations.

No one is falling for you, kike.

I am in contact with one of the old head devs of Morrowind, should I ask him? He seems pretty intresting.

Fat people watch anime.

If you think right about it, everything is or links to a jewish conspiracy.

Mate, you can't just fucking start some bullshit like that then be like "oh btw video games".

Except for you. Good one.

If we shat up Holla Forums they'd have an autism attack, but if Holla Forums shits on us we're just expected to take it.
Fuck off, nigger. And don't try to pull the "OH BUY I'M TALKING ABOUT CLASSES IN RPGS" no you're fucking not, not when you start your post off with "Holla Forums cares about video games more than you"

Double standards are a bitch

Just triggering the hugbox faggots.
What is your favorite build in an RPG?

Tinfoil alert.

Enchanter is usually so overpowered.