Specs thread

Post computer specs, discuss specs.

Can anyone shed some light on why this computer can't run a number of relatively low-load games (including TF2 and even fucking Superhot) at a consistent high framerate? I'm planning on dusting my PC, but is there anything else I might be missing?

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I can get 60fps with every maxed out in those games with this setup.

Maybe it's your processor.
I'm going to be putting a 1070 or 1080 in this later this year.

New laptop I got a few days ago for when I'm away on business.

My PC does a good job as a room heater, but it runs everything on or near max settings at 60 FPS so I can't complain.

Try using an FPS config :^)
also TF2 is bloated to shit.

My specs; Ps4

Cum @ me niggers.

What is this software called it was Speccy IIRC.

Yeah man.

Right now I'm using a toaster, so here's the system I'm trying to build. First time building a system, so I'll more than welcome some input on the numerous mistakes I'm making.


Just end me now.

I'm aware puush is shit but couldn't find a new a screencap software where do I find.

I just used bandicam's screenshot feature.

Maybe one day I'll upgrade if only to see if it'll play GTA4 or Crysis 1 better, but I really don't see the point when I can basically play what I want. I mean I can at least play The Evil Within decently on Medium.

I need a new HDD, anyone got suggestions?


Could it be the dual channel RAM? I don't seem to remember having performance issues before I had to take out one of the sticks. Issue is, if I use two sticks, my computer shuts down randomly because the cooler pushes on one of them.

I'm retarded so I'm doing it like this, I wonder how I passed school.
Haswell 22nm Technology
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (EVGA) 39 °C
I know GTX970 and 1TB aren't good but how can I improve, I also have a blu-ray player I have yet to install.

Greenshot, ShareX if you want plenty of features besides screenshots in one software. Anything but puush.

You already fucked up, get a decent monitor instead.

Can't seem to overclock without issues.

They really screwed you in the RAM speed.

Speccy halfs ram speed for some reason. It also doesnt show clock rates on some cpus.

Why 2 gpu? And why now? Wait for the new amd polaris that will come out in June, you're throwing your money away. If you can't wait, buy a 390 nitro that will perform better than these 2 cards combined.

I got an aged friend who has one of those in his basement. Neat thing to look at, I could imagine using it but fuck those cases are huge.

Anyways AMD is okay. Graphics card works fairly well. I would buy another. Now CPU? It handles everything I throw at it without issue, as it should. Still for emulation buy an Intel, without a doubt. I play more old games so the drivers issue people have isn't my concern.
As long as it works, and works well and the biggest thing I want is long-lasting I will make more purchases. I'll buy from AMD again as it's good for the price. BUT FOR EMULATION FOR CHRIST SAKES BUY A FUCKING INTEL. I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD YOU WONT REGRET IT

Bully my laptop
I'm not sure where half my RAM went

What do you mean your ram vanished? It doesn't just disappear, pop open the case and see how much you have. I7's are meh quality. Laptops are merely made for quick function and not really full on computers. If you do it, you can make it last ten years. Though it'll take some perserverance and love on your part.
I would recommend downgrading to Win7, but Laptops parts are more particular to their OS which is bullshit but fucking companies gotta greed fast really.
Its not awful, but the Toshiba one I had four year ago beats yours by far.

Put this together back in December, which is why it still has a GTX 660, was waiting for the new cards to come out first.

I'm happy with it, seems to do everything fine.

Need a new CPU, but i7 6700k is a piece of shit and I'm not really willing to drop 1K on a 22nm 8-core that only gets maybe 5% better performance than my CPU in most games.

potato cam quality pic

huh, I have a FX 8300 and I don't have any problems running Dolphin/PPSSPP/PCSX2 on it.
Maybe the 4.9GHz OC is helping a bit more than I thought.

Is the performance really that bad?

Both sticks are in there but one of them isn't doing its thing. Now I have a project for tonight.

I know I could have built a much nicer desktop for what I paid for this but I'm at a point in my life where portability is a big factor.

depends on the game naturally. My low GPU can bottleneck me, or the software bottlenecks me. Still an Intel CPU CAN make a difference due to it having a more powerful single thread, however we need not go overboard. AMD GPU's are fantastic for emulation, and old game playing however. My 2 GB rarely runs into issues. Products are made by hand, and it's impossible to get the same results.
I overclock mine to 4.0, outside of changing my volt How do I do this safely, I mean there's that forum but how do I do this really? that's as high as I go. It works fine, but I just want consistency.

Yeah. It could be one of the sticks being dead.
See I can take my modem, and tower in both my arms at once. Though I'm 6'5 and have some muscle and big enough arms to do it and I have. Anyways customized laptops are great, be sure to tinker with yours as much as possible. I got 12 GB's of RAM, I would say 8 is fine really. New games abusing parts you don't have is bullshit and bad optimization.
Laptops can work fine, just remember they will never be perfect and you will always need to be careful with them.

Jesus christ nigger, you dont go full amd. At most an amd gpu but not for your processor.

Oh come on now. It isn't that bad. My 8230 works fine. It only has issues if I emulate, though that takes up a ton of resources as it is.

intel 4400 and amd 8670m

I wouldn't even do that anymore as almost half of the games that come out now don't work on amd cards.

I cant speak for amd processors. But for gpus the driver support is null. The only thing I can think of (if youre op) is your shits over heating or if you are running at too high of settings.

Refer to my post


being this much of an nvidia shill

Its because its a shitty AMD device

My TABLET can run TF2 fine and it doesn't even need cooling fans, pic related

Latest modern game I played was DaS3 though. nVidea users suffered from the same stutters I did due to Japan can't into updates.
My GPU works great for emulation, and general use though.

More like amd doesn't give a fuck about PC anymore because they make gpus for all the consoles.

Thankfully it just wasn't seated right. I was being to fear one of the ports was shot or something

wew, just use whats best for price/performance.
Fucking Americans, I know its your "Culture" to suck corporate cock, but c'mon. Stop being such cucks.

spotted the shill immediately

It references the obvious "AMD has no

And with amd you get no drivers and half of your games don't work because of it. I would rather have some issues that get fixed than not being able to play half of the games that come out.


nevermind nvidia performance gimping hard in DX12

Really? Well that's good. Sometimes it can merely be a part out of place. So you're sitting at 8 GB right?
That works fine. However your i7 wont give you much performance in the emulation department. Even so if it does schoolwork or some such than it's fine. Just go for free stuff, unless your Uni gives it to you to abuse. I'd recommend Libreoffice. As it's free and recognizes normal Windows format stuff.


This guy again

just want to add while everyone here is shitting on AMD, that my laptop, which is an AMD E-Series APU, is slower than my tablet by a wide margin and runs hotter despite being in the same tier and generation as the Intel Atom

AMD needs to get their shit together right fucking now

You are just repeating the same bullshit i replied to, so read again


They don't though because they are being kept afloat by all that console money.


It really depends. And most electronic runs hot after long use. I've seen this in Intel, and nVidea before too.

TF2 is CPU bound and most likely poorly programmed. I've done a fair bit of benchmarking of configs, and I've found that almost none of the directly GPU-related options have any affect on performance. 640x480 vs 2560x1440? Almost no difference. No AA vs. 4xMSAA? Almost no difference. Nearest neighbor texture filtering vs. 4-tap aniso? Almost no difference.

But disable ragdolls, and you get 20+ FPS easily. Disable gibs, same deal. Disable shadows, same deal. None of this has anything to do with the cost of rendering these details, it's only because of the CPU cost of calculating the physics and preparing the data.

(yeah, I know why "frames" are a bad way to measure performance, I'm just trying to keep it easy to understand)

OP, I had a worse PC than you for many years. I upgraded somewhat recently and while my TF2 performance increased, I still drop frames on newer maps and such, even with a riced-to-fuck-and-back "pro" performance config. And I still get even better improvements when I disable features like ragdolls that I mentioned above, that you'd think a modern PC would be able to handle.

Try a slightly newer game and I think you will be pleasantly surprised by how well your PC holds up. But if it doesn't, I fucking guarantee you it's your CPU that is at fault.

That said, while Overwatch tends to perform much better than TF2 while looking significantly more pleasing to the eye, having to play that piece of shit made me appreciate how well TF2 feels to play, with its absence of mouse smoothing, decent (though improvable) tickrate, and generally responsive controls.

Jesus calm down user, did Nvidia rape you as a child or something? Christ.

so you like near monopolys then?

retard confirmed

Are you fucking kidding me product apologist faggot?
All three companies work fine. Stop fucking bullshitting people.

Not get their shit together financially (Even if they didn't have the console licensing deals, Intel has to pay them royalties for the x64 architecture) They just need to make an APU that doesn't fucking suck, Bulldozer was a mistake

No I like being able to play video games because my graphics card gets drivers.



Are you stupid?

Naw, its the E-series in general, AMD just cannot properly scale it down beneath Laptop-tier, and they expect it to compete with the Atom, pathetic

the r9 390 BTFO of the 970 and has drivers

nvidia has the shit drivers currently that gimp previous gen cards, 780ti owners are on suicide watch

From what I understand, combining two cheaper mid-range cards can outperform an overall more expensive card.

Not that it matters, I'm already looking at a different card. And it's going to be some time before I get it, so if a new one comes along with better specs and price I'll switch to it.


The AMD E is probably the cheapest APU around and a laptop still has to accommodate budget for bigger storage, a bigger display and interface, adn guarantee it lasts for a year or so, while on a tablet you can pack more cost effective hardware at about the same price because it's cheaper to produce.

The atom tablets go into thermal throttling as soon as you boot heavy games too, there are videos of it.

Look you shits. All companies are assholes. For fuck sake, don't go into this territory.
I don't care if you like X company because they gave you five dollars and a BJ. Fuck yourself.

Go back to your console where you cant decide which company fucks you in the ass.

only in games that support crossfire/sli, and unfortunately many of them don't due to lazy devs i would recommend a single more powerful card


AMD doesn't have heaps of anti-consumer practices that fuck the end user over though


OK then I guess if that helps justify your purchase to you.

I've experienced the opposite, it goes into Turbo and the clock rate jumps to 2.3GHz, the only thing it kills is the battery, my Galaxy S4 got much hotter under heavy load.
its supposed to be AMDs answer to the Atom, hence why they're loading them with HD8000 series GPUs, supposedly Valve is releasing a Steambox handheld that sports a Jaguar core, we'll see how that goes

I don't own any consoles outside an Xbox hueg I bought years ago

You only think that. AMD are fucking arseholes and kikes all the same.

What games you shitposting vapid fuckwit?
Anything I tossed at my two year old r9 270 work fine. fuck off.

list the games then, all the benchmarks i have seen put the r9 390 ahead of the 970, for something with "no drivers" as you put it, still beats the nvidia card

Also, gpuboss is a shit website gpuuserbenchmark is much better

Personal workstation.

RAM is rarely a bottleneck for video games, even if you're on a shitty low speed DDR2 stick. I don't know for AMD but i know for a fact that by default the fan speeds are trash on nVidia and all their gpus constantly throttle without a custom fan curve, could it be that for you?

What should I be looking for in a CPU? Number of Cores? Ghz? or just more recent chips? I have an r9 290, 16 gigs of ram, and an AMD FX-6100 and want to just play games at 60 fps at any graphic fidelity, but shit like Dark Souls 3 and Dirty Bomb refuse to go over 40. I assume I should try to go for an intel processor instead? What would go good with my 290?

RAM speed only matters if you are running intergrated graphics or an amd apu. H

The best bang for the buck i5 processor from intel. Seems like now you can get away with a locked cpu (one you cant overclock) and be ok. If you got money for the unlocked one then go for it.

bottleneck is probably your CPU but yeah, go for intel. AMD lost it's "we have a better bang for the buck but don't have the best CPU" strategy long ago

At this point GHz doesn't mean much (see the gigahertz myth) nor does number of cores necessarily, just do research, see reviews (beware though since a lot of reviewers can be paid shills) and finally ask around to get second opinions

Just go for an i5 or a unlocked one for future proofing, i3s are bottlenecks and i7s are too expensive for just gaming. If you can wait AMD has their new zen cpus coming out in october and are expected to match intel. Hopefully they are cheap as their previous offerings.

The reason why the current batch of AMD cpus are under performing is a flawed design and about 40% less IPC (instructions per clock) compared to Intel. Meaning they have to clock them high from the factory like the FX 9590 with its nuclear reactor like 220W TDP.

Alright, thanks. Looking into getting one right now. Looking at an i5, looks like I gotta get a new motherboard too, unless an Intel chip would fit in an AM3+ slot? Probably not.

Also found these while browsing Newegg

nope, amd chips used to fit on intel sockets but only when AMD was just cloning their processors

Aight, thanks.

Z170 mother boards allow overclocking only if you get the 6600K or 6700K but they require you to purchase an aftermarket cooler as Intel no longer supply them with K series cpus

The other types (H110, B150 and H170) are basically board quality and extra ram slots, multi GPU compatibility, better VRMs ect

If you are not interested in overclocking i would recommend a i5 6600 and a mid range B150 motherboard

Any protips what to change in my PC to actually make it decent?

My hard drive is actually tiny
Only like 50 gigs

cpu, mobo, a graphics card from the last 5 years

You are okay on ram though, it is a bit low freq

What should be my priority to change?


Probably graphics first then look into a cpu and motherboard upgrade if you have the cash.

Do you have sauce on that video?

I dunno if buying whole new PC wont be cheaper, maybe reusing RAM

do you have a decent case and psu? you can probably reuse them and the hard drives

Dunno, its probably pretty shit
Its just a random piece of metal

I will probably save for new PC

The original is a rant by Jerma985, dunno about the SFM animation.


are you sure you didn't go full retard and make your partition smaller than the hard drive?

you don't need a new cpu

that cpu is trash
2 wd blacks + a ssd are beyond retarded
The case is trash
Juast fucking go to logicalincrements you retard

Its an HP OEM Prebuilt, 50GBs sounds about right, its probably one of those low-profile PCs you see in office cubicles and hospitals

My 3770K even at 4.6GHz is straight awful at encoding and rendering, not to fucking mention if ever I want to record some gameplay my frames get slaughtered because intel quadcores are absolute dick for uses that require more than one fucking core.

And I really do not feel like spending $1500 on the new broadwell-e deca core just so I can not have half my fucking CPU die be a shitty iGPU that is literally deadweight

If you're wanting to expand it's lifetime a little bit you can just get a 120GB SSD and and put your OS on it.
But other than that you would need to replace just about everything.
New CPU requires a new MOBO, new MOBO (if you get Intel CPU) requires new DDR4 RAM

Depending on how much wattage your PSU is you might need a new PSU if you want to get a new GPU

Honestly though if you're looking for a quick fix you could always get a new Polaris GPU (won't need to upgrade PSU because they're so efficient) and a $30 120GB SSD.
CPU will bottleneck it but you'll still see huge performance gains.

Gonna add 8GB more next month as it's really cheap now.