ITT: The best boss fights in vidya
ITT: The best boss fights in vidya
Wouldn't it just be the first boss fight of every game?
First pic unrelated I hope cause that shitty hog was shit
What do you mean? The first boss is usually tame as fuck and generally not that fun to fight.
I actually liked it, it was a nice reversal of fighting these huge colossi. Plus I wanted to include SotC in the OP and I didn't have any other images.
Seconded, remove undead and dragons at the same time
I see you likeā¦ Dick, you homo
Seriously though, him telling you to put your controller on the ground and then have him move it via use of the vibration function, and then having to beat him by plugging the controller on the other port was fucking genius.
The End is my favorite MGS boss, though Mantis is a close 2nd
scrubby I know but I wasn't as good at vidya back then
I really loved The Stygian from Darksiders. It doesn't give you a break, but it's fair. It had to me the enough difficulty to keep you engaged but not enough to become frustrating.
Also I really liked the horse-riding and shooting.
I don't know, it make me feel the kind of excitement that you get from good adventure movies.
when the game was brand new, I didn't exactly know he could be defeated via old age.
Eh, fantastic game, pretty weak final boss fight, compared to the much superior first phase
The reason I thought Dark Bishop worked well was a simple one: the defense mechanics on Dragon's Dogma.
The enemies in DD:DA could have ridiculous defenses. Firedrakes were so heavily armored they could sexually identify as attack helicopters, and the average Cursed Dragon could solo the whole of the base game. Daimon carries this into effect, and without consumables, is an ass to kill unless you just spam holy bolts like a faggot. And the Gazer is the fucking Gazer - it's just a giant Evil Eye that can't even teleport. The hardest part of the fight is running downstairs to grab your Pawn every time they run off and get themselves killed. Besides that, shoot the fucker. Or jump and grab if you feel brave.
The Bishop puts you in a cramped room with what appears to be terrain for cover - until the dragon reminds you that its a giant fucking dragon, and stone pillars can be broken. The defenses are high enough to resist a good degree of damage, but even with end-base-game weapons you can tackle it without resorting to consumables. Those are just a bonus for going faster. During the fight, he has spells going off, forcing you to stay on the move while working on the dragon. Like That One Fucking Chamber in the Everfall, you have to be wary of both big monster tactics and mage tactics.
Not to mention it being visually impressive, or the fact that it's literally one of the only fights in the entire game where your holy attacks are second-tier, and dark attacks lead the way.
speaking of Vergil
Nelo Angelo is my favorite DMC boss
but that might just be because of his theme song
This jew simulator has the best boss fight I've ever seen in a point and click adventure
Probably because it's dialog based and has no point and click
Crying Wolf > The End
Now this user knows what's up, sadly however this is the highlight of the game
Final boss of DaS3 won me over surprising quickly even if he wasn't too challenging.
Doesn't have to be actual boss fight, right?
It can boss-like event fight, right?
Then when do you only post shit bosses and why do you play your sonygger fanboy cards so obviously?
Every Souls/BB is literally
Shadow of the Colossus bosses are all terrible. Not one exception. Third boss is literally worse than every Bayonetta boss except the ones in 1 that are infested with QTEs.
Probably one of the worst designed bosses ever in a game. Or do you only care about cool presentation and music?
What makes him so horribly designed? It's probably one of the better bosses in the game.
Fuck, this game is pure cancer.
Probably the most overhyped game of all times. Not surprised it's NeoGAF approved like Souls.
Every boss fight in Metal Gear games are pure cancer and utter shit game design. Sometimes they are funny and have a funny gimmick but gameplay-wise they are cancer. Especially MGS3 bosses.
Holla Forums Holla Forums is even way, way worse than 4chan Holla Forums. Both are disgusting, though.
So go back, faggot
you're not from here, and you can't into anything with even the lowest skill bar apparently.
Maybe all those sequences where the gameplay gets stopped so you can watch him laughing and throwing things at you which you have to destroy or when he just jumps through the air doing basically nothing. Absence of gameplay.
Or when you have to buttonmash on his head with the small hitbox which just looks and feels terrible.
Yeah, because I'm hating on those terrible bosses because they are too hard. Especially those Shadow of the Colossus bosses which literally can't kill you.
Holla Forums Holla Forums is pure cancer. FIlled with braindead casuals and sonyggers that don't know shit about gameplay.
The first one is a compromise to drop in health for weaker players but it is lame, I didn't much mind the second part you're being hyperbolic.
always had some trouble getting on the sandworm.
kinda ruined the fight for me.
just shut up and filter him, you faggot
It's not hyperbole at all. Those sequences sum up over time. Have you only fought him twice? After the fifth time you literally want to kill yourself when he does this shit.
Yeah, such an amazing boss fight. Especially when you're planning to go no-shield without having the requires 20 iframes to make up for his hitboxes and utter shit tier game design all From Software games are infested with.
I've literally only fought him twice, the game doesn't hold enough replay value for me to keep playing it over and over.
Mine would be the chimera from Dragon's Dogma, it's a fun fight no matter what strategy you use to fight it and it's moveset is pretty varied but fair.
couldn't get the webm under 15MB without it looking like dogshit
I went through the whole game without ever using damage boosting consumables (including Daimon's second form), if you think they are necessary for anything then your build is shit.
expected this to be the first post in the thread
It is also CUTE.
This kills everything, humor, cuteness, everything.
Hey, I don't remember Armored Core having hitbox problems.
Souls is just a shit series that people like because >muh challenge
how does chimera eats meats if chimera is goat?
Now you're just being a faggot, like the other user.
It's a pretty good game, but it require little skill, it just doesn't give you a lot of clues on what to do, and that's not really "hard".
"Low skill requirement" is how he described it. You are actually the faggot here, fam.
It's literally Monster Hunter for braindeads/the Skyrim crowd.
Also a NeoGAF approved game, not surprising.
Never played Armored Core but after all those terrible, overhyped Souls games and the even more awful King's Field games I really can't imagine this developer actually made some good, non-monotonous games.
But yeah, didn't play it.
I'm the only one in this thread who isn't a faggot, show some respect.
When did Holla Forums's taste get so shit? Seriously, a good boss doesn't have to be challenging. If you think those are synonymous you should fuck off.
If you've got a last gen console, 4 and 4 Answer are pretty good. Kinda rough, and niche, but if you like robots and going fast I reccomend them.
Maybe I'll show some respect if you post boss battles you like, Mr. no-fun faggot.
Good point.
you can keep trying all you want but noone's going to fall for it
Do you actually believe a word you're saying?
You seem quite frustrated over being wrong.
I STRICTLY mean thematically.
What? I'm not saying buy a console, i'm saying if you happen to have a console that came out 10 years ago, you can play this game.
You might wanna consider killing yourself
Just a friendly advice
And show me the emulator that can play PS3 games at full speed. Multi-core designs are a bitch.
You're a fucking idiot, m8. You said 'muh challenge' was the only reason people like Dark Souls. The only reason you would say that is if you didn't finish it. You're the anti-thesis of 'games are art' faggots, in that you think games should only be dense combat experiences without a thought for the environment the game is setting or the themes that its trying to get across.
I bet you hate old Doom too.
Alatreon is my favorite boss fight.
You're really going at it, eh champ
Why the fuck did this thread come to this?
Why the fuck can't we turn every single thread to shit?
what's wrong with the OP?
He just lists some boss fights he likes and then asks anons to list their favorite bosses
He's fucking with you. he just wanted to derail the thread. I already took care of him
Excellent hotpocketeering
Keep your eyes peeled, there have been many similar low-quality posts popping up left and right in the last hour or so
Understood, thank you user. I'll keep an eye on the recent posts page. I recommend reporting them as well
ily mod
I feel like the other bosses are just a variation on this one in terms of tactics. This is also where the game really comes into its own.
what ?
He was even better in that Toyota ad.
Excellent taste
I know that Metal Gear Ray isn't even close to being the most interesting boss fight in the game, but it damn well is one of the best tutorial bosses of all time
You damn well better, because that final boss was tedious as fuck (extremely satisfying when I finally beat him with a friend though)
Ray is also one of my favorites, simply due to music and presentation.
It's an excellent opening.
This is a bait thread right? I mean Celosia is easily the worst in the game. It's a painfully linear drawn out platforming section then you repeat Cenobia riding on it's back. If you fall get hit at all it takes days for Waner to get up so you will get hit again and again until death.
Vergil 2 is also shit as he just spams one of two combos over and over and over until 70% health then he enters devil trigger and spams them faster. At 40% he adds the same yamato moves from Vergil 1 in. And the DMC1 phantom swords nonsense juist makes you have to go defensive.
Every fight with Metroid Prime in all 3 games was fucking great
Fucking love fighting a furious Rajang, no matter what rank you are, he can push your shit in if you drop the ball for 1 sec.
I'm playing MGR for the first time and i've been loving it so far.
Yesterday i got to that faggot and he whooped my ass.
As soon as i run out of emp grenades to disable his "you can't cut me" bullshit i just get raped
Level 140 Furious Rajang is the most satisfying kill, solo or in a group.
The final colossus was much better for me, mainly because I was fucking PISSED about Agro not actually dying right beforehand.
Orphan of Kos was my favorite Bloodborne boss, not only for its theme underneath all of the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and presentation, but also how high-octane the fight was. I had a huge adrenaline rush when I first killed it, easily my favorite fight in all of Soulsborne.
Forgot my embed
The monsoon fight feels so great when you've mastered parrying, especially when he launches into those fast paced combos and he doesn't touch you once.
He wasn't especially hard, but he's definitely one of the most fun bosses I've ever fought.
Best part of alan wake right there. I still have children of the elder god on my music list and let ie play whenever it pops up. Same with the poet and the muse.
Oh look, it's all agile, player-sized 2D bosses.
Seconding this. Literally the first game I played with a dedicated Jewish game mechanic.
Also nice spoiler user.
This was the most HYPE moment of my childhood.
Starmie will always be one of my favorite pokemon
Runner up here with the fight with Red.
That Snorlax swept my whole fucking team
Some great ones that come to mind.
Bad taste coming through.
Oh yeah.
Oh, it's feasible to do, if you build specifically for it. But if you're changing playstyle and class from time to time, such as when going for maximum ranks in every discipline, you will end up with too low of scores.
At least until you grab some BBI3 weapons. Then you can do whatever the hell you feel like. The only real trouble at that point is if you're playing Fashion Dogma.
Maybe not one of the best of all vidya, but definitely one of the best of modern vidya.
Certainly the most fun fight in this game.
I like all of area 1 bosses in DeS.
Blob is a great first time boss and actually introduces an important gameplay element of "don't you fucking dare to attack more than 1 enemy at a time you greedy fuck".
Knight is pretty easy, but looks fucking great and the fight theme is fucking Berserk.
Teleports behind you is the giant enemy with sword fight done right. Shares its theme with Tower Knight so that's that.
And finally, Griffith. Nice buildup and a great fucking fight.
The most memorable at least, took me 12 years to beat this guy
are you retarded
all of bitchers bosses were utter shit
mainly due to the shitty primitive helicopter-twirling combat mechanics themselves
Every boss in that game.
I was kinda meh about the game until I got to the first one.
I couldn't put it down after that.
i cried when i killed him
I don't think he compares to many bosses even within the series.
Nostalgiafags pls.
Is it really a good fight from a gameplay perspective? Making you change controller port wasn't even that cool because you're outright told to do it rather than having it be hinted at. After changing ports the fight's the easiest thing in the whole game.
Shadow of the Colossus is overrated.
he was so depressing to fight man
like he didn't have that much Wow factor
and the fucking music
everything he built went to ruin
everyone he had stabbed him in back
+he is an elder god tier villain
what a sad man ;_;
that's the point, when you meet him you're so overpowered and he's just some hollow.
It's like a mercy killing.
I'm talking even from the point of view of him being memorable. I get that him being hollow and withered is the point.
actually no, fuck off.
He was tricking humanity (the descendants of the pygmy and holders of the dark soul) who were supposed to be the next rulers of the world into sacrificing themselves to prop up his rule.
fuck gwyn.
he did because he knows that humans are fucking idiots how can't do shit
he knew that humans will destroy everything he did
He didn't do shit except lord over them and have them serve him. The power of fire was never his, and could be transferred or given to others. The age of his rule was supposed to come to an end, but he didn't allow it to, condemning the world to constant decay because of his greedy clinging to the fire, which was supposed to pass into humanities hands.
oh and, at the end he didn't sacrifice himself. He sacrificed his KNIGHTS.
When the natural order of the world means a huge black hole which causes brain cancer consumes everything, linking the fire doesn't seem like such a bad idea.
the abyss and the dark aren't the same things. The abyss is sourced from manus, who went insane and has his humanity go wild.
The "age of dark" is essentially just not the "age of fire," recall that at the beginning it wasn't the abyss, it was a land of archtrees and dragons.
There are some, like me for example, who never played the game, user.
second form is shit
first form is great. all his animations are superb and he feels like a genuinely powerful entity. noice dialogue and buildup to him.
dark bishop is just some random nigg who gets memed on by maelstrom
His name is mentioned in the attract mode video, his appearance is revealed in a very early cutscene, and the game came out nearly two decades ago
This picture is reddit tier cancer
That's a really shitty list and reasonings, it always has been.
Phalanx was the best. It pretty much combined all the awesome parts of the game into one:
Daimon himself is a disappointing boss who goes down one of two ways: climb that motherfucker or blast him with laser beams.
On the other hand, he does have an amazing boss theme.
I still wish he had looked more like this
I should clarify: When I say "disappointing" I mean "disappointing by the standards of Dragon's Dogma", which still makes it a better fight than most, and one of the top ones to come out since the 90s.
Whether or not it's easy is irrelevant.
It was original, neat, and completely unexpected.
Overcoming challenge isn't all a game can be, user.
It was pain and misery for one long hour.
Doesn't the Colonel tell you to do it directly if the player never does it themselves?
I can't remember, but i might have missed it. I am sure I called everyone I could but the whole "changing the port" was not in my mind at any moment of the fight.
If you fight him without parrying he's a great fight though.
Like a Penetrator, but slightly better.
fine taste