So in the end, what happened with this?
I haven't heard from this shit in months.
So in the end, what happened with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Waifu autism circlejerk and SJW still asshurt
already ran its course and nowadays is little more than circlejerking and internal drama, but it did achieve good stuff in its time
It went the same route as the MRAs: Irrelevant, controlled opposition, easy to bait, easy to exploit for clicks.
Their board is dead, their general circlejerk is kind of dead, their subreddit is doing kinda OK. They still bitch, complain and want to censor devs and journalists not falling in line with their ideologies.
Faggots on social media are still using it as a spooky scary. Good enough, makes them look like a bag of rocks.
everyone in gamergate committed mass suicide
hurry up, they're waiting for you
This. The only good thing that came out of GG was the first exodus but now this whole website is trash so it didn't matter anyway.
it fell victim to yellow journalism and in-fighting
A-ha I've found the root of the problem
it helped the people they were against.
also baby's first real-world experience.
Liberals/reddit hijacked it and castrated it. GG was only effective back in 2014. It's pretty funny that sjws still get triggered about it today.
Leftists refused to do anything because it would hurt their PR and then it died because nobody did anything.
Oh and they are now the boogymen of SJWs everywhere and their PR is worse than ever so everything they did for their PR was for nothing. Which ended up being at least several tens of thousands of dollars.
Nothing. A few people cashed in on the outrage by starting up their own sites or running slut camshows to get all the autismal neckbears to donate their NEETbux. Mostly just a lot of really good laughs. A few, expendable low ranking SJW's lost their jobs and feminism is as strong as ever.
Dubs thread it is.
believe me user, you don't want it, I only saved this image for reaction image purposes, you REALLY don't want this
I can already tell the artist is that Manabliss guy and holy shit you do NOT want to look at anything that guy draws. The artstyle is more disturbing than any fetish I have ever seen.
This. What a waste.
I literally go out of my way to find weird shit, I get a good laugh out of it. For example the famous works of Horihone Saizou are what I read just to start my day.
I'm ready to get dangerous
lol ebin XD ur so hardcore lmao
Got anymore?
Hi. Have you seen that thing in white plastic? Its my Gamergate. I may reopen it when the /a/ needs my help.
Jokes aside:
>We got a new weekly talk show in b4 Undertow comes in to drop the Spaghetti
These are all relevant developments for Gamergate. I have already said half a year ago that it has ended on its own and we took our old topic back. At this point ignore Plebbit. It went into this thing for pretty egoistical reasons (fightan the fempire) which are more successfully served with more fun evolved in their EVE online subplebbit.
If you want to do something, here is >>>/8diamonds/2718 and a few things on >>>/gamergatehq/
A gashing wound is not sign of strength.
he literally just told you who the artist was
When those cunts are speaking at the fucking UN and deciding the direction of new movie releases, I'd hardly consider them injured.
Reddit happened
And getting dismissed
Pls. Hollywood has been in the hands of sexually damaged people for decades by now. What do you think went down the shitter first and much faster.
This. Never trust plebbit with a right wing uprising. Thidran and some other fags in the digging IRC channel were obviously from plebbit too.
May god have mercy on my soul, here is the cover so its easier to reverse image search. The artist is Horihone Saizou, the images I posted aren't even from his best work, his art style has been compared to the likes of 'Akira' n such. A lot of it is just interesting just to look at, almost like some sort of spectacle, like what the fuck will this guy draw next?
It's really full of nothing but autists who badger japanese devs on twitter to join their circlejerk, and sexual deviants like that homer belvue faggot or whatever his name is.
They don't do anything else but blow non-issues as far out of proportion as possible so they remain tangibly relevant.
I read Saizou back when Drainage City was being posted on Holla Forums in like 2005. I've masturbated to his stuff several times. Dog God Kokoko chan or whatever is my favorite.
I was calling you a fucking faggot for writing a blogpost about how hardcore you are, looking for weird shit.
In before "n-n-no i didn't mean that" you fucking autist.
Holy shit, ghazi's still posting on this site?
So I was right.
they just turned into reverse SJWs
If you tell them they're just as bad as the SJW's they give the same response every time. It's hilarious.
Half of them became GG+ the other half became GGRevolt with varying degrees of "success", the hashtag outside of the US is still kicking a little since a few other countries are adopting SJW philosophies in their media.
Reddit happened.
What, calling you a faggot because you're trying to play the whole "lol both sides r dumb" schtick?
Is it really "reverse"?
The shills are here in full force I see.
That's not the schtick at all. You niggers are dumb. You niggers are fucking retarded. I can hate SJW's with a passion and still think GG has still gone off the deep end. How about you pull your head out of your ass and see the world in more than 2 colors?
He's not doing the "both sides are dumb" thing. Gamergate is actively full of deranged morons who care more about stupid shit like PR or approval of people who have no reason to care about niGGer affairs.
Like there's way more than just two colors to the whole ordeal.
GG was retarded from the start. The whole "ethics" thing was nothing more than an excuse to go after "SJWs" and shit. Those faggots only saw it as a moral justification to fling shit. Spoiler: SJWs did the exact same shit except for way larger (and more retarded imo) reasons.
Much like SJWs, they are delusional nutjobs.
not sure, it basically boils down to this:
Aw shit I remember that one, it's actually pretty good fap material later on
check em
lol theres always that one guy.
PR. P fucking R. I hate PR so fucking much it's unreal. PR is the reason I stopped giving a shit about GamerGate. PR is the reason GamerGate stopped being productive and started turning into the fucking slog of monotony that it did. And you know, when someone brought up doing something nice in the name of GG, I admit I was all for it, because I thought that was the beginning and end of it. Then every other fucking "operation" was about making GamerGate look good instead of actually coming up with ways to deal with shady journalist bullshit. PR did more fucking damage to GamerGate than any SJW could, because no one gave a shit about the sea lion or the feminist donations or any of the other "this will make us look great guys! :)" shit that became the norm.
Fuck PR. I'd rather see change than have people like me.
Seems about right. Then again I stopped following it pretty fast once the e-celebs took over so I guess its mostly an outside perspective.
you have to go back OP
Mostly this
First we had the Zoepost. Everyone wanted to talk about it. But then reddit, wikipedia, forums all over started shutting down the discussion saying people were brigading and attacking women.
People were fucking spooked. Like why out of fucking nowhere couldn't people just laugh and talk about the latest internet drama as usual?
People got suspicious and started asking around, people made vids about it, things started to get bigger.
Then the "Gamers are Dead" article came out, saying all gamers were shitlords and such. like 20-30 of them all on the same day.
That's when GG started, not only to protest the collusion that led to Quinnspiracy talk being shut down everywhere, but also what was behind the whole Gamers are Dead Articles.
Eventually whatever group behind the scenes had eventually gotten to moot, because he had changed the mods quietly behind the scenes, and banned GG and cashed out soon after.
Is ironic when you remember how GGHQ which is basically the capital of GG+ was against having e-celeb threads outside of the containment one but turned out maybe they just wanted to avoid those getting exposed individually and so forth.
no cucko
His "gf" at Gawker who offered funding for his meme baking site.
Most people in this thread are just talking out of their ass and don't know shit since they "jumped ship" a long time ago but chances are they are Holla Forums retards who joined in late in the game don't have a fucking clue exactly how everything went and started and just regurgitates everything that is posted on Holla Forums. They don't know shit.
As for OP, I wont even bother to answer your question since it's obvious you're not even from around here.
ugh, finally we can get on to this
Can we get Jim to ban those guys out of here
things would run much smoother if gamergate was out of Holla Forums
We could finally get more users for all those dead boards
They were just so "toxic" from the start
I am just telling you what I saw from the sidelines.
We won't get as many users as you think unless someone fixes the site.
Gamergate is more or less dead, but I don't think it was completely for nothing.
It led to many people showing their true colours, devs who would have otherwise have gone unnoticed and let's not forget the moderation staff of a certain imageboard.
Eventually there will be an incident that will start a fire, we can use what we learned from Gamergate's failure when the time comes.
Someone should give the epic Josh a-log that is Vordrak a thread on /baphomet/ to mess with him because I think he is a fucking faggot for making Gamergate look bad and the fact that he manages to be equally as pathetic as Josh.
Gamergate isn't dead, KIA just had that drama involving Kiwi Farms not to long ago.
What kind of incident would do the trick? cuz I am getting tired of some developers censoring stuff for the sake of pleasing people who will not buy their games anyway.
It's goozergate that's in now not gamergate
Quit being a doofus.
Holla Forums was a part of it day 1. They were just as outraged as Holla Forums when moot sold out like a bitch. GG on the whole was just comedy material for them though.
Not to mention Revolt's constant sucking of IA's dick, despite claiming to hate all e-celebs.
Really, GG's major problem at the moment is switching to "watchdog mode"/a coma, and not dealing with smoking guns like the whole fucking indie award mess. Gawker is tanking thanks to mostly Hogan and a little them, other game journalists are more of a laughing stock than usual, SJW has been exposed to normalfags, and the actual or imagined conspiracies are probably beyond most of our reach, although I know /8diamonds/ are probably doing something decent and they're probably best off. What has GGHQ/the general done recently aside from slacktivist complaining about censorship? What has Revolt done at all?
KiA is a fucking joke, they are no more effective than Ghazi.
It's just that Ghazi trips on their own hipster beards and KiA laughs and them and claims victory because Ghazi blames GG for everything that goes wrong in their lives.
Yet KIA is alive and kicking and growing everyday.
GG is still around, still fighting. You have many defeatist in this thread, but we will still continue to fight no matter what.
Don't forget about that time moot removed the captcha from 4/pol/ and placed that "cuck-guide" audio for liek a week
"The cuckening" i think was the name of said event
That's my problem with GGR, they are still too much into the whole Holla Forums thingy, not sure about HQ these days, I think revolt kept pushing the "Rappening" and the Maria Mint files but other than that they basically left 8ch for good.
I see the summer picking up like it did last year. Many GGers are in college/highschool.
And another thing, one of GG's first big "PR" stunts was apparently Holla Forums's plan. The TFYC funding that was pushed fairly early on had some decent support from Holla Forums. I believe they thought it would make GG "PR untouchable" or something similar? It's been a while so this might be my doodle memory talking, so please call me a fucking retard if I'm wrong.
Just because they are a joke doesn't mean that any drama that happens to them isn't relevant to GG.
Well, you would know
8/pol/ never recovered from that.
lol the diggers will dig to the end of time and have a library of evidence to send to who? The ethics police? The cyber police?
Seriously, maybe at the end of the Universe you can walk up to God and maybe God will deliver judgement on them. Since no-one, not the press, not the watchdogs, not the law, not the corporations, have done one thing to stop them, IN TWO FUCKING YEARS OF THIS.
Remember that one article about a journo who was at a Rock Band party and only wanted to talk about other shit? it was so horrible.
first post is right again
time for dubs
Give it time. No one ever said GG would be over in a short amount of time, More and more are waking up every day to the awful shit SJWs have been doing. It will take time to get everything back to the way it was. This is just like the 90s, that took years.
but half of em eventaully went back to 4/pol/
sad but it is what it is
Colin Campbell.
Jesus fuck the shills in this thread
No that was correct.
Holla Forums was naive though, in thinking that the press weren't also in the same clique as the ones they were attacking.
So any positive PR stunt from then on was doomed to fail, since the San Fran Tech people could spin any shit they wanted, the stories would be sourced for more mainstream rags, and then it would head to wikipedia as a reliable source.
Well they can't send it to Fox News that would hurt your PR!
The excuse of one who has no argument. GG is still around and it's still trying to fight. You guys can be defeatist if you want, but we will still try.
I don't even know, it's hard to be surprised at what devs/journos pull these days. Censorship doesn't seem to bother the normalfag, they'd have to fuck up extremely bad to piss off them off. But ever since Gamergate, they've gotten better at hiding their tracks. So corruption is probably here to stay, but the tides are turning on SJWs, who are mostly responsible for their own downfall, though you could probably credit Gamergate for shining the spotlight on them.
Didn't some guy named Netscape create a Gamergate council or some shit?
I liked GG when they weren't libertarian cucks or redditors.
These corruption levels are getting closer and closer to Mexico's levels of corruption though.
Go back to your containment thread where no one is allowed to disagree with the hivemind. Adults are talking about the reality of the situation.
Go back to endchan faggot
Also like it or not, people might not use GG anymore, but there are many people within Holla Forums sympathetic to what's going on. You can fight corruption from SJWs and censorship, and not have to be GG.
So you never liked GG?
How fucking slow are you gg is just a banner
Nah, he's just an over eager guy trying to become an e-celeb. He is trying to do better things, but is really misguided.
It was referred to as "Holla Forums harbor"
I think that stunt along with the "Istandwithbaharmustafa" tag was to convince neutrals to watch how the press/sjws were lying/engaging in doublethink than to actually convince their enemies themselves. And to laugh at them backtracking, censoring, and generally getting mad over it.
That's basically what I said.
I am a GG advocate, I agree with you, GG is not a movement or a group, is just a banner, no need to use it, just do what's right and that's all we need. (as in "we" in general, people who like games period.)
I see your point. I hate SJWs and Censorship, but I just don't want to associate with GG as it was hijacked by wannabe liberals on Reddit.
When talking about disagreeing with the hivemind is met with "get out fag lol" you know its time to abandon ship.
Even without all the jim nonsense this place feels too much like 4chan now, what happened?
I'm seeing more and more people everyday shitting on games media and showing their disdain for censorship, it will just take time.
No, there aren't more people doing it. You're just noticing it more because you're paying more attention to it now.
lmao reddit doesn't even do shit but circlejerk you homo
stop making them a boogyman
Exactly, I just wish Nintendo didn't allow those parasites within, now is too late and I want them gone forever.
Revolt's entire involvement there basically consisted of laughing at it and posting the (3DPD) nudes that resulted from it. I think it's less Holla Forums that's the problem and more, I'm not sure, but Revolt as a whole doesn't seem like it's got any sort of aim.
We can only hope, but I think we'd need some sort of kick in the ass, and if the journos or industry won't provide it, maybe we can provide it ourselves.
I'm half surprised Holla Forums didn't figure that they could spin anything to make anyone look bad, but I guess they hadn't quite lived through it themselves yet.
GG was originally right-wing, but cucks from /r/TumblrInAction who believe that SJWs aren't real liberals hijacked it.
See you are falling into the same trap that many who have fallen out of love with GG have. Don't make it political. You are gonna have people on both sides, no matter what. Most of the people who still "fly under the banner" of GG have realized there are 2 sides that have come together against these corrupt people destroying the industry.
Yeah GG has gone beyond "I'm part of GG" now. People all over the place are laughing and pointing at the retarded shit.
Problem is, you have a generation now raised on the tenets of intersectional feminism being believed like its the law of gravity.
It will take a looooong time for this shit go away, they are everywhere, students, professors, business owners etc…
Actually I hope they fucking drown themselves if Trump gets elected, would save time.
But siding with liberals will destroy a movement. Liberalism is a disease, a cucked disease.
I've always been a big advocate for less censorship going all the way back to Jack Thompson, there are more people now against it.
This is a myth
it became 4chan circa 2013
Then substantiate your points faggot
not cry no one takes you seriously
BreitBarts been reporting on it forever. If Fox hadn't picked it up by now then they never will even if you stapled it to the head of the anchor.
So you don't remember when digging was basically killed because everyone mocked them for trying to discuss who to hand over all the information to.
Well thank you for admitting as much
Libertarians aren't liberals.
I see people try to use the Fox News PR thing as a way to shit on GG, you people do realize most in GG left and right were against it because Fox News has shit on video games many many times. They would do the same as the rest of the media.
Are you quoting every gamergate fag?
Digging was never killed, people are digging right the fuck now. Probably less due to burnout.
I'm still waiting for the massive worldwide blockbuster story on the wikileaks files… oh wait that never happened.
They evidently are.
And this is the most obvious "GG is dead..again" goon circlejerk I've seen in days. Outside of Holla Forums, of course, since they're especially terrified of seeing that alliance together again & have to make daily D&C threads to prevent such a thing.
It's amazing to see people still scared &/or asshurt about this making threads telling you how dead it is & how much they don't care about this shit they keep posting about.
That proves nothing. There are many people on the left within GG who hate SJWs, myself included.
No, I think that was MundaneMatt.
We're going to see the verdict of Gawker's appeal against Hogan a week from now. Gjoni's still fighting in court, and so are the Honey Badgers. Greg Alan Elliott also won in court, and Canada no less, so launching lawsuits could help, but the problem is they proceedings move glacially slow in internet time on top of being very expensive. Otherwise, the FTC & pulling ads are the remaining arsenal until devs and publishers alike finally get the balls to tell SJWs to fuck off forever.
Denial is very natural.
Just archive, then dump porn and gore. It's usually enough to make goons go away for awhile.
I'll dump lewd in the meantime.
Dude, not every person who is/was part of GG thinks that having a circlejerk/echochamber/ waifu/e-celeb/shitposting thread up all the time is the best idea, since you don't fucking do anything except what you listed above.
If something actually decent in gaming news and corruption happens then it would deserve its own thread. But all the GG thread is now is your autist reddit-tier circlejerk.
Don't fucking pretend it isn't
Matt says digging is bad when it results in someone getting fired.
Well my point is, GG was an anti-authoritarian movement, it had nothing to do with left or right.
That's the fucking point you cuck. Liberals like you who believe SJWs are not real liberals. Even though they are. It's like the fucking "terrorists don't practice real Islam" excuse, so sandniggers can rape all the 3D lolis they want. It solves nothing and devolves the society into liberalism's cuckery.
Fuck off back to Reddit and stay there so you can suck a jew's foreskinless cock.
No that wasn't your point. You posted a statement. That statement is false. Libertarians are liberals, or more accurately autistic liberals.
What if you're a moderate?
It was before we went off a tangent, a tangent that I really don't care about.
There's a difference between being a liberal and a fucking progressive authoritarian, like it or not. People within GG who are on the left and right are working together. Doesn't seem to stop them. Don't me like our enemy and oust anyone who disagree with politically.
SO? GG, like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, or Holla Forums in general isn't one person. He's not a leader, and there were celebrations had when the $140M verdict dropped against Gawker.
Conquest’s Second Law
I don't give a shit. Its about your individual post. Can you even read? God you're autismal.
Why are you getting so worked up over this?
Why do you think people went on and on about "having no leaders" since the beginning?
So you're buttmad leftists arent ditching the left?
Just be happy both the left and the right are pushing back at extreme leftism.
Shit got stupid.
I'm a stubborn retard and don't know when to quit. I started the ride on halfchan in 2014 before the exodus, around August and September. It was a time I still remember distinctly, because there was a lot going on in vidya: The first FNAF game was getting generals [we were the only ones who really knew about it at the time], tumblr was still recovering from the summer's raids, Shovel knight was just released, Smash was coming out, and of course, we rose the fire and declared war on the faggots ruining our hobby. I found myself tethered to my PC, constantly glued to whatever thread was up because this period was more exciting and more important than anything I'd witnessed. We adopted the whole "Gamergate" name because it would make things simpler, but it was a mistake, because it made us easier to attack and smear. Things got really turbulent, mootles revealed his true self, and we made our home here. For the next month or two the site barely worked, but we stuck through it for the sake of giving the finger to halfchan. Past October, things started getting really depressing. We stagnated, and Reddit picked up our slack. Unfortunately Reddit is Reddit, and they're fucking retards. They turned the ideology from Holla Forums and Holla Forums's baby to a liberal puppet. Over time the average "GGer", if you could even generalize such a thing, went from an angry redpilled loser to a liberal who just doesn't like SJWs.
We started playing by their rules, and that was the mistake. They say "Games are misogynistic", and we tried to argue that they weren't misogynistic. But, that's still admitting defeat and playing on their field. What we should've said was "So what if they are?" But reddit was reddit, and our message became diluted. It got to be too fucking much for me and I abandoned ship in December, realizing it wasn't salvageable. What followed were depressing times: We had the great DDoSing of January, posting errors, and bullshit divide&conquer raids for MONTHS.
Fucking lel this is always a surefire way to spot an autist that realizes he just got destroyed.
Whatever makes you feel better.
Oh yeah in before a feigned smug dismissal from the autist.
All you've done is call me an autist.
Called it.
Not smug; just confused.
It's like you're in your own little world here.
It got replaced by MOVIEGATE!
If anything it gave us Backpack Cuck, so there is that.
Oh man please keep doubling down on your own autism. I should make a flowchart or something lmao.
You called that I was going to reply? Fucking incredible, print it out and get your mom to put it on the fridge.
This thread was brought to you in part by Silverstring Media™
Stop trying to meme this
That whole "working together" shit made Holla Forums get invaded by Redditors by the hundreds. Letting the boards get infiltrated by faggots who believe the "good nigger" meme or people who think only third-wave feminists are the cancerous ones. They screenshot every "le ebin memepost" to /r/4chan and /r/Holla Forums so they can get their pretend internet points. Who actually have Steam installed on their computers, and believe having a Twitter account is alright. Crossposters have existed in the past, but not this many. Go back to watch your wife fuck Tyrone, and don't forget to vote for Bernie!
There is no "extreme leftists", only leftists.
Definitely flowchart worthy.
>>>Holla Forums338892
holy fuck that infographic is awful, can't read shit past the giant red circles and it's all uncited clickbait
Here's your (you).
Not only that, Holla Forums is now ran by a newfag and a redditor himself.
we've been through a lot of shit together brother. I'm honored to have spent these times shitposting with you fuckers
no homo
it became the SJW boogieman and now you don't even have to do anything to get make them go full retard and.
Normalfags are waking up shit because of how retarded they have been lately, just look at whats happening with AVGN right now
Do you have the crayons and paper to make the flowchart with? It can go beside the Nostradamus-esque prediction you made on the fridge.
I completely missed all of this. Goddamn. Maybe I should go make a well reasoned argument in video form so people can shit on me and I can lap up those views. Build a following.
Going into the flowchart.
Your mom will be so proud of you.
We just had the [Vague passive aggressive insult in order to boost your own ego after failing and being blown the fuck out at every turn].
Are you finally out of options? Is it just repetition of that from here on out?
Fun fact: If there's an ideological identity label going around in American social and political circles, chances are it's being used in the exact opposite way it was intended
I accept your concession.
Concession to what? We were just shitposting back and forth.
If they actually cared, they'd ask the general thread or at least assess whether or not they're doing anything from the content of the thread. This thread was created solely to bitch about it and it shows. I recommend keeping some Shekel Shoah archives on hand if neo/pol/ starts trying some revistionist bullshit.
they still have a daily thread where they share ebin memes with eachother
i'm sure when something bigger than a crybaby article happens they'll kick up more sand, but honestly i feel like more games are getting censored than ever and all these shitty clickbait hurt feelings publications still exist
guess everyone forgot that normalfags are the ones buying the most games and they don't follow internet controversies, and most the time aren't even aware that games are being tampered with
in the last ten or fifteen years this "living language" bullshit became acceptable, where words are glibly redefined as things they don't fucking mean
like "discriminate", went from
"to be able to see the difference between two things or types of things"
"to treat a person or particular group of people differently and esp. unfairly, in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated"
destroying our basic concepts of communication for the sake of agenda peddling.
Well, #TorrentialDownpour was created to deal with the censorship in games, but a group of faggots decided to spam it with bots after the failure of linking it with Allison Rapp.
Jesus Christ can you sound less like a beta user.
your entire fucking post can be summed up as
When it's this very fucking attitude is what let them get this big in the first place. PR aside, which wasn't an issue in the first place, any form of information distribution that can help redpill normalfags is help. Holla Forums can't help with that because most methods to help keep Holla Forums stable like Paypal or Patreon were blocked off to anons here since Holla Forums is a "hate" site. So Holla Forums can't grow too big too fast. The best we can do here now is what we have always been doing. Gather information and spread what we can. You faggot.
ITT: Lo-Ping and the Holla Forums clique on suicide watch.
$10, gone forever.
Are they considered "boogeyman" in the same way revolt are now?
Lo-Ping and the rest are basically KiA/GG+ most of them got their e-celeb status now and are fine with their outrage at SJW retardation videos.
Oh, I get it.
When you can't derail a thread by shitposting and shilling, then why not create a thread whining about it. Classy, mr. (1)
Sounds like you just described revolt minus hounding others for being e-celebs.
same thing happened with the word "conservative"
Used to mean "prefer to keep things the way they are because you believe they work best that way," in general and more specifically referred to those who opposed the French Revolution and desired to protect monarchy and religion's place at the center of society because even if this wasn't perfect, it was seen as guaranteeing a greater balance of personal freedom, moral perfection and social stability than what the Revolutionaries brought. It was pro-individualist, pro-aristocratic and anti-democratic/anti-socialist
In contemporary America, it means you're a young earth Creationist who wants more state control, thinks we need to waste all our money spreading democracy to everybody who doesn't want it and establishing a far reaching military-industrial state that listens in on our phone calls and traps you in the country to make sure you don't say "Allah" or "I don't think Israel is the best ally we could have". Or it basically means you're a national socialist who wants a big welfare state for the white man.
Oh please, just continue your rampant of how triggered you are by mean liberals on Holla Forums
Gamergate was an event, and that event is long-past over. Most people that were involved are probably engaged in the larger culture war which wasn't really happening before Gamergate.
There's no reason for Gamergate to live on.
Its still a topic worth talking about and will continue in some form or another,it just wont be called gamergate.
The way I see it, GG is now very spread out fighting skirmishes here and there. We're not one hivemind lined up behind one leader, but a group of individuals with different ideas on how to protect gaming. Journalists pronounced us dead on multiple occasions, yet we still persist and haunt their dreams and have become their new boogyman. When the time comes where there is serious a call to action to protect gaming, we'll be there.
Go be happy on endchan.