Rare Stirners

Post rare Stirners

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According to Errett Bishop, "Mathematics is common sense", would you say 1+1=2 is a spook?
Sometimes it means "given your stated goals, the rational decision is XYZ"

Just my 2 cents


He is wrong cause i say so.
Subjectivity wins again!

Just use the booru retards


I would say that's a fucking stupid statement. Most people are not very good at math.


reddit refugee here
are there many stirnerites here?
I am a unique one and don't know where to hang out online

Almost none. The only ones that were has transcended to anarcho-nihilism famrade.

He doesn't know the implication of these words in this place doesn't he

have some dignity you fag

Pretty spooked that you create a sense of worth that can only exist in comparison with others. Le i havent even read wolfi cause i actually know jack fucking shit of insurrectionary anarchism man

I'd still suck off that horse

nvm wrong guy



clearly hasn't read wolfi
dude do you even resist the logic of submission


What the fuck am I looking at.

U wot m8?

I wouldn't throw all objective truth out the window.

not this fucking shit again

For /pone/




