Battlefield 1 minor leak
The jewishness is frothing from this
Battlefield 1 minor leak
The jewishness is frothing from this
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Or am I slowpoke, haven't seen this anywhere else on Holla Forums
If there was ever a sign that modern gaming was truly dead, it's this.
what a surprise, and they can conveniently blame all criticism on racism too
Hoy shit that is fake as fuck, did none of you slim the video?
I did not, explain
Why am I more upset he horribly mangled the name of the fucking mg than the fact that he was going on about how it was a fucking high capacity tactical assault weapon?
I meant to say skim, but the item description for the sling is stupidly fake, go look at it
Someone please kill the guy in the video please, preferably brutally?
Made me chuckle.
Are you a masochist
even without DLC the game will more than likely be complete garbage.
I hope you guys don't think this is real.
No, I'm a furry.
You think?
Its real, the faggot leaked Battlecucks 1 before the other leaks.
Thank the people that bought season passes for this spiral into shit.
You're joking, right? Everything about this video screams "Troll".
Dice is retarded, but there's no way they're putting ACOG sights on fucking twenty pound machineguns from fucking 1908.
I simply can't believe it, the sling makes fun of itself and the shitty slow pace of the game, and there are acog sights on the machine guns. I refuse to believe it.
capped for future keks
I swear to god if this turns out to be real though I'll probably just go sit in a corner and cry.
Why cry? A shitty game gets micro transactions, that's it
Why waste your time when you can masturbate?
I'll cry because retards will defend having red-dot sights on World War One era machineguns and the game'll sell like hotcakes.
I'll probably do both at the same time, honestly.
This is like that Fallout 4 comment responding to a spoiler, saying "There's no way bethesda would allow such a poorly written story" or something like that. and it turned out to be true
For real though, how does a Battlefield game get to be even more jewy than Call of fucking Duty?
The video is a fake by the way, youtuber is famous for fucking with people.
Just look at the comments
EA. Activision at the very least doesn't have a monopoly on sports games so they have to at least try to make something people somewhere want to play. EA gets off scot-free with well over half of their releases.
Its real nigger, Bluedrake is a cancerous hyping reactionary shit crease shill, but its real, he somehow got his money grubbing hands on an inside source.
Please use adblock and use something that doesnt give him any views, heres the non embed link.
Fucking shit
Greed never dies, either.
His voice just makes me think of DSP so I'm naturally inclined to distrust him.
Good man
This is a vid from Bluedrake. He also did a "beta gameplay" vid for Battlefield 1 which was just Verdun footage.
He plays jokes. All the damn time. He loves to be an ass and a troll.
I really hope so, because there is no way someone saying Machinewinger would be able to breath long enough to make youtube videos.
What about that "leak" that new BF is gonna be futuristic/sci-fi?
Can this shit also be a PR stunt, to make everyone "happy" once this turns out to be false?
Didn't those things weight likeā¦ at least 20kg?
Jesus fuck, how are so many posters here falling for this? It's a good ruse since it only seems fake when you look into details, like that fucking sling description.
I find that weirdly hot
Well hope no longer, cause he's just a retard that thinks stupid shit like this is hilarious. He just took jpegs of guns from World War 1 and made a shitty GUI interface in order to make a stupid joke.
I had streamed with him a couple times before and had to tell him to stop being a fucking retard so many times, but then when you mess up, or crack a joke, you're suddenly the retard.
To make this as short as possible there's a reason why a large part of the Project Reality community hates him.
We should just outright disable embedding.