Explain to me

Explain to me Holla Forums that there isnt a anuddah shoah conspiracy going on

w h i t e g e n o c i d e


How can white-genocide be real if all the white "race" are in fact pink not white

bunch of art got tagged as "black people in european art" and few art was tagged with people in other contexts.
If there was a global conspiracy to eradicate white people, they probably wont accomplish much if their plan is to indoctrinate people through 3 or 4 google image search results.

Depiction of non-white subjects was pretty common in European paintings.

the burden of proof is on you to show how google results are tantamount to genocide

she's looking pretty good

Because the first Holocaust was enough.

There won't be another shoah.

google adjusts its results based on search history.



Google does this a lot, "american inventors" gets you nothing but black guys.

Dont know enough about computers to tell you why.


i'm seeing a pretty equal amount of both black/white, if you actually go to images the most you'll see is ben franklin

it probably is some intentional way to promote diversity but like so what? it's not like these people aren't inventors and it's good to be educated

That is a bit spooky, I thought it was a shop but it's not

wew lad

notice that if you just look up 'art' or inventors' the most you'll see is clipart or white people. it's just that minorities are more often mentioned in the context of specifically american/european things when talked about specifically
i looked up some german politician Holla Forums is circlejerkng a few days ago and like the third image result was literally from stormfront.

this place is not even leftist
this board is filled with redditor liberals who deserve to be gulagged

how is it less spooky if it's all white people? your Holla Forums is showing

you forgot your nazbol flag

All of this white guilt, black lives matter bullshit, accusing literally any non-liberal (even corbyn) of being anti semite tell me that porky is up to something really big.

..ok good thing none of that's in here

If you look up "European People" and "European Art" both bring up images of white people. European People Art show up because a bunch of people tagged on pinterest as "black people in european art"

The burden of proof is on you, not us.

99% of Europeans pre-modern era were white

..ok? what does this have to do with drawings?

Too many Holla Forums bait threads. Where are the mods lately?

Also, how do you go about being a mod? I'm not doing shit daily anyway but lurking here. I might as well help out.

The board owner needs to get off her lazy ass and take some more on.

personally I think she just enjoys watching the shitshow

it's always funny how much tanktards and Holla Forumstards have in common. Maybe this is where liberals get their horseshoe theory from

Yes! Its all going according to plan

On my recent Labour leadership election candidate booklet Owen Smith was backed by the Jewish Labour Movement.

Fuck the Jewish community tbh, it's like the LGBT community, a bunch of fuckos claiming to represent the entirety of a group of individuals and using it as a crux to bully others into doing what they want.

Smith can take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, promising 'radical anti-austerity' - That's the exact point of Corbyn you fucking scrub. It really rustles my jimmies so much I have to laugh at Smith trying to out-corbyn Corbyn, making the entire purpose of replacing Corbyn with him completely fucking redundant in the first place.

She's a buttfurious tankie who wants the entire place to burn because of how regularly they get mocked.

What in fuck?
There are tens of thousands of different cultures and diasporas of white people in European history. Shoudn't this be what comes up from searches of african people art? What this fuck is this?

Your post is like something a retard puts on Yahoo Answers