The consumption of pornography is, indeed, a very unhealthy practice that must be dissolved. When one embraces this lifestyle, one either goes one of two directions, partially determined by the intelligence encompassed by the one composing the procedure. If one has a dull degree of intelligence, one will most likely amass themselves as a rampant sexual degenerate, frequenting deviant establishments and locations and consistently conducting sexual courses of action extra-maritally. On the other hand, if one is competent (at least to normie standards), they will shield and cocoon themselves within their abodes, fancying photographs and videos as an adequate substitute to anyone of the opposing sex. Both of these lifestyles are components of a new-age vanguard against the traditional family structure, and have to be denounced and eradicated if you are to sustain a civil and western nation. Pornography is one of the many pillars that are pinning up both of these fashions of life, and if you were about to get verbal with me because you didn't believe my earlier assessment, gaze at (((who))) owns the pornography industry in the first place, and then think as to (((who))) you were about to defend.
Pornography may not be what we should prioritize organizing against, but be wary, as if we enforce our more important whims (As in restrictive immigration from the Third-World), pornography will be awaiting like a viper if it isn't properly handled. It can deteriorate any society that we have build internally, as it, similar to drugs and incest, doesn't require any foreign entity to be dangerous. As long as it is permitted to exist beyond punishment, it will always dismantle a portion of our own into anti-family scoundrels.
This industry of perversion must be banned, if not regulated, in order to allow us to function in a synergistic fashion with our family culture.
Pornography: A Tool to Undermine a Nation
Other urls found in this thread:
I always wondered why its so hard to find jews in porn, but then its blatantly obvious. (((they))) run the porn industry, they dont like it when the masses have strong morals and non-degenerate choices.
What do you guys think of pornography for women like 50 shades of grey etc.?
I think the growing interest particular of young women in these materials is worrying, because it amplifies their natural weaknesses: Hedonism, disobedience, selfishness and so on.
It is no wonder so many young women are wasting their lifes away riding the cock carousel and ending up as lonely spinsters with 50 cats.
Pornography targeted at females is far more dangerous and repulsive than pornography typically consumed by males. Females have a lesser tendency to salvage themselves than the male, their natures are to malleable and their bodies too influenced by repetitive sexual experiences.
Spoiler that shit, faggot.
Libido dominandi. Read it.
Ron Jeremy, James Deen, there's lots of jew porn actors, participants, scumbags, whatever you want to call them.
Reported. Miscegination when the male is white is still miscegination. Getting off to dominating inferior races' females is still degenerate, and also you are a faggot that can't fuck any woman, especially white women.
Daily reminder that all misceginators and mongrels die on DOTR
Most of the "performers" were jewish until the explosion of amateur outlets in the 2000s. There's infographics somewhere on phone, don't have em
Do you guys have a link for it? It's really hard to find.
Never mind, it's been posted to /pdfs/. Autosage for faggotry.
to be honest, I'm torn between beating off and not beating off to porn
I know the vast majority here are deep thinkers and have a critically honest view. Here it the subject matter in question.
As you can see, that is some smoking HOT Japanese 3D erotica
The previous anti-pornography thread had shills defending porn like it was a sacred jewel and it ended up being bump locked.
Nah, the previous porn thread had a one liner low effort OP.
No different than "regular" porn.
I'm not into JEW American or European porn, I beat off to Japanese porn. I like how the little JAV stars have that plausible deniability going on, all… no, no, no….and then turn into wild innocent sluts that fuck 4 guys in a row. Then go back to being innocent damsels.
Kill yourself, Holla Forums. You're not even trying.
Theres really something wrong with you.
One day you're gonna self-destruct.
You're up, you're down, I cant work you out
You get a good thing goin' then you blow yourself out. Silly boy you self-destroyer.
It promotes infidelity, giving up one's sexual purity for alcoholic negros, lesbianism, etc. It's possibly more dangerous like says, because it targets the most important element of family unit, that of motherhood. Why start a family when you can just cockride your whole life and get instant satisfaction?
Have fun wasting your life on porn and letting the pornographic jew's hex have a hold on your brain.
Pornography is poison. I was addicted to it since I was 13 and watched it almost daily for six years.
It can really mess you up; I still shame my degeneracy and how I began to see people as sexual objects.
When I got off it, and it was tough, I began to see beauty and innocence there where before I saw only lewdness.
It's amazing to be mostly free of it. The desire is still there for sure, like heresy rotting somewhere within. But I fight.
Another day, another "anti-pornography" thread.
And still not one mention of perhaps the biggest and most serious problem with pornography is the very real, widespread damage it does to families. Male use of pornography undermines trust in women to the point where many opt in favor of non-committal affairs with men, since most believe (rightly so) that modern men have not a loyal bone in their bodies.
It's time to stop talking about the effects it has on 'male health' and acknowledge the bigger issue. Have some empathy for women and maybe they'd actually give a second thought towards this 'cause' or point of view. There is a reason they fall so far into the clutches of feminism. Modern society is a terrible deal for women, and feminism seems to be the only answer presented. Why not try presenting traditionalism as a good alternative - which actually holds decent respect for them as a gender, instead of just behaving like a nigger with all this 'muh-dickery'. Women are not going to flock to a movement which views their existence as a gender as an unfortunate one - since what kind of even semi-intelligent woman really wants to feel like "oh how unfortunate to have been born female, if only I was male then I could be valued, respected and worth a damn" - it isn't healthy.
There is a bigger picture to the porn issue than just 'muh brain scan statistics' and 'muh dik won't work'.
Same user. My addiction started at 11 and ended at 16. Its insane how much you realized you have missed out on when you finally quit. All of that testosterone, confidence, willpower, and focus was taken away by the jew. Especially what you said about beauty and innocence. Pornography can royally fuck up your perception of women and can make you visualize them as meat holes. Its sad. Pornography can both destroy a man mentally and physically, and drive a wedge between man and woman spiritually.
You just posted this thread yesterday, and it was anchored without the garbage images in OP.
That picture is so beautiful. Here are a couple of my favorites.
One day this war is going to end, and like all wars when it does I am going to want to keep Tanya von Degurechaff and Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov close and safe.
First time I heard about it.
Desire for a traditional wife and having a high regard for family isn't a polar opposite to masturbation or whatever.
While the world is full of crazy degenerates and has gone crazy, some tend to overcompensate.
it was anchored because the volunteers are absolutely afraid of anti-porn becoming a thing, the board is already pretty anti-pornography, but nowhere near the levels of actually making threads about it.
the thing is, if you start hating porn on this board, Anons will do research, which then will end up turning against hentai, which then becomes a clusterfuck because its a massive branch for anime as well, the clusterfuck would be so immense that we would have anti-anime threads all over, and obviously being the shitty weebfaggots our moderator/volunteers are, they will defend their hentai fetish by banning threads like these and furthermore anything in the future.
The fuck is going on in that thumbnail?
Well, ladyporn usually promotes a number of troubling behaviors. The bodice ripper genre used to be rife with beautiful women being swept away by burly handsome men.
The new era of "supernatural romance" preys on the unhealthy mentality promoted by the jewish media. (As a quick aside, 50 shades falls into that category because it started as Twilight Fanfiction) – Namely that women can do no wrong and that men must struggle to keep them. That they don't need to have personalities or a healthy internal life or any kind of self discipline, because it is the man's job to follow along and accept her actions unless she might hurt herself.
Additionally, it promotes the image of the brooding, wimpy faggot who, likewise, has no real personality or desireable qualities besides being pretty and brooding. Men, in these stories, are often literally monsters who cannot overcome their nature to be the ideal mate for some bland author-insert until they prove their love and dedication for said author-insert.
In other words, it promotes a selfish, narcissistic, narrow perspective for women, but frames it as idyllic and romantic, even if the relationship is actually abusive in every way and wholly destructive for both parties.
I keep trying to kick porn but its grip is strong. Its only harder because I'm NEET as fuck. I am redpilled on porn as well.
My HDD is dying right now, so it might actually help me.
The problem with anti-porn people and hentai is that their arguments don't sync up when it comes to Japanese 2D. The Jews aren't in on hentai, they're not using hentai as a degenerate subversion tool, they don't own the hentai studios. All of the shit wrong with 3DPD porn doesn't really apply to 2D hentai – except for the blanket general no-fap argument that is against fapping in any form for unverified broscience reasons.
Desire for a traditional wife and having a high regard for family isn't a polar opposite to masturbation or whatever.
While the world is full of crazy degenerates and has gone crazy, some tend to overcompensate.
It's not about masturbating, it's about watching porn in general.
What do you mean hard to find Jews in porn? Almost all of the "white" women in porn are actually Jewesses with a lot of plastic surgery because it's hard to find white women who would do that kind of work
You're still masterbating to a cartoon lad, its anout ethics and dignity at this point.
The embracing of this would still bring about the problems that I have elaborated on within the initial paragraph of this thread.
Also, another negativity I was reluctant to mention earlier is that the consumption of porn is very hazardous to already marries couples as well, as if a man takes up this practice he will be less loyal to his wife and family, making it prone to shatter. This goes for wives as well.
Stop kidding yourself. Hentai is just as degenerate as 3d porn.
Possibly moreso as art can present things real life cannot.
Some user in another thread made a good point about 2D as well. Something along the lines of art plays on imagination and goes into the soul of man. Having such filth breaks that barrier down and reduces art, in all its forms, to something lesser. Beauty matters and rape, paedophilia, scat etc. is the opposite of that.
I wish porn was a problem so I could stop it in order to stop having a libido of a 50 year-old. I'm in my early 20s and virgin. I rarely ever fap to porn (once a week or 2 tops) and have above average test levels, but that's it.
What the fuck's wrong then?
I mean what's wrong with my libido.
Low self-esteem kills your libido. If you live with your parents and haven't made progress towards a career, then that, coupled with being a virgin, will kill your sex drive. I know. I was there, once.
It's porn all the same, no matter if it's 2D or 3DPD. Just look at furries, they are degenerate and they mostly watch 2D porn.
Hit the nail right on the head with this one m8. If I had the economic means to live alone I'd have done it long ago tbh. My career options are constantly expanding though so I guess that will be a helping hand soon.
Porn: content designed to sexually arouse.
There, now that we've defined it, no need to argue about hentai. As outlined above by another user, even written material can be pornographic.
The issue isn't the definition of porn, it's the idea that porn is bad because it's a Jewish plot to destroy the goyim – which breaks down because even though the Jews control western 3DPD porn outlets and normalfag sites like pornhub, etc, they don't control Japanese doujins and hentai. I have a hard time believing a hentai doujin about a loving married couple having sex for the purpose of procreation is a Jewish plot.
Behind all decadence is the jew
(((Al Goldstein)))
The Bill Gates of Porn
The Great Porn Experiment — One More Devastating Jewish Globalist Influence and How to Overcome It!
Interracial Porn Isn't Profitable, It's Political
Jenna Jameson's 25 Good Reasons Why No One Would Ever Want to Become a Porn Star
Jews and Porn
Jews Dominate the Production and Distribution of Porn
Jews in Porn
Jews in Pornography, with Rabbi Gary (((Katz))) and Mike Kulich
Jews and Pornography
Jewish Extremist Anti-Gentile Hatred Present in Porn Industry
Jewish Family Values
The Jewish Masters of Porn
The Jewish Semen Fetish Examined
Jewish Porn Star James Deen
Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography Used as a Weapon Against Gentiles
Nathan (((Abrams))) on Jews in the American Porn Industry
Porn Shackles Society More than Patriot Act
Pornography as a Secret Weapon
Pornography, Sex Slaves, Prostitution…Why are These Businesses Dominated by Jews?
That Jewish Porn Star
The True Purpose of Jewish-Sponsored Pornography
Study Archive of Jewish Pornographers in Modern Societies
Weaponized Porn - Our Judeo-Pornographic Culture
You can break people's conditioning to interracial porn by spamming scat and calling it interracial.
Wrong. I have a high drive despite being a NEET loser.
I just want to make sure that it is okay to jerk off using just the imagination. Porn addiction is a struggle but I've been using my imagination for the last couple weeks and it seems to stave away those temptations
Does this sort of thing come naturally? Help an user out there pls.
This is obviously a goon thread, they keep pushing and making new threads even though they continually get anchored.
Ayy lad, you just have to get past the initial withdrawals from sensual pleasure. Best way is to avoid any triggers and never let thoughts take root if you understand. Just keep moving to your next goal. Even if it's just getting out of bed to the bathroom. Don't let your thoughts take over. Turn away from them. Keep moving.
>>>/nofap/ if you want to learn more about it
I'd rather do that that have a nagging house wife that rarely puts out. Doesn't matter though because android wives/husbands will be the future. I know it won't stop you Luddites on the right and left from trying to stop it
Same user from the anti-porn thread yesterday. I beat my addiction to masturbation by watching anime. I realised how shallow pornography was. Through romance and comedy, anime could fulfills the emotional needs that I tried to supplement with porn. Me quitting porn was almost accidental, but after I began to watch anime regularly about a month ago I haven't had the slightest urge to jack off.
same thing
What? What kind of a faggot is the man then?
How the fuck does fapping makes you less loyal?
Or are you so weak that the promise of getting sexual release from your wife is the only thing that keeps you loyal?
Most of what we are is natural.
What? Men are second class citizens in modern society. Women are given power/preferential treatment. Women will not give up the power they've gained, if you even manage to do it you will have to use brute force
Being against pornography doesn't indicate that you are against anime. Amalgamating the two as synonymous is like criticizing the concept of books because occasionally there is published erotica. Anime is a platform, a medium in which anything can be presented. This would naturally create unhealthy and healthy variations. As you've stated, some forms can remove the urge to masturbate completely.
Remember that Sixpack Joe is going to be deterred from his wife when he discovers a wide array of porn. It tramples upon the inclination to remain adhesive to any relationship, and marriage certainly is not an exclusion from this rule.