Clive Global warming is a Chinese hoax Palmer Help us make Clive a racist meme Australian Mining billionaire has started making strange haiku poems on fb. He is also trying to reach 100kg
Clive was a breakout independant member of the 2013 Parliment and stood against Chinese investment and made numerous anti chow/anti CIA/anti Global warming comments. His politics is apolitical, tending towards independence and libertarianism.
More recently he has been embroiled in a messy company bankruptcy as resources
He is probably work about 3-5 billion. He would be an amazing catch for the right. He is probably where Trump was in 1993 as he was fighting off numerous bankruptcies and foreclosures.
We need to bring Clive to the right.
1. Shop nationalist insignia onto Clive 2. Spam onto Clive's fb page 3. Watch this great man redpill and become and Australian Trump
Help us make Clive great again. Help your aus brothers
Found the chink m80s.. Apparently the chinks want us to meme for them to defame this guy to the cucked Australians.
Owen Davis
Climate change is real, go fuck off back to /r/the_donald, you neocon retard.
Kayden Sullivan
Lurk more newfag.
Man's impact is exaggerated for political reasons.
Mason Roberts
Palmer's a fucking kook and an idealogical fraud. His foray into politics was completely motivated by self interest. He is the opposite of Trump in every meaningful way and we'll all be better off when he goes full bankrupt and dissolves into irrelevance. Perhaps his only redeeming trait is that he really has it in for the Chinese, but again, only as far as his personal business interests are concerned.
t. Aus
hahaha fuck me
Lucas Murphy
Climate change is fake numb nuts go back to 9gag!
Dylan Young
They're certainly not natives
Jose Collins
I'm telling you cunts Clive is the next big thing. He named the CIA and the bilderburgers
Brody Williams
Jackson Wright
get absolutely fucked you sad cucks CLIVE is a national living treasure
1. HATES the media and constantly bags out Rupert Murdoch and other (((foreign interests)))
OMGGERDD Clive is not hitler becaues of this and that. Get fucked. Trump was doubted intially and Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer was arguing with thousands of cucks like yourselves that Trump was a jewish schill. Every big man Trump and Clive included have faults that we could sit here all day and cry about, or we can continue to co-opt their movements the same way we did with Pepe, and Trump.
The choice is yours faggots.
Who do we have instead?? Pauline Hanson? A bumbling old hag? Cory Bernardi? A sad moderate?
Get on the Clive Watermelon Sauce Trip or get eaten for dinner along with the sauce bottle
Josiah Taylor
Define climate. Define change. Define real. Contextualize pre-industrial climate history. Prove a direct link between the infinitesmal levels of CO2 ppm due to human endeavors and global climate.
'Global warming' was pseudoscience. 'Climate change' is pseudoscience.
Jackson Cooper
What a sad little cuck you are. No one is defending clive palmers stance on climate change as good.
What we are saying is he is the most based poltiician in Australia, and the more power to Clive is less power to the establishment and the media.
Now, if you want to sit around making snide litle comments to pick him apart go ahead, but dont forget Trump can easily be called a friend of the Jews… But do we complain every day about that? No we use him for our end goals.
Cooper Sanchez
People attacking Clive are fucking idiots. Hes the best we have in Australia. Yeah thanks alot USA, we helped you YUGELY in your shitposting efforts. Now time to return the favour.
Carter Perez
Agreed. Clive is the best we have. He named the CIA and the Rockefellers. Anti Islam anti Media and anti Establishment both parties.
I love a lettuce
William Cooper
Yes I have been trying to argue this.
Adam Reyes
Kayden Gutierrez
Clive, m8, it's great you found us, but maybe sit down and lurk a bit before posting. Jesus christ.
Also even Blair is a better option and he's an arsonist for fucks sake.
Kevin Walker
Making everything racist so everyday people identify as racist? I'm cool with that.
Clive as a leader of a new anti chong and kebab movement is what I'll be meming from now on. Why stop there? Dick smith is purple pill and a few loose syllables from dog whistling about a white Australia policy. He's against immigration afterall and it's not poms who are immigrating these days.
How many other popular Aussies can we meme into being racist?
Carter Ramirez
Doesn't explain why he and his "party" put a fucking ChiCom SPY in the Senate.
Samuel Morales
Brody Clark
global warming is real you fucking cuck. this person is a literally who and it seems like you're personally involved with them.
Samuel Reyes
Whether real or not, seems clear that the situation is being used to weaken the West.
Nicholas Nguyen
It's real in your mind, schlomo. Please read what it actually is and then come back here. I assure you that dinosaurs did not die out due to massive floods, even with much higher carbon dioxide levels back then.
Bentley Cox
No. Global warming is a Jewish hoax not a chinese one.
Ryder Cox
Why hasn't Clive built the Titanic yet?
Chase King
Ok let me end this debate once and for all for the people refusing to get on the Clive Train.
Grayson Morris
Mate, sit down and lurk the fuck more, you're an embarrassment to shills everywhere.
Regarding Aussie politics in general, I firmly believe things are utterly fucked for good unless the legal requirement that everyone has to vote is done away with. The average person does not want that power and does not know what to do with it, so you'll invariably end up with useless people in power.
Aaron Gomez
What is Clive's position on arms control? Does he support the Howard gun ban legislation? This is the only issue I give a single fuck about since it's the precursor to political freedom & a massive fuck you to the zionists/globalists.
Julian Miller
Oh you are such a loser. lol you sounds like a gimp thanks for firmly believing. dick