Reminder: Donald J Trump Actually Made This Tweet in 2014

The God Emperor is a fucking legend. Period.

I dont know how they can continue giving these virtue signaling movies an oscar. I mean its now blatantly obvious that whoever they give an award to is just pitty for not making any money in the box office.

How much mental energy are you cucks going to give to (((Hollywood)))'s annual circle jerk?

Valid point, although I use oscar awards as a means of, "dont watch this cucked movie."

That's stupid, if you want to know what films to watch, look at the directors and the screenwriters and their previous work, then watch the trailer and decide if it looks like something you'd like. Last year I saw Hacksaw Ridge because I liked Mel Gibson's previous films, it was a good movie and I'm glad I saw it.

If you stop giving the attention whores in Hollywood attention they will die.

Considering they read the wrong name of the wrong movie for best picture and a fag literally had a breakdown I'll keep giving all my energy to letting people know how incompetent Commiefornian liberal faggots are


No faggot. Who the fuck watches TV? People get their information from the Internet. It's 2017. The fuck I look like watching some kike network for three hours giving them ratings?

You watched enough to know a specific moment when they goofed. Why do you want that information in your head? Even three minutes of watching their bullshit ceremony of self-worship should be too much for any self-respecting individual.

No. I'm literally shilling PizzaGate info on Twitter allocating my bot accounts and I saw it in the feed. Downloaded the mp4 and copy/pasted it here. Wew lad. 2017. Get with it.

This is exactly what I tell people when they chat to me about celebrity gossip.

Reminder that kind of faggotry is what lost the dems the election.

It's useful in pointing out how hypocritical and pedoloving Hollywood is given the positive attention they give Woody Allen and Roman Polanski to name a few.

No doubt.

I dont think anyone fucking cares about which celebrity is having a fued with who anymore. Hollywood drama is a cancer to society, and it needs chemotherapy. They're just degenerate court jesters to be paid to dance like monkeys, anything more than that is a waste of time.

Well in my defense I really dont check to see if they got any rewards, and any (((critics))) that say anything about said movie I ignore. But when I see a movie thats being pushed with (((awards))) and (((critics))) that unironically shill for it hard, its a deterrent. For Example: Brokeback Mountain, dont even have to know the plot and you would know that (((hollywood))) is trying to push some bullshit agenda.

They undoubtedly do this shit in order to garner publicity for their "embarrassing fuckup".

It's happened far too many times at high profile events to simply be a coincidence.

Kikery knows no bounds.

this without this (((accidental))) slip up nobody would care about just another oscarnight
now everybody is going to look up coonlight, giving it much more publicity than it otherwise would have

nothing at those shows is coincidental, the jew does not allow it bestest goyim independent thought

Weird, that may be the first time I've seen him curse.

I like laughing at these terrible jesters

Will it trigger curse word nazies?

News flash! Trump just said that ice cream tastes good. Everyone PRAISE HIS GENIUS!



Trump said 'Ice Cream tastes good' in a land of people around him saying ice cream is 'LITERALLY' DOG SHIT and if you don't think ice cream is 'LITERAL' dog shit, you are a wrong-thinking anti-semite borderline HITLER.
Their participation in much of the high-profile world depends on not wrong-thinking, don't eat dog shit!
Also, all of these successful, rich, beautiful people say ice cream is dog shit, it must be.

I was playing euchre and was forced to have it on in the background. There was actually an idiot in the room that thought this was legit.

Jesus christ. Sometimes I'm confronted with the stone cold fact that most people are more easily fooled than a dog when you fake through a bone and just want to join the club fucking them all over.



It was that way from the beginning, user. It's a jewish circlejerk, nothing more.

speaking of opportunistic kikery

Silly jews.

Trailers are still a pretty good metric. The jews are trying to cuck Mel Gibson by bringing him back into the fold on their terms. So they get a pencil neck good goy to play a wussy who cant shoot anyone, then spend the entire time filming ourguys getting wasted on a beach. Not worth my time.

To be fair it's like anything else we watch here, a large part of it is shitposting. Der normie has moved in this direction as well, niggerball is largely irrelevant as a means of entertainment even to them, it is aboslutely worthless as a product without the attendant smartphone, 4glte connection, and ability to shitpost real time about the game. Methinks theyre primed to make the switch to shitposting politics en masse if we sell them better on the idea of politics as a sport, definitely an avenue to consider.

Yep, literally wait for Hitler in your bunker goyim. Filter and move on. Sage should have been a warning signal as well.

Wait for hitler in your bunker goyim. (filter)

I saw him curse for the first time at a rally in 2015, I almost sharted.


AffirmativeAction Oscars. Niggers are so shit they need special treatment to win a oscar.

I fucking love our President wew