Post apocalispe game

why are video games so retarded?

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I think I remember reading somewhere that tooth decay was far less common before the advent agricultural societies, so that might make sense.

Because processed sugar is the biggest reason our teeth decay. Granted, they should be a little discolored, but they're not going to rot like someone who does nothing but eat chocolate and drink soda all day without brushing their teeth once in their life.

Dehydration is the most widespread contributing factor in tooth erosion in healthy individuals

Because realism can and should be sacrificed at times in fiction. People enjoy looking at and playing as pretty people. Does it surprise you to hear that fiction, and especially video games, very rarely is completely realistic?

If everyday is a test of natural selection, of course anyone who wants to live is going to be fit. You want fat people in a post apocalyptic game or something?


You are of not playing the correct game, komrad

At least the unimportant NPCs should be hungry skeletons

People on the Zone have no reason to be fucked up like the faggots on Fallout should. Stalkers are all mercenary jews

What is of this "fag out" you are of speaking

I dont care about waht you going on about, i played all STALKER games twice. Faggout isnt that bad, has potential



I dont think America needs a cataclism to devolve into niggerdom. Its basically their fate once China takes over in a few decades.

Thinking of countries as one homogenous mass of people is how we got into this mess

Countries that aren't "a homogenous mass of people" don't deserve to exist and collapse sooner than later.

No, it merely LOOKS like it has potential. It's exactly the same shit as any Elder Scrolls game, it looks like it could be incredibly deep and interesting but never is.
Proof is that you can mod it as much as you want but the end result is still gonna be a shallow buggy mess of a game and it's still vastly superior to vannilla but never quite what it could be.

I repeat, it LOOKS like it has potential but you can never achieve it, not even with mods. Trust me, I'm currently playing 200+ mods and Tale of Two Wastelands, doesn't get any more modded than this and it's still shallow.

Stalker is pretty neat but could be better as well. At least it does what it sets out to do quite well and ends up being a very good shooter, while Fallout tries to be an RPG and a shooter and failing in both accounts.
Looking forward to Stalker 2, Komrade! ;_;

Really, how hard can it be to have the environment trying to attack cities and it's economy and population change because of that? How hard can it be to simulate a shortage of ammo because they were attacked recently and a fetch miniquest because some girl was kidnapped during the attack?
How hard can it be to make towns completely vanish and reappear if they are destroyed by raiders and made by strong people?
How hard can it be to make a town whose rules depend entirely on the person in charge, which can lead to the most fucked up things ever?

You tell that to everyone talking about Europe as if it was a country.

I'm mostly certain that there's enough water to stave off dehydration in an individual. You'll be incredibly thirsty, but there's probably enough water to keep you alive.

Africa's more homogenous than America, fucboi. Everyone there's either a slave or a slavemaster and all of them are niggers.
Meanwhile you have San Francisco and Texas in the same country in America.


Faggout could easily become a god tier game if they used a new engine and made it less casual

you may be alive but you will look like shit

I don't see how anything you said contradicts anything I said.

Don't worry. Its not like you are becoming black.

You must eat rokakaka fruit. Fix teeth. Make teeth strong like rock!

Brush your fucking teeth user.

Maybe because technological advance, the thing that actually allows us to live longer than 40 years, comes from a mass of heterogeneous people. The more different everyone is, the larger the odds of some new idea poping up.

It's the one advantage humans have over animals and you're completely ignoring it.
Niggers swarm by the numbers and they are all quite similar culturaly and intelectually. But all that does is that a single USA Marine can easily kill 100s of Zulu because there's technology that gives him that strentgh.
And he doesn't even need to get near them, just drop a bomb there. Or just let them die from tethanus.

The more homogenous a society is, the less likely it is to consume itself, but the more likely it is to be consumed by everyone and everything else.
What exactly do you want to survive? Your neighbor? Or the rest of the world?

Some grade A kike propaganda you spout.

a what now?

Did you pull that from a talmud or something?

I haven't brushed my teeth in 6 years.

Movies do this too and it annoys the shit out of me. It's also annoying in disaster flicks and any movie where characters are in catastrophic situations and at most they're covered in dirt with few bodily injuries.

That's fucking gross.

Of course, I forgot about all the amazing scientific progress that came out of africa. Having such a large amount of people thinking alike made them all agree that science was an important field to develop.

Or how it was actually because Galileo agreed with everyone including the church that he explored his heliocentric theories.
Or how it was fuckin Nicolas Tesla agreeing with fucking Thomas Edison about his ideas about electrical current that gave us alternating current.

Get fucked both of you. This is why Holla Forums hasn't done shit in ever. They are an hivemind from where nothing new comes. Being chalenged, disagreeing and debating is what makes us better than savages.

Kill yourself

Kill yourself kike.

Blow your brains out, kike.

>Not being the most diverse in term of culture(many tribes)

Go suck some kangz dick mamadou.

t.someone who has never been on Holla Forums

don't trigger reddipol, they're loud and annoying.

Societies have collapsed in history before, and it's never taken several centuries for a new society to take their place.

You came to late, they are already triggered.

Look at the little niggers, upset that they can't even understand what Space is, let alone reach there…


They still have mostly the same pigmentation, hair, skull shape and resistance to diseases.
Compare that with Europe. Compare mediterranean caucasians to northern caucasians to baltic caucasians. Now look back at africa and tell me they have species that different.

Their culture revolves around a nomad lifestyle with hunting and gathering. Many of them still don't even understand agriculture.
Their music is based on rhythms and little else, meanwhile you have about 50 different instruments from strings to key to wind in Europe.
Their phylosophy is laughable and their ruling mechanisms are tribal every fucking where. Different tribes are ruled essentially the same way.

I'm sure I'm triggering you this bad, but just because a tribe uses a bone upside down on it's nose, it's not really a "different culture".
And no matter how "different" you may believe them to be, the different countries in Europe are massively different from each other far more than any trive. Hell, even the States in America barely have anything to do with each other!

That's a very nice and long list of everything Holla Forums has managed to do. That's why you listed nothing, right?
Which is expected after kicking any dissidents to Holla Forums and reddit. When you do nothing but circlejerk all day, you don't feel like there's anything to do.

First off, I agree. I wouldn't want a game full of legitimately ugly messed-up people. However, if we're complaining about Fallout 3, the king of games where in-game life doesn't seem NEARLY as bad in actual practice as the plot occasionally likes to imply, well… hardly anybody looks very good anyway.

However, if you ask me, there's a simple solution to avoid excessive ugliness AND maintain cohesion between premise and execution. Just come up with something that killed most people off, did enough damage to destroy overall cultural institutions, and DID NOT kill off all plant life and the ability for rain to fall. Again, regarding Fallout 3, after 200 years plants should have been much, MUCH more common -plants aren't nearly as bothered by radiation as animals, so if it's survivable for people it's a-okay for plants - and even with some degree of nuclear winter in effect, rain itself wouldn't stop. It would have been more realistic for the capital wasteland to be more green and normally the DC area gets lots of rain ever year, so there goes worrying about water.

I don't get the reasoning that a good post-apocalyptic world absolutely must be a grey and brown arid wasteland. STALKER is set in a mini post apocalyptic world and the first game actually had lots of green, and if anything the real life zone itself is even greener. Once you allow for rain and plants, bam, no need for everyone to be malnourished and ugly, problem solved. But nope because apparently games can't be serious and have colors other than green and brown for some dumb reason even Call of Pripyat fell back into.

That's funny coming from someone that loves diversity.


The fact that they pretend that water can be radioactive completely destroys their entire premise.

I used to get mad at Holla Forums before, now I just sigh or yawn.
You guys used to be better at this whole "debating" thing but these days, you can't do anything but embarass yourself.
I guess that's the mental inbreeding for you. Too much circlejerk does that…

I never said that Holla Forums are niggers, that's a neat strawman you made there. But since you're the one that made that claim, you're the one that has to defend it. :^)

You also gotta stop using just "diversity" because that alone means nothing. I like my icecream with diverse flavours for instance, and I like a diversity of ideas when talking with someone else.
Can you imagine eating vannilla icecream only for the rest of your life or just talking with people that all think the same thing as you do?

Why yes, as a matter of FACT, you are dumb!


That's quite diverse but have yet to see them doing anything valuable.

And? Europe is full of different countries but the inventions came from homogeneous populations. Diversity is a ticket for apefrica 2.0.

Holla Forums is nothing more than a think-tank and isn't supposed to do whatever you expect it to do.

Ayyy Discussions are very welcome if you can present your point. Most of the time it's just retarded omg u guz are retarded prove me wrong xd baits.

Move to England.

Enjoy your "diversity" then eurocuck.

Now THAT'S comedy

I'm no expert on radiation, but it is my understanding that water can at least be indirectly radioactive due to radioactive particulates blah blah. And I know for certain they're storing massive amounts of water from Fukushima because it is somehow irradiated in a specifically extra difficult to clean way. Like as in the technology doesn't even quite exist yet. So I'll cut Fallout 3 some slack there.

…Aside from the 200 years thing, which, again, should have knocked background radiation way down, and the regular rain that should have been happening all along would have drained radioactive dirt and dust into rivers and eventually the ocean, in which case most surface water at least should be pretty good.

Intellectual diversity is in no way related to other forms of diversity, when those people have yet to even grasp the concept of the empiric method.

For example the africans don't try to reason why something happens and then try to test or recreate the thing to confirm their thoughts are correct or not, but attribute it to someone else's doing. The concept of cause and effect alone eludes them.

Although it wasn't radiation-based, this is one thing The Last of Us did right.


Hollywood does this too.

Look at Hungergames.

That bitch is not emaciated.

There's a pretty big difference between a reactor meltdown and the entire surface of the united states being scoured with thousands of nuclear warheads.

Similarly, Warzone 2100 had nukes on every major city in the world, so it makes sense that it'd leave the world fairly barren where there was little vegetation to begin with.

Diversity is becoming a buzzword now, it seems…

Having 2000 languages when each one can barely be used to describe the world is shitty diversity. English itself is a much more diverse language than all those summed together.

I also meant diversity in the way of thinking, phylosophy and the like but you keep insisting that diversity means buttfucking niggers.
Thomas Edison and Nicolas Tesla came from a homogeneous society you say, but they were not homogeneous at all, especially when compared with each other. Tesla specifically had nothing to do with the rest of the society around him. But of course, you'll say his a caucasian male that spoke english and lived in america and therefore he was homogeneous.

You need to think before you post. Seriously.

What is Holla Forums supposed to do then? Because taking it from your "it's actually about thinkings in tanking", Holla Forums is about coming up with the ideas that change the world and then sharing them with everyone?

How exactly are you gonna do that when everyone has a natural disposition to refuse any redpill Holla Forums gives them?
How are you gonna educate the world when the world doesn't want to be educated by you?
How are you gonna come up with the Truths of the World, when all Holla Forums does is roleplay as NEETsocs all day long?

If "The Jews are evil" is the best Holla Forums can come up with, your tank needs a bit more thinking.

Pic related.
You can pretend all you want Holla Forums is a melting pot of friendship ready to discuss all points in a civilized and rational manner. Hell, you yourself probably are that kind of people.
But what Holla Forums really is is this:

The moment they see some point they don't agree with, it's "kill yourself" or "you're a jew". There's no discussion to be had there. And a few mods there act the same way and ban threads that generate too much controversy.
Really gotta find that pic with the Frodoposter having a nice collection of neat questions to ask Holla Forums…

So that's the real Zone? It looks like a less desolate version of Detroit.

Healthiest teeth in the world m8.

Stop this, you are being too silly.

Besides, nothing there has anything to do with diversity. Don't you niggers actually have threads on Holla Forums to discuss the real reason for the immigration acceptance?
Everywhere else has already noticed that it's because they hope to replace their current aging population with immigrants so the socialism can hold out at least for a few more years until the current people on retirement plans die of old age.

That's it, that's all it is. Socialism requires new blood in the machine and lack of newborns as well as emigrants are kinda ruining their whole plan so they need desperate people. It does not have anything to do with diversity or acceptance, it's economical only.

See, if Holla Forums wasn't too busy jerking each other about how "the jew is trying to destroy europe with emigrants", you'd be talking about this instead…

at least make an effort …

What's the comfiest survival game?

Still, in 200-ish years, plants would have made their way back and mild nuclear winter doesn't mean all rain stops.

Yeah, the real deal is pretty lush. Apparently very low-level radiation actually improves plant growth. So in any setting where radiation levels are livable for humans, things should be greener than they were before.

From where? All potential ecosystems were burned to the ground with repeated nuclear strikes and then salted with years of continuous acid rain and dust storms. The soil quality of any area that wasn't specifically well-defended (like Las Vegas) would be shot to hell, to the point where the only things that could possibly survive would be scrubgrass and maybe mutated plantlife.

After your quip about "all posting is accepted and welcomed in Holla Forums", I was actually curious to see how correct both of us really is.

Here's a recent screenshot of Holla Forumss catalog, those are the top threads there.
Point me a single one that goes against Holla Forums's hivemind.

The absence of dissension doesn't prove it's purged when it appears. But it sure paints a funny picture to anyone claiming it's freely allowed…

You sure you don't belong on pol too?

One of the theorized cornerstones of nuclear winter would be a massive decrease in rainfall, so I think having some kind of massive dust bowl 2.0 situation going on would fit in the theoretical wheelhouse.

I'm totally fine with non-nuclear apocalyptic situations too, but I don't see anything wrong with the 'burned out husk of a world' thing (besides the prevalence of such a theme) we see in fiction when a nuclear holocaust is to have occurred.

How so? What you're arguing is the equivalent of going to a rape survivor therapy group and sperging out about how they're just a hivemind/hugbox and how their lack of discussion men's rights and circumcision is proof of such.

You have no idea how hilarious that is.

rape survivor meetings don't circlejerk about how committed to free speech and open discussion they are, while going around trolling and obstructing on other boards

Murika, please.
The rest of the world doesn't necessarily follow your political axis, left and right mean different things here. They even mean different things in different countries!

By socialism I meant all the measures used to help those that can't make a living on their own. From pensions and retirement funds to unemployment benefits and similar crap. Neetbux's essentially.
Many countries are running out of money for that kind of stuff, I believe Britain even already said that "it's citizens should prepare for the time when the state can't afford to pay pensions anymore".

The money for that crap comes from the paycheck of the workers, who give a small part of it so they too get their own pension at the age of 60 63 65. But since most countries are losing workers (either because they go away or there's simply no money to hire them) then there's no money for pensions and this makes people expecting a very large one very anxious about the future.

So that's not diversity.Those were special individuals gifted by a great intelligence.They were just non-conformist or not adapted with their society for whatever reasons.Saying that they had nothing to do with the society is quite a stretch.

Yeah I might not have expressed myself correctly there.

Show the way of learning to those who want to learn.

You clearly haven't been on Holla Forums long enough if you think we only speak about jews. The threads about jews are usually the most boring one since there is nothing new under the sun about them.

I only see shitposts full of insult made especially to bait people.

There is always a bunch of kikes like them,in every thread someone is going to say you are a jew or it's a slide thread.You just have to ignore their shitposts and carry on.

It's burger election time.The quality is always at the lowest in those moment. But even then i'm sure you can find serious discussions a bit lower in the catalog.

Is the rape survivor therapy group supposed to talk about raping and "surviving" it, or discussing men's rights?
Is Holla Forums supposed to be about discussing how aryan we all are or discussing politics?

Your comparison is actually a very interesting one because of the way it's false. You are subtly implying that the reason there's no discussion of dissident opinions on Holla Forums is because they aren't supposed to discuss them in the first place. This is some doublespeak right there.

If the big war in Fallout 3 had actually dropped so many nukes on the US that literally every single square foot was sterilized, it wouldn't just be a somewhat cold nuclear winter, it'd be full-on way below freezing day and night, hardly can even tell daytime from nighttime nuclear winter. Considering that it's just hazy, the water isn't frozen, and people are doing fine without massive coats, it couldn't have been that bad. In which case, after 200 years, natural forces would have spread what grass and plants did survive in the midwest (assuming nukes were focused on heavily populated areas most) back to the DC area by then.

Also, judging by how intact so many buildings were in the capital wasteland all that time later, even it couldn't have been nuked beyond all survival everywhere, so plants wouldn't have needed to spread back in from hundreds of miles away anyway.

Furthermore, the wasteland was full of dead grass everywhere, including in the ruins of houses. So it MUST have grown in since the war, not to mention that dead grass doesn't stay standing that long. And even in the coldest middle of the winter, when it never gets above freezing, you can still find tiny green plants on the ground in real life, so you can't just explain the zero live plantlife as Fallout 3 happening in January.

That depends on how bad it is. Fallout 3 is clearly not in a severe nuclear winter scenario.

And all this isn't even coming from me, actual experts say that in case of world nuclear war, cities would be getting foresty in about a century easy, as long as the nuclear winter wasn't full on "no sunlight ever" severe.

Considering they're a bunch of male millennials who have been used, abused, and discarded by modern society (especially full/pol/ users), I think it's a reasonably apt comparison.

Can you provide concrete evidence of this? Because if you stopped over at any Holla Forums hangout you'd see that there are several groups dedicated to creating cross-board animosity via false flag attacks to fracture the community.

They do, actually. One of the first things you hear in a rape survivor group meeting is that you're safe there and there are no wrong opinions and you're always right and it was terrible what happened to you.

Not quite sure about the latter part of your statement, but I'm sure at least some rape survivor groups got into hardcore feminism as a way of getting back at the filthy manrapists who fiddle-diddled their widdles.

Those special individuals were allowed a place to share their ideas because society accepted different ideology.
A nigger could invent the penicilin and all he'd get was a club to the head. There's more to diversity than having your skin color defined in RGB.

You only answered half the question there… How are you gonna show the "way of learning" when the first reaction anyone has to Holla Forums is "go away, I don't care"? You guys might not have noticed but to everyone else you look like a drunken guy in a bar going on a rant about whatever boogeyman you concluded to be responsible for everything. You might even be right, but that doesn't matter if nobody is willing to listen to you.

Course not. There's the feminists and the SJWs and the cucks and the shills. You guys have way more buzzwords and boogeymans than just the jews.

You need new glasses, mate. Because what I see is a pretty good case made against a board being infested by stormweanies to it's detriment, much like they accuse everything else of being infested by jews. And I also see a very good post detailing exactly why everyone hates Holla Forums and the only people that might take it as an insult are Holla Forums autists that actually think everyone loves them for being sages or something.




I may not have liked Casshern Sins all that much but it's one of the few forms of media that has ever done a post apocalyptic world right. Post apocalypse means the world had ended. It's fucked and everyone on it is fucked. To much we see post apocalyptic related with post society.

Fine, fine…

The whole point of the burned down wastelands you see in most post-apoc settings is to have the world mirror the human condition.
Even if there were trees and plants and farms and the like, the average human life would be considerably harsher due to societies collapse and whatever external threats the setting introduced.

Having a vibrant green world would create a dissonant tone between the story and the environment. It would be hard to accept that everyone is having a fucked life scraping by when it looks like you could just go out and eat berries for easy sustenance.

It's also a nice narrative tool to make groups of people from small gangs to entire cities restricted to specific areas and create easy conflict between them. Having a river or rain would mean water isn't a concern anymore for anyone, but if in your world water only comes from a single point on the map, you have an assured war between factions to control it, as well as trade for water with whatever someone else can barter.
You can even easily shoehorn in human traficking in exchange for water if you want to make your story that much more grim.

So basically, the barren wastelands aren't realistic, they are functional and a tool.

Thank you for this picture. I love this fucking cat so much, as much as the show itself.

So you are talking about freedom not diversity.

Because there is different way to act and talk to people. Holla Forums is the brute product and you have to dilute it when talking with people that are not used to it.

Now that's what I call a boogeymen since we all know that the so called neo-nazi are a just a bunch of mongrel that have nothing to do with nationalism or Hitler and just want to look edgy with their swastika.

Technological advance only came from a mass of homogenous european or asian people. You need cultural and racial unity in order to build a strong civilization and participate in such advances. Niggers are just shit-tier due to genetic reasons.

You can show your appreciation by suggesting some comfy survival titles

You know, radioactive fauna, scarcity of certain resources, cultural issues. The works.

The Last of Us did the whole "flourishing wasteland" aesthetic quite well. Every outdoor area was covered in beautiful greenery slowly reclaiming the streets, and every indoor area was filled with rotten wood and mold. It conveyed the message that humanity was on its way out and nature couldn't spare two halves of a fuck about them pretty as good as it possibly could have.

why are video games so retarded?

Post-apocalyptic survival, or early access survival autism simulators?


Subnautica is about as comfy as it gets even though deep sea shit is inherently creepy.

shitty copypasta

you dont even know how much id play a game with shit like that, i liked deadly premonition so much partially because of suit cleaning and shaving

That's because the post-apocalyptic genre pointedly ignores what an actual catastrophe is like. It's fantasizing about a clean break with the past. Realism is the worst thing to introduce into that kind of setting, because the core concept–being able to ignore the past–is unrealistic. This is why you rarely see fiction set immediately before a huge crisis, even though it's probably more interesting as a hook–it fails to capture what people want.

Dump a couple hundred thousand deathclaws in Europe after the fall of Rome, I guaran-cocking-tee you wouldn't have seen the Byzantine Empire starting up any time soon.

Who needs fiction with that setting when we're living it right now?


who that qt to the left?

no idea

100 USA marines vs a stick, who would win?

Id fucking love to play a game about society unraveling, be alot more interesting than all this post-apocalyptic fantasy scheisse, but of course it would require a lot more knowledge from the creators, anybody can do post-apocalypse dystopia

what would you even use as a template, weimar or something? that was kind of an artificial crisis induced from the outside, we dont really have a lot of hard data on a society crumbling afaik, for obvious reasons i guess

shut up nigger youre fine

anybody heard of this? only thing i could find( dunno if the website is haram here, dont really care)

If we are talking about realistic scenarios, the shortage of a single important commodity like fuel, water or food is enough to trigger one and it's even faster if you combine various of them.
You can easily have a city fall apart as it's inhabitants scavenge around for the last bits of food. Venezuela had something similar with the inflation making things cost 4000% it's original price over the span of a few days.
Lack of coal\oil also means most cities will lose electrical power shortly since that's still the most reliable source of it. The buildup of panic in the few days that the centrals still work sets the mark for the race that is looking for short term alternatives.

Usually, you also gotta make the crysis affect a very large area surrounding the city you want to portray, possibly the entire country or world. Otherwise people will just move somewhere safer, whereas if there's no where safer, they'll probably try to make do with what's available nearby first.
This is also where you start whatever post-apoc organizations and factions you'll have, as they'll be the first ones to provide safety and whatever is missing to whoever joins them. A good gameplay mechanic is having the player start his own faction and competing with other factions for resources and followers.

If you're going for the supernatural route, there's a lot more than can be done.
Most Call of Chtullu games are about preventing the summoning of some horrible monstrosity or completing some diabolic ritual. You can easily start a post-apoc world simply by having someone failing to stop those things. Having the world being twisted around or invaded by horrible creatures makes for an interesting setting where instead of just being confined to their proper places, the monsters are all around and humans are the ones hiding.

World of Darkness can also lead to some interesting scenarios if Vampires\Werewolves\Mages were to make themselves public. The continuous hunt and battle during the night would be incredibly more dangerous for all of them with humanity uniting against them but their raw power means they could be a serious force to be reckoned with.
The end of Gehenna is the most extreme scenario, especially if you play it as human. You get to see "people" that can kill you with a whisper running in fear from something even worse than them, and you aren't even a concern for any of them.

You need to lay off the video games there, user.

Don't mind me though, good post - too bad some of the more interesting ideas are never fully implemented (or badly so) in vidya nowadays. Mile wide, inch short etc etc.

Considering the weapons some of the humans have at their disposal, I am pretty sure they could think of something better than that. If humans survived the type of dangers that exist today with nothing but sharp sticks, then a portable nuke launcher and high-powered laser rifles should generally tend to compensate for that

Now I want to play a post apocalyptic game where the entire mass of humanity in each country melds together into grostesque beings Parasite-Eve style to compete for resources and fight each other in the new earthen hellscape.

Idiot. You can unleash all of earths nuclear arsenal, and you won't be able to wipe out the plant life or "salt the Earth"

Video games aren't the only party guilty of this.

i dont think anyone expects any logic in animus

MODERN Fallout tries that shit.

Fallout and Fallout 2 are perfectly great RPGs thank you very much.

No one wants another fucking isometric turn based grinding game, thank you very much

That is an incorrect statement.


What on earth does reddit have to do with Holla Forums? Anyone triggered by the right has far more in common with them. Shit-tier bait.

almost the berfegt bait :DD

there are societies though namely the new californian republic and ceasars legion.

The NCR is spreading itself thin and new Vegas is supposed to be at the edge of that, meanwhile you never see Caesar place because lol budget.

most people aren't like ken though, which is why he must step up and become the saviour of the wasteland.

Right, but all you have to do is filter water through three feet of dirt and that cleans it. Meaning that any water running on the surface isn’t going to be radioactive, no rain will be radioactive, and even the oceans won’t be radioactive.

All African countries are newer than America, faggot. And slavery DOES exist there still. People sell their kids to pay for their debts. Are you fucking stupid?

Yeah, I had the feeling I should have cleared that part.
Modern fallout is trying to "keep up with the times" and being a shooter, not strictly an RPG. And the result is that the mechanics of one get in the way of the other and neither are even done in a good way to begin with.
Meanwhile, Fallout 1&2 told a pretty decent story with an interesting world that didn't treat you like the chosen one and where the world did not spinned around you.

The way the skills worked was actually fucking brutal and mindblowing compared to today's ideas.
The skill Guns did not increased your damage at all as it went up, damage was always the same and dependant only on the weapon. But your accuracy did went up, wish opened the possibility to fight from farther away, giving your enemies a much worse aim, or allowing you to easily target particular spots like eyes and groins.
This fundamentally made the early game risky and shitty when you had to stand near someone to hit him, while lategame was long range engagements where you forced the oposition to come near you if they want a chance at hitting a shot.

You compare that crap with FO3, where the only benefit is "You cause more damage" and it's a baby game full of retarded bullshit.
Explosive weapons look severely underpowered to most people because they never put a single point in it, but you invest in that shit and your frag grenades suddendly become atomic bombs. Makes no fucking sense.
And meanwhile, you can disarm and collect mines by double-taping E while in previous Fallout games, disarming mines was a risky operation based on your skill…

You are right. There are some places where instead of slavery, the problem is that they kick white farmers out so some tribe can settle over his lands and plant nothing. So progressive…

Stop shitposting and let that discussion die out. Africa is not related to the Fallout Universe at all. For some reason?
What happened to Africa in the Fallout Universe?

So, just like Holla Forums?

No, that's actually a "no true scotsman".
You see, the real Holla Forumsdancers don't go around shouting "yer a joo, ya dirdy coon!" while drawing swastikas over everything and chanting "Trump! Trump! Trump!"
Those are clearly something else and a very tiny minority at just 90% of the board userbase. The other 10%, a clear majority, are actually rational educated people, I swear!