Are "adult" cartoons secretly aimed at kids?
Are "adult" cartoons secretly aimed at kids?
Fuck off Holla Forums
Hey Holla Forums
Your telling me as a kid you guys didnt stay up and watch Adult Swim? Its been like this decades kids always wanna see the shit thats not in their age group.
It's a shit thread, but anyone who remembers the 80s and 90s remembers lots of R-Rated movies and non-kid friendly stuff getting lots of toys and saturday morning cartoons.
What is it with these children and the forbidden closet of mystery?
Though if I had to rank them
I can't tell if that list is from best to worst or from worst to best.
Its a shit post in a even shitter thread, just ignore and report for a low quality thread.
Neither do adults.
When I worked at a video store years ago when they still existed, women would come in all the time and rent M-rated games and R-rated movies for their elementary school aged kids. A lot of parents don't care or don't think it makes any difference what their kids see and hear, and media companies know that too. Ratings systems exist to placate the parents who do police their kids' media, not because the companies actual care about not corrupting the young. If they did the Hayes Code would never have been abolished.
>>>Holla Forums956888
Those are some nice trips.
Is OP that much of a fag that he'd make this same thread on Holla Forums as well?
Who else would, fucking faggots from Holla Forums keep shitting up every place they visit.
OP has been doing this on his own for years, you're a retard if you think the whole of Holla Forums is behind this.
You'd have noticed this sooner if you weren't a newfag or an oblivious mongoloid.
He even tried to start a Redwall thread on Holla Forums and here and both got saged and reported into oblivion.
Take your boogeyman and shove it up your ass you uptight little sperg.
spite bump
They're aimed at edgy 13 year olds.
hell yeah
Another act of genius, congratulations user.
No but kids seem to really like them.