Hello my name is ragjii I come from india I need good game to play on my computer please thank you english not very good

hello my name is ragjii I come from india I need good game to play on my computer please thank you english not very good

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Oh boy time for memeslinging underaged faggots to come out of the woodwork

is meme slinging game? sorry you need simpler speak english no good to

play Fallout 4, it's shit


game is too heavy not run too well on computer

please dont make fun of india it is clean country not poop thank you

found the call-center worker

Hmmm… pc games that dont require much English.

I think you could get away with Rouge limes like Binding of Issac or enter the gungeon or risk of rain as a starting point.

Well, because you asked so nicely..

I'd recommend One Way Heroics. It's cheap and not very graphically intensive, but it has a ton of replayability.

haro, me name is slovocsiz zwickverk recomend me some ps4 games not movies but games pls thank you english is not very xorosho. have sum trumpo


Aside from that I hear someone is working on a mod for Don't Shit Your Pants specially for Indians. It's called "Shit in the Toilet."

thank you for games I will try to see if they light for pc and fun

I'm masturbating right now to that cat.
just thought I'd let you know.

Diablo 2 is pretty fun, and it runs well on bad PCs

Designated shitting street

say it with me anons




please stop india is a very clean and big country american come and you see india beauty

Please go memesling back on Holla Forumseddit


Also, FTL

GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Project IGI
Project IGI 2
Need For Speed Underground
Need For Speed Underground 2
Age of Empires 2
Age of Mythology
Rise of Nations

You should be able to find all these at your local store which sells pirated vidya for 30Rs. Just make sure you don't get a demo by mistake.

apanee maan bakavaas jao tum bevakooph kamabakht gandagee gadhe bhaarat smaart aur saaph hai!!!!!

thank you

Do you also pray for emperor Trump?

Hello, Ragjii! Here are some games that I think are fun, are easy to find (and pirate), and should run on almost anything:
• Doom
• Doom 2
• Fallout 2
• Binding of Issac
• OpenTTD

the one time we have a guest who isn't a fucking 12 year old furry and you guys gotta act like fucking spergs

Designated shitting game:


Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India