Welcome to Sofia, Bulgaria.
This pic was taken at this rally: www.jta.org/2017/02/21/news-opinion/world/neo-nazi-rally-held-in-bulgarian-capital-despite-municipal-ban
Welcome to Sofia, Bulgaria.
This pic was taken at this rally: www.jta.org/2017/02/21/news-opinion/world/neo-nazi-rally-held-in-bulgarian-capital-despite-municipal-ban
Other urls found in this thread:
welcome to the new normal
Things are just wonderful
It's beautiful, thanks for sharing OP.
lefties on suicide watch.
That is absolutely beautiful.
Man, now I want to visit Bulgaria. Places to avoid/visit?
[kvetching heard in the distance]
I like it, anyone knows more about the rally ?
Can't wait till this is normalized in the U.S.
[kvetching traced to a small well outside of town]
[scent of lavender intensifies]
[desire to find more pics (in high-res) intensifies]
am i in heaven?
SIEG HEIL!!!!!!!
Is this real life? It's almost surreal to see such public displays of National Socialist imagery. 'Tis a beauty to behold.
Tay knows when to jump ship
Pic related.
It's beautiful.
fuck yes
kek confirms, tay lives on
We Will Live To See The Revival Of National-Socialism
What did he mean by this?
Dubs confirm something was meant that you are (currently) unaware of.
[Immigration to Bulgaria intensifies]
>4 = 2*2, a square number
it's hip to be square
have we started the fire?
Oh man I remember this one. I lost the screencap though, can someone post it?
Have a tirade on faggotry in return.
As square as a checkerboard lad
channeling some Bateman
(checking em)
Dubs confirm sticky is needed
If some of us were to mass spray synagogues with lavander perfume, what would happen ?
the path of the digit is one for both a warrior and a poet
This logo looks like it has some meme magic going on.
it's the economy stupid
looks similar to the weather underground
Oy vey!
I never understood if pol actually likes sucking Hitler's sick or if it's just an in joke to trigger the lefties. At times it gets concerning with the burgers, especially since I'm a roach.
I'm 100% serious and I think most if not all white posters here are, too.
We'll come for you soon, Mehmet.
you'd best be reviving ataturk now, friend
Gas this fagget.
tsk tsk tsk
oy contribute on how Orwellian soon-to-be New Byzantine Empire is.
We like Adolf Htler and National Socialism.
oy roach kek wills and get to work!
I'm surprised Putin didn't annex land from them like they did with Ukraine after they did far-right protests. Pic related is Bulgarian girls.
Maybe Bulgaria has a few tricks up it's sleeve.
Well guy I gotta say this ain't very pleasant .___. crazy almost.
Fuck, rock on Bulgaria. Your women's choir kicks 100% of all asses.
Did you honestly expect anything else ?
Welcome newfag. We legitimately like National Socialism and Hitler. 1488
Knock knock.
t. Burger
Well, I mean, yeah? There is a difference between opposing the hypocrisy of the left and being a nationalist, and being a full blown nazi .___. If you could not tell I think the latter makes people a little crazy.
Jewtin would not tolerate such anti soviet and nazi behaviour. Luckilly bulgaria is apart of the weak EU which can't do shit.
maybe the NatSoc gents doing will sabotage what said?
Kill yourself cuckchan civnat faggot.
Back to leddit, roach
We don't care what non White think and we don't mind being called Nazis. We want jews and arabs out of our lands, you can go away vertically or horizontally.
There is no difference between being a nationalist and a "Nazi". Both want what is best for their people and to crush the left
Yes, the fire rises!
Whats crazy about it roach?
Big post.
Hitler was low energy, I want complete extermination of nonwhites.
Ehhh, I think that there actually is a difference. You know, one prefers doing right by his country while the other does that and hates others at the same time.
Where do you think you are?
come home turk man
Your days are numbered
Yes but japs get to live.
Right by our countries right now means either mass murdering muslims or expelling them and we both know they're not going away quietly.
National Socialism is the future bud
How the fuck did you end up here? This isn't a cuckservative civnat board, we're national socialists and no it's not "just a meme", fucking subhuman.
Some of the posts are so cartoony that it still makes it difficult to say if they are trolling or not. Can you guys even tell which of you actually agree with this stuff or not?
Kill yourself turkoroach.
oh! oh! and pajeets!
t. crippling curry addiction
The hatred is a natural human response to rampant degeneracy coupled with foreign invasion. Don't worry too much though, not like we are going to torture anyone. well maybe that one insane guy who fantasizes about butchery will You will all die the same way regardless of our feelings towards you. We operate by the principle of detached violence, not gleeful malice like roaches and jews do.
This is post-irony, we are beyond the point of irony or arguments. Every single Holla Forumsack is dead serious about killing every last jew. We're still working on consensus about the other races, but turkroaches and arabs are in the queue for extirpation as far as I'm concerned.
It's just a prank bro lmao !
Read the fucking rules first you fucking new guy
Pajeet vs roach, who wins?
Well my good man it all started with Pizzagate and my search for a place that would not be censored. I mean it did start out at Reddit but they shit that down good and voat is definitely a pot so I wanted to keep up with the one here.
That anime was pretty good.
gets me ere teim
Hey roach, make your own thread. This isn't about you.
toppum taste lad, toppum taste
Curry is fucking disgusting subhuman diarrhea, no idea how you Euros like it as well as kebabs which are equally garbage.
All of us
You must be incredibly low IQ if you can't distinguish a post from a shitpost.
Shitskins have been unable to successfully genocide each other for the past several thousand years, I think it'll probably be another shitskin stalemate.
Stop replying to this derail shill
it's good fun though
There was a time, when all this was memes, when we joked and laughed about the fate of the World. And of politics, economics and philosophy.
Yet what do we see today? We see our World being brought to utter ruin by the Jews, constantly the Jews! And their sub-Human scum underlings, the Turks, the Blacks, and other undesirables.
We looked back on our history, and say the hypocrisy and the lies.
Leftists, sub-Humans, vermin. Your days are numbered.
The third was is rising again, and this time it won't be denied.
push comes to shove i'll make my own damn kebabs like some sort of fucking peasant i guess
He asked! Oh well whatever.
There's nothing else really to say about the OP, nothing that needs deep discussion so might as well deal with turkroach reddit FOBs
Board has been very slow these past couple days. Nothing wrong with a little funposting…
>>>/monster/ is breddy comfy
Fuck off once again dirty smelly roach cuck.
turkposting is mildly preferable to /fringe/pol thread #9001
No, you kill yourself.
It's called a dullahan
Get the fuck off my board
I'm a /monster/ lad too lad. I know these things.
I just like saying detached head lady.
That's not fair. Those threads propose interestingly entertainable ideas.
What's the deal with /monster/ anyways? Do people really fap to spider waifus?
The red and white really is beautiful.
If furries are a thing, you can bet your ass some people do.
some of them
me likes this thread moar >>>/monster/217946
Yes, and there's a cult attached to it too, like the whole kek thing.
Suprisingly, there's actually a lot of crossover between that board and this one
They are still doing it.
but it gets boring after a while. even if late night sigilposting is top comfy
But srsly, any bulgarianon care to fill us in? Moar details and images pls
That color scheme though.
People like the idea of girls where the monster is on the outside instead of the inside.
Sounds innocent on paper..
CRISPR can be slow though :-(((
It can get weird, even more when you have some people who are into vore.
what are you gay
Cool, Bulgaria.
I spent about four days in Sofiya, the same city.
What I learned really fast was that a lot of people were on heroin. They have a "black market" which sells counterfeit goods and brothels and "massage parlors" are everywhere. It was relatively safe and I didn't actually feel that safe. Pretty much all businesses are ran by organized crime.
The only good thing was that Bulgarian currency is pretty worthless. Everything was really inexpensive. It actually looked a lot like Macedonia.
I don't mean to shit on Bulgaria, but having been there, it was pretty shitty tbh fam.
it's your turn to be skokie, user!
i'd like my /monster/ waifus to be more physical than etheric, yea?
wuts that
Trust me, you don't want to open that can of worms.
Homosexuality is a marxist manifestation. It does not exist.
You should me more worried about erdogan starting a war he cant win than with people talking about hitler on the other side of the world
(JUSTICE dubs)
Ammit is love. Ammit is justice.
I want to see them declare Mokou a hate symbol. We need Mokou fliers.
/r/ video of worm going in guy's benis
…i won't do it anyway.
Thanks for not being a epik trol xd
Gas all jews.
What said could be considered a form of vore, although usually it's the human shoved into some kind of creature.
too much work desu~
Momiji took long enough during the election cycle
it's about 30 percent bestiality, so like estrogen or something
I agree with that sentiment.
I just want to say - the swatika belongs to us by all and every right. Even if you believe every fucking lie about NatSoc Germany, that would still be just one lost war in the entire history of white people, and the swastika and Sonnenrad are both symbols over ten thousand years old. Never surrender the swastika. It is ours! All the love, and blood, and pain, and longing the European races have ever experienced is woven in to that fundamental symbol of who we are as a people. I think the swastika is the most beautiful symbol in the world. Sieg heil! Hail victory!
Absolutely, and we must reclaim the Black Sun, its the neo-Swastika and the way to our future.
I agree with that sentiment.
Those symbols are tempered in our blood. There is no giving them up or receding. It is our birthright.
We only kill Jews that have been actively working to subvert our nations. The rest gets shipped to some shithole where they can do whatever the fuck they want to each other. National Socialism is not genocidal, don't even attempt to make it so. We're all about killing our enemies, but a large amount of Jews literally dindu nuffin and can emigrate without violence. They are however subversive in nature, so they all have to go.
Only shills and brainwashed idiots are saying that we need to exterminate all non-whites. Our race is different in that way.
That time has come again, brothers… rise up!
We say exterminate all non-whites in our countries, they can continue to do whatever the fuck they want in THEIR country.
This is now the designated white appreciation thread.
Sure is implicit in here
Apologies for some of the thumbnails.
Dubs checking dubs, Praise Kek, Sieg Heil!
We all must embark on our own personal journeys. And through our perseverance and resolve, will rise up like a Phoenix from death, through the muck and mud of this modern world we will be born again! Aryan blood shall never perish.
Heil The Black Sun!
That's a normalfag meme by now, thank Sarcuck for ruining that one.
They even made a flag and set an anthem. Cringey as fuck, normalfags ruin everything.
Adding some more beautiful symbols to the thread.
Educate yourself, newfag.
Don't worry, your dubs won't be in vain. We'll take Kek back, just like we did with Pepe. They can't co-opt our genuine memetics and strength of will.
Its a movie shoot dumbass, they move is coming out in march.
I'm more surprised that Bulgaria has fucking snow. Southern shitskin balkanoids have winters too?
Pepe always stand with us. Not with them. They will get theirs in time.
Your dubs are telling a truth. But it will only be there's once we stop. So say it with me.
They will pay for their impudence.
Is it time to launch a new campaign kamraden?
Fixed it for you, we are not advocating genocide in any way, shape or form. We only hang our enemies, which are people who have taken any action we deem unacceptable.
There are plenty of literal dindus and they can emigrate peacefully.
Our nations are our bodies, try again Schlomo.
Of Course.
The vast majority will require the bayonet to leave. Many will form cells and splinters as we see in every other attempt to purge vermin from a nation.
I see no reason for "swastika" to not be a good enough reason for a thread.
You'd have more luck trying to teach a pig how to fly by himself.
Return to Turkmenistan or suffer the shame of conquest.
Praise Kek, this year is just starting to heat up!
This. Dindus won't want to leave, they get to many gibs and don't even have the mental capacity to figure out how to leave.
Time to take out the trash!
Kikes learning to use our language. But still they cannot comprehend.
Not a single kike gene must remain in the gene pool. History shows that you can't simply kick out kikes, they always come back.
That's not an MNG its just a GIF89a with the extension changed.
you…you…you're a…
You can't kick them out, but you can kill them.
Summer has started. :^)
Pic related
What is that clip from user?
Saved :^)
Someone give me a archive of the genocide thread. Thanks.
>mfw I can never undo the typo
Regardless the sons of Europe have proven to be the only ones fit to care for this planet with nips being a tolerable ally and if caring for Earth means gassing every last jew and thats exactly what that means then it shall be done.
Is there actual evidence of this? I've trying to been research some old "antisemitic lies" to see how much is true. I think there were at least a couple children actually abducted by the kikes, but I haven't found any non-anecdotal evidence for well poisoning, or Eucharist desecration. I've always been interested in exactly how fucked up medieval jewry was.
So wait…you guys are actually Nazis? Oh man…this is awkward. I always thought this was just shit posting .___. I've been lurking around and interacting with people for months. Heck I even thought kike news were exaggerating when they said the frog was a nazi thing. Well, at least it's been an experience.
That song was written by a pair of gay jews, but I think it's ripe for reappropriation.
Fucking inbred moron.
Most of us are actually libertarians who came here due to gamergate censorship at halfchan.
We just larp as Nazis on occasion to scare away normies. Heck, a quarter of us are Jewish.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
You gamergate cucks are still newfags.
Get back to your containment board
>>>Holla Forums
lmao. Fucking normalfag took you long enough.
You have 3 choices, either you kill yourself, you go back to cuckchan or you go to >>>/liberty/ Your Jewish kind is not welcome here.
This is some impressive trolling/bait fellas
The other 75% are non-white. We're really pleasant people if you get to know us, I think I speak for all of Holla Forums when I say that devoid of the 7 layers of irony we're all really kosher libertarians with maybe some slight conservative leanings on economics. :^)
That's not true. The Nazi party was a specific implementation of fascism and socialism. Fascism is authoritarian, central governmental control. And socialism is like mandatory welfare. Both of these concepts are left-wing.
The Nazi party was also nationalist, but honestly, at the time, that was cool and everyone was nationalist. It's something of a (((trick))) to tie nationalism with the nazi party. It's a way of denigrating nationalism without needing to explain why.
American Nationalism would be (and historically was) right-wing and diametrically opposed to the Nazi party's brand of nationalism+socialism+fascism. Also, quite obviously, the Russians, even under communist rule, were nationalists - yet they were definitely not nazis.
Listen to yourself, retard. You've been here months but only after realizing we're le ebul nazis you developed a problem with us? And that doesn't strike you as odd? If you don't spend a second questioning yourself about what that means then no one will miss you anyway.
you're just baiting anyway lel
Fucking newfags.
We may have different ideas about how best to implement it, and how it may look when all is said and done, but we are national socialists. Onwards and upwards is our goal, and neither communism nor the naked worship of capital will take us there.
I've always wanted to visit there.
Yeah, memes aside. Aside from NAZIs, Monarchists and some lolbertarians, most of us are ethno-nationalists. Which has so much in common with NAZIs that the groups merge very often.
This, I'm ashamed my fellow Anglos defeated our white Germanic brethren for the well being of the Jews. It truly is sickening.
We need to unite all whites under the same banner. When I say all whites, I mean all whites (Anglos, Nordics, Germanics, Slavs, etc.)
I'm actually really not baiting, and hey, what can I say, the shit posting is good. It's hard to tell if you people are serious or not…and about the
"but only after realizing we're le ebul nazis you developed a problem with us? And that doesn't strike you as odd?"
I mean, it's hard not to have a problem with fellas that want you dead for God knows how many reasons.
what about Iberians?
nope most of us ARE Nazis
Nigel with the Moonlight Greatsword is pretty intimidating tbh
the "gas the kikes race war now" thing is mostly memes anyway but sometimes not and it's our own thing
original nazis weren't like this but they didn't have to deal with what we deal nowadays
you'll understand after some time
Over the years I've seen it swing both ways, when leftypol were very briefly relevant we all went full natsoc, when Trump happened it swang to natsoc again. But for the many years of shitty presidents and horrible geo-politics, we drifted towards at least ethno-nationalism. As a bare minimum, sorta a 'I'll take this if nothing else'.
You're probably b.s.-ing or underage considering the emoticons and general feel of your message, however: obviously most people here are actual nazis, however, one would have to give an actual definition to that term beyond just the social definition, i.e. the emotions associated with it (i.e. evil). At the end of the day, this place is just people who see active threats being acted out against those whom each considers their own people and wishing to stop the injustices and have rightful retribution. And, based off of evidence, it ends up being Jewish plots the majority of the time. Does this mean all Jews are bad, does this mean it's something actively done with the thought to destroy the goyim? Maybe, maybe not. However, just like with the idea of arabs and terrorism, all one must know is that, with high probability 'if something is leading to the decline of western society, it's founding idea and proponents are Jewish backed". Hence, the pragmatic solution is to remove them. Whether you are taking the extreme belief of killing or the approach of moving them is up to the individual.
At the end of the day, personally, everything I feel with respect to this site is founded on the desire of wishing the things that occur in Sweden to never occur anywhere ever, in particular to those whom I consider kin, and, my desire for justice to be had against those who commit such atrocities without relent.
Tried to clean up one of the photos.
Go read the redpill threads and decide if you're one of us, then lurk for 2 years or leave forever.
also in reality our enemy is the jew, the rest is just as it always was
Holy crap. Those banner decorating an entire street in our modern world. Do you know what this means? It means I am 100% erect! Jesus that's beautiful.
It's what the world should look like. Nary a nog in sight.
btw anyone got that sweet genocide thread archived?
Think that our edgy memes aren't anything but a tool to piss of people, troll and frustrate, and in the background redpill.
So many fucking newfags.
He's a big guy
Iberians are fine i suppose. Despite the jokes, the fact is that modern Iberians are descended from the great migrations like most whites, if remember right, it was the visigothic tribes that setled spain and modern day portugal.
Yeah, its just the Basques that aren't Indo-European.
Nope we are National Socialists. Only minorities here are Fascists, Monarchists. "Ethno-Nationalism" is a aut right moderate meme.
Nope, not underage, nor bullshitting and I find emoticons as a nice way of interacting. In many cases it has a nice application of making the person that you're interacting with to become more playful in their replies, but it doesn't worth with everyone. It's like an invitation to friendliness. That's beside the point though, It's likely I'll never come back to this place again since this one guy keeps telling me to get the fuck out, but I wanted to say that I can understand one not wanting bad things to happen to loved ones or things because of policies forced on you by globalist jew run governments and other puppets on leashes, but I have an issue with it when some idiots take it beyond the realm of "We would like to keep our group pure and be selective of who we let in".
You lads are alright, make sure you see Brexit through to it's rightful end.
The socialist element did get a purge not long after being in power. The only thing that remained of it was Prussian socialism, which widely differs from Marxist socialism, which is what people think of when they speak of socialism. There was no notion of class conflict but instead a notion of class partnership, everyone had to pitch in to help his fellow man. It was extremely ethno nationalist and vowed to protect Germanics from both the communist and the capitalist kikes not to mention it aimed to elevate every person to their highest potential.
Nice try, I'm a national-socialist. I do believe in the duty to help each other out, not in the ideology of freedom to fuck one another over inside the nation. Ethno-nationalism implies a love for one's country, race and strong borders, it doesn't stop the greedy nature of some who learned to think like Jews.
Are you a jew? You better not be a jew.
We will lad.
Don't know how much you pay attention to UK news. But the Labour party was polled recently and 1/3 of Labour members say they won't vote Labour next election.
Its going to be a wild ride.
Basques are celtic from the pre-roman era. They are not germanic, but they re white mostly.
modern day Portugal is a continuation of the kingdom of the Suebi in a way. They are mostly Suebi+Goths+Lusitanians but they indentify much more with the Lusitanians. Honestly ancient Iberian tribes are underrated as fuck.
Its because the invading muslims made a point of wiping out most of their history
Our general rule is that if you can't handle some gore, anime girls, and banter thrown your way, you're better off spending your time elsewhere on the Internet.
Refer to:
Ikr. It's like larping became real.
this is an anonymous place fag you don't get out just because some other anonymous retard told you to
top kek. Welcome To The Reich, Now Get The Fuck Out.
What would Pinochet be?
Staying or leaving is your own choice. That is the fate of imageboards, especially Holla Forums Holla Forums type boards–no one coddles you, and everyone treats you like an asshole. With respect to:
Are you saying that up to that level (being selective & pure) is good, or bad? Supposing the latter more is to be said, if it's the prior, realize that's the "up to defense" part. What do I even mean by that, I mean, cleansing ones self is the first part, the second part is imparting justice on those who wronged you. I presume that's where you find fault because that's the only place I could imagine there are things you might disagree with.
A bad meme.
Are you retarded? I don't know about anyone else but I'm a National Socialist.
CIA puppet
Pinochet is literally just a meme. He actually was a. Neobliberal zionist dictator that looked somewhat aestheticlly cool because of prussian military tradition in Chile.
A alphabet plant
I mean, he did make Chile great again. My dad was a foreign exchange student there in 1979. His host was a closet commie, but he said Chile was way better off and a lot of people loved Pinochet.
I just wish the autistic neckbeard anime posters will fucking die from a blood clot. you know, because they're fat subhumans who deserve gassing perhaps more than the kikes.
Romania is behind you
Just seeing OP's picture is inspiring.
Things are turning around no matter how hard it seems sometimes.
Stuff like this just helps give me more encouragement every day and I wanted to thank you guys.
That is not shocking. Even pretend facism is much better than any modern democracy.
"We would like to keep our group pure and be selective of who we let in"
That's fine, that's okay. BUT. Wanting to war, stating that some piece of land belonged to your long dead grand grand grand daddy a very long time ago and now you should take it back from people who have been living there for a long time and harming people who have nothing to do with any of this simply because they by chance were born in the same country with the people some here might not like, not okay. That would be beyond wanting to have a good stable life within your own borders.
I like Romania. I know a Romanian guy and he's never been to an imageboard but he knows all about how the holocaust never happened and kikes. He also hates gypsies, it's hilarious hearing about his stories of what they do.
Hey, I remember (you) kike.
He was installed by CIAniggers and was their pawn, that's why I call him a bad meme.
And the goon had to come out of the closet.
user you dont seem to understand, so let me explain. This time we WILL build the gas chambers, and there will be smug anime posters all over it. As the jew suffocates and laments his wrongdoings, all that he will see is an image of anime girls laughing at him. He will carry that smug laughter with him to hell for all eternity.
Oh boy.
You mean how Poland killed Germans in Danzig?
How Czechs killed Germans in the border regions?
How the French invaded the Saarland?
Solid reasoning there.
Aside from the absolute clusterfuck of various reactionary opinions, like Imperialism, Paganism LARPing, the Christian Theocrats, the 'philosopher kings' bullshit (admittedly thats newer).
Rad the thread he's the roach from earlier so close enough
Reactionaries and National Socialists aren't compatible.
l had a dream one night, that Trump had a press conference and was reciting that speech.
Well mister triple chin, if you read again carefully I was discussing with the man the points where I would draw the line. So I was stating that the first quote would be okay, but the rest would not be and both are paths a members of this Nazi group could follow, however nowhere did I state that it is intrinsically warmongering. Soooo, back up.
It's like you want this place to be filled with more shit than usual
Bombers of the church "Sveta Nedelya" being hanged. Some of them are Jews. The organizers of the terrorist attack in which hundreds of women, children and the king's officers died, swing on the gallows on the lawn next to a soccer field. Their executioners where gypsies, paid 2 levs ($1) each because no Bulgarian man would get his hands dirty with such criminals. And at the far end of the photo you can see Slavia (soccer team) fans who support their favorite team at the stadium. And no one cares that Gypsies are hanging Jewish criminals.
That photo isn't in the article you linked OP. I want to believe, but can you provide us a source for where you found this photo and why we should believe it was taken in Sofia, Bulgaria?
Not saying they are. But this board its exclusively NAZIs and Fascists.
This board is ((diverse)) and always has been, at least however its always been socially conservative.
Whoah calm down Sanic, I don't mean any trouble. Jeez oh man I can't take this heat.
Lol literally nothing.
I haven't been much on imageboards. Mostly lurking and shit. And yeah,a lot of people don't belive in the holocaust around these parts. There are even politicians who publicly said that. The hate for kikes is pretty moderate but the hate for gypsies is like,sky high for different reasons. I bet that if the 4th Reich would rise,except a small part made out of those faggot titty sucking lefties,a lot of people would be totaly fine with doing everything all over again. Holocausting every kike,fag and gypsie they could lay their eyes on.
No one cares about a roaches feelings. Besides you're a bunch child fucking mudslimes and ought to be murdered for that alone.
Social conservatism is just another term for being right-wing but not full-on traditionalist.
Lurk more
Dubs confirm based romanians.
Am I presuming you're talking about something relevant to yourself such as a part of the Byzantine (can't spell it) empire?
With respect to the general concept, I wish for you to understand the following. Consider Sweden now, the U.K. now, Minnasota now, California, now, etc. Overrun by foreign hordes. Suppose we fail through legal/political measures in getting the land back for "our" people. Then to whom does the land belong? Personally, I would say the foreign hordes, for they have conquered. However, then in the same vein, it is natural for the ones who were conquered to come back and reconquer the land for themselves. That is to say, no land is eternally owned by a given people, but, in the same vein, there is no sin in conquest. If we're being honest, the only thing I hate about the arab invasion of Europe is the means. It's European suicide. Had they formed armies and actually conquered with their own hands Europe, then it is there's until we reconquer it, however, the self suicide of Europe is what leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
At its core, what I'm trying to say is, due to the nature of humanity, tribes/nations are made out of groups who consider themselves the same. These nations acquire a piece of land and claim it as their own, and one or another starts the bloodshed that is war. Then, in perpetuality the generation sin will necessitate for the groups to fight.
Really this topic could go many ways, after all, many wars aren't because of claiming land in retribution, verily so, there has to be a start. Those are usually out of a necessity of expanding an empire for resources to maintain its populace. Is that wrong? If so why? And thus, the initial war bred from such an act leads to those "I get back at you" wars.
No fuck off cuckchanner.we don't need to call ourselves cuckservetives just because we hate fags and abortions
Why they finally kick out the SJWs that began policing the board telling anyone who didn't agree with them to go kill themselves? Got to say it's funny they Trip Fagged /furry/ into oblivion.
I really wish we didn't have the flood of cuckchan niggers and redditards. We managed to cull lolbergs (/liberty/), theocrats (/christpol/), civnats (demolishing TRS, also /brit/), and ancaps(/liberty/, again) at one point. Then they had to have another exodus and it sometimes feels like we're back to square fucking one.
Maybe it was diverse years ago on /news/, but it's pretty much ubiquitously National Socialist now. Go ask anyone in any thread here. I'm assuming you haven't been here for a while. It's now what you think it once was. Might be a good or bad thing for you.
I wouldn't doubt it. Your parents experienced all the kike tricks in spades as recently as the last generation. That's my general theory. Hope you guys can pull it off.
There's nothing wrong with a Natsoc country with some more liberal or progressive ideals, (As much as I hate the word.) In a compense Germany had some quite such views on Women, nature, etc., I would support those kinds of ideals.
Unless you're refering to something different.
I bet you think faggotry is just another way of expressing European heritage too.
I don't like Christians putting memes in the record that turn the friggin' Greeks gay!
They are ethnonationalist Anglo-Saxon supremacists, hence the term "Anglokike".
Personally I think every jew, shitskin and most niggers need to be exterminated, as a start. Don't speak for all of Holla Forums. The only consensus here is that every last jew needs to be killed, or NONE of us will be safe.
Awe man I used to love reading those Frog and Toad books. Did we always just have an a priori draw towards Kek and NS or is it just me?
They are but back when they were here, they had some of the most cringe worthy way of pushing civic nationalism. I'm pretty sure part of it were shills shitting up their threads though. I also did call them britkikes over 100 times because of their shitty bait threads on Dresden or praising Churchill.
look it's all the neckbeard virgins. If you're what the white race has become, I pray the filthy untermensch eradicate you. You deserve a fate worse than death for your transgressions against the white race.
Fuck off shill.
Anime is the last stand of implicit white identity.
Still salty, worthless scum? Go back to your 10bux board.
It's mostly because,at least in my region,most people where poor. And the richest,aka the kikes,had a lot of money. And they wouldn't help the comunity in general,mostly they'd just help themselves,they'd try to scam the already local population and just do the usual kike stuff. That how a big part of hate against them was born.
And about the lefties,I'm not talking about the progressive ideals. I'm talking about the "everything is pink and let's all love each other and forget about all that has been done in the past","respect my safe space" and those kinds of "special flowers"
I didn't have any esoteric toad attraction or anything, but when I played wolfenstein as a kid I got all obsessed and wanted to learn german.
why do you niggers always think you have to live without it. I can make fantastic curry from scratch, same with gyros and shit and i'm white as snow.
Culinary knowledge isn't limited to races, in face whites have shown to be adept at learning all other styles of cooking judging by the worlds master chefs.
if weeaboo degeneracy is the
then I could no longer give a shit about whiteness. You think I'm going to devote myself to a cause adhered by grown men who worship filthy japanese cartoons?
Take a hike, kike.
Die kike.
See I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Some supporters DO think you're shit posting to mess with the left. True infamy awaits you when everyone understand how serious you are and it will cause nearly all of them to distance themselves.
it's hip to fuck bees
Not to mention, if you make your own curry, it won't give you the shits since it's not made by a filthy street shitter who doesn't wash his hands. Your kebabs will also be made with fresh meat instead of overseasonned meat with weird colors.
I'll rip out your fucking eye lids and feed them to cats, you mogrolized decadents. There is no room for your smut and Hitler would shoot each and everyone of you personally. with reason.
National Socialism and Fascism are distinct ideologies that ascribe to distinct schools of thought.
Fascism does not have an ethnic element, and is operating under the notion that the people have a duty to serve the state, while under National Socialism it is believed it is the duty of the State to serve its people.
Because? Do you realize that the Nazis had been inspired by the original United States government?
They even used Public Fiat for their monetary, which is something Benjamin Franklin pioneered by implementing it in our constitution.
Only Congress was supposed to have the power to issue and regulate money.
And if American Nationalism, which you claim to know the exact definition of without giving a description of what it exactly is, is diametrically opposed to National Socialism I.E. An ethno-state based on the original American Republic, then you are no American, you are a capricious kike or a newfag retard.
isn't black lagoon have niggers in it?
Never compromise, never slacken. The Right may be more or less united against the Left, but National Socialists will never cede any ground to either. We will have our way, through ballots or bullets.
You don't understand, the Normal fags are liable to become Nazis themselves as the left labels everything right of them Nazis.
The Kikes have been memeing this for a long time, they didn't realize that the more you talk about something the more likely it is to happen.
Jews are victims of their own Chutzpah and are unable to distance themselves from their own lies.
The Normalfag is completely desensitized to the ridiculous over the top hollywood nazi. How do you think they will respond to Nazis who actually seem very sensible?
asshurt shitskin goon detected
It's only awkward if you make it awkward
So sad!
You wish to know why, user? Because you know you will fail and you are 100% correct. But please, you keep living in your smug little fantasy world where you are King, what liberals would baptize a safe space. Enlightenment awaits those who suffer, and only in the suffering of the world can you achieve greatness.
tell me more goon-kun
at this moment your opinions are shit, gtfo or lurk longer. The red pill goes down bitter but it's the truth.
Of course we are. Run away back to your normie sites, safe and bundled in your sweet little lies. You'll be back here soon enough.
See you then.
Jesus user. I'm not even going to open up to you anymore that was awful.
If you're just practicing arguments on it I don't really care, I just hate turks tbh and prefer to shitpost them instead.
it's no joke, back to the roach coach
Are you upset that you can't post futa or NTR on /monster/?
I like that boar because they don't give into retards like you an let the /d/ tier autists infest their board.
On a thread related note, I had a buy move to Bulgaria, I should ask him about this.
Are you even white?
Added bonus, "Sofia/Sophia" is Greek for "wisdom."
he already said he was muslim
So EVEN if he was racially white, he still gets the gas chambers
There is no we faggot, speak for yourself. National Socialism is still socialism and socialism is for cucks who want big daddy government to run their lives.
Wrong board Jew >>>/liberty/ is for your kind.
Get out Nigger.
National Socialism puts first race above all other ideals, the upkeep of the race is paramount. If you put your personal beliefs before that of your race then you are not a National Socialist.
That is what unites us even though to you it may seem chaotic, when we fight each other. None of us would want to live in a world where our beliefs rain dominant but where there is no white race.
I'm a Jew because you want to be one big fuzzy wuzzy family with the people you share a patch of dirt with. Top kek.
Lolberg is a purely Jewish ideology.
What will happen when (((they))) come for you will you be able to defend successfully against the hordes by yourself?
What percentage of the populate are whites at again I think we are lower than 10%?
Around 14-15%
Not the same guy, but, funnily enough, if anyone would believe a nation transcends a geographic location it would be the jews considering the diaspora and their nation within a nation crap.
You certainly are because you fail to realize that a nation is its people, the "dirt" is immaterial. This is why multiethnic states fail; there are two opposing nationalities trying to exist at once.
because x I must believe y.
Not an argument
Your countries will never be the homogenous hippy communes you fascis want them to be
Pretending you didn't fuck up is what makes you a salty little goon
What a fantastic little pill.
I know where you're coming from, but their obsession with the territory of Israel somewhat betrays that. However, nation has for a long-time referred to a common people. The people and the land are tied together and inseperable for many European peoples, but without the people the land itself is just dirt. Also,
Nation: c. 1300, from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" (12c.) and directly from Latin nationem (nominative natio) "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe," literally "that which has been born," from natus, past participle of nasci "be born" (Old Latin gnasci; see genus). Political sense has gradually predominated, but earliest English examples inclined toward the racial meaning "large group of people with common ancestry."
You seem a little upset that no one likes cucks around here.
Both Roy Cohn and Dan Pena knew about Kek. Thank you. I love you
Also, how many of you are Natsocs just because you wanna be right wing but are scared government will stop sending you the NEET bux?
What a waste of dubs. I take back what I said, go back to >>>Holla Forums, not even /liberty/ deserves your type of retardation.
So my guess is if shtf your just going to become a refugee like one of those niggers? Just because Trump is in office doesn't mean the Jews aren't debating pulling it all apart. They are scared of Trump because they don't own him, he could be their dream or nightmare.
Over the time of his presidency I believe you will see him change just like your regular bluepilled user, every count will be proven to him before he hates.
None. Capitalism has it's flaws, but we're not full commie autism.
He's just asshurt cause their little jewtube group got found out and shit on which kept them from lusting over little boys and pozloads.
You said that the nation was just "dirt" as if it were inconsequential and not real. You denigrated the notion of race.
What is the 'x' and what is the 'y'?
All I did was greentext back to you exactly what you had said. Do you even understand the fallacy you are trying to apply here?
I want my nation - and by extension countrymen - to emphasize strength over weakness, honor over opportunism, and virtue over hedonism. I want them to be unafraid and unashamed to take pride in their heritage. I want them to have the courage in their hearts to defend hearth and home from enemies both foreign and domestic.
You dismiss tribalism yet it has been such a useful tool to your (((international clique))) since the second diaspora.
Honestly, based off of the definition, I feel as if my belief can apply here: technology is itself a poision. Obviously the jew thing, however, consider the following: the advancement of technology leads to the ability to travel large distances readily. As a consequence, the inherent ethnonationalism that existed initially in the tribe (since it was forcefully grouped), no longer exists inherently and must be thought up as an ideology one adopts (i.e. since it is now something that can be chosen, it becomes a 'thing'). In addition, on a women's aspect, by constructing devices which readily replaced women half-so (not completely so women did not become redundant/removable), women with idle time where left to be manipulated. In addition, since technology made the small town type location less attractive to people, the notion of knowing your neighbors and a like went out the window (although I'd say this was still O.K. until scares in the mid-late 1900s). At that point there was no one with whom women could associate when left at home, further cementing the existence of idle time. Of course, the woman could have a kid, however, eventually the kid goes to school, and, even then, the woman is a social creature, hence just her and her child may lead to disallusionment with the repitition of a daily routine occuring for 6 years (until schooling).
I could add more, but since it would become more off topic I shall cease. I just noted from your definition of a nation that I could explain my thoughts of what a nation inherently held in antiquity and what it lost with the progression of technology.
I'd honestly rather be homeless than have to deal with government handout programs and the people they employ. There was a point where my parents were having real trouble finding work and I sat in with them to help with paperwork at their offices, those programs are about the most dehumanizing things I've ever witnessed. It's like you lose a part of your identity and pride definitely goes out the window.
The Socialism in natSoc has to do with race, not economy. You don't get welfare in NatSoc.
So you see race as being completely inseparable from country?
I could see the argument for preserving a culture but I don't think that has anything to do with country or race.
Kazynsky was right.
Industrial Society and its Future is the final redpill
Cultures are produced races that reside within those countries. Ideals and actions are both products of man.
How so?
Holy shit, how are you so fucking stupid?
Even Satan agrees with uncle Ted.
meant *"Produced by"
Don't you see that in the beginning you have a singular group that is homogenous with respect to its time period? This singular group constructs a culture around itself and this culture is inherently its. Suppose another group appears and the two attempt to merge. This will produce a hetergenous society with conflicting cultures. In the end, sure, you will end up with a homogenous society once again, however, the culture will have been morphed (not preserved), and the blood of the people who had initially constructed the culture dilluted. This can then repeat with respect to this new group, and then a new one, etc. The key point to be taken/notion believed here is that the initial group was the best and all subsequent ones further destroy it. As for the proof of that, I cannot yield any save state that it appears most grand empires only got worse with each invasion of a foreign people.
Are you suggesting culture and genetics have some connection? Because I haven't seen any studies that suggest this.
Culture is a result of environment and historical factors. Humans are simply to genetically similar for it to play a part.
None of this is exclusive from the biological reality of individual humans that constitute a race.
The Zulu never even produced a word for "promise". Do you expect them to produce an advanced society even in a good environment?
Of course not.
Cultures are a set of ideas it has nothing to do with race. there's no known connection between genetics and culture.
Is this bait?
You know what else is a result of environment and historical factors ?
Biology !
No they're really not. You can drastically change the functioning of a complex organism by changing only a handful of genes, and the genes that vary most between races isn't skin colour or aesthetic features, it's early neural development.
Genetics are a result of environment and historical factors. How can you be so blind to not see this?
it's bait, isn't it? you really think aboriginals are the same as whites?
Satan, what is that feel when you come to a conclusion, thinking it's unique or, at minimum, not well-known, only to have it have been a famous guy's manifesto?
You deny that humans have biological differences across races.
Mods banned me for mentioning a well known fact about this board. This is why we can't have nice things.
Hahaha what a fucking surprise. Your post makes much more sense now.
The aborigines literally had a genocidal campaign ran against them by the white Aussies.
Is that why they huff gasoline all day? Whites made them do it?
Couldn't ask for a better birthday gift.
When you're entire civilization has been destroyed, your people nearly wiped out, and your land filled with foreigners, I'm sure you'll be huffing gas too.
Or is that just environmental and historical factors leading them to have a culture of slow brain death via hydrocarbons? Certainly it's nothing to do with their intelligence level.
next you'll say their intelligence level is so bad because of all the gasoline they huff, instead of it being an inherent quality of their vastly inferior genetics
The Australian Aboriginals genocided their own people multiple times.
Once there was a Tribe that learned how to craft ships and fish, the other tribes killed them.
Once there was a tribe that learned how to do metal working, the other tribes killed them.
Once there was a tribe that started writing words down, the other tribes killed them.
Aboriginals have been praciticing Eugenics on themselves and terraforming Australia by starting bushfires for 40,000 years.
Kill yourself.
Are you implying the gas huffing does not effect IQ scores? Are you retarded?
I'm aware of the trends in race and IQ.
So you've achieved more than Thomas Sowell have you? good for you man. good to see you take time out of your busy schedule to post on Holla Forums.
The best argument you could make is that the successful and thriving aboriginals were wiped out and what was left behind was the dregs of their society. However, even that would be an environmental or historical factor that lead to changes in genetics, so you'd still be wrong if that was your argument.
No shit, but you can't have a high IQ to start huffing gas. Gas is widely available all over the fucking planet, but why are only Abbos doing it to the extent that PSAs have to be made to tell them not to huff fucking gasoline, or not sleep in the fucking road?
They are retarded because are barely human.
No I read the spoiler, and am asking you if you really think it isn't a factor. My reply was to your spoiler.
Literally not an argument.
No one states that there aren't intelligent blacks, you retard. But the number is one in a million. This is why libertarians are morons. They can't understand averages matter.
But user, they fall asleep in the road because of all the gas they huff.
t. 5aac8e
This user already said what I would have.
And I already explained that they do it because they've lost all hope
Bait, reddit, or just a newfag regardless it's a shame you're too stupid to just lurk
Read both parts of this article and kindly fuck off
Pick one
You have to prove that. Where is the proof, you got a survey? Can abos even read?
I'd personally consider libertarianism to be moronic moreso due to the belief that acts exist in isolation. The very premise of 'if it doesn't affect anyone else, then it should be allowed/not interfered with' is never satisfied. Even the most minute thing can affect the group. Consider one person does something. Seen as an outcast at first, but maybe finds another. Now they're a little group, the Kool Kid's Klub or loser club of their school/place, which ever. Seen as a niche, others will mimic. Slowly but surely the idea spreads, either being normal in the "counter culture" or in the normal culture. Even if initially in the counter culture, all it takes is once famous person of the normal culture to point it out and the rest of the normalfags to bandwagon and have it become mainstream. As a consequence, whatever perverse idea was initially thought to be isolation and should be allowed was really not.
They never aspired to create any sort of civilization.
40,000 years they were left alone, and the most they did was with sticks. The only metalworkers they had, THEY FUCKING KILLED OFF.
The Aboriginals produced a culture that perpetuated them to make themselves progressively stupider.
You cannot ignore the fact that they are doing it to themselves. No aussie ever forced an Abbo to huff gas.
Plenty of people were "opressed" by the British, and none of them are walking around with cans of petrol.
Do have that archive of that article about race from that genetic testing website? A thread on it was posted here a month ago and I never saved it.
Was that before or after they burned all the forests of Australia down
You know what maybe you're right cuck-user here have some quality abo culture
I don't think so but I can dump what I have
If they are so intelligent as you say, why are they trying to kill themselves using the absolute worst and slowest possible method? My people have been genocided before and you don't see me huffing gas and wanting sympathy of others because "it's not fair and shit."
You are either a nigger or this is bait. If aborigines were some of the first ones out of Africa (if you believe that meme) then they had the most time to evolve and be competitive. Why was it so easy for them to be wiped out if they had such a head start on evolution, and an entire land to themselves?
Checked. Please do. It would appreciate it regardless.
I'll just go down the line apologies ahead of time if I don't have it
Third pic is just for you faggot
The principal component plot puzzles me since I've read on wikipedia that there is more genetic variation between the ethnic groups in Africa than between the ethnic groups of the rest of the world.
So I would expect the smear on the left to be more stretched out than the one on the right. Makes me think that plot is BS. Or I could be misremembering the wikipedia article.
If you'd read the nova article I linked you instead of choosing to suck cock you'd know the arguments according to both sides. But you didn't. Now fuck off I'm taking a dump.
1st pic is for keks
The other two are also for you
colored id's are cancer
3rd pic is especially for you
I don't know how to interpret those first two images exactly.
Holy shit, does this mean WE WUZ KANGS were right about the melanated brain and larger amygdalas?
unfortunately the article doesn't mention the absolute size of the amygdala compared to caucasians, only that it occupies a larger relative size. that's bullshit when the overall brain size is smaller - if the amygdala stays the same it is relatively larger. this was probably not discussed because there are some KANGS in the author list.
That anthropologist in that article discusses more phenotype feature variation between groups, rather than specifically genetics.
I'm going to sleep. I honestly don't know what you're trying to prove. You haven't shown any link between culture and genetics.
Bee the National Socialist you want to see in the world.
I'll get to that when I'm done taking a dump faggot
I thought there was more than that in my folder give me a sec to look around the others and then I'll address your shit
genociding each other for 40,000 years. Stable environment, very little selection pressure.
all the fucking newfags ITT
Avoid if you can the labels of the enemy and use National Socialist or Natsoc if you must.
Nazi was (((coined)) as a derogatory term for National Socialist German workers Party or NSDAP.
I am sure you already knew this.
I guess not, remind me again where you think culture originates from?
What causes the expression of a specific phenotype? Oh that's right, genetics. Doesn't that mean a difference in expressed features implies a difference in the underlying genetic code of that organism? Doesn't that also mean someone discussing phenotypic variation among groups is effectively discussing genetic variation?
2 years
This is another thing I'm not sure about though.
The ideals of a civilization change, and as it comes close to its death, as sexuality (Roman cross-dressing is not some made up lie) becomes liberal, people don't build things to last as they are only focused on the present, so you see less items/buildings.
Regression to the mean is very real, leave a single jew and he will repopulate with a vengeance, same goes for every other subhuman really.
Why can't you faggots get this through your thick skulls?
Environment can influence evolutionary changes. Said environment can also be reflected in culture. They all are connected considering a culture can influence as population to change its environment, develop certain things, which further changes how the population evolves.
You faggots love guns, germs, and steel, yet you are denying how certain aspects of a people's development can change things drastically.
checks for the gets god
dubs for the digit throne
I guess it doesn't matter, it's established that there are significant differences in the cranial capacities of caucasians, asians, and niggers. But more importantly is the distribution of grey matter to what regions of the brain. I'll pick on niggers for obvious reasons, not just because I'm racist. There's an overall brainmass difference between whites and blacks to the tune of 200cc's less on the part of blacks. Of the 1250~cc's of brain mass available to them a greater degree of it is allocated to the amygdala which is responsible for how we deal with external stimuli on a primal level such as feelings of disgust as well as possibly being partially responsible for general political preferences. Couple this with the excessive testosterone and the higher rate of repetition concerning the MAOA allele sequence and niggers are genetically predisposed towards violent or flighty/panicky behavior. To say these genetic factors have no weight on the "culture's" they develop is to simply just lie not only to yourself but also to anyone else in earshot or in this case lurking.
Fuck it I don't care if that cocksucker got banned I'm gonna post my reply anyways
Saying you're an ethno-nationalist instead of a National Socialist is mostly a way of not admiting that you're still conditioned to dissociate from ebil natzis. You call your self EthNat because NatSoc still makes you feel uneasy. Though to be fair, a current year American National Socialism would be quite distinct from Uncle Adolf's 1930's NatSoc, we'd need a mixture of irreverence and extremism in the culture and policy that wouldn't be possible back then. "Gas the kikes, Race War now" is a good example of this, it's our way of saying "You're goddamned right you filthy jews, we hate everything about you and no longer give a fuck about your responses" That's a mindset that can only work in America due to it being the major worldpower, compared to post-versailles Germany that had to do everything in it's power just to claw back to relevance.
Not him, but I usually choose to say white nationalist/ethnonationalist because I haven't taken the time to read about all the critical policies/positions of National Socialism.
Nice points user
There's your problem, National Socialism as described by Hitler himself isn't a specific set of policies or legislature, but an ethos on how a state should function. It's National because everything should be directed towards preserving and nourishing the National character of the people, which is derived from their genetics/race; and It's socialism in that everyone chips in to help out the nation (the meaning of the word socialism was dependent on who you asked back then, Hitler's socialism was not in anyway comparable to the jew's socialism). What you intuitively grasp as "ethno nationalism" is in fact National Socialism.
NatSoc is an ideology for all the people of a nation to be lived through at all times, so clearly it can't be centered around monetary policy or other administrative tasks. Think of NatSoc as culture, it's not the famous pieces of art or specific orchestral scores that make upa culture, but the day to day interactions and aspirations of the people who live in that culture with members of their race.
I would still say that there are positions, one being that the state is the people or that only a homogeneous people can compose a state.
You can start getting your spawns out of Germany right now, if you don't want to see them die in the next few decades.
how the fuck did i not hear about this, i live like 20 minutes away from that
The only thing that we haven't all agreed about is a global race war. Holla Forumsack of every race does agree though, that every single commie and kike must be found and forced to receive a .22 between their eyes. Why? Because .22lr is cheap and can cause painful death.
go to Veliko Tynovo and visit Tsarevets
or if you're at the right time of year, go to Triavna and visit the annual folklore festival
So, where is your census and polls?
good post
Holla Forums is turning into a strange place lately.
With jews outnumbering any real anons spamming the boards endlessly with "oy vey, we must kill Iran for isreal", "oy vey, that new zionist neo-con kike Trump brought in to manage Americas Federal Reserve is so based", "oy vey, if you talk about the jews you must really love da moozlims" bollocks.
This picture, while a great way to start the day, wasn't taken from a rally in Bulgaria.
It was apparently taken last week in the Castle area of Budapest while they were filming some TV series.
Not sure why Holla Forums goes into DisInfo this heavy like this, as far as I'm concerned these pictures are poetry.
However what would be true joy would be to remove the jews from this place.
The jews are at the heart of all our ills, without their removal first, there will be no saving of the white European races worldwide.
Remove kike.
What evidence do you have that this is not from Sofia? Its icy in the OP, but not in your posts. It hasn't snowed in Budapest in a while, as far as I can tell. The architecture is similar, but those look like Bulgarian license plates. As well, there are other sources (granted, leddit) that say this was in Sofia.
An user pointed that out earlier in the thread I'm sure at least some others noticed, but that's honestly why I started smugposting and then turned it into a race dumping thread. But you're right a lot of anons bit the bait on this, including myself at the beginning. I think there's also been a recent influx of actual newfags as well who seem incapable of following simple directions as always.
There's a bunch of jewish online rags kvetching up a storm about the march in Sofia but all of the pics I can find show them waving and carrying Bulgarian NS flags and standards not German ones so I'm not to sure about OP's pic.
I'm surprised Holla Forums wasn't aware of this, as it's apparently an annual thing in Bulgaria.
Whats the fucking point
It does seem strange that Bulgarians would put up swastika banners a week after their rally. The question to be asked now is, f it isn't in Sofia or Budapest, where is it then?
You're amazingly, painfully new you fucking cocroach
14/88 10,000 year space Reich soon
Source, there are several posts from that day with a few more pictures.
https:// twitter.com/internet_meanie/status/832359165968400387
What evidence do you have it's from Bulgaria?
They look like EU number plates.
It snows across the world.
Ever seen it snow before? Snow falls, melts away by midday, reappears by nightfall.
The pictures are clearly from the Castle area in Budapest.
The fact these pictures were posted last week stating they were filming in the Castle area and the buildings all look like they're from the castle area.
It was already explained it was in Budapest.
So some random user restates:
Er the Castle area of Budapest as was just stated
What's the motivation for this seemingly random DisInfo about what appears to be an innocuous enough story?
Interested to understand why the kikes throw out all kinds of curve-ball DisInfo on this board and wanted to know why this Anglin tier sleight-of-hand was needed.
Are we to expect a Mossad flavoured terrorism in Bulgaria later this week which all of Holla Forums will contain 6 million hasbarats screaming about islamic terrorism, despite there hardly being any muslims in the East of Europe and every photographer/video recorder and witness to these events is isreali jewish?
Normally that is the MO of CIA-kikes, seed something subtle like this i.e. random story about country not in the news much, then a big news story the kikes want everyone kvetching about and the DisInfo seeded story is already in the heads of the manipulated.
This. The laughing has stopped.
Get out
Always liked Bulgaria I plan on putting Bulgarian wood grips on my AK they look nice.
You mean like the kikes in Israel
holy shit this is beautiful
pic related, 100 yard dash at the Olympics
There's not a lot of genetic diversity there. Kenyans are on average the fastest runners in the world, and it's not because of running from the police.
There was snow in Sahara this season.
Or running from baby mamas
(burgers click cc for translate)
What's the sauce of Mokou maymays?
(am not Bulgarian hope I spelled that right)
I wouldn't necessarily trust a Bulgarian with my car, but it has to be said they are doing thos right:
All this while rocking some sweet adidas tracksuit.
I love bein Slavic.
I forgot to add beat them up, but that should be only understandable if you are trying to invade a country you have no business being in.
What's the situation in Harmanli camp?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but American nationalism was characterized, since the founding of the country, by individuality and a distrust of the government. American culture was, "leave me alone, I'll take care of myself."
They (Americans) fixated on the French concept of Liberty, but not even the French were as into individualism as Americans were. There has never been a country in Europe with a close match to genuine American culture.
This is partly a consequence of our lower population density and effective isolation from peer-powers. By contrast, every country in Europe has people living closer together and is under constant threat of invasion by a military at least equal to their own. As a result, their brand of nationalism (in Nazi Germany certainly, but everywhere else as well) is, frankly, left-wing - it emphasizes the group above the individual. It says that as an individual, you must give up your personal freedom for the state.
That's the exact opposite of the American nationalistic ideal, which said "those who give up freedom for safety deserve neither." Even if you cannot agree with anything I've said here, you must realize that no European nation would have survived more than a few decades if its people felt that way. They would have been conquered by their nearest neighbor very quickly. That American nationalistic idea does not work in Europe.
Actually, the search for truth is never dishonorable, and always commendable.
But we are unquestionably a White-Nationalist board.
Some here actually dislike those of other colors or ethnicities, while some simply want white nations for white people, and would be satisfied to live and let live, as long as there was no mixing nor immigration to white countries.
To love a thing does not mean you have to hate everything that is NOT that thing.
Lurking here will no doubt be a constant offense to you. Still, you're welcome to do so, but don't expect you'll ever change any minds nor attitudes, it won't happen.
We are white, we support other whites above all others. That's the cold hard truth of it.
On non shitposting computer I have sim images from Oslo, but I just happened to be in there, while they made the movie Max Manus, that was really strange
Never been caught up in a movie before, and there they were flags everywhere even or parliament and and cars remade from ww2 full of german soldiers everywhere.
It was weird as fug. I had dataloss, but I can check the other puters, first I got to eat
KEK also saved
In order to love you must hate.
If you want to secure the existence of the aryan race you must be wiling to genocide others who frankly don't deserve to live anyway. This is a "racist" board and there is nothing wrong with that fact.
anime is not art tbh
Did you check the other computers, Varg?
Steppe niggers trying to play the Nazi game. Cute but disgusting.
Nice pic, saved.
Also don't worry fam, i hate you therefore you'll be first in line for the gas treatment.
t.asshurt Vatnik pisssd about losing his spot in the breadline
Oh boy.
Ayy i think this is relared fam.
Bulgaria: Hundreds march to honour far-right WWII General in Sofia
This also coincided with it. Bulgarians, germans and swedish natsocs co-oporarted.
Germany: 2,500 turn out to protest coffin-carrying Neo Nazi march
You know what'd make those marches look awesome instead of depressing? If they all sang Horst Wessel's song in unison. I'd give my fucking life to see that in person, just once.
Well that settles it. Moving to Bulgaria.
All European-derived people must band together to destroy our racial enemies, avert our genocide, and ensure a future for our children.
What the fuck? How many shekels does a shitty summer camp cost if that's the bonus offer discount
The people who hated them the most offered them camps for free for crying out loud
meant to reply to
I wonder if Auschwitz is one of them :^)
Yes, but it doesn't tell you genetic distance. Two people could look very different but their genetic difference could be closer than two people who look more similar.
For example, Finns might look nordic, but the Sami are genetic outliers, probably evolved from some other hominid species than homo sapiens.
You have your definitions of left-wing and right-wing mixed up. Right-wing means nationalist. Left-wing means globalist.
Beautiful. How I wish I could see this in my town centre…
Historically, the terms "left-wing" and "right-wing" originated from the seating of the French parliament, with "the whites" (pro-monarchist reactionaries) on the right wing, "the reds" (radical socialists) on the left wing, and "the blues" (democratic liberals) in the center.
Their grandfathers probably fought on the side of the Reich… can you say the same?
Thanks, saved
my great granddad was against the nazis and was even imprisoned at one point not a jew, just a rebel or something, the fucking tzar had to go and save the jews
and in his defense historically germany has always been bad luck for us, no matter their good intentions
Now, just out of respect to uncle Adolf and his Roach SS division I will try to be patient. National Socialism is unlike the caricature you have been conditioned to hate through constant exposure to the jew-owned media; it is actually a nuanced and sensible system you can learn more about by lurking more, watching or by reading a Holla Forums approved version of Mein Kampf. You will also learn 'Hitler did nothing wrong' is less of meme and more of historical fact; minor strategic decisions notwithstanding, as they are still debated.
That said, in regards to all our memes about gassing kikes, violently expelling muslims from our countries, and other such whimsical and edgy comedy you associate with the caricature of Nazis you have grown up with, for many of us
That city is the biggest shithole I've ever visited in my entire life.
Literally stepped off the train into a hole in the platform and found a dead animal on the sidewalk on the way to the hotel.
The beer is pretty cheap though and I never felt in danger. Mafia people were pretty hardcore though.
I hope you guys like kebab shops because the fucking place has so many you'd think the ottomans still ran it.
Come to think of it. How's the political climate in Russia going to be over the next few years?
More Putin Civic Nationalism of:
Or will Slavic nationalism rise?
you haven't been to Pleven
i swear, the only actually good looking city in this country is Veliko Tyrnovo, and that's because of the tourism.
kebabs are one of the staple foods here though, like bread. really cheapt, decent enough to eat, expect them everywhere
You saved my post of the nine virtues and got dubs on it. Hail Odin!
Oy vey
European capital which in less than a year will be hosting the Bulgarian presidency of the Council of the EU
It's lampshade time.
Maybe all those kike tourists and false flags have woke them up.
Hearty kek was had. Well done, friend.
No your special little breed of monkey will not get to survive. Keeping monkeys around as pets will only lead to more race mixing, white guilt and dysgenics and dilution of the white gene pool. There will be no eurasian utopia that you so desire. There will be no europe for the europeans and asia for the asians. The asians outbreed us massively, and the japs are just as magnificently incompetent at creating anything novel or unique as the rest of the non-whites. The stories, origins and techniques used to make anime have all been plagiarized from Europe, as is all their music. All their technology is simply cosmetic reskins of European technology and of small tweaks to what is nearly entirely a European device. Every porported asian invention is either a lie, is misleading or is asians claiming the achivements of white people.
On the day of the rope, your asian 'waifus' will not survive, but you won't either. All race traitors must die.
Japan was used as an anti-communisitic outpost in the far east of asia to keep china preoccupied from assisting Russia. At the point where the Japanese unwittingly played into the USA's hand by attacking their giant painted target in the ocean (pearl harbour) they fucked over Germany by providing an excuse for the USA to fight the National Socialism uprising in Europe.
I think at the point where Japan ceased to be of any help to Germany and instead started to assist it's downfall, much like Italy had done, Adolf might have somewhat regretted his decision to ally with them.
We are either going to purge non-whites only in white countries, or we are going to purge all non-whites, period. Allowing one parasite to go free will just breed more.
If you truly are a kek worshiper, how can you possibly watch this mongoloid eat a frog alive while it's blinking and writhing around in the dish, watching her eat it's entrails in front of him and think that is okay.
Asians have sub-human levels of empathy and are so obviously inferior in every way. They would contribute nothing to a world that is otherwise completely white other than stealing our work and pretending it is theirs.
Yeah, maybe in Europe, but here in the US Northeast. Snow will not melt away in a day. It won't melt away at all typically.
I absolutely can't wait to see what the next decade holds for us. Might be time to emerge and become part of it.
Sieg Heil!
It never ceases to amaze me that so many Chinese just don't give a fuck about their own countrymen, let alone, life in general.
Glad to see my screengrabs are still rolling around
How are you going to convince whites to kill all non-whites?
Nazis didn't murder all non-whites. That's a Jew cartoon. No problem with you if you hate international jewery. You have to go back to your ancestral lands in Mongolia or wherever though, Anatolia is rightful European and Assyrian clay.
I take it you don't hunt or butcher
remember the fear factor where they drank horse piss and jizz? you can blame kikes, but people still watch it and some people even still listen to joe rogan
yeah, nips ain't to our standard. Neither are large swathes of whites.