Is Trump really gearing up to go after pot dispensaries? I've only heard this from the LA times and CNN so I'm assuming it's fake news- but people on my Facebook feed are frothing at the mouth and such regression would cause all sorts of headaches in me defending my support for him

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Why do you still have a faceberg at all? They have tools to censor you, like twitter, without you even knowing it and then at that point they're just datamining you.


Why would you believe a damn thing the media says if you haven't heard it from Trump's mouth? Did you really need to create a thread to have this very basic concept explained to you?

Pot is degenerate to begin with. It actually is a gateway drug and let me explain why. Lil Timmy smokes a joint. Little Timmy thinks it's not so bad. Lil Timmy then gets offered xanax or Molly or whatever and says to himself 'it can't be that bad right?' Degeneracy opens the door to more degenerate behavior. It's a vicious cycle of the Jewish invented psychology to manipulate and poison the mind. That being said, it's illegal at the federal level. Trump has said he will enforce federal law. There's not mystery to what that means. It means what it says. Do I think Cannabis has medical benefits? Sure, it probably does have specific components which benefit specific ailments. That's a stoner excuse though. You blaze to get high. Period. If the law chsnged on a federal level then so be it. Until then it's illegal.

Then the jew who wants to protect his pharma monopoly, fuel monopoly, textile monopolies, etc chimes in with a bump because he can't patent a plant.

I mean really now.


Isn't that what Monsanto wants to do next? Patent genetically altered marijuana?

I can't be arsed to post all of the same shit every time this stupid shit thread comes up.

No, don't make implications from my words I never suggested such. That's basic d&c kike shilling you're doing. I make zero excuses for big Pharma or Tobacco or Alcohol either. They're all degenerate.

I hope not because legalizing Marijuana is a great way to fuck over the cartels and legitemize thousands if not millions of american jobs. Plus the tax revenue.

It'd be really hypocritical of them to claim states rights with the tranny bathrooms then go after the dude weed lmao's

Except the part where it helps people wean off of harder drugs.
What an enormous kike.

Industrial hemp was banned in America, but in the rest of the world it remained legal. Nevertheless, the "hemp revolution" has not happened in Asia, Europe, Africa or South America. Why would it happen in America?

You fucking hang yourself right now. Weed is fucking people up and faggots like Joe Rogan and Bill Maher are a disgrace, and so are you if you can't defend Trump for it.

I have never known anyone do hard drugs that wasn't a stoner first or smoked weed first.

This. There is no excuse for degenerate behavior. Any person coming off 'hard drug' who tries to claim they 'need' marijuana suffers from a severe addictive disorder and is weak making excuses to smoke marijuana.

The gateway drug theory falls apart with Marijuana legalization. The only reason theres an association with pot and harder drugs is probably because if someone is seeking one type of contraband, they'll likely encounter other types.

Its not like heroin and cocaine are sold in liquor stores (easily a harder drug than pot) and guess why alcohol isnt considered a gateway drug?

the only drug I have ever taken aside from alcohol and tobacco was weed, it isn't a gateway drug if you aren't degenerateI don't partake now but that only reinforces my point.

Shit, forgot to sage.

Exactly. Roganite like pro weed faggots are degenerate and disgusting and they actually get destroyed in arguments when in their brainless minds they think they're winning. Embed related Joe Rogan (Degenerate who poisons the minds of the youth) vs Anti-Degenerate Steven Crowder. This was a great debate and will make you see how disgusting Rogan is as a human being.

Nobody is excusing alcohol either. It's degenerate and toxic and should also be illegal.

There's no need to be upset

I have an unusual philosophy on datamining/surveillance. I used to worry about such things to the point of having nightmares about drones and censoring myself when I knew there were cameras or phones in the room.. I think that sort of fear and self-regulation is the real goal as opposed to the actual spying. I have nothing to fear because I seriously do have nothing to hide- I've done every drug under the sun, fucked hookers and engaged in enough degeneracy that most of you would probably call for my execution.. the thing is I've grown up and used those experiences to become the fine upstanding citizen I am today. There is nothing I can be blackmailed with because I have no secrets.

That isn't to say I approve of datamining/don't support an individuals right to privacy. I just don't personally worry about mine anymore.

I think it's a fallacy that wacky tobaccy is a gateway drug. It's true that it was the first drug I ever used but that's only because it was the first drug that was ever offered to me.

I love weed tbh

I agree with that, and i say that as a pothead. I just think there's a rational approach to this but a lot on Holla Forums can go full D.A.R.E. about drugs

Alcohol is literally Aryan. The only people to properly refine it in ancient times were Aryan, it's the same as milk in this regard.

Anyone who says 'Dude weed lmao' or any shit like this promoting marijuana is a brainless zogbot who's easy to manipulate and control. Not to mention you're very immature. It's degenerate and when you grow the fuck up one day you'll realize this. Also you're not a National Socialist if you encourage drug use at all and you should >>>/gasyourself/

If people can responsibly drink alcohol i dont see why I can't respondibly smoke some dank

I agree, if you check my id you will see that to some degree. I do believe alcohol is more acceptable because my bloodline has evolved with it as a factor while marijuana is relatively new.

Why the fuck are you bumping this shitty slide thread then, retard?

Fuck off, I'm tired of dealing with you bumping retards/shills and this stupid topic.

Prohibition of any stripe is a kike scheme to prop up black market industry.

DEA raids pot shops all the time, because they are often times ran by people with connections to criminal syndicates and cartels.
Media will spin any raid that happens now as 'le ebul drumph killing muh based potheads'

DEA still has a right to crack down on drug-crime - even when the drug-crime is using a "legal" front.

Except weed is being manipulated by pharma kikes as well, it used to be grown naturally and would have high percentages of CBD/CBN/THC and now is just grown for D9-THC. unless you get pre-93 genetics you're growing jew'd dope

Plus, dope should be either illegal entirely or decriminalized and heavily suppressed socially.

You can still get high CBD, you just have to know what to ask for.

No. It's just leftists being leftists.
t. weed user

What exactly is CBD/CBN?

Laymans terms
THC: Chemical that gets you DUDESOHIGHLOL
CBD: The chemical that reduces anxiety and lets little cancerboy billy get his appetite back after chemotherapy


My state is rec legal, I can just ask for high CBD/CBH and get the medical stuff?

Until scientists can discover a method of consuming THC without it turning you into an apathetic, Bob Marley loving indolent nigger it stays b& so stoners can be made to pay for their faggotry.


No, you can get weed grown specifically for CBD, there isn't much shit going around that still has a balance of active ingredients.

There's many different kinds of THC - D9THC gets you "high"
CBD Gives you a body high and soothes anxiety as well as acting as an antipsychotic
CBN makes you feel "swimmy" and tired.

Yes. They specifically grow CBD strains that don't even get you high. They obviously aren't as popular, so just call around before hand to make sure they have the right stuff in stock.

Sweet, I'm getting some unfavorable side effects form phenibut these days.

It's called not being a worthless degenerate tbqh. It's much healthier to pick up a joint than a third glass of beer - if you want to get fucked up, cannabis is the least damaging way of doing so.

Also what exactly does CBD stand for?

How about the prohibition of sex with children? There is a jewish black market for that too, guess we should legalize it?

rogan is a fag


Don't worry about it. Remind the stones paranoia is a traditional party of the buzz. Life isn't perfect neither is trump.

Also, he had said he'd leave it to the states, so there's that.

Work a 14 hour day and have to get up in the morning to do it again. I smoke a spliff (weed/tobacco mix) after work to relax. If I drink I sleep in, if I do nothing I get so angry that I want to kill people.

T. Carpenter user

They won't respond because they're all degenerate cuckchan refugees who don't understand the definition of National Socialism let alone have read Mein Kampf.

I don't want to be high or "body high", I just want to cut the anxiety and and some of the physical pain. Are there any strains that just do that?

Same boat, welder.

Alcohol is fucking bad

Welp, you had to do it. You just had to go Poe's law, didn't you, you silly little nigger.
Fine. I'm posting the Goebbels article again. If you think National Socialism is about being a gigantic pearl clutching faggot who equates a drink or a smoke after a long workday with child rape, then please read this it's entirety, and promptly end your life.


Well that's just retarded, no one should abide kiddie diddlers.

He's on a paleo diet and works out with kettlebells. He also openly uses steroids which is kinda cool tbh

One day maybe you can be a man. Until then you're just as serious of a threat to the white race as the kikes and niggers shilling against us are.


I guarantee you they've probably got thousands of test plants growing as we speak. Look at the revenue in Colorado alone. Regardless of your opinion on the herbal jew, it's obvious it's the next big cash crop.

Exercise and a healthy diet can actually serve as a long term solution. All you're doing is putting a lid on the grill while it still burns hot coals.

I get that but I have had these anxiety problems since I was a child, the only way I have been able to work around groups of people in the past was through chemical assistance, these days I mostly work alone but family gatherings and going into public are still difficult.

Styx had a solid video on this explaining what Trump is likely doing. He's creating the discussion that he can then be a hero on. In Sun Tzu terms, he's picking the battlefield. By declaring his intent to enforce weed laws, he's both sparking the leftist mob into a frenzy while appealing to the ultra conservative right. When the media begins their predictable as fuck media slam campaign against his "fascist policies" and discusses all of the ways that pot benefits the economy and personal health, he'll make a few statements about American policy and then legalize it in order to attack things like organized crime and incarceration rates. The result will be a massive shift of support away from the histrionic media and the left in general, a renewed war on crime a la Reagan's reign, and standards in pot provision which both boost the economy and limit degeneracy.

Select enforcement of the law is arguable grounds for impeachment. Unless there is legislation passed stating that the federal government can't interfere (like a rider on a bill about medical marijuana did), then libshits forced his hand.

The smart money relocated to Canada months ago.

This tbh.