Is CPUSA really that bad?

Is CPUSA really that bad?

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they sided with Shillary even when B████ was in the game.

After a coughing spell, causing her to fall off a bar stool at a campaign stop, Mrs. Clinton stated to CNN, “I’m proud to receive the endorsement of the CPUSA. We’re stronger together because someone is always picking me up when I fall. I can’t seem to get it up alone, like my husband Bill. No pun intended.”


i would cum so much if mods delete this thread

I'm starting to think that B████ conceded to Hillary precisely because she seemed so much more like a reincarnation of Sdalin. Why else would there have been so many 🍀🍀🍀Mysterious🍀🍀🍀 "disappearances" along her campaign? :~}

Pic related.

wtf Is that cpusa shit?

they saw her as the most effective means to take down a fascist candidate

I think that's reasonable

this is shopped right lmao

Trump isn't fascist, he's too much of a bumbling idiot who changes his mind about bullshit based on however the fuck he feels. He's more like a child really.

They really just got it all wrong didn't they.

He makes up whatever lies he can to get into office, just like the historical fascists did. Which is why fascism is such a self-contradictory ideology. It was constructed ad-hoc by a bunch of political opportunists.

Trump's disdain for the democratic process is a little frightening

I could see him ordering political killings (especially of leftists) if elected


they've been COINTELPRO'd so hard that there aren't any communists in the organization anymore

And this is different from the Drone program how?

Trump would never kill Leftists.

Only a small amount of his supporters talk like that. Nothing will come of it.

It's a shop by conservatives who thought that the banners Hillary was using looked Stalinist.

From the CPUSA official website:

They have the best logo

Controlled opposition and collaborators will be the first under the guillotine, comrade.

Guillotine is just a way to not offend the bourgeoisie when killing them. No need to spend resources on such a fancy way of killing.

It's really not all that different from most formerly Soviet-aligned Marxist-Leninist parties

The only thing I could see Trump doing is suddenly quitting the race or resigning from office when shit starts hitting the fan.
He's a businessman, he doesn't want all this responsibility and work and shit. What we have to worry about is not Trump, but the direction that the newly empowered reactionaries take up to 2020.

I want to be angry at this, but I just can't even bring myself to it anymore.

They seem to legitimately believe that they can form a "popular front" with the Democrats and have something to gain from doing so. It's like they still believe they're a part of some larger, powerful global movement.

I believe the term you're looking for, is sellouts. They're sellouts rationalizing and lying about the reasons for why they take the stances they do.

Serious question:

Why don't we start the Red Guard up again for the USA? Or individual states or something. Something, you know?

Fairly sure Red Guard style activities would be very illegal and probably counter-productive.

Any more illegal than the militants showing up at bundy's farm, brandishing weapons and straight up aiming them at police officers and threatening to kill them? Nothing happened, in regards to that incident.

Right wingers and liberals get a pass because the media put a narrative behind it

Do remember how the state flipped shit when some teenagers protested at their campuses. Imagine if they actually had even the slightest excuse to use lethal force.

like, what the fuck