What other newer games died as fast as BB?

What other newer games died as fast as BB?

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Even that died slower than BB how sad is that?

I didn't even know it came out. Forgot all about it.

We got a lot of wonderfully nasty porn out of evolve. This got nothing so of course it was dead on arrival.

no tears, only comedy gold

is this game really already dead?

Who knows, not me.

I don't even know what kind of game it is honestly.

Also, didn't that Hi-Rez moba die pretty fast?

More like Stillborn

it's another entry in the "team-based arena shooter" trend, this time with a lot of moba elements, including timed abilities, creeps, and leveling up. it's absolute trash, though.

Smite actually isn't terrible.

I wouldn't play it, but it's not bottom tier garbage.

It's not, for what I can tell in-game at least.
Yeah I bought it, and I have about 50 hours into it, I find it pretty good actually
I read that in the UK it was 1st seller the first week and then fell at 22 the second week, but I don't know about the US though.

I don't really understand all the hate about it here, I don't think anybody shilled it, it doesn't have any memes and shit, the only bad thing would be Gearbox, but even then, Overwatch is getting praised and it's Blizzard…
And anyway, Battleborn =/= Overwatch, you can play each and understand all the differences pretty quick

Of course it got nothing. Do YOU see anything in Battleborn that you would bang? I sure don't.

Looking at the trailers the art direction reminds me of Champions Online for whatever reason. And that just gets me mad cause Champions could've been a fun game if Cryptic didn't abandon it.

Why would you give money to Gearbox and Randy Pitchford? They're the scummiest devs out there besides Tim Schafer.

What a time to be alive.

No cismens sky died pretty fast.


No Man's Sky hasn't came out yet.


Evolve is a perfect lesson in how, with a shitload of cash, a publisher can turn what is effectively a multiplayer mod into a monstrous AAA title… in terms of appearance, of course.

Because since the start of the year I only bought Dragon's Dogma and I had a lot of fun in the beta, and it was only 30 on amazon so I said fuck it.
And I don't regret it

But i saw it selling on steam and there are youtube gameplay videos here and there.

press gameplay? it doesn't come out till june something.

Also, I may be out of the loop, but what makes them that scummy ?
I only know about the Duke Nukem stuff.

Do you think they are on the same level as Bethesda ?
Because if Bethesda released an actual good game, I would buy it, you got to vote with your wallet and for me Battleborn was a good decision.

Homefront the revolution?

I don't quite understand it. I don't think I ever heard of Evolve until after it was dead, yet apparently journalists and award ceremonies were shitting themselves over it. Was this paid coverage or something?

Of course not! it was the greatest e-sport game that players who couldn't "get good" quit in 2-3 months, while detesting all the efforts to give the game more content!

That movie that came out for ps4. What was it's name?

The Order, right?

That was The Order 1886, yeah.

Not really a game, but god damn did it have good visuals at points.

good. Horrible, greedy devs/publishers.
Hope they went bankrupt to discourage others from using such poor business models.

Read more about the Aliens: Colonial Marines affair.

God, that was shit. Absolute dog shit.

In the trailers. I agree.

The devs aren't usually the ones who make all of the monetization plans, user.

It's possible Turtle Rock (or whoever the fuck was the dev) got taken on Mr. Bones' Wild Ride by their publisher.

So it isn't worth 30 used?.

Also, how could we forget this steaming pile of trash?

Evolve? It's bargain bin-tier, if at all.


The game's fucking dead, bro.

It's multiplayer only, and no one is playing.

You might as well buy a copy of Battleborn while you're at it.


Fuck it, I'll reply again. You know when you get those sudden urges to buy a game just because it's "cheap"?
This is one of those times when Holla Forums was and is right. Don't do it, nigga. Close that tab and walk away.

not even worth the time to pirate

Oh, I just thought of two. I bet nobody remembers these.

Man, between hellgate and tabula rasa… Fucking 2007.

Oh, I should say even the re-release of Hellgate: London into an f2p game failed miserably.

I never heard of it either until some event I was at a couple of years ago and there was a playable demo for the game.

The line was too long for me to care, though.

I remember thinking why did people complain about no death penalty for Too Human, when having to boringly wait for the 30 second animation to finish before being revived was incentive enough to never die

i miss hellgate

Here's another one, it wasn't multiplayer though. But it did have the million dollar reward that nobody got cause the devs (this being their only game) shat the bed, and Majesco had to cancel the contest due to something with Xbox Live if I remember right.

Sure did.

God damn, I actually really enjoyed Tabula Rasa for some reason. It had great atmosphere.

shit, i forgot about tabula rasa.

Let's test them memories

2013 was filled with triple A games that fell completely under the radar

Still mad.

Can't have a thread like this without posting a classic

you got me, never heard of it.


How new are you? It was one of the biggest examples of playtesters ruining a game and we got threads crying about it on halfchan for at least a couple of months.


I had already bailed on halfchan altogether by then, user, so I honestly wouldn't know.

Both these games came out after their respective trilogy ended, tried to ride out on the title and failed, lots of people don't even know there's a 4th of each on lastgen

Well now you know. Though the lesson is that you should never trust playtesters and never trust EA. Both things you should know already.

don't forget the Shadowrun FPS

i didn't say i didn't.

i'm confused, are you upset with me or something cause I didn't know anything about your game? Cause I don't care, i was just saying I never heard of it fam.

I'm not upset with you.

I feel like gaming is taking is cues from Hollywood these days with this recycled, low rent shit.

A lotta marketing for a gimmick that was used for like 5% of the game

oh, okay. Then i misunderstood, just came off that way.

thought it was funny too

I'll say this about Remember Me, it had fucking great environment art for much of it and decent music.

All of that, mind, in service of an atrocious plot, shit voice acting, and bad gameplay.

Remember when people were comparing this to VtmB before it came out and turned out to be shit

It wasn't a regrettable experience to play Remember Me, it's just interesting to see how games fall off the radar in spite of their marketing

They were unlucky, honestly.
Overwatch is coming soon and the beta alone fucking CRUSHED this game.
Sometimes you just have bad timing and get fucked in the ass, happens a lot.
Anyone here should be familiar with VTMB and how it was rushed out unfinished, buggy and unplayable because of the release of HL2.

Does this count

It sold so badly the studio disbanded IIRC

Smite still kicking and not doing too bad, still has nothing on Dota 2 or LoL.

Blow it out your ass Pitchford.

You can't knock Dawngate, everyone that wasted money on it got a refund when it was canceled. Was more than fucking shocked when I heard of that and it being owned by EA of all places.

I wonder if anyone's still mad about this

nevar 4get that they put more than the budget of Borderlands 1 and 2 into this

It was a shell studio based in Australia.

Oh right they tried getting another game kickstarted that died before it was even born.

You're telling me that all cuck writing and the crtl+v gameplay put 2k in the red?

Every game released by Gearbox that isn't Borderlands really.

I think I remember Too Human. Wasn't there a court order to recall or destroy the CD's or something?

They keep doing it and it keeps failing. But maybe that's just failing by our metrics, as in "being a good game". Think about it; if the publisher pushes the game so that people buy it, and people only play it short term, then they only have to pay 3-ish months of server fees and then they can close up shop and move onto the next sham. It's an amazingly exploitative and short term game, but it just keeps fucking working.

Are you sure you're not confusing it with the Fantastic 4 movie from the early 90's?



wew lad

sad thing is Titanfall was pretty decent, it just lacked in content plus what said.

hopefully with Titanfall 2 they will learn their lesson but i doubt it

44 people?
Man, we got 38 UIDs in this thread. That's how sad that game is.

Less popular than space station 13 servers.

Say what you want about the gunplay but holy fuck if I wasn't all about the wallrunning in Titanfall (and playing the burn card where you were perma-adrenalined had me win a capture the flag match single handedly solely through drugged up parkouring skills), and the mech's handling felt neat, like each one had a different amount of weight to it. Also the whole burn card system was fun too (no trading was stupid though).

Honestly there were a lot of neat ideas and mechanics that were drowned out by their online only idiocy, Origin exclusivity, and focus on making the game really Call of Duty like.

Still hurts.

I'm still sad how this series turned out. Me and my cousin put a ton of hours into the first game. Then the second game came out and got so much wrong I didn't even bother with the DLC or the new games. Add Burch on top of that as well as the stolen art direction and I can't even retroactively enjoy the first game any more.

I played the first one with my roommates a few years back (more like my brother wanted me to help them fight that one gigantic DLC boss I forget the name of) and had fun with it, but I wouldn't play it alone. Decent ideas, okay execution, unique (for the time) artstyle, even if it was ripped off.

Years later, a friend of mine wanted to play Blands 2, and this was already after I knew about Burch and the awful memes. But he was a friend, so I pirated it and gave it a shot.

I got an hour in with him before uninstalling. It was just all kinds of awful. I'm with you, I don't think I could go back to Blands 1 and still enjoy it, even with friends.

49 euro for an FPS moba

No wonder it is a complete failure.

Battleborn looks like the game your grandmother get you for christmas when asked for Overwatch

Anyone know how much the game cost to make?

The Division

quite a damn bit iirc

Heard that tons of gamebreaking hacks ruined that game is that true?

what the fuck am I looking at? Is this official merch?

yep, official



save me

Anybody remember this? It was hyper up massively as the next 'Halo-killer'.

The Order 1886?

i liked that game a lot

That's what you get when you make a deal with EA

Looking at Chair's track record now, I'd say that Majesco had more to do with fucking things up. The game was only bad on XBOX, but the PC release was solid.

I don't think I've ever had as much hype for anything as I did for Hellgate London. I think I just realised why I'm never hyped for anything now though.


Girl Fight

Not sure about sales though. Can't find that much info online.

Nah, it ended up as the poor man's halo mixed with some squad based gameplay.

It was fun though. And challenging.

At most umbrella corps has a community for two months before being dead?

This happened to DMC. No one wants to talk about DMC.

That just means it wasn't advertised. They can only follow what's trending and popular.

Evolve managed at least to sell 500K copies to retards, BB will never sells 200K

The next CoD and Battlefield are going to flop hard.

I hope this sends Gearbox to the fucking shithouse.

Killing floor 2 died before it was even release, another one claimed by the demon early access.

even if it was 10 bucks and full access no one would play it because the game just sucks.

This is how to waste a new IP

Added post launch, as well as new survival mode and all the dlc being free.

Still didn't save it.

That story was never canon, or was going to be.

This game had a lot of really cool concepts, If only the servers wouldn't have been shit

they put more money into it than Borderlands 1 and 2 combined.

Nah. They wont' be best sellers but they'll be far from flops. There's no competition against these 2 games. No other games that have the same "style" while offering better and higher quality and content. That is the entire reason why they rehash shit year by year. There will be a definite, noticeable decline in sales for both games but they will both be considered "successes" by their respective devs. I mean, what are millenial FPS losers going to play? Homefront The Revolution? DOOM? No. Call of Fucking Battleshit.

I used to blame Bethesda for what happened but not anymore.

Splash Damage are one of the most shitest dev companies I have ever seen. There Design team is top tier though.

I dont get how these people even made Wolf ET whoever works at SD as an artist should leave there talents keep getting wasted on an incompetent developer team.

I think Battlefield 1 will break sales records if they rehash BF4.
Still gets me.

Dirty Bomb would be a great shooter if it wasn't always online

I used to wish that games would turn out good instead of being shit.
Now I just want to watch the industry burn, I hope every AAA that comes out crashes and burns.


Nobody here would ask for fucking Overwatch for Christmas. Get the fuck out of here


It's called the "I'm not a literal retard that buys garbage" effect.

Bitch I got trips, you will respect my opinion

Is this gonna be like tf2/cs:go as in the games won't get any support past launch?

Considering that both of those games feel like console games, they're probably going to get even more support on console than for the dead PC version.

I've heard blizz will develop console OW seperately from PC OW

it'll be interesting to see them fuck both of them up even more

I played ps4 demo of overwatch. It was fun as fuck. I would certainly agree that this game wasn't made for keyboard.

and I played all the PC demos of OW and agree it wasn't made for keyboard, and any shooter with "ultimates" in it is definitely for console players


OW is more like first person moba, than a shooter.

If the quadrouple ever gets enough games worth playing I might pick it up used for the fair price of less than $20 to see it for myself. Consolefags will buy this shit, because they don't have anything else. CoD, Battlefield, ???
Their multiplayer options are incredibly limited.

Yeah, you forgot Uncharted 4, Bloodborne, The Last of Us and Destiny. Those are the most popular PS4 exclusives that have multiplayer.

Also Killzone. But only kids play killzone.

Neither the Last of Us nor Destiny are PS4 exclusive

Nobody mentioned Paladins by Hi Rez which makes me think it died before it even started

could've listened to me and saved your money. I even remember one user crying about how they were tired of defending it, kek.

Neither they are on pc.

Remember me, Holla Forums?
When I died in a weekend, I looked

Hahahah, are you serious? Even the normalfags think that's generic as fuck. They play for the SP.
See last point.
Maybe a year or two ago, but everyone jumped ship to The Division splitting the population.
That's not a multiplayer game, that's a SP game with multiplayer shit tacked on.

I'm talking about shit that's marketed on how much replay value it's multiplayer offers.

Both the figure and the in-game model look horrible.

I never bought it, but I was always interested in that character creator.

tbh, BDO had a fun character creator and the combat was somewhat fun.

it was boggled by a shitty cash shop in a game that was pretending to be a sandbox.

It'd probably do better if there was official modding, and if they didnt focus so much on the shit multiplayer, because I heard single player was decent minus the bulletsponge bosses.

This. It's extremely wrong that I've seen it advertised on TV over and over but have literally no idea of the gameplay at all.

I find games are the most fun when I'm the one hero kicking all the ass myself. And I hate playing the exact same maps over and over again, I like seeing new places and fighting new monsters of all shapes and sizes, not the same evenly balanced human/humanoid PCs forever. Single player campaigns are where the fun is.

Ascension's multiplayer community lasted for quite a bit, actually. It was surprisingly good and if you ask me better than the single player. It felt like it had a lot more care put into it than the latter.

It had some pretty big balance issues, most notably Poseidon-aligned characters being stupid overpowered and swords generally outclassing spears/hammers/gauntlets, but it was fun all the same. I really appreciated how they continually added free game modes, weapons and maps to it too.

According to steam stats the player count for Battleborn is around 4000.

Well gee bill maybe you wouldn't get a roomfull of people trying to appear mature if you didn't only pull kids in to test?


That's so sad

I wouldn't know how to feel if I even had someone on my friends list that still plays this game. Like, why? They're fucking adamant about getting their moneys worth.

Server fees are tremendously tiny. It's so tiny that Blizzard, with its WoW and B.net, list server costs as an asterisk under "Misc costs"

Their only legacy will be the wraith porn and screencaps of desperate shills.

They brought this upon themselves with poor balancing, focusing ESPORTS out the gate instead of waiting for a community to grow around it, and their disgusting DLC packages. There are not enough reaction images to express how much they deserve this fate.


They took that marketing slogan and fucking ran with it. They were banking on gamers knowing who the devs were and buying it solely on that premise. They thought because they made 1 hugely popular game they could jew the fuck out of the industry and people would just take it. Honestly they deserved and even worse fate. All those 100's of awards they won before the game was even released was such a fucking joke. How do you gift an award over a fucking commercial for the product?


This shitnis gonna die 2 months after releasing

game journos are paid to hype. they were shitting themselves over it because they were paid to.

Brink and Dirty Bomb are complete shit though. ETQW was the last good game from Splash Damage.

welcome to modern video gaming

Wew, took me 3 years to get the £200 robot minatures from backing this, and they changed from classy as fuck metal ones to cheap ass plastic ones. Fuck John Mavor the fat fucking idiot.

And don't get me started on TITANS

I still dont even know what battleborn is

Nigger what? I ge tit's a p2w fuckfest but it's far from dead

How the fuck did DSP of all people end up being right about this game?

there is webm going on with lead game dev and he sait that the console version is the main platoform in development

Even a broken clock is right at least once a day

DSP is a retard, but he's right every-so-often.
I remember he once made a surprisingly articulated video listing problems with how YouTube works a few years ago, way before all the big e-celebs hopped on the "WTFU" bandwagon.

what awards did it win? that'd make a telling image compilation.

I watched someone play it and i forgot what it was the next day