Patriarch Kirill calls on Catholics to jointly oppose de-Christianization of human civilization
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good luck with this pope.
on the other hand, i hope this leads to the founding of national orthodox churches in traditionally catholic countries.
a severe uncuckening is needed.
Puritan christian values exported from the US are what destroyed the west
The eternal burger
Orthodox churches are national by design, user.
The Russian patriarch isn't some sort of Orthodox pope, just a bishop in an important country. He has about as much authority over local churches worldwide as Putin has over local governments.
i know, but i'm italian, there is no italian orthodox church. that's what i meant.
More powerful and influential then a bishop, but yes, not close to the pope
Does he mean sucking jewish cock and sending all your money to Israel?
more like expelling jews and deus vulting when needs be.
Go and play d&d with your kids, varg.
orthodox is badass.
They bless weapons and armor.
Have you learned nothing?
This guy owns a yatcht and has been know to fuck prostitues in saunas
Hello, cuckchan.
The eternal kike
Good luck with 'Pope' Marx I.
"Christian" values are Zoroastrian Values, seeing as Jesus was a Zoroastrian prophet sent to inject these beliefs into Judaism as a means of potentially saving the Jews from the error of their thinking. But Christianity, because of it's Jewishness, is tainted and can not help but be corrupt in the end. The Pope pardons kid fucking priests, "demons" are warned against by the Vatican while they support open borders and welcome Globalism. You can be a good person who is friend's with God without resorting to Abrahamic venom.
Brb converting to Russian Orthodox
here's a video interview with him that fairly accurately covers many of his ideas. he's not exactly 'one of us' but he at least has some sensible ideas.
instead of keep buying the christian koolaid, you fideist faggots should read more nietzsche. christianity makes a virtue of aberrations such as weakness and piety, it corrupts the will-to-power that should be the basis of every sophisticated civilization. as much as I prefer christianity over islam, I wouldn't mind at all if both of them would disappear from the face of the eart.
Baby's first philosophy.
Why doesn't Russia stop importing Niggers? Yeah I know they are "goddly" niggers but still with a replacement rate for the white population in Russia still below 2 people in pretty much the entire land I think you need to do more than oppose de-Christianization.
Maybe I'm wrong, maybe at a higher level we'll see a prosperous white population.
Enjoy more niggers and spics
Does not make it wrong, though.
We need to Install that Based Irish American Bishop When we Overthrow the antipope & demolish (((vatican ii)))
Hi moldbug
u wot m8
all niggers here are medical students, and they are being kept in check.
A majority will never be superceded by niggers and spics unless if that majority performs measures to reduce their numbers (i.e Sodomy). This is why Russia has still has a non-cucked a slav majority with minorities that behave better than US muds. The fact that there's no BLM riots in Russia proves that Russia is doing something right.
pure american retard detected who cannot fathom there are events that do not include them
reminder that this is actually a thing
You have Orthodox churches there. Right now, you guys are pretty small so you're under someone else (I assume the Greeks, but I have no idea) for administrative purposes. You'll get a national church once your numbers go up to an appreciable amount. Looking at the convert levels plus the babies they make, it looks like that will happen within twenty years given that Orthodox converts alone are set to overtake motherfucking muslims of all people if kikepedia and the fever dreams of my priest is to be believed.
Abortion in the US only delays your problem you fucking retard. Typical of the baby boomers, they kicked the can down the road to the point that its almost no hope to fight against it.
If Abortion were illegal in the US, you would've had to face the issues you're dealing with today; flash mobs, flash robs, nike stores ending in brawls for some reason, etc. But no, the US decided to wait until Whites were a minority to deal with their non-white issues. GREAT IDEA FUCKTARDS.
does Holla Forums prefer to live in the city of man, or city of god?
I'm getting sick of people dismissing "wordly things" and "putting faith in man" as if these ideas were somehow directly beamed into their minds by god himself.
You and I both know that the cuck will die prepping his bull rather than face reality. Just look at Sweden; that shit is a lost cause and is only going to be restored via foreign reconquista.
You. I like you.
Holla Forums is not one person. The only consensus we have is that schills of "muh kike on the stick" are just as cancerous as "Holla Forums is a christian board deal with it fedoras!" and are probably posts made by the same bot tbh.
Most regional nationalities in Russia are subverted with ethnic Russians. The cities on territories they used to inhabit are ~40-60% russian and the rest is them or them plus other local ethnicity. They don't have the means to organize properly, because they'd immediately make enemies of half the people in their immediate area. The sole exception is Chechenya, which chimped out several times even during the war. Chechens are relentless, brutal beasts that act like niggers but are smarter than niggers. Fighting through Grozny three times since the 90s left every Russian veteran traumatized and the insurgency is still ongoing. Chechens technically have fought for their semi-independence and way of life, because Russia has only indirect authority on there. People largely ignore Russian authorities and resort to general islamic bullshit to solve their everyday life problems. Oh and if you are a foreigner there (and not a muslim) expect to get kidnapped, ransomed/gutted/beheaded.
This is a prime example of what is describing.
Stop being a mindless tool to the kikes. Religious differences can be worked through after we're done winning the culture war.
Posting things like this at the current time only serves as needless D&C.
Nothing wrong with that, considering vatican has been known to back homos and fuck small children.
Every like 10 years Russia has an open rebellion and there are riots and terrorist attacks all of the time. Russia isnt doing anything right they just havent imported as many nigs yet.
The Puritan movement freed the slaves pushed black power minority rights and started the poz. Everything is wrong with that.
This argument falls on it's face because if there were more niggers and spics, all that really means is that black on black violence will go up since they kill each other all day.
Turn off your phone and pay attention user, school is important.
Sorry m8. Out of the whole Christian Union, Orthodox were the only ones who refused to bury the hatchet with the kikes for their unjust execution of Christ.
In addition to what has proposed, it would probably work in your favour, not only as a student but also as a man, to learn correct punctuation.
Also, try to buy less of the jewish bait and stop participating in D&C.
Reminder that Kirill also said that the west should flood themselves with even more muslim rapefugees as they already have in Moscow. He also said that Orthodox Christians and Muslims are brothers.
Like all christcucks, he is anti-white and a shill for kikes. And if you believe the rumors, he's also a whore-fucking KGB con man.
Let us also separate the ROC from the KGB
what's so bad about d&d?
Get the fuck out.
No we have never had a christian side to pol or any christian presence here. Ever.
Cyril was (and is) a KGB shill, and the Church became a ruthless, money-hungry power structure under his rule.
What does the Russian Patriarch has to do with the puritan movement?
Even if that were true, it descredits his message how exactly?
Orthodox Church reminds me of Warhammer 40k.
fuck off christcucks. this is a KEK board.
you have your own >>>/christian/
Still preaches the true Christian values militantly. It is really of no consequence if he loves drugs, whores or luxury cars, for these are simple human vices and he tries to conceal them and preach in the name of Christianity for the benefit of Christians, and that's what matters.
It's the exact opposite of the pope, who is pious on public, but preaches genocide of white people and sodomy, encourages deadly sins and supports pedophiles.
The difference is, one is a weak-willed man, who still tries to do good, the other is a demonic cultist, trying to confuse and pervert the faithful.
Hang your self Shlomo.
He is a huge hypocrite and he discredits Christianity by his own existence. Look closely at his left hand in the picture I posted. That is only one of huge scandals he's involved in.
I listened to his Christmas speech and fell asleep. Like Putin, he can talk for an hour and say nothing.
btw, abortions are legal in Russia, and won't be banned anytime soon.
you know how i can tell you're from /christian/ and you're a newfag?
Go away kike, you D&C doesn't work here.
You hear, goyim? Family values and no abortions are a KGB trick to preserve the white race, say no to the ebil ruskies and take a black dildo in your ass like a true Nazi (eww)!
I never visited that board in my life, the only boards I have ever actively browsed are Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /fit/ and Holla Forums.
It's a religion in the same fashion as the flying spaghetti monster nonsense, people go along with it as a joke but then there is a 1% composed autists (such as yourself) that take it seriously.
Also, spaghettarianism or whateverthefuck it is called is actually acknowledged by states, unlike "kekism"
inb4 I get banned for breaking character
I'd take it more seriously if I were you, I mean what are the chances of a frog god named Kek that's practically a personification of us? And Banebdjed being a god depicted with the heads of 4 ewes?
kekism (along with meme magick) has always been a serious thing on this board, newfag. we have kek posters everywhere and kek threads almost everyday.
no one fucking cares
between who and who?
Abortions are and will be legal in Russia.
Half of the white population and another half of the white population.
in Commie countries the Orthodox Church was basically a division of the secret police; I doubt anything's changed
Like it or not, Varg is one of the most important philosophers of the current year.
Communism approves of abortion, as long as Putin is power, there will never be a white Russia, BTFO racist ;^)
although i like Varg, you guys need to stop shilling him and calling him a "philosopher"
Zoroatrism is Abrahamic? Wtf I hate Persia now
Nietzsche is good for using your negative emotions to get you a good introduction course to philosophy. Then if you get interested you read more and more.
No it hasn't, kek bullshit is younger than Holla Forums
tell me more friend
I'm btfo how exactly?
I don't mind fighting side by side with orthodox. Not because I think they're right, but because for whatever reason it seems to be a deal breaker with slav nationalists. They're willing to go out there and crack mudslime skulls, so I can overlook them worshiping a kike. For now, anyway.
Catholicism and it's many, many inbred fragmented children is worthless as an ideology and as a tool for nationalism. There is no reason to pander to them or tolerate them, they can provide nothing of value.
Back when it was still focused on music/Burzum, his channel had around 50k subscribers. Once he dropped the music and turned it into Life through the eyes of a hobbit, he grew to 100K+ subs. We can safely say that people visiting his channel do so mostly because they want to hear what the man has to say about a society he refuses to be a part of.
I know for a fact that we've had Orthodox monks shitposting here on fullchan since at least the 1st exodus, schlomo. Hell, people find Orthodoxy through Holla Forums of all places; I did as well.
just neck yourself lad
leaving the music scene was a good thing for him, but he's no philosopher if he gets a lot of his stuff from Nietzsche and other philosophers
You can't push homosexuality on a bunch of lefty faggots and kikes. That's like forcing the Sun to shine.
great shitposting friend
ZOG A. must join with ZOG B. to defeat ZOG C.
It's all ZOG
Your pics give you away, ZOG shill.
They used to execute homos in Western Europe, you think they woke up one day and decided "hey, let's be gay"? No, it's Cultural Marxist influence.
A reminder that today marks the start of the Great Fast, also called Lent, the 40 day long fast during which you ought to abstain from meat and personal pleasures, and focus on prayer and improving yourself. I advice you to reduce the time you spend playing video games, watching anime and fapping, and instead read, pray, exercise physically and give alms to the poor. God bless!
Coincidentally, this is one of the few times in recent history when the Orthodox and Catholic Easter dates match, since most of the time they are celebrated on different days due to calendar differences.
Reminder that orthodox are killing our fellow whites in Ukraine and celebrate it as pic related.
Reminder that a semite is still a semite.
"Patriarch Kirill calls on Catholics to jointly oppose de-jewing of human civilization "
Maidan = Soros, what did Ukraine expect was going to happen when they started killing Russians in the east? I don't like it either. But the "government" of Ukraine is nothing but ZOG and fighting for it is a frequently fatal error in judgment.
Yep. They tried to use Pepe, then anime girls, then religion. We have a cultural war to win rather than to discuss minor details.
That bot's name is probably Sinead
No he doesn't. He says that muslims are brothers of Christians (false) and that Muslim rapefugees are good (false).
There is no good denomination of Christianity.
Absolute faggotry