I'm a marxist, workers unite! Yeah!


Other urls found in this thread:


I haven't read Marx: the thread.



You are trying to get me to argue within your nebulous framework where you can say whatever you want.

The fact is, in praxis, this board and most 'radical leftists' rabidly support immigration. This board was gaga over B████ and he supported mass immigration.

Mass immigration is one of the primary reasons for low wages among the working class.


Muh foreign hordes ;__;
Back to Holla Forums

Wow. Nice strawman argument bruh. Saying I am Holla Forums too, whoa!

I'm sorry, I'm wrong because I didn't read a 150 year old 9000 page tome. I will never say anything until I do and agree with whatever marxists say.

No he didn't. He called Open Borders a "Koch brothers idea". washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/07/30/bernie-sanders-criticizes-open-borders-at-hispanic-chamber-of-commerce/

No shit. He just didn't want to kick out all the illegals who were hard workers and had lived here for decades.

You seem a bit confused Holla Forumsyp, take these to soothe your autistic fit.

Way to go liberal

Well I hate to break it to you but this board required some intellect. Read, nigga, read.

Respond to my post nigger. You were spewing blatantly wrong Holla Forums propaganda about Bernstein

pls end urself OP

I can't tell if I'm being meme'd on or not.

What if i told you most immigrants are part of the working class????

But it's okay when transnational corporations move to other places in order to access and drain other people's markets but none of the taxation that any normal person would have to submit to, just because they're first world and have wealth already?

Daily reminder that internationalism is inherently incompatible with Marxism. We cannot build socialism while trying to accommodate foreign hordes. Let them build socialism somewhere else

Kill yourself.

seems like you dont know what your talking about m8


Agreed. I mean think about it this way, could human AND orcs work together to build communism? No way!

It was called that because it wanted to spread socialism to all countries. At NO POINT did Marx endorse socialism by means of multiculturalism and the destruction of borders. Why do you think Socialism in One State was so successful?

Butthurt trots detected

Ah, so your just retarded then. Carry on.


pic unrelated

I'm not a trot.

Nice false dichotomy. Also nice proof that you haven't really read nor understood Marx. Marx says explicitly in the communist manifesto that national differences and antagonism between peoples remain absolutely necessary for ruling classes to control the vast majority of people in society who labor. Borders were one of the great contradictions in the era of capitalist nationalism, and STILL in capitalist globalism; in many respects, governments are doing less and less to regulate the flow of trade and finance between nations, but they are taking increasingly tough action to restrict the flow of people across borders. However, more restrictions will never stop migration. The economic (read: material) imperative for workers struggling to feed themselves and their families will force them to cross borders, no matter what the risks. Capitalists are absolutely dependent on migration across borders, yes. But they also rely on restrictions on immigration to keep workers competing with each other so that all will be willing to work for less and to keep the section of workers classified as "illegal" more easily exploited and intimidated with the threat of deportation.

Oh, you're an idiot. Bye.

Daily reminder the Stalinist are not Marxist.