Timesplinter future was depending on Homefront doing great……
Timesplinter confirm to be 100% dead
At least we still have Timesplitters: Rewind, right?
good riddance
So wait your saying I can play all of Time Splitters 2 in the new home
PS4 sounds worth it now
it's on pc. Dont ever buy consoles.
What a fucking cocktease.
I know Free Radical have been through some shit since they sold out to EA, but c'mon, that's just cruel.
Whoa whoa
Denuvo though so no pirating it.
Until the Linux port which won't have Denuvo
fucking die OP
PC master will mod Homefront to become a time splinter game right?
Yeah you played it
Spotted the r/pcmustardrace/ cuck.
i just don't understand some "gamers". lol.
Shit is right.
No, there's literally no reason to own a current gen console. I own a ps2, xbox, gamecube, and wii. WiiU has like 3 good games and ps4/xbone are multiplat machines.
if they had just made a goddamn timesplitters game i would have bought that. i bought the other ones.
is it a whole timesplitter 2
Why the fuck are you calling it timesplinter?
Are you retarded?
I hate it when I get time splinters
Yes. But the levels are sperated by different arcade machines in different locations. In game lore explains after North Korea shutdown America Internet. Modern gaming got shutdown. Black market Arcade cabinets became big cause it was the only way to play video games without working for the North Korean occupiers.
Why didn't they just make a new Timesplitters? I dont want to play homefront for it
Because the suits thought the game had too much content. No seriously that was the reason there was too much GAME.
Go back to board games faggot.
Cool, I for one, cannot wait to play the new Timesplinter game!
I would but everyone is a faggot now that can't not look at a fucking screen for more than five minutes. It makes playing board games hard if I can even get the fuckers away from ASSFAGGOTS long enough to sit them in front of a tabletop game.
How the fuck is too much game a bad thing? They could use that as a tag line for marketing
Plus they have a fanbase that enjoys shooters they made, not shit like this, Crysis 3 multiplayer, or fucking Haze. If they were worried about too much game, why not use that as an excuse for a bunch of sequels or downloadable games, extra maps, something.
Holy fuck these publishers are retarded.
Thats the thing though, who honestly said "Yo man that Homefront 1 was sick, can't wait for the sequel!"? Who wanted this instead of a spiritual successor to Timesplitters?
Well, if they put the whole game in there, the easter egg game would end up being better than the main game and a publisher can't have that happen (a modern game being outclassed by an older one, even though it has already happened multiple times).
It always surprises me how little Holla Forums knows about the games industry. I suppose it can't be helped, but there's a lot of core misunderstandings in this thread that just shows discussion of the game industry and development will pretty much be eternally crippled by people who know nothing about either.
Ask the retarded people with the money who think they know more about video games than the fucking devs even though they haven't even seen a fucking video game before. Or just go watch Silicon Valley because that show fucking nails how retarded suits are.
you think him typing "splinters" in the OP is impressive? He did it again in another thread here.
even threw a "sprinter" in there for good measure.
They must be seriously retarded if they wanted to make a sequel to Homefront given that it wasn't a critical or commercial darling, instead of Timesplitters which has a fanbase that is still active and wants a new game. Shit would probably be cheaper since they wouldn't need to make a AAA generic blockbuster game.
I have one leading theory. I think that Crytek purchased it to con Deep Silver into publishing it so they could have a paycheck, real shame too Crytek have made 2 good IPs that would later go to shit at the hands of publishers, I don't understand why they are collapsing internally, even their engine is pretty good because unlike Unity Steam and Epic they actually make games with it.
Oh man, everyone's logged in now, that sounds impossible.
I meant valve, I just ruined it, it's all ruined, like splinters in forest floor.
So are you just gonna sit on your high horse or are you actually going to try and explain anything you just said?
sure, where do you want me to start?
Well, what are these core misunderstandings you're talking about?
Keep in mind, I haven't actually read any of this thread, either, so be sure to quote it.
Why did Homefront 2 get made? literally the sequel no-one asked for.
Try to make anything in Cryengine, that 's why people don't use it. it's powerful sure but it's a massive pain in the ass to do anything in it unless you're the people who made it.
Well you see when crazy retarded people with money acquire an IP they either immediately dump huge amounts of money into it hoping to get lots of money from the people who used to like said IP but they change it so much that those people don't want it and the people who they changed it for don't want it because it isn't Call of BattleFIFA. Or they put it on a fucking shelve for ever because they paid money for an IP they didn't actually want.
deep silver bought the homefront IP during the THQ auction. The original hit about 2.5M total sales, nothing terrible, but nothing great considering the marketing behind it. This isn't anything complicated, it sold decently, deep silver bought that IP specifically, and wanted to try tapping into that market that farcry 3 did. That sort-of skyrim-cod player market.
I disagree, having experience with the cryengine it's got an excellent pipeline that gives developers a lot of independence from other members of the team. This way you aren't making shitty looking primitives and asking the modelers and the texture artists to help you finish your assets, you're just making what you want pretty quickly. It's one reason I don't like UE4 and consider Source 2 a step back, because the editors have an awful development pipeline.
Do these niggers even think for more than five seconds?
Man, that's some dedication to being retarded. This ain't even
Not thinking is how you think like them
If you were funding a game for several millions of dollars, would you want the team to prove itself to be capable of selling at least a few million units in the current market, or rely on its history of well received cult titles that over the course of the entire franchise on several platforms hit only about 2.5M sales?
No, I don't think you would. The numbers don't back it.
A few of the Rewind members have been showing some signs of life, so the project isn't COMPLETELY abandoned at least. Still, it's been quite some time since they promised a playable demo for Christmas years back.
sage for being a double posting timenigger
From what I hear, Crysis 3 costed $60+ million to make, and I doubt that shit did well. Ryse also died out fast as well, I think Crytek thinks focusing on pushing tech is more important that pushing tech while making a fun game as well, like how Crysis 1 was.
Assuming that Crytek only did Homefront 2 for a paycheck though, that's fucked up. Especially since they ended up ditching the project, leaving a remainder of the devs to finish it up under a new studio. I just have to wonder, how were the devs able to put Timesplitters 2 in the game? Do they have the rights, was it done by some disgruntled employee, or is this there in hopes that it'll go viral and they'll actually be able to make a game like that again?
Wouldn't it be easier to make a new IP and have it be inspired by the original? That sounds easier to me, lot less legal shit you'd probably have to go through as well.
Just play the board games online
But user you can't try and scam people on there nostalgia that way.
Crytek purchased the IP from THQ to secure the IP they had already been developing, Deep Silver entered into an easy deal publishing a partially complete game developed by an ailing company with financial problems, it was an easy deal to make for Deep Silver, obviously part of the deal was handing over Homefront rights to Deep Silver. Nigga for a "pro" who supposedly knows you sure were wrong.
But it's fucking homefront, who has nostalgia for it? It's something nobody cares for, not like Timesplitters. Honestly Homefront 2 is one of the most depressing games I've ever seen in terms of the studio that had to handle it, some of them weren't even paid while they were under Crytek, and the game had to be delayed until now so that it would be a "best selling title"
man…why not like ALL of them.
A different cover for each character. I know it's a pain in the ass…but think of the collectibles and the news it would generate.
You forgot what I told you user, the money men are fucking retarded. They don't know that people don't like homefront they just saw that an IP was for sale and said "Hey I bet we can shit out a bad game in that franchise and make a bunch of money off of it's fans!" but again they are too fucking stupid to see if it has fucking fans before they bought it.
But they're not comic books with variant covers for 6 bucks or whatever. Who would buy 60 dollar product over and over for the covers? Would someone actually do that?
I mean sure, people buy dumbass collector's editions already for some shitty statue that just takes up space and collects dust, but you're only buying one of those. I just can't imagine someone autistic enough to spend more than 150 dollars to buy the same game three times but with variant covers.
Thats why you make variant disk covers
their actions are based on numbers. Perfectly reasonable.
they saw an IP that sold about 2.5M units.
apart from the most cynical of publishers and developers, nobody thinks that.
2.5m sales isn't really a bad thing.
For fuck's sake…
Why did they even maka homefront 2? Didn't the first one fail?
only relative to the amount spent on marketing.
timespliters was shit
who cares
Don't worry, I figured it out below. the studio that finished Homefront 2 was formed by ex Crytek UK devs, e.g. ex Free Radical devs, e.g. ex Rareware devs, e.g. ex Ultimate Play the game devs.
But here's the problem with that, one nobody wanted more homefront. Seriously who was bothering people for more homefront? That's the problem with going purely by the numbers because that game sold 2.5M units and the company still went bankrupt, here's the kicker too that game fucking sucked it still miraculously sold 2.5M and still bankrupted the fucking company.
Two why else would they buy an existing IP instead of making their own? Seriously there is no reason to buy an IP unless you want to drive up your sales numbers with fans of the franchise. Because I think we all know that they could have made a shitty shooter without the homefront IP. Three if you sell 2.5M units and go fucking bankrupt yes that is a bad thing because that means you needed more than a huge number of sales to even break even on a game that frankly shouldn't fucking cost that much in the first place to make.
Do you really want Timesplitters to suffer the same fate as DOOM?
You'd think people would do research in the case of Homefront.
Free Radical devs really had a hard life.
I don't care, I need a new Timesplitters. Damn the expense.
I already solved the problem, the game was already partially complete as THQ wanted to make a sequel, it still sold 2.5 mil and they wanted to see if they could ring some money out of it in the long run considering they had already paid for things that could be reused like advertising to establish the IP and a game engine, the company who developed the initial game closed so they brought in Crytek to handle it, Crytek worked on it for 1-2 years and then THQ closed, Crytek purchased the IP to complete the game but ended up with financial troubles of their own later down the track especially with their UK arm, they then brought in Deep Silver to publish the game who accepted an easy deal finishing a game that had I tihnk between 2-4 years of development and Crytek spun off their UK dev team into a studio that would be acquired by Deep Silver who would also acquire the Homefront IP. The game was released because it's break even is probably very small and it seemed like an easy deal, It's probably never going to reach this because the companies severely overestimated it's value as a product.
God the way you put it makes it sound like it's gonna be a shittier Duke Nukem Forever.
Reviews say it is.
Careful what you wish for, user. Some things are better left dead after all.
Hello darkness my old friend
teleports behind you
This time will be different if it happens, I can feel it
Wasn't that Star Wars Battlefront 3, also being made by Free Radical?
every time I think about embed related ;_;7
Timesplitters has the best multiplayer out of any FPS game ever, prove me wrong.
Protip you can't
don't be a consolebaby
I don't like arena shooter sorry.
Well I know that was the reason Timesplitters was canned because I remember being pissed that they would cancel a fucking game because the marketing team couldn't fucking sell an FPS but I think Battlefront was canned because Disney had just got the Star Wars IP and canceled fucking everything that was happening.
No, this was years before that.
cool non-statement
Except that's not what TS is about. And yeah, to each their own and all that man.
Was it when Pandemic got shut down? Because they made the first two battlefronts.
Pandemic were signed on with EA. They were dissolved in 2009, however.
Well it could have been shelved because they fired the guys working on it and then they canceled it because they didn't have anybody do make it then.
No, no, Star Wars Battlefront 3 was Free Radical's work.
Didn't they fire Free Radical too?
Wait there's a new Alex Kidd?
Nope I think he's referring to when they re-released it on steam.
This isn't even good viral marketing.
He's referring to how an unknown series' sales are what will justify getting a more popular series development funding.
You know, fuck them. Fuck them to hell. Fuck this guilt trip bullshit that these publishers constantly try to push on people to earn a few extra shekels.
Capcom does this all the time and half of Holla Forums falls for it. OH MERGERRD IF WE BUY THE NEW MEGAMAN LEGACY MEBE CAPCOM WILL MAKE A NEW MEGAMAN GAME FINALLY. Fuck them and fuck you.