love is one of the meta components of strong politics. It's is the physical representation of the rational/logical workings of the natural mind. Patriotism is love of your country.
The heart can only burn so hot fueled by hate. You need love to level up, and I'm not talking love in the general since. I'm referring to what I'll simply call "cosmic love." It sounds gay but I think enough of you know what I'm talking about. Afterall op is always faggot.
Love is what our enemies lack. They claim to love children but what I seem to notice is (((their))) consistent error in premise which is, they think they already know what love is. When in fact, they are only mimicking love and further more, pervert it to the vile filth we see everyday that makes its way into this germanic high diving board forum. What makes us different is that we understand true love cannot be communicated in words. It certainly would explain the blood tight bonds around here.
Julian Jenkins
Ineffable love is like the love is the love of nature, the love of man. It is the force, which in its most sernene state, could be compared to two non competitive animals not bothering each other as they go about. It is the sublime, "I don't fuck with you, you don't fuck with me and we both win." It's the essence of the "Golden rule": treat others the way you wanted to be treated.
most people just want to be left alone it turns out.
Andrew Peterson
It is only because we love something, that we can hate so viscerally.
Kevin Perez
In contrast, I remember Charles Manson telling a story about how there was this Jewish guy in jail that idolized Hitler but in a Vivian sort of way. He needed someone to hate to hold himself together, because without his hate he was nothing. So he needed Hitler as a reference point in which he could build his ego, in which it's premise was fuck Hitler. That's people's problem, then need to update there software and not reanalyize argument which have been beaten to death, but instead, reanalyize their inital premise. Because everything after an untrue premise is worthless.
Owen Reed
Ethan Murphy
Light as a feather, user.
That's the whole point, your philosophy of life should be built upon something good. National Socialism is a philosophy of working for the good of your people, something greater than yourself and something beautiful (as long as your people also have inherent goodness and beauty) I seriously doubt a jew could ever be a national socialist even for other jews because they are fundamentally only ugly people. I think they'll always revert to a hateful core, they can only see themselves in opposition to each other and the universe. It explains a lot of their nihilism.
Adam Evans
Jonathan Davis
Grayson Sullivan
If anything this universe and the god contained within (and yes, there is a creator entity/unit of some sort.) exhibit indifference, schadenfreud, horrific humor, irony of the bloodiest sort, and sometimes outright malice. I love it all, for every bit of suffering and death is part of this system and the will of god. The fundamental mistake many make is that a godlike being will have little to no empathy.
Ayden Davis
Checked but when did I ever imply I could directly and knowingly alter my chemistry at an atomic level? I can make my blood more acidic or basicic by hyper / hypo venelating but that wasn't implied anywhere so I'm inclined to believe this is strawman
Dylan Foster
Forgive me. When I hear "universal love" being touted I laugh. Its highly unlikely that outside of very specific cases (biological subjective experience) love simply doesnt real.
Jaxson Morris
tl;dr: version: when you percieve universal love/enlightenment its just your brain activating different structures.
Now, its likely there is a spiritual realm due to the existence of human subjectivity, and a creator is also likely due to the scale of reality, and teh fact that greater than is always in play.
But love? Holy fuck man. If anything universal hate is more likely.
Anthony Clark
God's love is not the human emotion you recognize as 'love'. It's the totality of all emotion.
Easton Miller
I'd say that the electrons orbiting a particular valence shell would say they love the particular nucleus in which the orbit. Wouldn't you? If Saturn did not weigh what it does, then earth would display a different orbit which would not be sustainable for life. Does this heavy planetary mass love us? No but it's like is saying. It's allowing us to be.
Aiden Brooks
It does if "love" is defined as "gravity".
Tyler Jones
Nigga, you gay but I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately. The left is always accusing the right of being fearful, hateful, bigots and that may be somewhat true for the older generation of cuckservatives, but the younger high energy right wingers in the US are far from hateful. I don't afraid of nothing and I honestly don't hate anyone. The leftists hate America, themselves, and are extremely fearful of anyone who thinks differently than them. I fucking love my country and my race, I'm proud of that shit and most Trump supporters I've met are super positive people.
Nathaniel Lee
Gravity/attraction/love but don't think emotional context.
Brandon Miller
i know, i saw antiracist hitler too, you know?
Brandon Hall
Connor Price
Matthew Scott
Nicholas Jenkins
it's more empathy than love. empathy is fucking great
Austin Martinez
Justin Lopez
>It's, like, totally all about llooovvvveeeee, mmaaannnnnnnnnnn.
Brayden Morales
I love to hate, it fills my heart with life and joy.
Jeremiah Powell
This thread will either devolve into talk about drugs, talk about a third eye, or talk about no fap. Which ever it is i hope mods prune this and OP kills himself.
Henry Walker
You some porn addict or why are you so itchy? Might wanna stop masturbating, it'll give you bronetic energy. Also, take a good dose of marijuana, it'll open your innermost eye and you'll ascend to astral plane. OP reported for low-quantity, no-quality thread
Colton Richardson
Fuck no, this thread is about Esoteric Hitlerism! Esoteric Hitlerism covers every topic here!
also Chaos. A Lord of galactic shadows, who tends towards nothingness and who, in parallel universes, wins his Great War against the Sons of Hyperborean Light. Here on earth he has gone through his followers who are primarily worthy to call themselves this by being called defeated and fallen. The defeat of the "angels who fell in love with the daughters of men," of the animal-men, beings exclusively earthly. This is the "original sin." A Racial Sin.