Because these salty as niggers won't stop spamming, I decided to make a second thread. We need anons to do the doxing based on the pictures we have obtained so far. We are going to make them shit their pants.
Holla Forums and Youtube Part II: Electrig Boogaloo
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a fucking retard, now he will never reach (200)
You see, I did it on purpose just to annoy you ;^).
from the last tread
And the last thread itself
You know what, I have an idea. Let's take all of this to the best board for this kind of quests, >>>/opnei/.
Fuck you, no.
A communist that spammed the thread with his faggot memes.
Good, lets keep pushing and digging.
Should we visit their discord or some shit?
I'm not gonna visit discord, it's a honeypot. But we do need someone in their.
can we get /cow/ on this?
Not that great of an idea to announce intent right after they have showed up.
I'm in it. What do you want me to look for?
Good idea, we have some faces and info from the previous thread.
Info, photo's, faces, backgrounds. Intel basically. Good luck brother.
Just monitor them, no need to actually do anything actively.
Which they cowardly bombed after the war was officially done.
Stealth is for faggots.
And then their country collapsed because communism doesn't actually work.
Woopsie, meant for .
faggot deleted hos 176 posts in the last one so he could repost his shitty images here.
the autism is real.
stop trying Holla Forums, trump is /ourguy/
Holla Forums should really be actively subverting these faggots more. They are cancer and literal retards.
sup Holla Forums
Someone post the link to their discord.
Hitler explained clearly what National Socialism is, as it isnt the same as Socialism its completely different.
You on the hand change one line and act like you're a special kind of snowflake.
Exactly what Hitler was also aiming for, although depending on your job you'd have different incomes and also growth, something with your ideologies never allow. Good you never paid attention.
Even your memes are as soulless.
But Communism is made by jews for jews to destroy everything non-jewish. The USA back in the day wasn't in total control as it is now.
Again you fail to understand anything.
C-commies, watch out!
which your*
Hitler was a sellout and not a socialist. The first thing he did when he got into power was kill off the Strasserists in his party and ban unions.
wtf hitler is a socialist now
Marx was an atheist and an anti-semite
Stalin persecuted jews.
Money isn't a jewish thing either.
Wrong and false, keep trying.
wow such butt hurt
Marx was jew himself. Stalin only killed those that his jewish overlords wanted gone.
that's why we need it on >>/cow/
They think we're not already in the server lmao
Yo, they have a channel for gay trap boku no pico tier sex and another one for loli shit.
Funny how they call us manchildren.
Okay so to identify antifashits and similar specimen on Facebook, all you need to do is put 571-239-2797 (Tricky Dicky's now invalid phone number) in the search field. Lots of shit to be reported, I promise.
Marx was an atheist and an anti-semite. Are you illiterate?
Marx was a jew in blood you fool. Jew is a race too.
inb4 they purge half the server themselves because of western spies
He was racially a Jew, you dumb ass nigger. Blood matters more than what you think.
Since the Commies want to post memes, I may as well post their favourite
To add before you sperg out, he came from a long and long line of rabbis. He is a full on jew.
Hitler had jewish ancestry too, retards. I'll repeat, see if you can read.
They are special kind of retarded.
really, really, REALLY made me think
They even have a channel excusively for trap yaoi. #brownhole
Oh we got a live one here
This is a common lie, keep going. Marx is jewish in race and only hated the religion, the people it self not. Keep trying.
Kek, fucking faggots.
Who said they were ashamed of it/this is news?
Just look at this gem
We are getting all your info.
That's even more fucking gay.
kek bless this post
I can't wait for them to find out who their new BO is.
Hint:He likes MSNBC
Thanks for all the replies, commie lad. Really shows how much you care about us.
Did you just do what I think you just did?
Goddamn it's damn easy to distract these faggots.
we should go back to the other thread since the spam is deleted.
lol these people are sick
I say we need to organize and fight fire with fire.
We can't ignore discord as a platform anymore. There's a lot of us but we've lacked a place where we can coordinate long-term outside of prying eyes yet have the functionality of an imageboard listening to music and palying vidya together is a bonus
Someone was getting a little worked up over getting dox'd, it would be a shame if someone used the built-in search function to find personal information…
Gee I wonder who would do such an evil thing
Decided to make an image in case they shut this one down too. Also don't forget to listen to the stream they did, it was hilarious as fuck seeing Holla Forums struggle with extremely basic questions
leftism is a mental illness
Reminder to archive everything too.
You have the right idea
post liberators to keep the nazbols out
Facebook pages aren't exactly that high up there in terms of priority for archiving. If it's something that could become relevant later then sure, but in this case it's just shitposting
Oh man, the person who was afraid of getting dox'd is a 19 year old Swede living off gibsmedats and lives near a "water factory".
I wonder if that's enough to go on.
WTF are these faggots afraid of being doxed? Their beliefs are #sobrave and exactly what they're supposed to believe as enforced by every source of power on this planet.
Holla Forums discord is a server of peace and tolerance. Everyone is welcome.
Retarded indeed. They leech of the system they claim to hate, it's like pottery.
Why do they all look like they have down syndrome… Oh wait, don't answer that
Your mind is in such a weird state that I cannot even begin to think how you could function around others let alone in a communistic world.
We got all the degenerate stuff, and boipussies as well. Come join, I know you cannot resist the temptation, fellow 8channer!
Are you retarded?
Why would capitalists support a system that wants to take away all their wealth and kill them?
[spoiler]psst… idpol neoliberals are the furthest thing from leftists you dumb cunt[/spoiler
No I value myself. Unlike you.
If you're from cuckchan please go back or start lurking more instead of posting.
Yes Goyim, abolishing private property is a belief enforced in the upper echelons of society.
You're memes are shit and you should kill yourself.
Arguments: There Are None Edition
Yeah, sounds about right
You're really bad at this
so any /cow/ tread?
Now is the right time. Do it faggot.
Has anyone got the edited leftypol mascots that make them look like fascists?
no but we fucked their girl
ok then
Go on facebook live on your normiebook (if you have one) and declare that you believe private property should be abolished and that workers should collectively own the means of production and wait for the news cameras to show up, the termination letter and your expulsion from college. They're not coming. You know why? Because your entire school faculty agrees with you and your CEO doesn't give a fuck. Its tame, safe and accepted as a valid point of view.
Now do the same and instead say literally anything that Holla Forums believes publicly and see how fast your life gets ruined. Why do you think we're all on a fucking anonymous Tibetan basket weaving image board using sock accounts on twitter?
Cucked, as always.
Who started this shit? Mao?
Its clearly stealing fascist aesthetic because commie uniforms look like teenage fucking ninja turtles tier shit.
Checked, as always
Kekked, as always.
Yo, someone post it in #pinkhole :^)
Chegged againsd :DDDDD
Thanks. I was looking for the same grill but less lewd and more nazi
Good tho anyway.
What happened in the last thread? They got embarrassed by their own memes and deleted them?
I got you covered.
Get out cuckchan
Kek is in this thread isnt he?
One deleted his own posts it seems, and then they started to spam with shit memes.
No the hotpockets purged them I think
I looked at every single one of these sad dry "memes" on last thread and I could not muster even a smile at any point.
How can anyone make so much content and make it all so sterile and boring?
alunya porn, that pic included, gets posted all the time
That exactly what communism is, sterile and boring. People as number, memes as numbers.
Doing God's work user, remember to youtube-dl all their shit!
I saw this post that they had gassed some of their channels, haven't had time to check their shit, so please tell me you got it all.
as if I need to ask
Didn't get to see their stupid singing etc before they took it down, that's gonna be fun, I can just picture it
that's some impressive autism
they may do it for free, but at least they did it
Some lads got .mp4 files and shit. Ask em and you should receive em.
kek 2nd post there is actually me.
again youtube-dl as fuck once you find anything
I'm talking about their FB pages, YT channels and whatever else.
Nice copy. At least better than "antifa Moonman" (yes, this exists).
Thanks m8, have some Holla Forums stuff
got the /cow/ tread
There is a shitton of FB pages, you can only report individual posts for the most part, as FB pages rarely ever close. Same with YT channels.
The thread was glorious weaponized military grade autism.
2nd reply
youtube-dl -cit
You know this
Is it your first day on a chan?
If I hadn't been boozing I would have grabbed it my self…
Fucking trainwreck today, NOMOAR!
actually have to run to the store and buy a six pack of lite beer, to get on my feets…
fucking commie country when it comes to this shit
Also reported
Daily reminder that Holla Forums literally just steals our memes
Pic 1 is the original
Pic 2 is the gommie rip off
Because it won't take their wealth and kill them. It never does. Marx was fundamentally wrong that the proletariat knows no nation. It is the global banker class that knows no nation. On the day of the revolution, the people go to the banks and find the coffers have been drained, the bankers have left the country and everything has been looted. The banker then lends money back to the new revolutionary country, uses loans and interest to manipulate the central bank of that country, and then destabilizes the nation until it collapses.
The banker then goes into the collapsed and decimated country and buys everything at a massive discount, and runs the country as a private mafia holding.
Marxism is a weapon to destroy nations. A strong nation-state with a strong mixed economy is the only check against the power of the global finance clique.
I mean really, stop and ask yourself that question and really think about it.
Why DO massive corporations support these political systems ? Why are billionaires all supporting this ? Why are the media so strongly promoting this culture ? You guys are thinking only in terms of economics, we tend to think in terms of culture and national politics. Why is it that anarchism and marxism are such safe ideologies in our society ? Why are you, supposedly the great rebels of our era, in agreeance with liberal corporate society on virtually all issues pertaining to culture and globalization ? Keep asking yourself why, and then start looking at 'who'.
I used to be a leftist as well. It's a trap. You're not revolutionaries, you're foot soldiers for the very people you claim to be fighting.
Should've made the kids emaciated in the second one
"Political incorrect"
Political Correct
Carl Marx tm
I don't visit their gay shit, but I see they spam the cucks with this shit, really only there for syria stuff but I spot their crap
And one commie once told me that communism isnt anti America. Strange, it's as they almost don't know what they love so much.
you sure have your priorities straight
They want to study our memes so they can find out why are we so successful.
Success breeds jealousy .
reminder that we do it for teh lulz
Those without a soul cannot make memes with a soul.
not getting it
Because commies don't do the same? How funny you are.
I never claimed that. Keep reaching for more bullshit.
Keep going, we believe in you!
they'll never understand because they're not working class. We're the ones that actually have jobs, they have no idea what the proletariat is actually thinking. They can't make a meme without it seeming elitist and out of touch because that's exactly what they all are.
Someone edit it pls.
(wasted dubs)
Well put, but they won't understand what you're even getting at if they're true believers, the "proletariat" is a fucking autismal concept.
This is how to reach faggot kids nowadays
So do Nazis. But at least the threat of the american state is real, as opposed to "muh gays and degenerates"
Feels kind of good tbh.
You have to go back, commie.
>>>Holla Forums
When you neglect/attack faggots and degenerates, the state magically appears to defend them, like they're part of the power structure or something
Coincidence, surely
Really? I never felt threatened by America or the American people. America is not the government if that's what you're trying to say. The government is sick that we all agree on.
The Nazi's didn't fought illegal wars though, they even asked their own people to have critique as they knew they would miss things or ever see thing that didn't get noticed as much. They didn't kill them for it either they thanked them.
I thought he did at first, but I was wrong. He was banned.
If the point is just "well memes are living things each born from other memes" then it would make sense but really Ben Garrison edits? They're doing Ben Garrison edits too?
over see*
Yes. They are so desperate that they even use Jeb as "commie". Not kidding.
Get out newfag scum
Is this live/now?
Feeels good again tbh
Good, let them steal them. Let them be the niggers they are.
Again, they have no soul, no passion and love for life. They are unable to make good memes.
The best part is that they have absolutely no fucking clue despite being on a website that lives off of it. Even fucking goons didn't have this much trouble with this, which goes to show how Reddit-infested the board really is.
Ah yes, all those billionaires and corporations supporting Syriza when they threatened to dissolve the euro or Podemos in Spain.
Kek, it's not like the media gave Richard Spencer and Donald Trump a platform. When Richard Spencer's DC conference was happening with some 200 members, a DSA conference was going on in new york with 900 participants with barely a whisper.
Commies truly are what they are
But that proves that anyone has a voice, just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's evil.
So either all fags are pedophiles or fags are defended by the state, which is it?
But the State are pedophiles. Read "Programmed to Kill"
Good job for completely missing the point.
Not when the media refuses to cover socialists.
Really? Because the last time i checked the fbi was still busting down people's doors for downloading loli porn and and statutory rape.
But they don't refuse that at all.
Yeah unless they're named Bernie leftard
Homosexuals have a much greater tendency to be pedos and fags are part of the SJW protected clique. What I don't get though, is how either of those are supposed to contradict each other, if we go by your logic then that means the state doesn't kill people because murder is illegal.
It's history, I learned this before I ever visited Holla Forums
There's a word Nazi propaganda. It's called "truth", Nazis treated the workers better than Commies ever did or ever will.
I was a leftist for quite a while, and it's a massive problem on the left. They'll sit around and write all these screeds and manifestos about the working class but in reality are terrified of them.
The working class are nationalistic and reactionary. The working class fundamentally value their families more than anything. They oppose degenerate lifestyles because they fundamentally cannnot afford to make these kinds of mistakes. An upper middle class suburban kid can waste all his time at the computer making furry art, or can go out and get hooked on drugs, or can sleep around with everyone. You'll be protected from the consequences because you live in a nice safe bubble. But working people cannot afford to live like this.
The upper middle class tends to romanticize the underclass, and often mistakes the underclass for the working class. The working class hates the underclass, because the underclass parasitizes the working class. They steal from the working class, they try to get working class kids hooked on drugs, they try to go after the daughters of working class men. This is part of the reason the working class tend to have a stronger focus on personal morality, it's a defence mechanism against the parasites of the world.
The working class also tends to be more homophobic and doesn't buy into the 'gender revolution'. This is all petit-bourgeois nonsense. Working class men are required to be physically strong and need higher T. While homosexuality does naturally occur in all segments of the population, its far less common amongst men who actually do productive work. Men and women have clearly defined roles in these households because their work and their lives demand it.
This is the reason so much of leftist politics is abandoning the working class. In the past election the left threw all of its rage against the working class, because they know they've lost the working class. Leftism and espescially radical leftism is now the ideology of comfortable middle class teenagers who are confused and easily manipulated. You're not going to get the working class on board with the politics of special snowflake black trannny third-worldism.
Decent job. Saved.
Fuck off pedo.
All faggots must die.
Really? Because the same day that CNN spent an hour covering Trump's empty Podium, Sanders was holding one of the biggest rallies of the season.
Advocates for the dissolution of the Euro in Greece, like Varoufakis (then minister of finance), had Soros' support. Here's the page proving the link, but it's in Greek:
We know the rest, the referendum vote was 60+% in favor of getting out of the Eurozone, but nothing of that happened and instead Greece plunged deeper into corruption and sucking Troika dick.
t. Greek
loving every laugh
So that's what you call attacking someone you have a non-aggression pact with, hmm?
Fuck that con man Sanders and the horse he rode in on. No war but the class war? His ass is one of the first up against the wall.
I swear, one day we'll have a drawfag thread that corrupts their board mascot to it's very core, no, ALL catgirls. We will create a meme so powerful that ADL will list it as a hate symbol.
But right now, our meme magic is being used to fight witches and Moloch.
Get yourself educated on marxism-leninism. And then come back. You will actually like it, trust me.
Or you can fuck off, you worthless cuck.
You do understand that Bernie wasn't popular with everyday people right? You do understand that mainstream media is losing its power and therefor focuses on the things that are hot and hip right? If they'd cover Bernie they'd lose even more viewers. Also CNN is not the only news source in the world.
Trump and Hillary are hot shit and that's what people wanted the most, you can see it in the rates too. People barely watched Hillary and even less Bernie. If I owned a news station I'd focus on the hottest stuff, not on a commie that no one cares about.
Stop having a victim complex.
Soros also agitated and funded for the dissolution of the soviet union
No user, she was a hot mess
Keep the dox coming. It's definitely provoking a reaction.
Fuck off cuckchanner
Those wiccan threads are confirmed cuckchan populated.
Kek, savage.
Back.. fucking light beer, should be outlawed, sucks to live in a semi-gommie country..
This is my take on this, Ivan had right all a long….
They are all just perverts, pushing the limits, you can see this on IE that british creepshow, Saville or whatever.
A homo is a pedo is a goat fucker is a necro is a …. whatever degenerate shit they do
It's about perversion
It's about pushing the limits
I already read Marx and Lenin. Hitler gave 100000x more fucks about the working class, so I'm gonna go with Uncle Adolf and Feder.
And? He also profited off of the confiscated belongings of Jews in WW2. Do you hear me saying "wtf I love Soros now"?
Fukken saved.
It seems Holla Forums is incredibly emotional and completely non-intellectual nowadays. I guess trump's victory and HWNDU completely poisoned you, and now you are just a shadow of your former self.
Marxism-Leninism is an ideology of Stalin. Where you put more conservative approach to morals in your country for the health of workers, and at the same time eliminate class system, degenerate consumerism and economic inequality.
Feeels good man.
I'd rather be a Stalinist than a standard conservative. What means?
But fine I'll bite. Several billionaires did support Syriza. Soros being the most well known but he's almost a cartoon charachter at this point. And to what end ? 'Threatened to dissolve' is exactly the point. These parties know damn well they're dependend on the EU. They only threaten as a bargaining tool for more gibs. They are only accelerating the destruction of their countries and making them permanently dependent upon the EU central banks.
Making someone into a punching bag isn't quite the same thing as giving them positive media coverage. Besides, absolutely nobody cares about the DSA conference because you kids throw a new conference every week.
"Socialists have a conference" isn't going to get the same media attention as 'OMG LITERALLY NAZIS" now will it ?
But we are Socialists user, National Socialists.
Oh my fucking god I laughed at this one. Context?
Please fuck off Commie scum. We Poles have fought you already once and we will fight you again, along with your slave shitskins.
Hitler was also a slave of corporations and was socialist on in the name. Judging people's value by their race and genetics was utter degeneracy, it wasn't for worker's cause if non-white workers are alienated or oppressed.
Lol he's taking us to the mainstream.
>Muh >>>/hwndu/
Fuck off. Retard. That was always cuckchanners invading our board and it always will be that.
t.nazbol faggot
KEK me too, it's from a turkish bombing last year I think it was.
Don't remember if it was ISIS or whatever
No idea on the source sorry user but if you post this on Holla Forums they flip their shit and ban you.
When did stalin bring millions of shitskins from mud countries into european russia? Oh right he didn't you stupid commie.
The case with Syriza is on point, president went full Macchiavellian to save face. People did all the protesting and demanding and voting, then he tossed a referendum to their side, got praised for a few weeks or so from anti-EU people all over the world, got as much PR as he wanted in the eyes of Greeks, but when reality set in it just got even worse. Referendum was trashed, and even harsher measures were put. We might have been even better without it.
Yet for some reason commies purged blacks and browns like a mexican purging taco's on a party.
Delet cuckchan pepe
This! Also always remember
The commies gave jack shit about the workers, you were just a goyim slave, not allowed anything. Question anything, gulag or mental ward stuffed full of drugs til you just sat there drooling
Hitler actually cared for his people and the workers.
I mean at least Stalin purged lots of the Jews in the party leadership.
On the other hand, the society of Stalinist Marxism seems more appropriate for ants than humans. It's like a strange colony society.
He didn't because there was no need for that (it was already hard to feed existing population during constant famines, to be honest). Here's the reason why mass immigration is a thing right now.
What was Gestapo's first role?
To crack down on capitalists that abused their workers…. just 1 of 6 million examples
Yeah but he still segregated the different races and glorified white russians while using the mongols as their pets to rape in war. unlike jewtin who loves shitskins in moscow. Stalin would be a nazi in these commies eyes today.
Saved for later consumption.
Hitler had also great sense of humor
We are the TRUE socialists.
Not filthy commies, nazbols or "social democrats"in sweden.
Kill urself my man.
Fuck off back to cuckchan commie.
This guy used to have an answer up telling people to go to
What is that thing?
It's garbage that Holla Forums pushes because they know people won't accept Communism, so they push for Hitler being "too capitalist". Pic related is the type of shit they made in the hopes of it sticking.
Why are all leftists numales?
Its from the 2015 Suruç bombing
A filthy moor/kike.
I don't know, do I look like a biologist to you?
because it is the ultimate numale ideology, user
I thought you twinks were materialists and that race doesn't real. Quit being a pussy just tell the niggers that niggers aren't real, because niggers are spooks.
Because want to feel safe and be lazy instead of improving themselves.
they want*
For fucks sake.
I'm not friend. I just think it looks cool and should be used for regular natsoc. Commies should never steal our symbols, even our own commie ones.
If they steal our symbols they'll just be infected by our ideology. Holla Forums already bends to our dialectic. They are reactive to us only and have no opinions of their own besides "lol Judeo-Bolshevism will uplift the genderqueer workers who don't have jobs"
Well, you're not wrong there. One of the definitions of spook is, after all, a coon.
isn't that edited from a masterchan and not cuckchan meme?
Your ideology will always fail because you fixate on unnatural ideas like "equality" and "class." You cannot taste, touch, hear or feel or otherwise sense "class" because it is an amorphous idea and not a tangible reality. Another reason you'll always fail is because ideologies by definition do not need to be logically consistent, so you'll never be able to accomplish all your goals and therefore if you accomplish any of your goals you'll always be wallowing in dissatisfaction.
National Socialism is a comprehensive philosophy based in natural law, which is inarguable since we live in the natural world at all times, even if you are separated from the processes of the natural world by several degrees you are never more than a few heartbeats away from facing grim reality. The sooner you understand the core difference of why you are so utterly wrong, the sooner you'll either stop posting here or you'll repair your damaged psyche.
I seriously doubt you'll ever conquer your cognitive dissonance, but I have just given you a fundamental out, where you can escape your horror show of a mindscape. This is the open door, if you ever wanted to escape the misery that is your life. Once you understand that, I suggest you read Mein Kampf and then things will begin to make sense. You don't have to live in a nightmare hellscape forever.
It looks like a cuckchan meme.
It smells like a cuckchan meme.
Its probably a cuckchan meme.
also check 'em
Check these. Hitler did nothing wrong.
don't know where they are from, found them here
"Satan" merely means "Adversary" or "Enemy." If I am Satan to the jews, then I am doing my job.
hory shet
Nigger, I just said it because of your 666 get.
top kekerino
Please recommend me some wholesome moe, user.
Really you fucking commie scum? I know you're reading this, you spammed the fucking shit out of everything, not just because of that shitty picture.
I'd suggest every Holla Forumsack read the link I posted in It's really important to be able to describe the difference between ideology and philosophy, and the importance of logical consistency. It's the fundamental rhetorical flaw of all failed thought processes, and you can exploit it. That said, most of the people who rely on failed/logically inconsistent thought processes are doing so in bad faith, as it is usually on purpose so they can maintain power and tyrannical rule. This is because with logically inconsistent beliefs, you can have logically inconsistent laws, and then with the use of selective enforcement (
"All are equal but some are more equal than others." That's how every conflicted ideology plays out and that's why ideologies are cancer.
I wondered which one mods would choose, I reported most of his spam but tagged that particular one with beastiality.
You left out the funniest part of the ban message, I put it in to trigger them whenever they posted it.
I like normie memes 10,000 times more than leftypol memes.
I now declare this a dubs thread, also i lik criket
Trust me. I have a degree in memetics. I tells ya that's the masterchan meme edited with pepe. Pretty sure it used to be a diglett
Can't you post it then?
Normalfag memes on kikebook are just plain and boring, Holla Forums memes are a cringe inducing mess.
Dude, your IP is showing.
oh shit
Enjoying your data being sold by Jim?
jews, cucks, communists and other failed humans of varying stripes don't have souls, that's why. It's the same reason "leftist humor" is vapid, soulless and without merit. They're fundamentally incapable of it because all humor is based in a realization of an unusual truth. That's what makes us laugh, but soulless people are divorced from truth and it is completely alien to them because it would force them to confront their inherent cognitive dissonance, and their mental defences erect a block so they don't have a mental breakdown. If they could meme, they wouldn't be jews, cucks or commies. It's completely by definition.
If my normie brother sends me some shit he saw on ifunny he liked I can atleast be like "alright I get it". But this leftypol shit makes me think "holy fuck someone actually spent time and made this".
Also german natsocs use it since the swastika is banned. Don't let leftypol confuse you. It has nothing to do with them or nazbol.
Pics related.
As if that VPN isn't compromised, come on user. Why even use one? How could a random company be trusted?
Because they are lazy kikes, who don't want to fucking work, workout and so on
And whine
Subverted fools, result of the KGB… And what they was tricked to believe that communism was a good thing, till the walls came down….
You ofc got different kinds of them, not all of them are as lost as leftiekikes, who actually believe they are communists
they are not
You lads are really going at this.
What's changed?
I thought it might be his own.
Holla Forums is so fucking lazy in how they make memes that even I could do it. Here, I made this. It's better then about 90% of all the memes they have on their board and it only took me 3 minutes.
It's in the board log anyway. I cruised on over and got the file link for y'all.
Fuck off sinead.
Video games make the world hurt less :(
I must admit I have no idea who that is
Just a funny song, point in there, can't screen shot is the pic where you got the fascist, the capitalist and the starved commie
Gran! I told you you're too old to be a communist like OMG STOP EMBARRASSING ME.
am I cucked
Sinead is a racemixing filthy kike who is mad (she thinka the earth is flat)
If you don't know this you're a newfag
Also someone upload that MIKEY.webm pls, kek.
it's the small things in life
1. Abolishment of borders makes it easier for them to turn a profit
2.While the commies are fucking up their respective countries they'll wait for the chance to conquer them
3. Same reason most communists are the Bourgeois they hate?
Not really. They dont want or need to "conquer" anything.
1. Hispsnics and nigs have immense brand loyalty.
2. They can have a jew/cuck/hapa aristocracy with a spic/nig/pajeet consumer underclass
Can't be here all the time, got a life too you know, so on and off a bit
But yuck…
WEW LAD. You can easily find info on VPN providers and compare their policies, some are more trustworthy than others. Not everyone lives in the Jewnited states either. Retarded hate speech laws kinda forces their use.
Im thinking of people like Bill Gates, and Clintons. Also Bushes before Trump ended their dynasty for good.
hnnnnn, kek speaks.
"Analyzing and dissecting humor is a pasttime of humorless people."
It's also a sign of legit autism.
it's an insult to assburgers to compare them to Holla Forums
Ok I will do it but only if I become a higher officer of some Gulag camp.
Because you are useful idiots that help them achieve their goals and the only thing you'll ever manage to kill are some working class people through starvation.
In the case of Holla Forums it isn't simply assburgers it's a form of autism that is so crippling that it could pass off as down syndrome.
A visible, physical form of autism.
Well, when you look at some of their pics, that were in the last thread, mouth breathing seems to be their national sport.
Color me suprised.
They need some (((cultural enrichment))) or they're nazis tbh.
Fug look at how ugly and unhealthy they all are, the on on the right there kinda looked like one from lefty, but it isn't him I think?
So in Hebrew huh?
t. sanig stalin :—-DDDD
Why don't we have a nazi catgirl?
Oh shit, didn't see that
Good work
We have Erika, who is our Daughteru, but that's about it.
Because it's extremely uncreative to have the exact same kind of monster girl for every political ideology. National socialism should be some kind of wolf grill.
they suffer from chandlerism: an extreme form of autism so powerful the person who possesses it emits radioactive waves of it that can infect and kill nearby people within 36 hours
How dare you compare such beautiful creatures to commies
Did the third reich have a national animal?
If we come up with a fitting idea for a rival monster grill, I'll draw it
Fuck off cuckchaner.
We have a lot of /ourgirls/
Yeah let's focus all of our energy on Holla Forums who literally has zero power in actual importance in the world and distract from the kikes and deep state who are threatening our entire existence as a race!
What the fuck is wrong with you people.
The eagle you dumbass.
The memes must flow
Holla Forums had been a lolcow since the start, every now and again people need a good laugh
I don't disagree people need a laugh but they've been destroyed time and time again and have zero significance in the real world
Well an eagle was their coat of arms so that could work.
The wolfsangel (wolfs hook) is a major rune in National-Socialism. (Was used by dutch nazis)
Also Werwolf was the german resistance that was created by the germans and commited terrorist attacks against the allies
I say go for the wolf m8
In that case, it'd make sense to make her some of griffon like this. Both a representation of the national animal, as well as simultaneously a mightier catgirl than Holla Forums's.
user, I'm not a hand or foot fetishist.
NWO mod basically turns off assimilation or lowers it to negligible amounts, and makes pop nationality equate to race. Usually nationality is included on top of race so German is white ethnic Germans, French is white ethnic French, English is white ethnic English, but there are also broad "race only, no specific nationality" pops like White Anglo which is any white person speaking English outside England, White French is any white person speaking French outside France, Black Anglo is the US nigger diaspora, etc.
That is a piss poor deflection furfag.
it's for the memes lad
Ironic furfaggotry is still furfaggotry.
Why not just give Erika wolf and eagle familiars?
Besides, Kek has spoken (checked)
There's no furfaggotry here, user, only things redditors, goons, and Holla Forums consider furfaggotry.
nice dubs, kiddo
nice trips but still
Ironic furfaggotry is still furfaggotry, but it's important to not fall for furkike memes that cause one to mistake anything with animal parts as a furry, and to instead have a more objective definition. Especially since otherwise you'd have to consider Ebola-chan a furry because of her bat wings.
Nigger you're posting shit with paws and claws and entire animal lower half. Just fuck off back to /furry/ already instead of derailing this thread.
Post infographics that expose JudeoBolshevism they get really triggered by these
Bumping for wolf
That's just from the top of my head, faggot.
Said the commie cuck.
animals in their purest form are fine, but anthroshit is out of the question
Report to the nearest oven.
And thus the commie kike tried, oh did he try, only to fail miserable.
(((Stalin))) also murdered millions of his own people in his jewish communist bullshit, don't you faggots see a problem with that?
Kill yourself.
Oy vey anti semitism is bad you stupid Russian goyim jews are proletariats just like you getting oppressed by the White male capitalist cispatriarchy!!!
When I said familiars I meant something closer to pets, not chimeras. We don't need literal crossbreeds representing us memetically.
When getting down to brass tacks, Ebola-chan is an anthropomorphic representation of a virus. However, Ebola-chan is more human in representation than she is virus (the virus being a hair motif) thus she isn't a furry, even with bat wings. She would be closer to a nymph from Greek mythology.
They are not "memes created on Holla Forums". They are screenshots of some spic on a webcam. Fuck off to >>>/hwndu/
Confirmed cuckchanner.
second comic is pretty accurate. Holla Forums is the autistic little brother that desperately tries to be like big brother Holla Forums but acts out and tries to be different because big brother bullies him.
You cuckchanners have no shame.
Reminds me of dryads any time I hear nymph. In turn, it reminds me of how alraunes originate from the German word for mandrake. Did Germany under national socialism have a national flower or plant?
Christ, that's fucking degenerate. Communists need to be gassed.
Source for the tree stump?
Also pic related is pan-german symbol of reunification.
Nope, sorry friend.
These are really fuzzy-looking. An alraune version of one of these would have some really soft hair. Why was the edelweiss chosen, specifically? Did it symbolize anything in particular at the time, or was it mostly just a common German flower?
Just kill yourself already.
oh my god all the men are manlets lol
Its name means "noble white"
The weak favor collectivism, the strong favor individualism
Satan (n.) proper name of the supreme evil spirit in Christianity, Old English Satan, from Late Latin Satan (in Vulgate in Old Testament only), from Greek Satanas, from Hebrew satan "adversary, one who plots against another," from satan "to show enmity to, oppose, plot against," from root s-t-n "one who opposes, obstructs, or acts as an adversary."
Old English Lucifer "Satan," also "morning star, Venus in the morning sky before sunrise," also an epithet or name of Diana, from Latin Lucifer "morning star," noun use of adjective, literally "light-bringing," from lux (genitive lucis) "light" (see light (n.)) + ferre "to carry, bear" (see phoresy). Venus in the evening sky was Hesperus.
Belief that it was the proper name of Satan began with its use in Bible to translate Greek Phosphoros, which translates Hebrew Helel ben Shahar in Isaiah xiv.12 – "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" [KJV] Because of the mention of a fall from Heaven, the verse was interpreted spiritually by Christians as a reference to Satan, even though it is literally a reference to the King of Babylon (see Isaiah xiv.4). Sometimes rendered daystar in later translations.
As "friction match," 1831, short for Lucifer match (1831). Among the 16c. adjectival forms were Luciferian, Luciferine, Luciferous. There was a noted Bishop Lucifer of Cagliari in Sardinia in the 4th century, a strict anti-Arian regarded locally as a saint.
Lol you're just posting garbage. Stop posting random shit that does not make sence you cunt.
Reported and filtered.
I rather we not steal it. It looks autistic and feminazi too much. I rather have it drew in some cringy fetish or comic abut how the left is than take it; outsiders will think it's a diaper fetish character or whatever you do with it. Just look at it. They wouldn't beable to tell other wise.
Oh, so they're reddit then. That explains so much. At least they're contained over there.
Taken together, Lucifer/Prometheus/Odin isn't actually mentioned in the bible so Lucifer is a mistranslation from the bible. Satan merely means adversary in Hebrew.
Our enemy is Moloch/Ba'al, more or less. What's interesting is that the jews have had a love hate relationship with moloch because baal actually means "lord" and is short for "lord of the flies." Lots of sources suggest that they're either the same god or part of the same pantheon
The khazars are actually subverting old judaism by their worship of this demon, and an important point is that even in their books, Moses went up to the mountain and they made a golden calf (icon of Moloch so they could keep having child sacrifices). All abrahamism is basically corrupt savages briefly trying to not be subhumans from time to time, but their corrupt genetics inevitably betray them. That's why we have to expunge them from the planet.
If any idiot says "such and such is Satanic" they are conflating the meaning of the word "adversarial" with what they really mean which is "Molochial"
Watch embed related and
Think before you post that crap.
I'm up for it.
The media was way softer on Sanders
Oh, one last thing I forgot to mention. Since jews have an aversion to actually naming their gods properly, Moloch isn't a proper name either since it's just hebrew for "King" which is clear if you read the article on him.
The king/lord of jews and masons is child rape, torture and sacrifice, that's the actual name of it, but I'm not sure if they've given it a proper name. These pieces of shit aren't even really jews since they're mostly turkic/arab/khazarian mongrels in the first place. It'd be nice to name them properly, since jew itself isn't really accurate. They always do that with words and there's a reason why they try to cloak themselves. Same reason why they called Rothschildland "Israel"
can we get back to top pic of raiding Holla Forums
According to what I've read so far, Khazars got infiltrated by the surviving rabbinical jews and probably a small surviving population of judeans, but I seriously doubt whether or not they still have a large proportion of judean genetics. Calling them khazar/turkic/arab mongrels with european admixture is much more accurate.
I would accept a Simurgh as an alternative.
I read Das Kapital and found it to be full of pseudo scientific shit.
They're getting salty, lads
Triggered, kike?
No goy, that's not allowed, this thread is for (((cdf462))) to hijack the discussion and derail into D&C shilling.
This is memebase tier.
Whoops, posted too soon.
Aryan. Proud like a peacock. Powerful enough to carry off an elephant. Canine head, claws of a lion. Waifu-primed sex. Tends to her own. Hates snakes.
Simurghs would make one of the best motherly monster girls in existence, but the simurgh is heavily associated with Persian culture specifically.
Óðinn! how dare you!
Deification of knowledge, it's not that hard of a concept.
Oh well thanks for posting this, capped it.
Whatever. Kikes are still kikes.
Not for a fucking ns mascot
He's a retarded kike shill. Just filter and report.
calling them khazar/turkic/arab mongrels is a good way of separating them from "jews" for the really pozzed christians, since you can reference the Revelations text "Say that they are jews but are not."
No sweat, I'd appreciate it if you included my further clarifications as well
Well, for a North American National Socialist Party, what in our shared culture would be appropriate? We have the disadvantage of being a very young country. I wouldn't want to pick something from Native American mythology just because it happened on the same dirt, but picking from European seems wrong too.
Anyone got a good list of classical United States mythology?
…no thanks fam. I'll just stick to calling them jews if that's ok with you.
Think of North America as an extention of the european motherland. We have our differences but ultimatly are of the same stock.
Oh I have overseen them, is it correct now? Anyway here you go m8:
Nationalism still applies, even among people of the same stock and similar heritage. Each of us (meaning countries) should have some highlighting of those differences in our mascots, so to speak. Our own individual highlight reels. We may be from the same stock, but we're our own nation. I would take wholly European mythology over nothing or any other peoples', but I prefer to not have to.
Interesting note about something distinctly American most people don't realize is ours. The white pillars of our governmental institutions were made to emulate what we thought the Greeks were like, because Democracy. It wasn't discovered until extremely recently that all those pretty white pillars were originally painted in garishly bright pigments, often yellow and blue.
The stoic pillars of pure white are a completely American aesthetic.
I understand where you're coming from.
But…America is not a seperate race. It is not even a ethnic group yet. For America to have it's own true culture and traditions you need to take symbols and stuff from where you came from (europe). Only then will America become a established identity and not just "huwite ppl".
You don't really have a choice m8.
I realize I may have to concede the point. But I would try first before admitting to.
So anything you want to add?
Holla Forums scared as fuck right now.
At the moment I'm just researching United States mythology. We've got the Jersey Devil, a host of White Woman bereavement-ghost stories, and a couple faux Lock Ness Monsters. And then even less inspiring stuff like Bigfoot. I was hoping for something with wings. Most of our more interesting stories are exactly that, with no pretension to being possible. Rip van Winkle, The Wizard of Oz, so on and so forth.
Well, what would you pull from European mythology?
Oh. And how could I forget.
Mothman prophecies
That was actually a really cool movie.
If my shit is correct, this actually comes from Ukraine?
Aliens too, pretty much american mythology.
nice try kike
Oh shit. That never even occurred to me. We are the folk of the Ayylmao.
One of my greatest national prides is that we invented flight. I will instantly be more amiable to anything that intentionally and sustainably can get itself airborne.
Yes…doesn't sound promising but that is excpected for such young nation. And a nation that was stolen it's rightful growth and made into a piece of land for any subhuman to step on. When it comes to european stuff, as you mentioned above greek pagan stuff would be ideal. Also germanic and of course anglo saxon.
When it comes to the specifics of what to pull from i'm not entirely sure to be honest.
As an actual faggot, if you can't see anything wrong with the "genderfluid"/"gay culture"/"sex positive" movement it's because you're willfully disregarding reality. The numbers say gays,trannies,sluts etc all make themselves less happy, less functional, and less safe by embracing their fetish culture. I invite you to look up the data regarding reported happiness/life satisfaction, suicide rates, personal health, drug use, life expectancy, etc.
Just ask yourself why you believe what you think.
Figured I might as well ask in this thread, Does anyone have any more anime Nazis? They look cool as fuck.
At least proper commies hate gays, these nu-commies just want free shit.
Why so dependant on the iceniggers? It's Woden or Wotan in English.
Simurgh also appeared in the Slavic mythology under the name Simargl.
Azov is Ukrainian… The symbol have different origin, merging of the I and N letters from Ukrainian Latynka, Idea Nacyi.
Oi can you tell me who's the one from my first picture? I see her associated with either Holla Forums.
Moreover what's the origin of the Putsch mascot? Doesn't seem to be a Krautchan thing.
I hate the modern americanised German uniform, she'd look better in Natsi or DDR one.
any progress on actually doxing these faggots? I'd love nothing more than to walk in on them while they're circlejerking on their containment board and shoot them right in the face with a 12 gauge.
Closest I've got, fam. Roman salute, but holding commie hardware. Hope it counts.
These are only speculated to be the equivalent. Besides, it'd make sense for something more specifically German or natsoc-related to be used instead.
perfect, thanks.
Her name is Rachel Purity
I'm sure he made his Celtic forefathers very proud.
But if you do that, you're defending the kikes' ancestors.
Already a thread on that, user, check the catalog
well even according to the pozzed-as-fuck jewish texts and "bible," they're all a bunch of degenerates who keep succumbing to the need to rape, torture, kill and eat children over and over and over again. Besides, you're drawing the connection that they're still the same jews who fuck every over, to a degree, but also so mixed up and mongrelized that they aren't the original formula. Both are complete shit, but distinct.
We can't use GDR one's because muh commies and not Third Reich one's becauae muh nazi!!!!!
This cracks me up endlessly. The point at which the Jews stop being orbital striked by their own god is the point at which God gave up on them entirely and moved on to everyone else.
Their own god got so fed up with him that orbital strikes ceased being sufficient.
Do you white scrawny upper class teenagers realize that most people here have at least a STEM degree and that social "science" isn't education but judaism-lite to puppet generic low-IQ human sewage like you?
None of you ever worked a day in your life. No engineers or programmers go on leftypol.
You're still a bunch of burgeois trying to exploit the proletariat by telling them they are being exploit by the people of success who built the business they work for.
I mean if we did a scientific analysis of the positive effects on humanity caused by you compared to those caused by trash bag juice, you'd lose by a large margin.
Even niggers are better than you guys.
We can't use GDR one's because muh commies and not Third Reich one's becauae muh nazi!!!!!
Besides you'll get used to it.
Whoops. Not me.
it's literally generic flecktarn clothing
could just as well be early 40s
Yep. Its german as fuck. I see no reason why to complain other than no helmets.
Holy shit, nice editing skills.
I never liked the mascot to be honest, it looks too Spanish civil war anarchist and Spanish anarchists were goddamn awful.
I can confirm that not only Strasserists use that symbol.
Moreover the pic was made by Alexander Slavros on his now suspended dA-profile, a Stalinist-turned-Fascist owner of Ironmarch. He also did one on Mosley and few others.
You may have been familiar with this pin before too.
Yes, every communist regime treated fags rather poorly. You may have heard the thing that Lenin somehow was lenient on them, he merely abolished all Imperial laws and told CheKa to watch on faggots and other sexual degenerates, like they dealt with free love types.
Trosky criticised Stalin for being too easy on fags even.
You mean baby-face Uzbek?
Sword And Hammer should be used for traditional Hitlerist NatSoc. These leftypolfags are trying to hijack it and affiliate it with (((eurasianism))) and autistic cancer like "national bolshevism"
Its a not a well known fact nowadays but they used to be pretty socially conservetive and call gays "fascists".
So much of modern tech too, comes from those few years
The basically everything…. 1933-45…..
Nej. Fuck off. Sword and Sickle is way cooler anyway.
Get out nazbol scum
Confirmed shit taste
There is no Sword and Sickle symbol. I just think it would look better personally.
Anything with a sickle is automatically shit taste anyway.
Wew, posted in wrong thread.
Its also easy to pretend that culture is the ethnicity. Like Romanian = Romanian. Also not the inclusion of "Ashkenazi" pop group and how it doesnt make it just Russian with Jewish religion or something like that…
Nice digits
Confirmed for being none but nazbols still larp with them.
Thats fucking gross, dude. Dont post that shit.
No, the math was worked out by a Russian, post war, and ignored by the USSR under the assumption that it had no military value.
Lockheed picked up on the slav's work during Project Angel to reduce detectability of the U-2.
You will probably exclaim "Muh Ho-229", but here's the rub, the Ho-229's planform was pursued with the aim of aerodynamics, not low observability.
Reason being, all air combat at the time was within visual range, and thus LO tech was not a pressing concern, rather maximizing performance in speed and altitude was.
Something which flying wings excel at.
kek, i know. I should of spoilered.
Really now.
I take back what i said about the hwindu kids. Our retards have nothing on their retards.
Not even close, jesus fucking christ look at these "people"
I don't know but I doubt it
Point is that the burgers took it
At the time, only three were built, one crashed
But they would have breached the UK radars, that is they wouldn't have detected it in time.
So it pretty much started here
It just keeps popping up more and more tech, this one went crazy in the media here 2 year ago or something.
the only difference is hwndu=shitskins and commies=huwites.
Take the Vril Pill.
The germans are still out there.
They never discovered it.
Yes, the wood airframe has a reduced RC, but those exposed turbine faces more than make up for it.
Look, this is "AK-47 is a copy of the STG-44" tier.
Remember, Northrop was pursuing flying wings at about the same time.
Flying wings are phenomenal for hauling a payload to desired speed, range, and altitude, in an efficient manner.
And those were the driving requirements of the day.
I don't got the shit, but all the stuff they found at the south pole too.
I wonder what they were up to down there, they even named something there Ásgarð (Where Óðinn has his home, and Valhöll is etc). Tons of shit down there, what were they up too?
They were so far a head in time I can still not get this into my head. Next thing you know, they will find a fucking moonbase lol
Nah. Northrop actually had designs for flying wing craft in the twenties and even during WW2. Years before the 229.
regardless they are remaking it, and testing it's radar.. what is this in anglo.. signature!
Nazbolphobe stfu
Heil stalin :^)
They won't "find' the moonbase. The moonbase will find them.
Watch vid related.
Yeah, and it's on the short list for restoration and display at the NASM.
They're almost done restoring the sole surviving He-219 Uhu, and after they restore the Martin B-26 "Flak Bait", the Ho-229 V3 is next.
Communists in the USSR had plenty of "free love" propaganda prior to getting power. Only after realising that you need a population that actually has kids did they start going against fags. So no, I wouldn't say they used to be socially conservative.
Aren't the only Nazbols retarded Slavs that don't want to be Neo-Nazis because their grandpappy got raped by Klaus?
Look, I'm not denying the krauts their due for cracking aerodynamics the way nobody had been able to before, just be realistic about your claims.
I mean, I'll be the first to tell you, pics related wouldn't have been possible without the krauts.
lenin was pro fag since he was a kike. Stalin had a little sanity so he rejected such shit. If trotsky was in, there would be full out 2016 degeneracy in 1945.
Its like 50 people in the entire world. Who the fuck knows.
Well there was actually a call for Germany to develop ways of getting around radar at the time.
Britains air defences were heavily reliant on a network of radar stations the likes of which the world had never seen prior.
They made it possible for Britain to defend itself so effectively.
So it would stand to reason that the Germans would want to find a way to neutralise that advantage.
Without Stalin, they'd have never made it to 1930.
Stalin was Soviet Batman
And Von Braun and his boys had the answer
The only way the Soviet Union functioned for a little bit longer is because they abandoned the more libertine policies and went back to a more traditional outlook which was the only way to get the state to function somewhat efficiently. They still ended up getting outgunned by the Americans because it took them like a fucking decade to produce factories and nuclear arms because communism sucks cock.
Which, just so we're all on the same page, was based on the work of the American, Robert Goddard.
He was flying liquid fuel rockets to the stratosphere and writing about the practicalities of space travel when Von Braun was still shitting his diapers.
Don't take them too srsly. They are autistic literally. The only nazbol faction with considerible amount of power are the neo-eurasianists. Dugin is a fucking advisor to king jewtin himself.
Yes. The Human Being.
Yo Holla Forums is shitting up 4pol right now, send help.
Fuck off cuckchanner.
wow im sure the Japanese have a whole lot in common with the Arabs for example lol that will definitely work
Eurasia is the most retarded thing I've ever heard of in my life. Totally ripped the Chaos symbol from Khorne too.
You made your bed, lie in it. Fuck off, cuckchan.
Absolutely corrupted!!!
Von Braun and his team liquid fueled rockets be something more than a scientific curiosity.
Their cooling and erosion control solutions were revolutionary.
US and Soviet scientist were blown away by what they had managed to make possible with rocketry
They are doing that for years now.
why do you still use a comprised garbage website like 4chan?
Well, it didn't help that Goddard wasn't funded officially for most of his active career, and died in 1945.
But he did pave the way, which Von Braun fully acknowledged during interviews.
And it's only natural that the US and Soviet governments were surprised by the advances the Germans had made by war's end, since they were both run by short sighted fools who were only interested in the here and now.
Because he's a cuck.
Holla Forums doesn't push strasserism because strasserism focuses on race almost as much as hitlerism did. Holla Forums even has filters for the word "strasserism" iirc
They let nazbols stay though since its marxist crap.
kek i used to go on Holla Forums to shitpost and use the nazbol flag, it pisses them off so fucking much.
They even made some crap meme trying to get them off the board called "nazbol gang".
Funny thing, it was the Versailles treaty and its prohibition on long range artillery that made the krauts pursue rockets
Most who shitpost there as nazbols are Holla Forumsacks. They even dish out bans like "Nazbol shit".
Strasser actually stated that he was opposed to Hitler's racial policies after he had been exiled from Germany.
What the fuck even is Nazbol?
That's what you get for allowing time after time shill mods….. CTR, leftie, it never ends with you cucks
National Bolshevism, some fucktarded ideology created as a way to try and influence nationalists into supporting Bolshevism. It's a low quality subversive attempt, created in Russia.
kek here that would translate to actually
nazi steroids
Also fuck off this HAS to be in retaliation for this doxxing business just like with TRS
Why can't those pussies spam shit somewhere other than 4pol
So let me get this straight, we've been arguing against down-syndrome furry faggots or teenage yurocucks? That's the state of the left? That's who been calling me a retard?
Liberalism is truly a mental illness.
And fuck me, it is actually real isn't it
We didn't forget, we warned but they didn't listen.
It's attention whoring. Trying to look big pure out of fear. It means they have even more nasty shit they are hiding.
Yes, it is real.
Well you need to get the cucks to remove those infiltrator mods
Benjamin Fishbein
Leftie is going to get rekt, but you need to fix your shit over there
This one is really autistic.
Well that simply isn't true communism then!
basically communism with eurasianism. it's pretty autistic
that was Otto, not Gregor.
Gregor Strasser had a pretty good relationship with Hitler.
Gregor got v& with the SA faggots in the night of long knives. Goebbles said it was unintentional though iirc.
I can't wait till I get to kill these people in rahowa
Found this beauty. Enjoy.
AnimeFeminist: My Anime List defends rewrite of contributor’s anti-Nazi article
My Anime List, which receives 120,000,000 page views a month, launched their Featured Writers program in 2015 to highlight voices in the anime community, Writers post lists, anime reviews, and informal opinion pieces.
Read Moar at:
Is Kamfy their BO now?
They need to be killed down to the last individual, there's no fixing them. Some things are just born broken.
Holla Forums tries arguing with us again and then scurry off back to Holla Forums before the thread is even half over
Of course.
toplel jajajajajajajajajajajajaja
Actually, they got banned.
Taste of their own medicine, as the cuckchanner up there was here to ask for help for, they are banning them by the scores as I understand.
Idiots letting in these mods to begin with and not following up on their bannings…..
Yo this is huge important, I need a list of every member they have.
If you're willing to give me one I can set up a temp mail or something for the deposit. I'm part of like fifteen Holla Forums related servers and I need to purge any spies.
No fucking way.
I think she's Osaka from Azumanga Daioh.
Really shows you how materialistic these people are. I hold no feelings towards money.
*IIRC, it was not a Holla Forumsack who drew it, but I'm just really tired now.
Not completely, but largely, unfortunately. However, Holla Forums is pseudo-intellectual, which is just as bad if not worse.
Personally, I think it needs more POWER ARMOR
This still keeps going? Wew lad those Holla Forums kids sure are getting antsy 'round here.
Dubs confirm.
I picked it up from one of their OC threads.
This is autism made by a woman (go figure, the site reeks of tumblrgirl):
Did we rip all their vids? You can make a fake account and upload all their stuff then send it to their parents anyway.
*Also, in case no one gets the wordplay, "Cat Alunya" is a reference to revolutionary Catalonia — Catalunya; Cataluña; Catalonia, Spain.
Start here:
For those who don't know, "tankie" refers to Stalinists.
Found the original on exhentai
OC thread:
>>>Holla Forums1385584
Holla Forums OC thread with some Holla Forums stuff:
And some non-cucked music.
How long until mods purge this thread like they do every Holla Forums culture thread?
That third pic is now a leftist meme, you realize that right? Germany is pozzed.
Wew lad, and this is coming from someone who is indifferent to Trump.
Wait, you're trying to trick us!
Explains the fucked up mind.
Those comments make it better.
Let's not forget the degenerates from 6 years ago. It was a mess then so just imaging how it is today. I suggest anyone, even the leftycucks to watch these videos.
I had lost him, fucking love how this one burnes them, he has tons of these.
No USSR be capitalist man! dude weed
I lived there, burns the like roast
So a bunch of retarded anarchist cucks? Wew lad.
Who got BTFO? Yes.
FYI, the guy interviewing (Vlad Jaffe) is a Jew. He says it in the start of a video to someone who's anti-Israel.
That's why he shows to like capitalism a bit too much in some parts.
Kek. This is pretty great too
b u m b
Is that fucking Bubbles?
Your transsexual father is a leftist meme.
B u m p i n g
Pllesese not Bubbles
Most German leftists absolutely hate the Bundeswehr. Pic related.
william paul baker-sepulveda/will sebake/flamingdinner
uses trip
skype: flamdini
youtube: https:// www. youtube. com/channel/UCvhfxhcPexUaBtkzcGKwMQQ
manifesto: https:// docs. google .com/ document/d/1Wi3kIlpV6HkW3ijgJTSLlIkKJT9eXSks233M2eczBkY/edit
lives in san antonio, puerto rican, once claimed to be a tranny on reddit
Nice one user
FFS this young and seriously got gyno going on there…
Don't even wanna watch that shit, going to eat now lol but ppls
youtube-dl -cit ThatChannelUrl
Litterally Who?
Cheers Holla Forums
false one?
meh I'm not sure who's jewing who here, but googledocs, don't you need to be logged in and shit for that crap?
still looks like a fag
They all look so damn sick and unhealthy
Why am I not surprised!
Good job user, damn kike shills
http:// ottd. shoutwiki .com/wiki/FlamingDinner
http:// snoopsnoo. com/u/Flamdini
steamcommunity . com/id/Flamdini/
twitter .com/DucklingGuns/
twitter .com/Flamdini/
possible household and G+
plus .google. com/103576490318530583438
maps .google. com/?ll=29.835884,-95.55214&q=29.835884,-95.55214
Holy shit, are those Redditors?
I didn't know that and I'll take it into account. Still shows how backwards these fools all are.
if you think a human anime girl with some wings is furry shit then you are too new to be here kiddo
Nice try.
I sware to God, every time there is a video of antifa/commies rioting, there is this inconspicuous gray-haired old lady lurking in the midst and emitting kike vibes (and you can't tell if she's involved or a bystander). This can't be a coincidence, this is like 4th or 5th time it gave me extremely odd vibes in the last few weeks.
No litterally. Who the fuck is he? I've never seen him on leftypol.
Good stuff user, but you left out a few aspects. They don't do the child rape/sacrifice solely for the hell of it (though I don't doubt that some exist who do), rather it is that they believe by doing so, they will become as gods themselves.
To understand the jews, one must understand that they worship two things, money (Mammon) and themselves. You mentioned lucifer before, the PRINCIPLE of lucifer is that of egoism. It can either be used as a stepping stone towards greater self awareness (yielding to higher consciousness later), or it can overtake the self, and become dominant, manifesting as selfish desire. In the esoteic tradition, particularly that of the Zohar, the Qliphoth are referred to as "shells", or negative emanations of consciousness. Another way this can be thought of is destructive resonant modes of conduct. Well at the tippy top of the Tree of Death (Qliphotic tree) is the twin headed demon of satan and molech. This means that jews recognize that satan and molech are embodiments of principles within the jewish people, manifesting as child sacrifice, and a general adversarial nature towards the rest of mankind (ie: gentiles). Why this is important is another teaching of kabbalah, namely that good and "evil" must exist in equal proportions, down to an atomic action. So when some fat grease kike is playing dominos in the basement of comet ping pong, he will internally rationalize it as: my action has equal good measure as it does evil.
Look up Sanhedrin 64A, Soncino edition :^)
t. philosophy namefag
tomoko why do you hate fd so much? acting like a damn loser smdh
The leftists are organizing…..
We actually care about the well being of our people, ofc we are.
yeah sure, there's child marriage and mass kidnapping, but at least we have economic equality :^)
Socialism as in Prussian Socialism, not Marxism. Socialism existed long before Marx.
No fucking shit non-whites are alienated. Hitler only wanted to support Germany and it's people, whites. Imagine you lived in an apartment and wanted to support your family, but only supporting you family is oppression so you gave every person on your floor a cake. Guess what, you're now broke because you spent all your money on cooking supplies.
Meanwhile in Minnesota
This was very good, I'm not into their heads yet. But what is their justification for all their perversion? All through time, they act like 3 year olds here, when they come in the potty mouth age. And you learn them this is not ok.
and that whole shit there, is how you spot them. Like in another thread, once more a swastika of feces, you know that is with once.
And… their sick "sex" things, kids, animals, cannibalism, homo sexuality, group sex
Everywhere they go they pervert. I remember this loosely, I don't got so much on this temp box.
But it goes something like
Sick "people" very sick, struggle with these perversions and you always or often see they overstep, and then go …. oy vey… and don't even understand it.
Like this one kike here singlehandedly destroyed feminism in 1 fucking day, overstepping kiking and didn't even understand it.
They are sick breed.
(Both of those pictures are from years ago and I've lost weight since then for the record)
Maybe you have, I don't go by Flamdini on there. I post less nowadays
Like I always say, pecking order
The problem is that you look like an underage twink. Build up muscle and stop being a degenerate commie.
Economics literally is pseudoscience you dumbcuck, it's all models that use historical trends and try to give solutions. There's not really much that can be done in the way of research because it's all so abstract
Thanks for not knowing literally anything about how Jewish ancestry works or the fact that there's literally no such thing as a last name that is 100% Jewish
lol ya fug off m8
it's actually just nigger tranny porn get your buzzwords right
also so do you
so what if they look weird. i bet they're really nice and would kick your fash
B-but I am an underage twink.
Like I said I've lost weight and built muscle since then.
No interest in stopping being a "degenerate" unless you can give me a single reason why it's bad, or a communalist unless you can give me a single reason why it's wrong. And if you start harping on about totalitarianism I'll know you have no idea what you're talking about
we're shaking way to go
You know what, you're right. You sure beat me on that one :^) never interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake
This video says otherwise. OONNEE PUNNCCCHHH
I'm not even white family man, it's not like I'd ever be regenerate enough for you. Do you honestly think that because we're cool with trannies and fucked up kinks that we're going to devolve into a rape orgy? Shit historical analysis fam
That's fucking Nordfront do you really think you idiots are anything like Nordfront? Besides he was outnumbered and attacked a bunch of people with guns like an idiot.
Anime is degenerate. Gawt eem.
You sound like a huge faggot
You die in one punch and watch gay nigger cuck tranny porn. There's literally nothing you can say to defend yourself, and nothing you can do to defend yourself. You get KO'd by slaps.
What you consider a faggot and what I consider a faggot are very different. To me a faggot is a close-minded wanker who treats other people like shit or is grating and annoying to be around. To you a faggot is anyone who is different from you.
Both of those are generalizations. Besides what's your point? I could post nazi furries if you want. I could remind you of how hard tat sucker punch took Richey Spencey down. I could remind you of the loss of your precious idols recently.
Also that's not a fucking KO you mouthbreather.
And I'm 90% sure that the guy in the other video didn't die on the punch
What do you negroes have to say about the fat chink who shot the IWW medic like a fucking coward/war criminal? Nothing? Typicool
Cry more commie faggot. We fucked your girl too
That artist doesn't draw lewds. That particular comic came from a drawfag on V, if I recall correctly.
We don't even like Spencer, faggot, and even if we did he didn't get killed in ONE PUNCH.
Holo a best
The devil appears as the hunter in green; Schleicher, as Green-coat in witch-stories; In Östgötl. "Oden" means devil. His army is called a swarm: des tivelis geswarme; der tiuvel liât ûzgesant sîu geswarmt, not unlike the Wilde Jagd
Of Norse mythology the two that are closest associated with the Devil/Satan are Wuotan and Loki; Thunar comes a distant third because of associations with goats and red hair (blood and [hell] fire). Of course there's also theriomorphic representations like Jormungandr akin to Leviathan; Fenrir, etc.
Did you just admit you're porky? Do you really think that's going to piss me off or something? I'm not dedicated to a waifu like you are.
You already posted that pic. That all you got? We've got dozens. Cringe-offs are just vagina-measuring contests so I won't bother but other people have plenty.
Nice not having a response so just saying "cry more".
How's it feel that a 17 year old Puerto Rican novelist has more swag than you? Badda-boom bitch that's how we do it in the Caribbean
Do you have a single source for that? Anime is degeneracy.
Yeah, you do like Spencer. If you don't you're goddamn stupid. He wants most of the things you want even if he's more centrist about it. You're just trying to disown him because you're scared the same thing will happen to you.
Writing gay nigger cuck porn fanfiction about you and Marx doesn't make a novelist
Also how's it feel to not have a job or guns
You're a huge faggot, so it took me a minute to track down the link:
Safe word from the article:
Look, "fellow worker," I pulled this pic related from your faggoty fundraising page. If you want to LARP war, expect a fight. The people on this Fijian skeet shooting board have been dehumanizing themselves and their faces to violence for years. So play rough, get rough, or play nice and die that much sooner.
Wew stop
It's actually hermaphroditic dragons from Earth that meet furries in space.
I do have guns, I was in Boy Scouts for a long ass time, I own an AK and know how to shoot it (if I'm honest it's kind of a bitch on my shoulder though), my job is my book.
The only people talking violence have always been fascists. Antifa is a reaction.
I was being intentionally grating there but yes I do have a book coming out and I'm proud of it and think it's great and can be a hit.
Yeah sure thing spic lmao. I'm sure your scoutmaster's tranny cock taught you everything you needed to know to not die one punch. Post a pic of your "AK" bud
Factually incorrect, but fun to play along with.
Look, Slowpoke Rodriguez, we are National Socialists. That implies a certain outlook on life. When you reject the Jew and his lies, the thought of taking personal responsibility for violence doesn't make you shake with fear anymore.
So yeah, sure – ebil Nazis started it and your gay quilting circle is (((morally justified))) in "fighting back." Who gives a fuck? We're winning.
Rolling. If dubs, PR antifa chokes on vomit. If get, it's black dick.
I don't disagree with you. Anime like Fist of the North Star is cool though, just the moeblob shit is degenerate.
He's a moderate and only wants to be a celeb. I appreciate him supporting a white ethnostate, but he's too centrist kinda of a poof tbh. He's not a full Milo-kike.
Get back to me when you can handle 8mm Mauser.
You sure about that? Are you sure the "fascists" aren't just moderate conservatives who like Trump?
He'll still be sucking niggerdick for ramen noodles when Trump cuts off the gibs for Sanctuary Cities
I don't have a device to take a picture with right now and my AK is with my cousin because in San Antonio I don't have anywhere to keep it and make sure it's safe.
I don't see why you don't consider writing a job. I'm also studying.
Incorrect, I'm Puerto Rican, the term is Goya.
The problem is that fascists want to initiate violence against all sorts of PEOPLE. Not the Jew and his lies, PEOPLE. You want to line people up and shoot them for disagreeing with you. You want to end free speech. And we don't want that, so we're going to fight it. Simple.
You don't seem to get it. By non-hypocritical standards, watching non-white cartoons based off non-white culture is inherently degenerate and anything like it would be frowned upon in Nazi Germany.
Moderate conservatives who like Trump but think free speech they don't like should be curtailed and want him to go full authoritarian are fascist-lite.
Puerto Ricans have been citizens for a while. We didn't ask for citizenship. In fact we want sovereignty.
Unfortunately for you I'll be doing OK when my book gets published and I move back to PR
God your ignorance is so amusing, I always love dropping the "I'm an American citizen and all my ancestors ever were also effectively American citizens retroactively" bomb on people. Next I get to tell you that when the US stole land from Mexico there were some Mexicans on it that became US citizens by birthright
I make 10 grand a month working on oil rigs you fucking spic lmao. I'm sure dying of super-AIDS from all the niggerdick you're gonna suck to get by is considered "living large" in spicland.
I don't know where you get this mixed up stuff from, but no it does not mean devil and he also got many many many names.
You are mixing up to completely different things, I see gnostics seem to do that.
You word devil probably comes from the word djövul. Fimbuldjövlar deyja! wich has nothing to do with God.
In the Judean-Abramic religiones you have this concept of good and evil, white and black… we don't have that.
Loki is not the Devil either, he is a Diar, a needed evil to get the world to spin if you will. He's an ass always up to no good, some traits come from him. A trickster.
Each of the Diars and Disir have attributes to them, while Allföðir, father of all, Óðinn is God.
But in the next iceage Gautatyr will fall and die, and Baldur, will come back from the Helhome and take up his items and become God, same will Þor's son Magni do and take his father's place and so on.
Jörmundgandur, Fenri, Hel are all creations of Loki yes, and they will all fall 3 years into the never ending Fimbul winter(the ice age, the big cycle of nature)
Yggradsill shakes, a Giant loosens her(that is your whole linage since Askur and Embla). Only two will survive, and from them a new tree will grow.
This is us evolving again, we are no longer the same species as we are today.
I can't translate all of Völuspá for you at the spot, also fucking morning here again lol. It's 66 verses, I will get to it someday.
But here you have Varg telling parts of it, the translation is clearly not done by him, it's not perfect but you get the idea, it's cryptic all of this stuff, rewritings and stuff like that. So not all should be taken lit, but some should.
Christians/whatever often think that Armageddon is the same as Ragnarök too, which is false. This is a circular religion, everything goes in circles and it evolves.
The buthurts
Jacob Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie (1835), supplement to Chapter XXXIII "Devil"
Freud would have a lot to say about your insistence that I suck big, juicy, thick, ebony stallion rod.
People, historians etc often do the mistake of mixing up this ancient faith with both Roman ones and Greek ones and projecting the Chrstian worlview and mindset on it.
Like it isn't bad to go to our Hel either, but I assume then she's the closet you get to your satan/satyn. She is only the Guardian and will break free as mentioned, most people end here when they die. But the really bad place to end up is Niflhel, people who commit suicide(there are expections to the rule) ends up here. Walking around like zombies intoxicated by ether, aimless.
In the Helhome you sleep til Ragnarök.
Last post, it's sad Wardruna had this song here, which was texted, but it lit got close to 6 million views so kiketube gassed it.
Very sleepy here, so not perfect
If I die the normal death, I will be sung over for three days.
I do have an AK, I'm serious. I've even mentioned this to the person who "doxed" me.
Freud was a jew that perscribed his patients cocaine.
Maybe you should read a bit about your heros next time, instead of listing off strawman arguments like "Fascists want to line everyone up and shoot them."
If anything, we just want non-whites deported and jews to stop wrecking our societies. I've no ill will towards other races in their own lands, just because I don't want them here.
You know how it works, young man. It ain't true until you post some proof, like timestamp.
Yeah sure thing bud. I'll believe it when I see it. Better get to work on that novel, your ramen will run out soon, then you might have to do the unthinkable for a commie…get a job
Grow up kiddo,
And I can wet my finger and put it in the air, and fart in your direction when the wind is right.
You niggers better be archiving these threads. Thus butthurt is glorious
That's not me you fucking nigger
To think that this shitstorm was triggered by one user that found a Holla Forums Youtube channel and told us in a thread, makes me feel damn good.
'60s hippie leftovers that want to pretend they're relevant again.
it is you though nigger
Well known marxist professors support Holla Forums. But who supports Holla Forums? Everyone left either to alt-right, moderate conservatism or neo nazi gangs.
What'd be worse being shot by a LOL 9mm or the fact he's wearing an emoji mask.
10/10 would DOTR with. Take another pic but with you doing okay handsign with free hand.
That guy there is not me though. I found it yesterday in another thread.
I'll try to keep my answer brief (but three pronged):
First Prong (what it likely truly is, esoterically):
They are the children of satan/molech, meaning that they "have the spirit" of satan, meaning that egoism is their main drive. The ego is first developed in childhood, and when allowed to be dominant, is a greedy vindicative child in an adults body. So to an extent, it is arrested development on their part, emotionally and spiritually (saying that will REALLY piss them off kek)
Second Prong (what THEY think the answer is, kabbalistically):
Recall the Qliphoth, the negative shells of consciousness both in God and man, perhaps better understood as negative/destructive modes of conduct (think a linear algebra basis). This degenerative behavior is merely another "mode", which of course is half good half evil :^). I need to do more research on this, there will be a Jewcyclopedia coming out shortly with my entire 23 volume Zohar set on it. Remember though, this is the bullshit they tell THEMSELVES.
Third Prong (Rabbit hole for you, user):
Research 'Tikkun Olam', 'Isaac Luria', "Sabbatai Zevi'
Sauce? I would really like it.
Noice, short and simple saved. was a bit overtired yesterday over there, 6 million lines of posts.
Wew lads, what a case of eceleb aids.
I'm just came here again to laugh at you.
I'm drunk as fug but I will join you
Also MR AK, come on any action?
FFS look at them
when the find is right I will fart, and I will lit gas them
Then he will run to his mum and dad and go oy vey, this whale killing fascist bastard I "threatened" to gas, he is actually gassing me
We're talking about fucking tweens or something here that take testo blockers and what not to end up looking like that.
Pls come at me you fucking wanker
C'mon you got an AK goy
I don't need no guns because I have my fist
Pic related is not mine I swear to your jebus or something, never seen it before
Jews, JUDEN, always try to blame you for having guns and shit here. We don't got any guns, that's jewish lies. The police have been here 6 million times(or is it 12 now?) and they have found
It is impossible to be really be anonymous here, so like I said to ISIS(we're brawling atm), I would really welcome these cunts to tempt them selves.
FFS even last year, I actually bid one to pay for his travel and give him "grid", so we could just "talk"
Evey thing was set up for him, and it is in my faith to honor my word.
But he just chickened out, I would pay his plane ticket and everything.
shut the fuck up
To reward gifts with gifts
And cash out lies with lies=
Best friend, or worst foe.
go back gommies
So, optimally you would combine an Estrogen Blocker with Testosterone, yes?
You mean the retard that acted surprised when students asked him what courses they need in real life and what they don't?
We did it at least three times so far.
Yep. You're already dead. Little faggot like you wont last when the balloon goes up.
Whats the cats name?
Im done. Reporting myself.
The commies were sitting on a mountain of skulls before anyone on the face of the earth even uttered the word "fascist".
Right, because no commies ever tortured a family to death for one person disagreeing with communism, or having a couple too many cows. Or committed genocide against entire ethnic groups for collaborating with the monarchists/fascists/whoever.
You have always acted like criminals, only when someone fights back do you try and frame your usual behavior as "justice"
That's right, we do - as do you. It was less than thirty years ago that communists were locking people up in gulags for telling political jokes. And now antifa are going around punching people for speech they don't approve of.
Be glad you're up against someone as tame as Trump, if we had our way there'd be live ammunition used against commie rioters.
come on now, why are you suprised?
Trips so as not to get strawmanned as anti-Stalinist again:
Before people will go posting this at leftypol again, I'd like to point out some flaws pre-emptively.
Main flaw being that you utterly fail at Marxism.
It's anti-Marxists who demand total equality. Marxism supports equality only if there are more than enough for everyone. If there isn't it's on merit basis and is unequal.
For example, Marx in Critique of Gotha programme explicitly argues that Socialism (first-stage Communism) will be - and must be - unequal:
> But these defects are inevitable in the first phase of communist society as it is when it has just emerged after prolonged birth pangs from capitalist society. Right can never be higher than the economic structure of society and its cultural development conditioned thereby.
And it was not just ancient theory, but remained important enough to be repeated everywhere. For example, Soviet Constitution:
> ARTICLE 12. In the U.S.S.R. work is a duty and a matter of honor for every able-bodied citizen, in accordance with the principle: "He who does not work, neither shall he eat." The principle applied in the U.S.S.R. is that of socialism: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work."
someone, please screen shot this.
Get better taste in waifoos lad.
What I've always hold true is that Puerto Ricans are a waste of space and that Island needs to be flooded.
You're a kike and don't represent Caribbeans you leftist parasite.
t. plantain negro.
also gas yourself tripfag.
So you've been raped a lot? Explains why you're such a huge degenerate fag. It aint your fault though
This isn't a response to his claims. Equality was an example, intangible, unnatural ideas and logical inconsintency was the point. "Refuting" with (only one of) the specific examples not applying to your pet ideology despite being entirely irrelevant to the content of his statement is a prime example of why attempting serious logical argument with a leftist is always a waste time - they're always either disingenuous or sincere idiots.
These people are pathetic.
Lurk more please.
You need an extra chromosome to be a communist?
>>>Holla Forums1439302
These pinkos get trigged as fuck when you tell them lumpenprole(NEETs) aren't apart of the working class.
For posterity, since it'll be deleted once the hotpockets get up at the crack of noon.
I posted the pic with the cat, and they still don't anwer it.
Did I win?
Needs more replies, don't ask questions; make statements. This would have been an easy +4(you)s post:
Lumpenproles are useless, no society in history would ever tolerate it. There should be programs for turning them into working proles or even intelligentsia like Marx, instead of the capitalist state stuffing their sweatpants with NEETbux.
somebody post that screenshot of rachposter calling Holla Forums commiederps