Could this information be the reason why President Trump said: "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive?"
Colton Williams
Bump for war with commie china pls.
Sebastian Gutierrez
Brody Jenkins
Jason Ward
No need for war. I have been saying this since the late 1980's the last 5 US Presidents are to blame. China thinks in terms of their great grand children, most Americans are afraid to have kids.
It's weird. For all their crying about muh Russian why all the worship of the chinks like the gasps when Trump dared questioned them? Is it because of their shitskin worship? What the fuck. If they want to whine about Trump and muh Russians, Trump could just fire back about the Chinese with proofs.
David Jenkins
Trump should do this: when the judenpresse get ready to start another muh holocaust shit in the briefings or conferences, they should bring up how many more died in eastern european communism and how billions died thanks to China's revolution. It will get kikes+leftypol+chinks butthurt. Good idea, no?
Anthony Rivera
Also yes i know the holocaust didn't happen and it should of and it will 10x worse
Ian Wright
bumpin with more sourceanon
Connor Nelson
if youre a white male your history was stolen from you and they are attempting to destroy all evidence of it
if you really want to get redpilled, realize everything you have been taught about the 20th and 21st century is a lie.
currency is control and this was the last treasury officer to fight the City of London that you can be publicly aware about.
every single thing taught to you now is a derivative jew lie.
our enemies of israel, saudia arabia, and china use his (carey's) economic theories to power their tyranny while teaching you bullshit keynsian theory, any rand junk, and libertarian ridiculousness.
you can tell an enemy of the Republic as a politician if they espouse oil, gold, fiat, technology, or anything commodity based as a currency.
those are all hoardable and have already been hoarded by the secret masters of the world.
Landon Campbell
the chinese are aping an economic system that they dont have the agricultural underpinnings to execute. they have destroyed their ability to feed their people.
here is the basic problem with globalism and it has hit china in the teeth. the link to Henry Carey explains it.
when you farm land and then send the produce abroad, you reduce the productivity of that land. it is extremely difficult to regain that productivity and accounts for a net loss.
china has become a desert and it is growing rapidly. the sahara and middle east used to be productive farm land till they were overfarmed. the big issue with farming from under ground water is that it deposits salt into the ground and that isnt what plants crave.
so china wants the land russia has that is currently fallow to farm to try to prevent a catastrophic famine.
its also why they want the ocean. they want to subsidize their food with fishing at the expense of all ocean life.
there you go. its all about feeding their unsustainable construct to keep communists in power.
sound familiar, well its the USSR 2.0. no country can exist without a free farming apparatus and no communist can exist with a free farming apparatus.
farmers and communists are natural enemies just like white men and jews for they overwhelmingly represent each side.
Angel Harris
Jeremiah Brooks
taboo is a good current show about the reality of britain vs. the us.
the entire slave trade was british, not american. the reason the brits didnt keep trying to take america over again and again was simply they felt they could control it with their economic interests.
didnt that ever strike you as odd that they didnt just try to take it back via canada?
well they funded the south who were more entangled in the city of london at that point and the north was more independent.
remember new york went to hell with the federal reserve and the large influx of jews. before that it was very pro American.
well britain tried to use the civil war to destroy america but didnt count on Lincoln and his advisors like Henry Carey turning it on them.
they did and gave birth to an industrial power that threw off its shackles till JP Morgan from the city of london re-established them. his bank lives on as Chase Bank.
Henry Carey documents this all well as an observer of the times.
For Lincoln's success and his thumbing his nose, the Brits had him killed. Not your everday Brits but the Monarchy/City of London Jew cabal.
This was a precedence they would continue with the assasination of the other presidents. Either tow the global finance line or be put down.
Its why Trump looks so stressed out.
Noah Nguyen
kek nice joke
Jordan Brooks
(checkd) that is the real history. we are at war with every single country that Trump calls a great ally. its code.
its why britain (the finance arm) had dibs. and then he went around to the rest of the jews including israel and the saudis.
in reality, he should have met our oldest ally the French to rally them against the globalist jews.
Now that you see the Chinese influence on our elections and media, take a look at that odd thing Trump did with Taiwan.
Japan owns a huge amount of American debt as leverage against a war with China. They can call upon America to take care of business.
The business in the South Seas is being driven by the Japanese, not American interests.
Japan is specifically concerned about the Chinese over fishing the ocean and having to compete with them to feed their populace.
As far as Japan towards America, it could be considered a State and may be in the future. It depends where Nationalist America lands and if Japan sees a future with it.
If its a Globalist America, we won't be pals anymore. They know the Chinese want revenge for WW2 and they hate for generations over there.
Jayden Murphy
The particular relationship is more tit for tat. We both hate the Chinese government so we are in bed together.
Russia wants to join that bed but so is being prevented by China's bed fellows.
The jews are super mad as you can see we denied them China.
I've heard this bullshit again and again, it is completely false. Chinks are merely completely lacking in morals and value duplicity. If you'd looked out how business and politics are done in china you'd see that they are operating on a very short term cost-benefit analysis. They've created the largest bubble in history and are sitting on it while it grows larger despite their best efforts.
The issue is that we have internationalist faggots like the Clintons around, not that the chinks are hyper-competent. The Chinks aren't playing 88th dimensional chess, they are playing checkers and until Trump came along the US wasn't playing at all or giving them pieces for free.