Kino calling

I fucking dare you to say something bad about it, double niggers.

cumskins are in it

It's pretty good, Escape from LA is also great but it has a completely different tone.

It was wrong about New York, but LA Is pretty much correct. But it should be "Escape from Commiefornia".

It was hard to take Snake seriously once you saw his dumb snake tattoo.

Solid Snake was based on him.

Ghosts of Mars should've been Escape from Mars.


That would have been so great.
Snake Plisken vs Demons.
Snake Plisken as the protagonist of not-DooM.

Kurt Russel's girlfriend was shoehorned in as the mullet hooker and the scene was awkward dull and unnecessary.

Rumpf got his wall idea from it

thread theme.

Shitty "action" scenes, superficial "philosophical" discussion, trash plot. You should've watched pic related instead.

Overrated 80s shlock like with most of his movies, I wanted to like it but the three times I watched it bored me, and are the only good things about it.

Stay triggered cuck.

back to /reddipol/ you rwsjw

is one of the bad guys getting blown away on the cover supposed to look like Snake?

it's shit and you're shit for liking it. fuck you.

you're this

Kinda boring.

The lead actor in these movies just fucking disappeared one day, and no has been able to find him since.