He was found in his closet with a bag over his head right before he was to perform. No way this was an accident, and it's odd that officials would say it was.
Any info on who this guy was? Obviously had political connections. And since he was a stage magician with access to children, there's even a possible PizzaGate connection.
Lincoln Hernandez
I can't find any notable political or personal connections on Easton other than the inauguration event already mentioned.
For all I know he could have had issues with some shady figures in Vegas or somesuch.
Noah Sanchez
I'm not finding any obvious political connections so far either.
Ian Jackson
These shady figures have enough sway to make the police immediately rule out murder in such a suspicious case. Nevermind that they can't make up their mind whether this hanging was suicide or accidental.
This video says that he rubbed elbows with industry bigwigs and was in very high standing among (((Hollywood))) magicians.
Yeah yeah, could be a wild goose chase. I'll follow my nose.
Jackson Allen
Appears to be degenerate chokesturbation gone awry
Nicholas Taylor
Faking that is a great way to both remove someone and discredit them.
Nicholas Hall
Until we get leaks mentioning him by name, it's not going to get us far. Wikileaks should be mailing shit to Jeff Sessions.
Liam Phillips
Is he Jew? please tell me he is. (If he's not this really doesn't belong on Holla Forums)
Jaxson Reyes
yeah, maybe. But remember the whole David Carradine fiasco went down. Some magic trick weirdo actually being a degenerate doesn't really take too much of a leap of faith.
Owen Brooks
He's a spic.
Jaxon Thomas
Isaac Foster
This is suspicious as fuck. There are a lot of people likely offed this way.
Adrian Taylor
As somebody who once tried erotic asphyxiation I can tell you I have no fucking clue why somebody would repeatedly do this. Once I could understand, but it doesn't feel good, it feels like choking. Those are clearly murders.
Oliver Kelly
I can sage just fine you stupid fucking autist.
Parker Wilson
Reminder that Randy Quaid did nothing wrong. (He's seeking asylum in Canada after being persecuted through tax collections ever since he spoke out that Carradine, Ledger, et al were murdered.)
Juan Reed
Wasn't david Carradine /ourguy?
Joseph Wilson
Did you hear about the Texas cop that was shot dead today in a gun range? Border Patrol Agents found him with a gunshot to the chest. The local sheriffs said they suspected no foul play. Hmmmm
Juan Cooper
Nah, not quite, bag is to kill someone, you choke yourself maybe with a rope, although even then that is a suspicious thing. This was a rub out, although i agree absent other factors i assume general mafia shit rather than pizzagate connections. These kinds of guys get caught up in drugs and debt all the time, get wiped all the time…
Jose Hernandez
You mean a few days ago? The one where the cop was shot in the chest and they called it suicide?
Cameron Morgan
He performed the greatest magic trick of all time: he finally made the world go away.
Dominic King
It's still possible we could uncover some interesting shit. When famous people die, its easy to get dirt on people they knew, and this guy was giving special performances for the president.
Hunter Collins
Apparently Carradine started hanging himself at age five according to wiki..
Caleb Sanchez
Was he pulling off a David Carradine?
Michael Scott
I think so
Nathan Hernandez
How is it easy? I dont see much coming out right now. And "performed for the president" doesnt mean he was the guys special friend. Just better digging available atm if you ask me, like helping with that giga-vault of CNN tapes.
kek, there's no way Jimmy Wales would NOT know that about five year old David Carradine. What a kike smokescreener…
Hudson Watson
British intelligence allegedly gets rid of people through murder by hanging:
Chase Morgan
Kayden Morales
Jose Hernandez
Like this?
Jose Morgan
He was suffering from "depression". Sounds like he was suicided to me.