Syria general


Rebels say they will attack Manbij (Kurds) next.

Assad making making massive gains in eastern Aleppo countryside

"Moderate" rebels BTFO by ISIS in southern Syria

Maps: - biased towards (((rebels))) but detailed and with comments - pro-Assad, but less detailed and no comments

Other urls found in this thread:

I'am sure it had nothing to do with those "accidental" Israeli airstrikes yesterday

Israel targeted SAA, though. ISIS raped FSA because FSA are retards who commited almost all of their forces on attacking SAA in Daraa, and left their back undefended, almost asking to get attacked. Also, FSA is shit at intel, since most of those ISIS gains were made by sleeper cells that riddle the entire area

They are called Al Nusra.

The ones in the north are not even that, they're simply mercenaries under Turkish command for plausible deniability purposes.

Oh, they do exist. Only they are so few of them it's like finding a unicorn. They lost all of Idlib and the various pockets, and are mostly LARPing around Daraa now, pretending to be somehow relevant, a few of them maybe playing pet dogs to Turks. Other than that, it's all Nusra or Ahram al-Sham (heavily salafist as well, fights Al Nusra because they want to be the top dogs). They only exist now so that (((media))) can shout NOT ALL REBELS

I really hope the toaches overextend to Manbij and get crushed.

They don't have too many options – either attack Kurds, or Assad, or try racing with SAA for that last ISIS patch (no chance at winning that), or go home. And it doesn't seem like they want to attack Assad

Good to see one of these again

Stop baiting miscegenation with Alawite honeys.

Yeah! They finally got the Kebab town, been going on it for a while there now.

i haven't checked this weekend I think(glugging), but assad is on a roll there, Kurds closing in on Raqqa

Useless arabs still not captured Mosul, even though ISIS moved most of their shit to Syria around or shortly after the elections if my memory is right.

Meh.. shadowbanned again for the 6th million time from 4 by prolly leftypol cuckmods so haven't checked /sg/ either.

Checking da maps now to see the progress, it's only a matter of time now, it's over.

the question is, what did Putin and Roachrogan agree on in that meeting
Will he let this part go?
Or will he keep it like the kikes do on the Golan Heights?

They exist all rite, AQ branch
The US shall no longer fund them, but King TurdRoach is still in bed with them from what we can see there

Also don't get the YPG, they are being attacked by the Roach lord, and if they had just gone 100% under Assad, the roaches could not attack them.

How much land they are going to lose is too see, I had plans for this "bufferzone" but I've lost them. They aren't so very clever these Kurds.

So now that US have cut off AQ, roaches are still clearly in bed with them still, fireshit doesn't work but they have stated that the kurds should go east of the river east of Manbij there. You see them attacking them to the east too, where there is no ISIS….. If they were to succeed in this, they would open a path straight down in Idlib AQ land…..

Kurds are dumb as a brick but they have shittons of kids and plenty of support from the West and Israel.

They have been good against ISIS too, before Russia came.

Tries all sorts of retarded propaganda, it's laughable, even antifa fucking, everything.

But they also did the one thing you never shall in a war
change sides
From fuck assad to, be his pals. That part was best for them though.

In my eyes, it's the one group down there that should have been supported.

But they are dumb as fuck for the most part yes

opportunistic is what I'm trying to say

Are you sure about that? IIRC ISIS was thrashing them until they started receiving air support from the US and Russia.

Oh this they definitely are. Big time opportunists indeed.

REKT back and forth, but they were the only ones that held their ground there is what I mean, yes they lost a lot, but they also pushed them back.

It's how it goes on down thee, back and forth. But it's basically over now. Assad will rule, I doubt there will be any Kurdistan, but who knows….. I doubt it severely.

I expect the roaches to try and get Assad's approval for fighting the Kurds. It's their only chance to stay relevant now, engaging the SAA would be suicide.

Yeah he is in there for fucking with the Kurds, no doubt about that.

But as said I also suspect he will keep this "bufferzone"…. But future will tell

King Roach said that, he wanted to expand, I don't got sauce stored here

Kurds dropped that ambition. Now they just want a federalisation of Syria so that they have more autonomy.

Checking these Holy trips to ensure blessings for the future!

If Assad doesnt strike a deal with the roaches the Burgers will and the country will be destroyed

they no doubt agreed that they wouldnt let the kurds link up and fuck up turkey

Fierce clashes between Turks and SAA in Tadif (literally neighbouring Al Bab) and nearby villages. SAA lost several dozen men already, no word on Turkish casualties


RT are reporting that SAA have deployed their new hardware to deal with the incursion into Al Bab. Warning graphic.


Syria is weak and moments from collapse turkey has one of the largest armies in the world and Russia needs turkey on team eurasia. The Turks are holding all the cards

look up pro-SAA dudes on twatter for actual on the ground info about the current sitrep, sometimes the ((pro rebel)) part of the source material on OP post can get to people's brains without notice.

t.mentally retarded turkroach shill


I haven't been following the conflict, the fuck are the Turks taking Syrian territory for? Are they literally trying to oust Assad? And doesn't this pit Russia in a war against NATO?

TL;DR is this bad?

they are preventing Kurds from linking up with the break away kurds in turkey

half his country is burned down and millions are dead. If it wasnt for Russia it would be over

I consider alawites to be whiter than Greeks personally.

Why is it I never see any talk about the Syrian war in any of these threads about the Leviathan natural gas field with several trillion tons of natural gas? That's what the whole "Arab Spring" and this war in Syria is over - kikes want to have 100% claim to it, Syria, Lebanon, and other nations were making claims to it as well.

This is not over one thing, this is over several things. It isolates Russia and cuts off one of the few ports they have access to, it attempts to eliminate one of the few countries without a nationalized bank, and the obvious resource conflict that you mentioned, both oil and natural gas.

Turkroaches are worried about the Kurds. Taking Syrian territory is not even considered as a possibility. The little sultan Erdogan is doing a lot of rhetoric for his roaches but ultimately this particular conflict is in it's final chapter. Of course, Israel has other plans but we'll see what happens.

Except the "Arab Spring" started 3 months after the Leviathan natural gas field was discovered.

Yes, it does several things, but this enormous natural gas supply is definitely the catalyst.

SAA and Turks full on fighting each other in Tadif and nearby village, SAA reports high losses, no word on Turk losses still. Seems like Turks are mounting a counterattack aiming to seize Tadif from SAA.

At the same time, turks are shelling Kurd positions, and SAA makes gains on all fronts except this one.

Buckle up boys!

I expect nothing less from literal roaches

Not gonna check my own dubs because if I did that would be heresy



Welp, looks like you're right about their focus and interest in the conflict.


I'm removing kebab with you in spirit.



you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey


kil urserlf

Who invited you niggers?

Does Al-bab matter much in the grant scheme of things?

Nice trips, Satan

Assad purging Damascus rebels by holy fire (read: napalm). Asking Russian airforces to help against Turks

It's one of the bigger cities. It's not as important as damascus or Aleppo, but still pretty important.



Source on napalm is (((white helmets))), see embed.

Source on russia is this fag:



Dat pic

checked, if they cross this line. Russia can go to war with Turkey.

maybe… We don't know

They got Russia, if Turkey crosses the line there will be no Nato backing, and Russia will rekt them in 1-2-3(again)


It's been their behavior since they entered and before



damn it that I sit on this temp box, in the clitton emails, there is a mail, dated 1.1.2001……

All the wars you have seen, these revolts were planned already back then or before.

One country is missing…. Iran..
and who is warmongering them now?

In this mail, I sure you all have read, big noses everywhere

kike helmets, can't take them seriously.

But I wouldn't mind if they actually did.
Been wondering when he was about to just clear out the pest in Damascus.


How is this bad, mehmet?

Also looks like SAA are moving ever closer to Palmyra. I've been watching this off and for for a few weeks. That'll cut off ISIS logistics to a big chunk of southern Syria.

The SAA are also moving in on Daraa which is currently held by "moderate jihadis". The best part is that ISIS decided to smack the moderates around near Tasil so the green bastards are caught in a pincer.

Also good job OP, we used to have threads like this about Ukraine all the time before election shit hit the fan. This is what h8chan Holla Forums was like at the beginning.

Assad now borders Kurds in the east. Turks are now fully cockblocked

Thanks. I've mostly just wanted resurrect syria general since stuff keeps happening there, yet the usual threads have died in the past few months.

Also, yes. They lost it a month or two back and have been trying to recapture it ever since - it had been the only serious loss in territory Assad suffered this year.

Source? So far it seemed more like they've been trying to hold the line there while focusing on other fronts.

Is Turkey still a front for US interests or did that change with the failed coup?


Can I get a quick rundown on the Syrian conflict? I haven't been following it at all, all I know is that lots of sandniggers are blowing other sandniggers up.

How delusional are you retards? There are lines you can and cannot cross that will cause a world war. Russia going to war with Turkey would definetly cause a war with the US Russia couldnt win.


King nigger and the Jews started funding the FSA and Al-Nusra (ISIS and Al-Qaeda) in Syria, since the president of Syria, Assad, is literally Hitler. Ruskies defending Assad, Turks taking territory in the north to prevent any Kurds (Commies who want their own nation) from coming into Turkey, and then you have a bunch of random niggers running around that have no idea what they're doing. Bunch of other small drugged out groups of niggers running around as well.

When Turkey shot down Russian jets, not even Obama was willing to back them up. If Turkey is the one provoking it, especially under Trump, there won't be any NATO backing.

It changed a lot. Turkey is now trying to become Russia's pet instead

Remember Arab Spring? Well, this traces all the way back to that. Essentially, kikes fermented a revolution there like in other places, again painting the classic image of a tyrannical dictator versus muh noble democratic rebels. That shat the bed when unavoidably, like all the other rebels in other countries during arabian spring, even these turned out to be hardline zealots wanting to slay the infidels. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but while in the other countries it was a quick putch that was over before anybody started poking his nose into it too much, here shit went into a full blown civil war, and people started taking notice about just who that evil dictator is fighting. When one of the rebel factions split, called itself ISIS, and started bombing Europe, kike PR went to shit. So of course they went "not all rebels" and started doing massive false flag attacks against Assad (the dictator) about chemical weaponry and the like, churning out fake news at a record pace. That allowed them to somewhat mask the fact that the remaining non-ISIS rebels are just as bad salafist radicals as ISIS.

In the meantime, war progressed, and from the flames of war came four main factions: Regime forces, "moderate" rebels, ISIS, and Kurds, who are an ethnic minority in Syria, and who limited themselves to fighting ISIS for the most part. They did a little too well and pissed of Turkey, who has a stong Kurdish minority in its borders as well, and who doesn't want that minority to get any ideas about independence or the like. So Turey hired some mercs that "totally are the moderate democratic rebels, believe me, kaffir" and straight up invaded Syria so as to murder Kurds.

Right now, ISIS is losing on all fronts, Turks achieved a victory and will probably attack a large kurdish city soon, Assad is making gains everywhere, and "moderate" rebels murder each other since they have a gorillion factions that hate each other. Kurds are advancing against ISIS and are bracing themselves for the Turkish attack.

I hope that's enough of a summary and that I didn't say some dumb shit there. If I did, please correct me

Yes he was and thats why Russia didnt do shit


You don't understand what this word means.

Don't worry neither does he.

But we are all little girls here, onii-chan.

Wait wait wait! Wait! Hol' up. Did Turkey officially invade Syria? Or are these just "rebels"?

You're a bit late but TAF is using FSA as a frontline force, they're acting as military advisors but to make the answer short, yeah they have troops on the ground.

FSA is acting on their own behalf though, if TAF engages with Syrian military it will certainly blow up.

Also to note TAF has suffered nearly 100 casualties during the battle for Al-Bab against ISIS so I assume that means scores of FSA were slaughtered.

Well, bloody hell. Thanks for filling me in.


I suggest you take a cursory glance at history, user

They already tried doing Iran in 2009, and failed. Arab Spring was CIA's big ploy to recover its influence in the middle east, which had been a total failure since around 2006 or so. How exactly does one depose a dictator, occupy his country and then see said country's government fall completely under the control of their enemies WHILE STILL UNDER MILITARY OCCUPATION? That's what happened in Iraq, with Iran seizing pretty much complete control right under the neocohens' nose. Shit like this all over the place, Ghaddafi getting uppity - biggest Sorosing in history.

Turks also are attacking SAA. Provoking them and pushing them towards an alliance with the Kurds.

In the meantime they provoke Greece in the med. threatening to open a theatre of war for islands they have no right on.. they are delusional. Sultan erDOGan needs to win that referendum it seems, threatening Greece seems to be the ad, but his OP in Syria seems to lead to failure.

Shit, really? Perhaps after turds actually do provoke and lose a war, turkey can be partitioned between Greece, Russia, Syria, and Kurdistan.

Violating Greek airspace is their favorite past time since they got an air force, mate.

brb looking for sauce



I don't get why you get your panties all wet.
The Turks, the Syrian Russian and Iranian, agreed that the M4 highway was to be the contact line south of Al-bab.

Which is where they linked up. Now the shit heads the turks employs are probably being retards and fire on SAA or some shit (and will be killed by everyone as a result) but so far nothing is happening that wasn't negotiated between Assad and Erdogan.

Now the turks will move east to fuck up the kurds (and US spec-ops) in Manbij and send them packing to the other side of the Euphrates, doing the dirty work of the SAA for them.
Hopefully they will kill some US soldiers and this will be the end of their NATO days…

We can hope. Here's to dead roaches.

except turds have already pushed past that, and that dozens of SAA soldiers died to Turks yesterday

Kurds and SAA seem to be rather friendly to each other, though

FSA first regiment joins Al Qaeda. I guess Al Qaeda is moderate now :^)

Classic """""""""""MODERATES""""""""""""

Turkey helping ISIS and AQ what a fucking surprise. Trump can we please start bombing the fuck out of Turkroaches.

TOPKEK AHMED. Do you really think the Turkroaches would DARE KILL AMERICAN SPECIAL OPERATIONS? HAHAHA this is funny

Is the west still dropping those supplies to help out (((ISIS)))?

Last I heard they switched to funding Kurds instead.



everyone except Assad, you mean. It's getting ridiculous - why the hell is the US even funding Kurds? They don't fight Assad. Hell, they don't even want him gone, they just want to federalise. It's like Obongo went:



They're really going to go for Manbij huh? Guess we'll see about that, roach.

What, so they'll leave, letting the Kurds just waltz back in afterwards? Because the jihadist pets Turks keep have no chance in hell at holding it without their masters

Not they haven't. Not in the south, in the east they pushed a bit further towards a ridge line which is an obvious contact line in pursuit of withdrawing IS units (which you don't want to let dig in), it makes geographical sense (pic related it's clearer on the satellite photo).

So said journalists, there is nothing official AFAIK. Also it has happened before and it was chalked to friendly fire (because they had IS troops sandwiched in between moments before). One fight along the contact line doesn't an offensive maketh.

Not all the kurds, those west of allepo are working with SAA, those east aren't, the US instigated them to mop up and attack the many SAA enclaves they had since the start of the war 6 months ago.

At which time Iran/Syria/Turkey/Russia held major talks, including general to general ones not political, what do you think those were about?

The same roaches whose airforce shotdown a Russian plane and whose SF killed Russians pilots on the ground a year ago because YOLO?
The same Turks the CIA tried to coup d'etat 6 months ago?
The same Turks that are mighty pissed off your green berets are operating from Turkish bases to arm the Syrian PKK?

It's a fucking miracle it hasn't happened already. Don't worry they will make IS wear the hat.

Shit forgot pic


See called it

You are tremendous nigger and comparing Russian response to american response if Roaches purposely targeted american SF they would be destroyed in so many different ways they wouldn't know what to do.

Implying that wasn't an erdoroach false flag

You do know the Pentagon has been supporting the Turds the whole time? The kurds vs Turkmen and ISIS is really a proxy war between the Pentagon and CIA.

Guess what the US response would be?
Soldiers are made to go to the slaughter, anonymous SF guys even more so whose job is literally to be disposable.

The fact is Turkey is needed to go nuclear bomb Russia.
That's the only reason they're in NATO.
That's the only reason the US is pushing to get them in the EU.
That's the only reason anyone tolerate their continued existence really.

The US fucked with them by arming the Kurds, then the US fucked with them in trying to coup Erdogan (BTW the MSM is the one pushing the "false flag conspiracy angle" this time… that should tell you all there is to tell).
They believe you're overdue some blood.
Your soldiers will die and your new politicians will chalk it off as a debt squared.
Sure maybe they will drone strike a low ranking officer or two to pretend they retaliated.

And business will continue as usual.

Or the US will commit a grievous mistake and not chalk it off and push them further in the loving embrace of China and Russia and lose 50 years of strategically placed air corridor.
And while I'd be more than happy to see the Turks finally be quarantined again, it's probably not gonna happen.

coming from a five star war general …

So, apparently, Kurds want to go full homo with Assad.

Also, according to this source:
Kurds are getting large reinforcements from Iraqi Kurds.

The source also has a pretty ebin logo

kys for taking their shit so damn seriously

the roaches are talking out of their ass just to boost morale after TRYING to take al-bab from isis up until they gave them saudi cash + turkroach victims (sacrificial roaches) to explode with a car bomb, doubt it's even more than 5 SAA casualties from roach piss scent

CIA makes a false flag, resulting in Kurds attacking SA in 3…2…1

I haven't seen that anywhere in the MSM.
Good one if that was the case then Obama an obvious globalist would have told the 5,000 SF fighting in IRaq and Syria to engage more. They haven't and have been restrained. Losing Special Ops soldiers is a big deal nowadays it is impossible for the government to hide it when they do. Look at the new push by the media to attack Trump over the Seal killed in yemen. IF you really think the Pentagon would just rollover if Turkey knowingly attacked American Soldiers you are retarded.

SJW's got the pro-assad Syrian warfare game banned from Steam .

Is Syria the most annoying clusterfuck warzone or what?

No fucking way? How?

At least the good guys are winning in Syria

Wasn't Ghaddafi basically a HItler for Libya?

I consider both to be whiter than jews, such as yourself.

i consider you a nigger


stay mad roach



Mass reporting

steamcommunity. com/app/485980/discussions/0/135509758528692052/




Roaches are pushing Al Arimah. Any chance of SAA buttfucking them from behind or have Assad and King Roach agreed to let the Turks push Manbij? Any news on their deal?

Nope, still mine, like Chipre

Not for long, shitskin.

Yes. The eastern Syria Kurds were warned repeatedly (by Russia, Turkey, Syria and Iran) not to cross the Euphrates. The US encouraged them. Then the US encouraged them to attack the various SAA bases and Syrian state institutions in their territory last summer (which they had been living with… well forever, and which safety was part of their deal with Assad for a full federalization).
Now, just like the Ukrainian or Georgians before them they will realize that the US of A is on the other side of the planet and that pissing off all your more powerful, more rich and more armed neighbors comes with a price tag in blood. So the Turks made a 180° and are now clearly working with Syria/Iran/Russia (when they say they don't, Al-Bab troops movement makes it pretty clear). They will send the kurds back to the other side of the Euphrates, then leave by backstabbing (roach national sport) their FSA proxy to SAA (or keep two dumps in the desert, it's not like Assad, or anyone really, give a fuck about Manbij and Al-bab, as long as the kurds don't get them).

Oh and funny story, the US-kurd deal is they attack ISIS in Raqqa IF the US help them cross the Euphrates and link up with west Syria kurds…
So yeah, basically the Raqqa offensive is never gonna happen.

It seems like the city will be liberated soon, maybe even today or tommorow!

So how exactly do all these pockets manage to hold out? Their supplies can't possibly hold out for THAT long.


Why is the US funding Kurds so heavily now?
why are US and Turkish interests clashing?
Is this caused by Trump running the office now?

Might this cause a shitstorm for Turks? I mean, if they start killing US Operators, this will hit the news at some point giving the Turks bad reputation, and since Trump doesn't want NATO to be a thing, he might retire the support. Considering both Assad and Putin want them to fuck off, it would make Turkey have a rather weak position geopolitically.

I mean, considering Russia might go full "you are on my sphere now boy" or use it as an excuse to 'liberate them' putting their own puppet isn't too far fetched. I'd rather have that, than Turkey getting away with being fucking mercenaries and fucking everyone left and right.

Kurds go
and gift Assad the entire western front (orange colour in the pic) so that they don't need to defend it from the Turks. Turks then agree to leave SAA alone.

At this point, who knows? They've been looking for a new proxy after the "moderates" proved to be a dud, but it's not like the Kurds aim to overthrow Assad or serve american interest.

Because USA supports Kurds, and Turkey HATES Kurds. Also, relations have been shaky ever since the failed coup

Almost certainly not. All of those tensions have appeared still under Obongo's rule

Doubtful. Turkey is of extreme strategic importance to NATO, and I doubt Trump would let it slip from his hands so easily

Putin is trying to sweettalk Erdogan into leaving NATO and joining Russian alliance, and is content with just negotiating truces between Assad and Turkey.

Xenophon described Persians as Whiter than contemporary Greeks therefore I have to agree with Schlomo in this one.

t. gyro


Western Mosul Is Completely Encircled By Iraqi Forces


those degenerates also sodomized him while both alive and dead. arabs and berbers are savages.

Why are you even on this board, you shit-disgusting Turk? Nobody here wants you. Go worship Erdogan and your pedophile mohammad somewhere else, you barbarian.


Palmyra liberated, Assad took it in just two days!


Russian ministry of defense


In an agreement with Russia the Kurds are allowing the SAA to manage areas west of Manbij. Assad stopping the roachs and moderate beheaders in their tracks?

Xenophon had a time machine? was it like the movie or like carl sagan?

this can only happen if turks sperg out so much that the only option would be to fuck them up, i don't really think this can happen.

what's with all the deleted posts itt?

Novice Sliding: Posting inane things.
Basic Sliding: Posting inane things with sage.
Intermediate Sliding: Posting distracting things without sage.
Advanced Sliding: Deleting your own posts and distracting.
Master Jew: Starting a small war to false-flag the board.

Than HIS contemporary Greeks.

It's happening ever since Erdoghan was elected. They even threatened they would capture domestic NATO nuclear bases if they tried to shelter kemalists during the recent coup.

Haha, oh wow. Can't wait to kill Ottomans.

Source for Palmyra liberation:

Apparently ISIS just mined the place and it a day. Probably the best choice since that place is such a bitch to defend anyway.

there's a delete your own post option now?

There isn't. You were probably speaking to a cuckchan refugee.

Go back to your containment site anf then kill yourself, newcuck.

Im still fkin amazed how, despite the eternal anglos, good goys of murica and the kikes ((( accidentally ))) bombing them, the SAA has been able to hold on Deir-ez-Zor for all this time.

They send in troops and supplies by plane, and Russia got pretty invested during the last ISIS offensive against it. ISIS managed to make some minor gains there, but in the end I guess the figured it's more trouble than its worth when they're getting rekt from all sides

Even with the supply drops they have been surrounded since around May 2015. It's similar to the US fire bases under siege during Vietnam. I wouldn't go so far as to call it a modern day Thermopylae but it certainly is impressive.


NATO delivers Turkey.
Russia delivers Iran.

Turkey tries to decimate the Kurds and invades Greece.
Iran destroys Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE and Bahrain.

Turks of Turkey are decimated by the Russians.
Iran is destroyed by the United States.

Greece receives half of Turkey.
Armenia gets another piece.
Kurdistan is created with parts of Turkey, Iran and Iraq.

Eretz Israel is created to administer the center of the Middle East.

Was this (((their))) plan?

The Turks would have to be amazingly pathetic at this point to lose to the SAA. The SAA at this point is in worse fighting shape than the Wehrmacht in 1945, proportionate to their prime. Its barely even an army at this point. Most of the fighting isnt even done by them, but by Russians, Iran and Irans mercenaries along with Hezbollah.

No, they did it brazenly, openly and publicly while bragging to everyone who would listen that Maliki was there man and with Maliki screaming at everyone that Iran was telling the truth.

Essentially imagine if the Jews had never denied their intention or ever lied about their plans, ever.

Oh wow. You mean to tell me an area of land that was under a kilometer of ice took longer to colonize amd tams than a literal lake that warmed up? Wow.

Sounds like geopolitics isn't your thing, go back to playing videogames.


the israeli plan is to keep everything around them a clsterfuck chaos shithole so that theyre the superpower there.
kinda along the lines of
"if everyone better than me is dead then im the best"

If your enemies are killing each other they're not killing you.

You got a source for that claim about SAA barely an army? last i checked they have more than plenty of it what with all these offensives they're currently running all over the country. That better not be from some stupid shit from pro-msm outlets you've been pulling out of.

that oded yinon plan of theirs is basically all shit the moment Hezbollah kicked their ass back in 2006, all they can do now is do cheap shots and bomb Palestinian civs all day
Their little stint against Hafez's Syria in the 60s-80s cost them dearly.

This is how jihadists get resupplied

Palestinian strats?

no thats from syria. note the SAA camo of the soldiers.
the whole palestinian tunnel bullshit is overrated though, Gaza is a bit to close to the sea to build multiple tunnels without drowning. Israel just used the tunnels as an excuse to destroy underground water and electric installations.
the tunnling thing got picked up by lebanese forces though, like in golan and southern lebanon. that was the time US navy had to bring in the last battleship to shell the mountains because israelis were too incompetent to dig them out themselves.

That's actually Bosnian Al-Qaeda strat. That's how they kept supplying fighter in Sarajevo.

Brutal RUAF Double Tap Airstrike on Nusra Training Camp 05 March

That's a whole lotta virgins right there.


The road in the beginning … could this be the camp /sg/ geo-loacated last week?


nice argument

next youll hear washington post crying about this because its only ok when USAF do it on civillians

tfw when your OC is still being used.

How is ISIS even alive after being brutally raped by Assad's benis again and again? SAA has been advancing so fast last few weeks it's like the jihadists throw down their arms and run away the moment they see them.

Wew Vlad. Dis gon b gud.

Assad just reached Euphrates.

Reminder that first pic is how Aleppo looked like in 2013 and pic 2 is how it looks now

Terrorists on Israeli provided life support.

With every day the light at the end of the tunnel grows brighter. Back in 2012, did any of us expect Assad to hold out?


I recall thinking it would just be yet another casualty of (((Arab spring))).

I remember being dejected after Ghaddafi got rekt, since he seemed the most likely candidate for surviving the twatter sorosings

read: to discuss Kurds. It's the only thing left to talk about


just checking

holy shit nigger
better have their shit together to withstand counter attack


Because the Emperor orders it so. Holla Forums should be licking his fucking feet for saving the ass of their wannabe commie brigade

forgot webm

They've held on to that thin corridor between Homs and Aleppo for a while (not to mention Deir ez-Zor). If they also advance from there, they can encircle the ISISniggers and completely secure that region.

Trump has said that he supports the NATO alliance. What he wants is for all the NATO countries to pay for American protection, or pay to be apart of NATO if they want to stay in the alliance.

Can I get a tl;dr on the situation in Syria now? For the anons that post in this thread, making a summarized update every three days or week would make these threads more accessible. Also, comparing things now to how they were a few years ago would also help.

Really love these threads, but they are inaccessible at times.

The war is wrapping up, user

Thanks for this post. I have been following this war off and on since the very early days and have seen a lot of despair in that time. In particular, before Russia got involved and it looked like ZOG was about to put boots on the ground and establish no-fly zones. It is glorious to see the good guys heading towards victory.

Out of interest, how was Trump affected the war?

Guess who's stinking up WW3 again….

geopolitics. co/2017/03/06/syrias-water-cut-off-by-turkey-following-mccain-erdogan-meeting/

This, Trump was always pro-NATO.

Kick the turkroaches out, make the yuropoors actually contribute and it's fine. Don't project your ambitions on everyone else, Ivan.

He sure is doing a lot of foreign policy making for a lowly senator.

I'am still sad the Syrian army has no foreign volunteers corp, would have given them a nice boost and many a Holla Forumsack would have joined

I think it was day 3 of presidency, Mattis halted all of the CIA level fuckery and announced joint operations with Russia, started bombing ISIS positions for the first time.

He's now giving heavy support for the kurds in armaments and supplies, and has given field command to mattis, they have been bombing isis positions behind enemy territory and cutting supply lines, in conjunction with russians. Assad is gonna win, i view it as a matter of time until the rebels are completely routed

Years ago I saw that both German NatSocs and "East Germans" were fighting for Syria.

This is very good news. Good luck Assad.

Manpower is generally the last thing a civil war faction needs. They need weapons, energy, money and political favour. Foreign fighters don't exactly help maintaining your image as the legitimate government either.

Could you find the link? I looked for a way to join up (i'am from brazil), but as far as i learned syria has no detachment for foreigners to join.

They want the oil and the land. The arabs will backstab each other in an effort to save their own asses.

Calm down, autist.

man, that craftsmanship is amazing.

They're the defenders of humanity in their own mind at the same time.

uncle sam.

zog wants blood and it will get it.

I know, i'am just frustrated because i wanted to help, Assad is basicaly a form of soft natsoc

You forgot to mention CIA niggers.

This was years ago in the darkest of times. If you really want to help Assad, then redpill 3 people on Assad and get them to redpill 3 people each. When (((Western))) support for his enemies crumbles, Assad will win.

Way ahead of you, i've redpilled almost everyone i know. TGSNT owes me a few clicks, i'd wager

Turkey's failed coup attempt, by CIA.


because they spilled so much sphagetti in the region the kurds are the only legitimate ally in their collosal fuckup of a scheme

european NATO members ARE paying percentages of their GDP, dumbass.
Not to mention that half the people in those countries dont want the retarded armed circlejerks to "keep them safe" from some bullshit boogeyman.
the only reason Trump can use NATO as a bargaining chip is because the cuck goverments here need a power broker to keep their asses legitamate.

when is someone gonna bash that lump of a cheek of his in?

the only way to fight on the syrian side would be to either join Hezbollah or get sent there via becoming a member of the russian special forces.
In either case youd need to learn atleast one language and prove the people you meet youre a capable fihgter, not cannonfodder.
the kurds also stopped letting in foregeiners exactly because they had too much foregeiners who tought they could fight without exposing themselves to too much danger and not speaking the local language. and when they gave them logostic duties where they actually were usefull these volaunteers just went home.

anything else youd like to know?


If shitskins are on this board it implies a white supremacy fetish and butthole play.

Hoping for massive SAA gains 'till the end of the week, /sg/

Seems they're just begging to be reconquista'd.

Updated maps because nobody else is


Stay mad, baby

Fuck that cunt trying to white guilt Aussies on our most sacred alcohol fueled day

Stay shitskin, roachy


i call dubs on shit hitting the wall by june

Turkniggers eternally cucked.

The cuckroaches will still keep LARPing to themselves after getting pushed out of al-Bab and all of Syria.

Pay debts Greece, Latvia and Estonia are the only ones actually paying the required 2% aside from the US if I recall, everyone else is anywhere from .5% to 1%.

were a little bit more to the north than greece dumbass.
those greatest goy allies are the retards that have been screaming wolf for the last quarter of a century, and i dont see no russian tanks or service men. alot less than i could say for burgers.
the only one that wants them here are cucks that get favors under the table.
everyone else knows that NATO circlejerking here in europe is usefull for nothing else than poking at another war.
if you want to keep your gay circlejerk together you pay for it all or fuck off already.

That's nice but they still haven't got Dayr Hafir and Maskanah and road to Aleppo is still in danger and will be unless they get Tabqa.

Nah. They might attack and they would probably gain some ground but SAA would just pull troops from other fronts and stabilise the situation. Just like in that Hama/Homs offensive in 2016.


that ony leaves them with either accepting goverment amnesty en masse or an exodus to turkey.
in both cases that is a total defeat, and with extremists like al nursa, zinki, sham and other thats preety unlikely. in face of the current situation theyre probably going to go all or nothing

Another map here↓

The turkroaches are actually fighting the Syrian Army now? What the fuck, how is this not erupting into a world war?

The whole thing is happening since 2001 (muh towers), kid.

I'm in my 40's you little cum stain. Good job on failing to produce an answer too, credit to generation.

In more recent news King Roach called the dutch "nazis" and "fascist remnants".


How does it feel to have an insect's brain Mehmet?


Another good interview with Assad.



The problem that I see is that I don't think Syria will keep all of their original territory. ISIS will get routed eventually, sure, but do you see Israel surrendering Golan Heights for instance?

because the stakes for the superpowers that have their allies in this arent high enough.
russia was letting its former allies get killed by US foregein policy untill putin and his crew decided to beef up russia and its allies, especially in the middle east (because the first time putin wanted to be a strongman and the US didnt like that they had their friends in the arab world bash russian economy with oil prices).
now that syria, along with iran is the only friendly outpost for russia the stakes are high.

you might expect something similar in africa.
10 years noone even gave a fuck about anything happening down there, but now that the chinese are rolling in and russia beefing up BRICS the french, brits and american are starting to sweat

gas yourself

israel will be hitting syrian cities and bases years after the war ends, under the pretext of fighting hezbollah. theyve been doing it long before 2011


Coming 2017:
The stakes have never been more halal.

Really boggles the mind that a thirty year old man with tens of millions of dollars has been spending the last couple months becoming increasingly demented due to feuding with anons.

weak minded shills

The issue is that even with Trump the US will probably step in if Assad attacks Israel because of how many people suck off kikes constantly in this country.

Mosul pocket soon faggots

Whenever I see a pocket that's about to be closed I hear the HoI3 soundtrack, kek

youre the kind of guy that would get a politial commissar cap and get thrown in the gutter flags flying with any other poor soul to be assinged to him

You know what, you're absolutely right. Syria's a lost cause and Assad has no chance of victory. Must as well surrender and hand it all over to (((ISIS))) and (((Erdogan))).

i didnt say he will get rid of terrorists.
youre being emotional instead of rational.
the golan heights have a too big geopolitical importance to israel to just let go. they would rather risk a war, and with the US at their lap they can afford it.
they might even attempt to take action against hezbollah that will emerge more powerful than ever from its victory in syria.
not to mention the turks who already wasted so much in there and wont want to just bail now.


So, their cunning plan is to renew hostilities in the ongoing Israeli-Lebanese conflict, which has been going on for the past sixty eight years? Just like all the other times, it won't turn out as they hope and with a Trump presidency, it may well backfire on them totally. Not to mention, since 2006, Hezbollah has joined hands with other local militias, which was a factor Israel exploited in the past. In any case, we're bound to see a few months of fighting, a few hundred dead kikes and no real gains, as usual.

You're ignorant and haven't seen too many Alawites, take this dividing garbage back to cuckchan

their point isnt to win, its to just destabilise.
they are counting on the US and potential recruited fromer jihadists to clash with shiite militias in iraq

He'll just probably send a few troops there but nothing substantial even as merely an advisory role, If assad Syria attacks jewland, Trump will just sit back and watch the show unfold while chuckling while the troops he sent there are at a safe distance.


Mosul about to get liberated. Relations between Israel and Lebanon shittier and shittier as time goes (this is like the tenth time Lebanon and Israel pissed on each other in the last two months). Rebels in Al-Waer neighbourhood surrendered under condition of getting a bus ride to Idlib.

Godspeed, Plebanon



Good thing UN can't do shit except bitch about it

thats where halfpol started to circlejerk into the shit it is today

are you retarded?


Just like the 'failed attack' on US ships in Yemen where the missiles just conveniently failed to strike the ships, right?

Literally *The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you* the article.

Oy vey you bad goyim shot back

















imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him
imkampfy is learningcode/rachposter and a leftist antifa supporter subverting Holla Forums kill him




call the internet police why dont you


"moderates" are calling it a war crime. Let it sink in for a while
I am 6000000% sure this will have serious consequences for USA :^)


How do you know the kikes are telling the truth instead of just talking shit like they always do?

jidf pls

double checked

i was talking about how israel are acting like fucking apes throwing shit everwhere because they know noone wants to escalate a conflict against them and the US, least of all Assad, who has the retards on his border and US troops already in his country.
it doesent take an expert to fuckin know how dangerous it is. Thats the prime reason israel dares to pull of this kind of backstabing hooknosed shit in the first place, you weeaboo cunt


are you retarded? tell me why syria, lebanon, iraq, palestine and any other force in the region doesent just wipe israel off the map

youre a goddamn newfag that doesent understand how warfare and geopolitics work because he thinks its like some bullshit in some strategy game or FPS. there is a reason israel hasent been wiped off the map yet, plenty of them

you are a weeaboo.

you dont have the slightest grasp of reality nor an understanding of any situation, past or present other than what other people have posted to this board.
you cant even provide an argument to anything i said so you just post small blocks of greentext and a weeaboo.jpg thinking its a good enough of an excuse for a reply and try to put words in other peoples mouths.
throw your keyboard in the fuckin trashcan and lurk for a year or two

America and to an extent Europe.

Remember when everybody thought those guys were goners for sure?

Yes…excellent….fight amongst yourselves goyim…don't keep tracking down my golems and snitching on them to the Russian Air Force

back in the earley 2010s i tought dierezzor was an accident encirclement, rather than a stronghold. i was new to the whole deal down there, didnt know shit about the arab spring, tough i never even considered syria would fall, but that was from pure ideological zeal rather than foresight about russia and iran delivering liberation

is it just me or does revolving ID poster think everyone is kampfy or some shit.

Any leads?

the russians don't like trump anymore.


cuckold concern trolling and defeatist bullshit goes into the bog


No, they're just CREW and Holla Forums and their friends doing their typical pay-free 'jobs', you know the usual

so just because we dont like something we pretend it isnt true?

if youre so triggered by this you must be one hell of a konichiwa katana jerking off weeaboo

so debating any problem that wont be resolved in the nearest future is "concern trolling", and debating on an unfavorable situation is defeatism.
go back to halfchan with your retarded rethoric.

if you cant give an argument and rather just call everyone names, go back to halfchan. their Holla Forums is on your level.



i did neither of those. i mentioned that israel wont let go of golan heights because of their strategic value, and that they will keep being assholes to the entire region, then you jumped in and pretended to be some rightcheous dumbass by attacking facts with accusations of propaganda. then i called you out and you got butthurt and now you cant stop whining. go back to halfpol with your retarded rethoric


I'm just wondering, how does Rojava being able to manage their shit together while being split in two?

Raqqa offensive soon boyss!!! finally… anyone remembers when this was just a meme?

because theyre not a single army but a union of warlords udnder one banner to be bigger than their enemies

Well they still seem to manage the same organization and ideology, just wodering how is it working out for them.


A statement by the General Command of the Syrian Arab Armed Forces:
"Units of our armed forces restored all the points and buildings that al-Nusra and terrorists under its lead infiltrated to in the factories district in Northern Jobar. The units continued storming terrorists' positions deep inside Jobar in pursuit of terrorists member fleeing the battles, and dealt massive casualties in terrorist manpower and equipment. The Syrian sabers are removing the mines and traps left by terrorists inside the factories upon their infiltration.
The factories district in the past /48/ hours became a graveyard to the multiple waves of attacking terrorist.
The success of our armed forces in crushing the multiple waves of terrorists attacks in the factories districts is another proof of their foolishness on one hand, and the insistence of their masters and operators to use them as fuel and push them to suicide to serve their agendas and goals on the other.
The General Command of the Syrian Arab Armed Forces renews its commitment to its people that it will remain the fortress which will guard Syria, and insist of its commitment to continue the war on terrorism until it annihilates it, and restore peace and stability to all of the Syrian Arab Republic.
Damascus, on the 24th of March 2017
The General Command of the Syrian Arab Armed Forces."

In short, it's just like in Ramouseh where the Army falls back into defensible positions to soak up the attack, then proceeded to clean up the place where thousands of rats lie dead. less dead soldiers, lots and lots of dead terrorists, now the moderate idiots are back from where they started

wow you sure showed me, I'm literally shaking my boots over here :^)
You posted it but never go into detail about how, which makes it look like a subtle way of saying 'isreal stronk', wouldn't you think?
Do tell me how is isreal gonna hold the golan heights forever while keeping the Syrian Army and Hezbollah from liberating it? ((they)) certainly won't last for a few weeks once both of them start going after the golan then proceed to fuck isreal's shit up like nobody's business

From what I can tell:

ISIS is getting BTFO'd,
Kurds have taken route to Raqqa base (with help of US airstrikes)
"Moderate" rebels have taken area near Qhattab, Qinhanah, and Muhradah from Assad forces.

new /ssh/ when?

From what I can tell:

ISIS is getting BTFO'd,
Kurds have taken route to Raqqa base (with help of US airstrikes)
"Moderate" rebels have taken area near Qhattab, Qinhanah, and Muhradah from Assad forces.

Sorry about the double-post. This site's a little screwy lately.

already outdated

#SAA launched a counterattack south of #Mahardeh, recaptured Khirbat al- #Jammah and reached outskirts of #Maarzaf. #Hama #Syria
The Hama offensive by the terrorists lost momentum and stalled for good, Syrian Army liberated Kawkab, Mhardeh is safe and sound after the town north of it is removed of terrorist rats.


How long has this conflict been going on already?

There is some serious financing behind this proxy war, once the dust has settled the primary goal should be following the money trail and finding the culprits behind it all.

Yes, and by now all of those images are outdated.

well yeah they function the same way partisan movements did in the second half of ww2.
the germans steamrolled trough yougoslavian army forces fro example, but the partisans there later went as far as creating "free territories" as early as 43 that spanned over entire cities

tell me whats your plan to liberate it is smartass.

the more you cry about it the more embarrising you make ourself look, you know tht right

you sure act like it with shitposting instead of providing any arguments

heres how: if hezbollah or syria advance on the heights they bring in the army.
whey they get their ass kicked they send the bruger golem in. not exactly rocket science

if youre a faggot who just wants to discredit someone rather than provide solid arguments then yes.

or do you think the bruger golem will just stand by and watch its (((greatest ally))) get steamrolled by muh ebil diktatorz

the war: since the (((arab spring))) in 2011
the struggle against zionism: since the dawn of time


Fucking glorious.

Is anybody else amazed that the Deir ez-Zur pocket hasn't fallen yet, even though they've been cut off from the airport since what, mid January?

That's one hell of a way to remove kebab, I think I'll put the TOS-1 at the top of my wishlist

According to wikileaks and some people from the Syrian Army, it's been going on at least since the 50s
((they)) tried really hard in zerg rushing their way to Damascus around the 70s and early 80s, but sadly for them they end up in a IRL version of tarpit courtesy of the Syrian Army's artillery groups
If anyone wondered why the kikes haven't attacked Syria today, which they would have done right away if they can, it would be because they exhausted a large chunk of their military during the 1970-1986 war, when Lebanon was divided into two (lebanon and the syrian army in the north, and pro-kike goons in the south) now they can only attack a bunch of piss poor civs and some armed militiamen in Palestine, but can never take on either Hezbollah or the Syrian Army, even if the case of the latter still using outdated equipment and doctrine before 2011.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know you're a stupid new shill from Holla Forums, what with all your anti-anime crap and muh zionism you're implying on when it shouldn't be a problem for people here.

the SAA is airlifting reinforcements and supplies routinely at night. there was even a parachute deployement the other day to the place at broad daylight. the problem now is that some ISIS monkeys coming from mosul might "accidentially" have MANPADS and IR equipment

that would be (((unfortunate))), where do they get all this expensive stuff, do people keep leaving millions of dollar of high-tech weaponry in the sand.

So how will the Dier ez-Zur siege end, when the Palmyra offensive along the M20 reaches them? Will they be able to hold out that long?

youre just poking a hornets nest and i have to watch

do you sincerely beleive he wont?

never said that. i said they would deploy. but because theyre not fighting children in gaza they would get another 2006 lebanese episode

you didnt provide any arguments.

the sentance
was sarcastic, i dont care if youre to stupid or too angry to realise that

again throwing shit at the wall and seeing if it sticks. ive been here for years and i never liked people who use ad hominems instead of real arguments.

im not anti-anime. personnaly i really like HNK and otojuku, tough redundant posting of the modern waifu or whatever its called is kinda annoying.

i didnt say it shouldnt be a problem, on the contrary i said it will be a great problem, especially because theyd drag the whole region to hell before returning anything they stole


Video preview of the SAA Hama counter-offensive.

It seems that the US would go in to support Israel. This is the consensus. Now, I don't know what goes under the table but my guess is it won't be bad for Israel, unless zionists in the US/EU decide it's time for Israel to cease to exist, theres that scenario also.

Honestly you can post as many smug anime girls as you like it won't change the fact that if Syria and Hezbollah try and liberate Golan they will incur the wrath of Burgerland. Assad and his allies are too smart to try that right now.

I would imagine that if they survived this long they can last until then

Question is if the hard part is over or if it's just beginning for them

Palmarya TOS-1 ISIS rape (four-five days ago)

Bonus area saturation coordinated fire pattern testing video.

the hardest part was definetly weeks before the russian delivarence, but with ISIS hordes coming from iraq with US blessing dierezzor is the first line of defense against them

Hey look. is infuriatingly anti-assad

But as we've seen, Russian air-support can only help so much, especially if the encircled troops are having difficulties resupplying.

I must say, it's quite the coincidence that when ISIS is fighting US and Turkey backed rebels, they absolutely suck, and as a consequence the SDF has taken large parts of northern Syria, but when ISIS is fighting the SAA they seem well equipped and motivated, and barely give any ground.

Seriously, the US and Kurds have occupied like 15% of Syria now, and are set to take a lot more since they seem to be making considerable gains, including the Tabqa Dam. Is Assad just gonna allow a large chunk of his country to be broken away like that, surely after the Islamists have been defeated, a second war between the SDF/Kurds and SAA is coming.

An alternative that doesn't use google would be great.

Not good. Not good at all. Of all the factions in Syria, ISIS the least dangerous one, despite all the foreign funding they get. They have no future - their reputation is so bad that even if they managed to win the war, NATO and other countries would come in and slaughter them to shit. As such, they've become unusable for anything other than harassing Assad and spreading his forces.

"Moderates" are the biggest threat by far - outright Israeli pets that would stay in power if they won. However, lately they started to stink thanks to being a bunch of savage headchoppers no better than ISIS – they could still spin them as "muh noble freedom fighters", but only the completely ignorant would believe it, not to mention, give how unruly they are, they might decide to slaughter themselves after the war is over.

Kurds seem to be the kike's hidden ace - maintaining their PR as much as possible, practically only fighting ISIS (which generates good PR) and spinning it hard on "muh autonomy" so as to look like they only seek a compromise with whatever side wins. In reality, they're literally fucking commies, and the kike's backup plan. They're greedily chomping down on ISIS, getting more and more territory, while conserving their forces. Should Assad defeat the rebels, they will take an account of the situation, and if they see SAA tired and decimated, you bet they'll attack. If not, they'll put forth demands that'll ruin Syria in one way or another, so that it is never in a position to oppose Israel again. If Assad wants to win, he has to hurry up and capture as much ISIS territory as possible before getting cockblocked by Kurds, as well as finally wiping out all those rebel pockets.


Israeli-Syrian war?


If this is true then it is fucking huge.

It sounds big, but realistically it's not the first time big statements have been made and the SAA is in no shape to go to war with Israel, not unless Assad is planning on forcing the Russians into wiping out Israel for him.

What a better way to get rid of ageing hardware than use it on ISISrael.

As long as they keep the launchers hidden the jews can't bomb much to stop it.

Can the Tabqa Dam really collapse? If this happens, will the water being released be able to destroy other dams downstream?

THis is the consequence of electing Trump. Trump is on the side of the pentagon in this civil war and the Pentagon backs the Kurds. Isis as a CIA/Mossad op would have been successful under a Clinton presidency. (IF not successful much longer to extract).
The Kurds will without a doubt call for UN recognition if they take Raqqa. The Pentagon wants this because it essentially puts the Turks back on the leash and handicaps Assad's chances at maintaining power long term. Assad must rid the western part of his country of the AQ/Nusra alliance.
If Assad was smart he would start allowing Hezbollah to do the Heavy lifting in the south(which they already are) and gain some PR on the global level for removing ISIS.

Its saber rattling at best. It would be a suicidal move in the position the SAA is right now. He needs to still be able to rally his soldiers and keep morale up. When the wolves are surrounding you it is a must you flex loudly.

Hezbollah gets shilled against hard though. The kikes are scared of them gaining support around the world.
There is growing support for them though. Quite a few on T_D have a soft spot for them, so that's a bit of hope..

True it will most likely just be sabre rattling.
We can for now still dream of seeing an Iskander pulling 20g terminal manoeuvres before smashing into Jewrusalem.

People as far down as Deir ez-Zor are fleeing the river banks. Still, while the dam's controls are busted, there doesn't seem to be any danger of the dam itself collapsing, unless someone blows it up. Apparently SDF released drone footage to prove the coalition didn't bomb the dam as ISIS claims, and some people are saying ISIS set the control rooms on fire themselves.

It will be a disaster.

Now you have Israel going oy vey and doing another military exercise in the Golan Heights. Given how Israel is the most dangerous terrorist state in the world and that peace isn't profitable to them, expect more IDF airstrikes in the coming weeks. There's only a few people that could call Bibi and try to talk to him about reconsidering his position. One got elected recently in the US.

Honestly,this is a win-win for Israel - bomb the SAA and claim you were bombing Hezbollah or ISIS or whatever, Syria launches missiles at you, and now you have and excuse to launch an all out invasion.

thanks m8
They can actually, only 2 of 3 divisions of the Syrian Army are deployed to remove wahabbi scum from their clay, Hezbollah has enough rockets to pull off a Macross-style rocket barrage all over their ass inside that stupid looking four-sided shape of a country of theirs, and that's not even mentioning the fact their infantry and heavy weaponry can easily mop the floor with both the kikes and whatever vassal army they can 'convince' to assist them (don't ask me about how they're gonna do it, I'm not a Hezbollah commander like those msm idiots 'claim' to have interviewed a few months back). Not even gonna bother with Iran,Iraq The Yemenis, and Russia. isreal and co. is fucked even without them joining in the hall of cost party.
Trump 'nominally' supports Israel, that definition can mean anything and it certainly ain't gonna be like on the scale of the gulf war/desert storm or libya 2011, probably even less than what they're currently doing in Syria, maybe send some troops just near the coast, and when it's time for liberation day in the Golan these US troops, for some reason, seem to not do anything while Israel slowly burns out all their grunts away.

You and i know Trump don't like these people very much but doesn't show it. Remember this is Trump we're talking about, not dubya, hilldawg or ex-king nigger

Are you sure you still remember that one time he was 'invited' to isreal during the elections but never went there? You actually think he's really serious about helping isreal when they get in trouble? even if he complies, what do you think those US troops will really be doing during their stay in Occupied Palestine other than showing a public solidarity display between 'allies'?
Trump and the military knows what's really going on down there and who's really doing all the shit that's keeping the place a desert shithole, and it certainly ain't what the msm and their social media drones and their ((ziocuck realists)) are claiming.

The Syrian Army has a lot of secrets they never disclose, even the events during the war in the 70s-80s have a lot of classified info courtesy of the Syrian Army, and some of those that do leak out are hard to believe people might as well think they're all just made up.
And don't take what Damascus says very lightly, If one remembers all those supposed 'accidents','crashes', and 'errors' throughout the ME concerning military stuff before and after 2011, well let's just say some people claim Syria has something to do with it but have no proof, and eventually forgotten.
Also do keep in mind isreal and their jidf are really good at media manipulation when and if they say something it usually means another thing even if it's something sounded completely unrelated (i.e. deception)

if dubs assad finishes where hitler and saddam left off

literally: what?

low quality ad hominem

they do, the means are called: goyburgers

my god that means hes the second hitler

start a thread with a discussion about it. i dare you.

no they will try to pull (((iraqi freedom 2.0))) off. the CIA and pentagon monkeys are already crawling in syria by the hundreds

no shit, the latter has been apart of it since 2011

their (((greatest ally)))

i beleive that has already been established in this entire board a few years ago

Are you fucking retarded? SAA isn't able to defend a fucking city against a bunch of goatfuckers equipped with with Toyotas and T-55s. Also Russia has only few jets in Syria and their only carrier is a joke. Israel would just wipe SAAF just like in 60s and 70s.
Yes and 10 more is on anti-partisan duty and there still are bombings in Damascus and other cities now and then.

NK threatened to nuke Turkey if they didn't behave. This was obviously at Russia's request. Obama couldn't have done jack shit.


https:[email protected]/* *//u-s-helicopters-rescued-isis-commanders-in-mosul-755b931d5590

welkam to shitty wok,
may i take yo ordar pree?
one shitty turkey

I wonder what manner of info you people get all these sources from, these talking points and arguments makes it look like Syria and co. are unable to win and even start to lose the war while propping up the isreal stronk meme, despite the fact the terrorists and their sponsors are about to get shitcanned hard directly posted by people who are actually on the ground.
This is no different from intellectual cuckposting for the kikes, goy servants and their retarded kebab relatives from the gulf states and the muslim brotherhood.

You faggots said that shit in 2011, 2012, 2013 you said 'assad will be out in 3 months'.
It's 2017.
Syria ain't going anywhere, so fuck off

I hope we see this size ambush again at some stage. Aka a world record sized ambush, in Syria. Yeah that 'useless syria' killed more people in a single explosive ambush than anyone managed in WW1, WW2, Vietnam etc.

Did they mine (rigged with explosives) than section of the road in advance, or did they do a coordinated artillery strike?
I guess your usage of the term ambush means it was the former.

Yes intel was coordinated, they used mining and also large directed shrapnel style AP mines (giant ruskie versions of claymores) aka MON-100 and MON-200.

160-125m in lower angles and 75m off to side is lethal range for the fragmentation.
2Kg TNT, 5kg unit weight. Easy to quickly set up.. Elevated is best, I bet they mounted them on those Pylons in foreground.

Apparently this was not the first time they'd travelled like that at night. This was also earlier in the war when they were not known as ISIS… and were 'moderate' beheaders.. if you'd even watched the fucking cucked Vice FSA interview you'd have figured that out. They wanted Sharia/Caliphate from day one.

i never said any of those things, youre just trying to put words in my mouth because youre a retarded armchair general that relies on stupid shit like this instead of a valid argument.
adress my points like a reasonable person would instead of shitposting and changing your weeaboo ID.

I just wrote that attacking Israel would be suicide. But SAA is incompetent. They're still alive only because of Hezbollah and Russia. They were losing pretty badly in spring/summer '15 before Russians came.
Sure thing fam and 2 years ago when Russia started their air bombing campaing everybody said 'rebels will get btfo in 3 months' and yet they're still there.

the laocoon was dug up in italy you fucking mong, if anything it was made by ancient romans, but more likely it was made by michaelangelo and then buried and "unearthed" to give him cover for making a pagan sculpture during the height of catholic power in europe, either way it most certainly wasn't greek

just stick to the /sg/ topic, mate

Yea once again I'm calling bullshit. Plausible Deniability is too important at this point in the conflict.

Sorry this is delusional thinking I guarantee SAA and Hez will not risk bringing the wrath of America onto them. If Israel is attacked I promise with everything that SAA and Hezbollah will cease to exist. America will just fully invade.
THis is just the truth the west will not cede it's spy state(Israel and Saudi Arabia) in the middle east. There is too much at play here and I'm not saying Hezbollah and SAA will not put up a valiant fight but I can guarantee they will not be able to handle full war with America.

Someone link the video the embed is working for me

Im not even pro Israel, this is pol for fucks sake.

You just have to look at it realistically, syria is broken in pieces, assad attacking Israel would be suicidal.

What would you say to the reports of Assad cooperating with the Kurds?

Regardless turkey would rather self destruct and take everyone down with them before letting the Kurds have anything even close to decision making power let alone sovereignty. We've all seen the behavior of Erdogan and his party

But yes the SAA need to take back as much land as possible as fast as possible

I could see Assad working with the kurds especially if he cedes land to them in the future. They want there own country if he is the own who facilitates it they would never forget him.

All of Persia and greece has been arab-raped and gookified significantly since 42 b.c.

I highly doubt Assad will give up any Syrian clay. Too intelligent for that. A significant loss of territory for a short term gain in military strength when you have other options, time on your side and full legitimacy seems like a bad proposal.

The "evaporation" of IS at the most convenient time for the US/kurds is getting a bit too obvious now. Israeli going oy vey about scuds is a distraction compared to that.

>they're still there but only JUST BECAUSE russia,iran and hezbollah came in to save them go- user
The intellectual cucks are really doubling down on these bullshit (((((realistic))))) demoralization arguments

Minimizing SAA losses while maximizing enemy losses is the name of the game, and people wonder why everytime terrorists attack an Army position they instantly fall back and retreat?. Loss of territory is not a problem for the SAA, but it certainly is for the moderate idiots. The Army have plenty of time to do many things including ones that makes them genuine and stuff that are classified/hush-hush, so it's all good. Can't say the same thing for the rats and their sponsors though.
ISIS evaporating started the moment they got cut off from the roaches, even their periodical spec-op airlifting won't do shit but make them even more shitty than usual
Remember Raqqa was never a strategic location in the first place as said by the Syrian Officials, even said if they (kurds) want raqqa they're welcome to take it from ISIS
It's just them saying 'why are you shooting back when we attack you, don't do that again or else'
doesn't feel like one though

One or two faggots saying that on LiveLeak means we all think that?
Wouldn't be surprised if it was your JIDF friends muddying the waters. You faggots were spamming that shit everywhere.
No one with a brain expected the Syrian war to be over for a few years from Russian involvement. I would not be surprised to see it drag out for another few years, especially as resistance pockets are stamped out and it becomes the same old iraq VBIED/IED instability game.

If you think Trump is going to protect ISISrael in any meaningful way, you're a fucking idiot. He hates the kikes more than we do. They killed his friends and raped USA taxslavers.
Why the fuck do they need billions a year anyway, they are a profitable exporter of many types of goods.

They're funding kurds because Trump promised to fight ISIS and it's the logical way.


THey are funding kurds because the middle east is a proxy war and that includes proxies for different power structures in the USA. CIA vs Pentagon

can anyone reccomend some good introduction memes to the topic for normies
its hard enough to explain to them the basics; let alone from a more rp perspective
the thing i usually go for is "jewsa funds rebels, just like al-qaeda"

Ask them why ISISrael hasn't ever been attacked by ISIS, only paliwood has. Heaps of info and videos about ISIS (moderate beheading rebels kek) getting help from Israel border. Let alone ISISrael airforce. Ask them why Israel only bombs Syria, not ISIS.
ISIS is an offshoot of Al-Qaeda. More than a few know about AQ and who started/funds it..
It's always 'it was started by CIAniggers', as if they'd start it and walk away.

Epic! They didn't sound happy on the radio.
This might be the other side. Palmyra

I think it's an interesting prospect. On the one hand, a Kurdish state between Syria and Turkey would be a good buffer, and the Kurds will probably never stop being anti-Turkish. On the other hand, giving up important areas like Raqqa and the Tabqa dam would probably not be acceptable for Assad, besides giving land to the US supported Kurds would mean giving one of the major powers that started the civil that ruined your country a foothold.

the kurds are a pentagon proxy, but assad has to work with them because he can neither afford another enemy that size nor can he cover all the front line against jihadists the kurds are covering.
its a neccessary evil, tough i hope russia will do something about it and turkey

atleast theyre on the right side

just say the CIA created al-queda in the 80s to fight soviets in afganistan.
recommend them that movie with tom hanks where hes the guy who orchestrated it all, ____s war or something

You can frame it like this: the war is not between "muh freedumbs" and "muh evil 'tator" but between the urban secular population who mostly support Assad, and backwards snackbars from the countryside.

youre a retarded armchair general with no knowlidge or experience in warfare or geopolitics whatsoever.

you dont know what that word means do you

any faggot that has the will to reach the internet modem or click a few buttons on a VPN software can do that. not to mention

also youre a weeaboo because that makes you cry.

so, give some solid arguments, instead of shitposting implications and puting words in other peoples mouths, you underage newfag

It's an interesting feature of the Syria war, how the hunters have become the hunted, e.i tanks have to be very careful where and when they poke their nose out because of how effective the US supplied TOW's are.

I think it's also interesting how few combatants are generally killed during the big battles, I mean if you read news from the Hama offensive, it's generally something like "8 SAA soldiers killed as rebels overun town", or "20 militants killed as SAA repels FSA assault", idk, I thought the numbers would be higher since the Hama assault is apparently a big one for the rebels.

The Hama assault also shows how thinly stretched the SAA is. Apparently the rebels threw everything the had into their salient north of Hama. Their own footage shows that these people fight like Liberian niggers, but still they managed to overrun the SAA defenses and advanced maybe 5-10 km before they ground to a halt after a day or so. However the SAA apparently does not have any reserves to counter them, and had to withdraw the units that were advancing in Palmyra and around Aleppo to deal with the threat.

SAA should deal with all those fucking pockets soon. Focus on one area and completely capture it, so that they don't tie up forces holding the frontline.

I've heard that the SAA has campaigns to convince jihadists to surrender, so I'm wondering if they're maybe not assaulting all these pockets because they know that if these people are fighting to death the battle will be bloody, and they're rather counting on them eventually surrendering.

But yeah, the front-lines are insane in this war.

This is exactly what has been happening over the last year or so. There were ~12 pockets in Damascus, now they are down to 3 or 4. Most of them were transported to Idlib with their families around the time Aleppo fell.

Long term this is good, those terrorist neighborhoods can be rebuilt and populated with more loyal people.

So gather all the opposition in Idlib and then carped-bomb the shit out of it? Is that he reason they came to an agreement to abandon the pocket just north of Idlib?

Really makes you think.

its a good thing russians supplied equipment such as shotra for that reason, tough incidents where syrian operators forget to turn it on are still way to often.
then again you had armchair generals talking how tanks are obsolete in warfare like 15 years ago, and now you have half a century old tanksfacing off the most modern AT equipment with some gadgets from the makers of tetris

i just hope the terrorists wont pull off the same shit they did a few months ago when they were offered amnesty or evacuation to idlib, which they accepted, and then attacked the convoy with green busesand burned them.

and with hezbollah in this you can only wait for the hooknosed pilots to pull some shit off

The deal is not that simple, actually. The reason why this loyalist pocket stayed alive all this time was because if it got wiped, Assad would wipe the pocket in Zabadani and Madaya (pic related). The same applies should Assad wipe those two. The deal now is to evacuate both these pockets, so that Madaya and Zabadani go to Assad and Foua goes to terrorists

Also, Dair Hafir liberated by SAA from ISIS scum

Look at this fucking ISIS vehicle, ISIS are the fucking orcs!

I'll pass.

Then we know who Israel is.

low test

I keked louder than I should've

I'm not apposed to a good tomboy, but having male proportions too is where I cross the line.

Doesn't that make us =][=?

So, apparently, that whole big fucking pocket of ISIS in the desert just up and vanished without fighting, being entirely "captured" by FSA that claims all the ISIS had retreated, despite that pocket being cut off from ISIS by both FSA and SAA.

Those fucking cunts just asked the ISIS shitters to switch flags, I just fucking know it!

Here's a short video providing some background info (it doesn't tell the full story) about FSA-IS relations. I recorded it from a video recently uploaded on JewTube called "Syria NOT A Revolution!". Feel free to ignore the kebab at the start.

It's in desert. You can't effectively cut off somebody unless you have a lot of people. I doubt there's a big """"FSA"""" and SAA presence there.


Sometimes I wish Assad were the little horn.

Reason SAA losses are lower (they were much higher earlier in the war) is they now use retreat strategies to minimise losses.
E.g. horde of 80 shitskins comes over the horizon on their up armoured trucks and tractors etc, SAA send fire down range, fall back to rear positions and then open fire with mortar/arty etc on the 'newly captured' shitskin territory. They have it all dialed in and know it like the back of their hand, so it's easier to take out snackbars. This is one of the tactical reasons why they are doing better, along with help of course :)


pretty fucking cool

I see the ideal Kurdish state is gonna be a peaceful one …

Holy shit, a rebel sympathizer just went full SJW

it's the end for the Assad regime

It's all fun and games until the government can control your mind and make you cut off your dick.

forgot link

I look forward to the arab chimpout in "Rojava"

Exactly what I was thinking.