Californian National Party Pushing Secession From the United States

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do it
Do It



This is some shitty formatting OP i'm really disappointed in you.

It's perfect really. Using the Civil War as a precedent, it would give casus belli for one of two things occurring: cleansing the land by fire, or, since California cannot self sustain itself it'll need an ally. This ally would have to be a powerful one, however, since they're on the continent of our country, there is an implicit notion that them doing such a thing is declaring war and, thus, if done, would lead to cleansing by fire. If not done, they'll be starved out.
In the end, California is restored in under a decade.


California has like double the GDP of the next highest state (Texas). This won't be good for America.

Nigger this is exactly how we format here. Take your double-spacing-between paragraph-kike-academia back to Israel.

I have to agree, lad.
I didn't want to say it myself but the formatting isn't the best in this thread.
You're doing well with the good material but your need to pay closer attention to how many characters you can put in a post as well as grouping multiple sections of greentext into a single paragraph where it's still coherent.
You seem breddy gud feget :DD so take this, it's served me well.



They literally only survive however being the massive welfare state it is (more welfare in California than 46 States combined) by over taxing the ultra rich. Which is okay by them as long as they can live in their degenerate progressive paradise.

We can do better.


l hope they try, because the moment they do, Trump can send in the firepower and start a Holocaust against non-whites and leftists.

So, shall we march the spics, faggots, and jews into the sea while we sing "Battle Hymn of the Republic"? This time we do it with the South and North side by side.

Thanks I'm sure I'll never use that. Let's get back to the topic of California secession then. Ay?

1. we will never cede any clay of ours, ever
2. California is crumbling, the money they claim to have is already siphoned off and they would starve and fall apart within a year
3. we wouldn't accept the loss of use for a single inch of coastal land
4. crawling to the feds for $$$ handout to fix their structures only it is a poorly run shitshow from top to bottom

Mrw the Civil War this time results in Hispanic Slaves after we reclaim California

If threads were supposed to contain the entirety of an article's text there wouldn't be a character limit.
I suppose you might enjoy reading things this way if you enjoy reading the article in pieces mixed in with all the responses to it.
Let's be honest, you just want to bump your thread m8.

Also, California won't secede.

You got it, boss, can't say I didn't try now though.
Should all Marxists and communists from all over the country gather in the hub cities of LA, SanDig, etc., I could see a very reasonable casus belli to invade such a landspace and purge greatly those who seek to make America a globalist playground.
I honestly hope it happens because it WILL spark a major change in the stagnation that is modern day america's values and priorities that's even further than a Trump presidency.

You a bit new here, son?

I hope they do it. Pull out all US military. Let them keep their shitty state national guard stuff. Tweet out that the US no longer supports Cali and will not protect them @TacoPrez. Mexico invades Cali. Don't offer asylum to Cali residents. Capture and deport them to Mexico. Dems never win another election again. Extend wall around Cali. Deny immigration by any former Cali democrat. The end.

Good, fuck this state and every faggot in it. It would have the economic stability of fucking Greece if they managed to actually get out.


The article itself is incredibly long m8 and without those four replies one couldn't understand the full context of the article (there's about 10 more paragraphs I could have posted from the article as well it's truly that long.
Protip: you can't bump your own thread until there is a reply :^)


Checked, but it won't happen.
California democrats will try to secede and that will undo the entire regional government.
Trump will remove federal funding and increase deportations.
When the money dries up so will the authority of the elected officials.
The problem California has is that there is no opposition party. If the Republicans get their shit together they can win the next election after the democrat implosion.
It's more likely that Jefferson becomes its own state though, because people in control would get federal gibs than secede. Its an empty gesture.

Whatever floats your boat, captain


Nice post.

They might be able once normal whites realize how insane the Democrats are (are Trump kicks out the spics).

Pretty much this. Northern Cali and surrounding cities that tend to have traditional views or moderate centrists have such a low population that their input and voices make very little difference. Hence why I assume parts of this article suggest division into a three state solution?

In the short term this would drop the US as a world superpower

This post deserves a salute.

Yeah, a three state solution. Would be extremely deleterious to Southern California, but beneficial to Northern California.
This is a good thing, as the urbanites basically shit on Northern California for not being Weimar era levels of degenerate.
What is Southern California going to do if they don't have access to water or agriculture?
muh humboldt weed

I wonder if we can get them to join Mexico instead. See how much they like it then.

Tbh, I would love to go to cali and fight for Jefferson and kill degenerate libs. And I say this as a Texan. I hear norcal is god tier land. Can any Cali anons confirm?

Leaf, here. PLEASE make them go to Mexico. We're pozzed enough as it is.

You're looking at this the wrong way. Don't care for the United States, care for the White American People. This comes up in Mein Kampf fairly early on, when Hitler writes about his schooling in Austria-Hungary.
Who cares about GDP if the wealth exists only on paper and is a product of such industries as (((technology))) and (((finance)))? The interests of our people are served by this, and if the state which no longer is an expression of our national spirit is damaged, so be it, it will eventually have to be reforged anyway.

The California National Socialist Party, you say?

Sounds like a great idea!

If this goes through it'll be a win-win. Either the libs get slaughtered en masse during the war, or that massive blue stain on the electoral collage is fucking gonners, or both!

Californian here, I have been preparing for this. If secession vote passes fighting will start immediately.

Yes this was before he 'infiltrated' the German Workers Party under the assumption it was a leftist movement, which is a big reason he was so impressed with their far right values and used it as a launchpad of sorts.

There was a thread recently which highlighted this man's ruthlessness and harsh face.


Try it fagets.

They wouldn't last a year. Without water from neighboring states they'd have record droughts and famine.

These same fucktards would say the Confederates didn't have the right to secede.

Yankeeland, come on' and unite with Dixieland!

So what parts of California are likely to start resisting if shit went down? I reckon Jefferson would be a nice place for me and my men to setup shop. Any other good places?

I'm not sure, but when the invasion of Commiefornia begins I'm going to be locked and loaded ready to fight kikes, transgenders, spics, niggers, and all liberal filth in a moment's notice

Anywhere outside of Southern Cali and away from the cities honestly.

if the voter demographic maps are anything yo go by, anywhere not in or near the city.

Why do they think the conservative sections would stay with them, they'd be getting this one shot to break out of the rule of the rest of the state.

As a Califag, I hope it happens, because when it does I can enlist in murdering the liberal pieces of shit who thought secession was a good idea. I unironically want to gouge the motherfuckers eyes out when started and got funding for this party

It'll never happen anyhow. Because they'd need elected support for their party to even seize power, and nobody who votes is going to actually want this bar a few actual retards who are less-than-passively aware of how politics even works

It's similar to the Pacific northwest. Beaches, forests, temperate climate. The people are more rural and innawoodsy. The problem is that Northern Californian cities have been overrun by Chinese, Mexicans, and hipster shitlibs from Southern California.
The land hosts a healthy variety of flora and fauna. It's really a nice place.
The problem is the government. The public school system functions like a marxist training program. Most students would favor a socialistic system because of mass immigration. lots of people are poor and most of the infrastructure wasn't designed to support what the government has done.
We're talking about a situation where your choice for representation in the Senate is either Kamala Harris, a black woman, or Loretta Sanchez, a mexican woman.
Both of them are democrats.

This could be you in 5 years user.

It's literally fake bullshit. Silicon Valley is rich on paper. Let's see them stay rich once the US sanctions the shit out of them or if they're ready for the 5+ million of us who are ready and willing to put down these traitorous faggots. California will burn before we let this land go back into the hands of the beaners or the commies.

Californianon here, I'll be voting for this in 2018 for the sole reason that the minute secession is declared the federal government will have the full authority to wipe out every single anti-white gun-grabber Marxist piece of shit from the state government that supported it.

Point taken. So my group and I were war gaming this shit. We were thinking of starting in Redding (unlikely) or Crescent City (likely), and seizing the local marina and airfield until the feds could arrive. Crescent City seems like a decent starting point strategically.

or, you could have just screen capped the whole article…


All of the coastal cities are hell-holes anyway. I hope they get shelled to bits so we can start over and maybe not stick millions of people in the middle of a desert this time

I've always dreamed of being part of a loyalist militia.

Don't forget to cross the border immediately and claim you're a federalist and not one of those faggot californians.

Slavery is degenerate fam.
Never, NEVER let the survival of your people rely on the productivity of another race.

There's also some very strategic chokepoints on the main ways in and out of LA that just so happen to be quite conservative :^)

Soon we'll be singing about how we're shelling LA and SF then telling the Americans trapped in there not to worry because our shells literally have eyes.

Sounds a little ambitious, tbh fam. This would totally be played by ear. What would happen to the military installations in California? I'm assuming they'd have to kick the Marines out of Pendleton. Not sure how that's going to go.
If they make it long enough, you'd be better off just running raids on locations they are setting up their own military at. As soon as they try to start a base for their military, you come and destroy it or destroy their equipment and drain them dry financially.
You could kill California economically before it ever has a chance to establish itself. The first thing they're going to want to do is establish their own military. Destroy all equipment and vehicles, costing millions for every raid you conduct. You don't even have to fire that many shots at people.
Wherever there's a motorpool or hangar, you send out a team with thermite and destroy every piece of equipment you find.
Cause civil unrest. Take out all power plants and communications. Destroy cell phone towers, telephone lines and cable TV. Hijack supply lines and food sources. With no power, spotty communication and no food, the new government of California will have much more than a few /k/ommandos to worry about.
By the time you've caused such civil unrest, the people of California will be fighting the new government. Not you. You can go home and watch the rest unfold on a livestream.

No. user should meet up with a pro-Trump militia and go full Arkan on those shitlibs.




good one.

Of course, fighting the enemy behind his lines is always quite welcome.

Imagine them trying to build a militia to fight the US, when suddenly their recruiting offices are bombed, and anons storm their malls and stores. I would pay to see it.

Taiwan is my favorite country on Earth.

That man did absolutely nothing wrong, he died too early.

We were thinking about taking the city (we pretty much settled on Crescent City) because its airfield is big enough for regional airliners to fit on, which means US militia and military troops can be brought it.

Its also easy to pre-stage for. The other objectives you mentioned are scattered, and since I'm having to bring my initial force in, I'm going to combine them for maximum effect. You can move 600 men into the city and surrounding areas a few nights before the vote pretending to be "tourists". And since most of the county outside CC is red, we would have plenty of local support. Our biggest threat early on will be traitor cops and whatever NG units Cali wants to devote to us, which will probably be very little.
But I don't want to go home. I want to purge cali of leftism.

Not Singapore?

In that case there'll probably be a need for trucks to move in from the Nevada border in order to supply the California rightist militias with some real weapons.


Now you're talking. Conducting small raids is going to be your best bet. You're not just going to waltz in and have them surrender en masse. You're going to need to run 20 minute raids and just destroy as much shit and send the biggest message you can. Small attacks consistently over a long period of time will win. It won't be like storming the beach at Normandy. You'll have to be more calculated and macro than that.

Nice dubs. You're better off raiding local lefty hidey holes. They're incompetent cucks, the lot of them. You need not seize an airfield, because the military won't support them.

It's a solid idea to buy a good map of some city and find a central rode you can blockade and control traffic through, you can operate this with minimal forces and purge many a communist.

Just do it already. Stop fucking saying you'll do it and just do it already.

I am in Southern California, there were nearly 5 million of us who voted for Trump here and many more who support him that didn't. We will take the war to the secessionists. Leftists will start dying the moment the vote passes and I believe it will pass.


You'll certainly want a command center. Work from a few locations, though. I would propose two forces. One demo team and one kill team. You send in the demo team on high priority, high-value targets. They cause the financial turmoil. They blow up power plants and desalination plants that provide drinking water. They are the ones that take down cell phone towers and satellite dishes. Your kill team purges commie.
They go out to antifa hotspots and do LRRP. They are the ones with the long range rifles and they take out 10 antifa commies at a time while the others watch.
They take leftist leaders prisoner and broadcast their torture on livestream. Their sole purpose is to demoralize and frighten the commies. With that much chaos - political leaders being killed, mass citizen unrest and the breakdown of infrastructure, they will surrender in a matter of weeks.
Los Angeles without power for a week? Mass looting and rioting. Their military will be stretched too thin to deal with you and your people. Start a wildfire. These are things that would cost you very few lives and little effort but would end up breaking the back of any government and putting them so far in a hole financially that they can never even establish properly.

The left will probably be trying to build their own Red Army - you wanna nip it in the bud before it gets large enough to start conscripting folks, taking hostages and receiving aid from the Chinese and Cubans. You'll be up against a small number of far lefties (probably including Hollywood Jews) acting as commissars, and a force of confused, poorly trained and equipped Starbucks sipping liberals who got pushed into the battle line or who had their families taken hostage and threatened.

the north and south shall unify against the west

You want Texas to leave? Texas is one of the best and patriotic states in the country. Their only real flaw is the massive spic problem, which isn't even entirely their fault because Obama left the southern border wide open. Getting rid of libshit California would be a net gain but America would suffer if we lost Texas.


I never thought I'd see someone mention the crappy place I live



Texas has the highest GDP, doesn't it?
You guys just need to remove spic and it's all good. You had the decent sense to go red this election so there's hope. Just need to get rid of Juan and Carlos.



Good effort and funny story, but



I have a feeling that if these shitlibs actually try to go through with this, many rural folk will be crossing the border and straw purchasing like crazy. You could probably make a killing on any gun shows near the border.

You plan on moving east to central valley or north to Jefferson and meeting up with friendly militias to start fighting, or just stay in socal and applying the asymmetric, lone-wolf style techniques other anons were talking about? Sounds like you could some serious damage to infrastructure if you wanted to.

Sounds like a job for . He knows the land better than I do and probably knows what critical infrastructure to hit. As for the teams aspect, we already have a platoon sized element on board that would be more than willing to do "clean up" jobs.

Most of our activities after we capture the city will be blowing bridges and power lines. In addition to periodically capturing small towns and purging them of lefty influence. We'll probably finance ourselves by expropriating commies.

We need a version of this for lib removal.

Wait…you mean I get PAID for this?!

We can just gouge them on water and they'll become our vassal. The state would fall apart over night without federal funding though so it wont really matter.

Sounds like the perfect place tbh.

They behave or they die. We don't follow US law or listen to kike civil rights lawyers.
See above.
Leave it alone, or, if necessary, empty it out and kill anybody with serious felonies or gang affiliation. The rest get transferred to authorities in OR when possible.

No, user. You'd have a force of far lefty commissars leading a force of inner city nigger gangsters and spic cartel members. It'd be like Black Lives Matter nigger riots with guns.

I have a small tight knit group that's is willing to do what it takes. We talked about bringing down infrastructure, highways, bridges, shutting down ports. There's a lot of refineries in Southern California and if they go down many lose power.

After you clear out Pelican Bay, sounds like an excellent spot for political prisoners. You might even want to run your operation from there. Can't beat how secure it is. Pelican Bay becomes either Guantanamo for commies to be summarily executed and/or tortured for fun and shown as propaganda or it becomes your HQ and is already nearly impenetrable.

Until somehow you're besieged, then its a deathtrap.

And that's why you turn them against the new California government instead of coming in like Tom Hanks at Normandy. You take away all their comforts. Their food, their electricity, their gasoline, their communications and they will fight the government for you.
You need only put the fear of god in them and make them uncomfortable. After they riot and stage a Coup of their own new government, half of them will be dead anyway. The other half will still need removal or you wait until they take themselves back to Mexico because they're half-dead and starving.

Good. Godspeed user. If you survive and our two groups meet, flash your card and we can break bread. Same with as well.

I'd rather be mobile tbh. Besides CC is only a temporary abode, and I always want to move closer to the action in near SF. I don't need to be getting cornered and then dragged off for "war-crimes" when the war inevitably ends. The USG is known for stabbing collaborators in the back when they are done with them. As for political prisoners; I don't need a metal box for them.

Your number one priority should be bringing down both SF and Los Angeles. Start with the Golden Gate bridge for logistical reasons and for the pure shock that it would cause. It would be extremely symbolic for them to watch maybe the most important California landmark fall. That would send them into a tailspin.
At the same time, a few small teams work to destroy electrical stations that power L.A. Send another 10 guys to start wildfires and/or city fires.
With their police and military tied up with looting and mass panic in Los Angeles, you'll have some time to really dig in. That's when you set fire to Beverly Hills. While the military and police struggle to catch up, you go through Malibu and kill everyone you see and burn every mansion to the ground.
After that, you destroy all major highways or just block them off with burned out vehicles, preventing traffic from moving at any sort of real pace.
At this point, the entire state will be thrown into chaos. What happens from there is up to you.

The Golden Gate bridge is falling apart as is. Apparently they used a bunch of budget brand bolts in a retrofit or something.

Don't worry, they'll just get their homos to cover it in pozz jizz to hold it together when it starts breaking again.

You misunderstand why we're going to cali to begin with. We are going there to protect and ensure the survival of Jefferson. Removing shitlib is nice too, but everything we'll be doing revolves around Jefferson. Once we finally get to SF, I highly doubt the bridge will be left standing. As said, its already falling apart.

In addition to that, I'd reckon that it take at least one decent sized car bomb to make the bridge unsafe, which is doable. But it would probably take several semi truck sized bombs to completely blow it down, which is a waste of resources.

We should do whatever we can to encourage Californian secession. The more isolated California is from the rest of the United States of America the better.

Man, you underestimate how much people trust dudes wearing hi-viz vests and hardhats, you'd be able to set shit up and nobody would think twice because they think you're maintenance men. You can practically walk into places security would normally harass you with a vest, hardhat and a clipboard.

I see so many liberals really serious about CalExit as if it will actually happen, or is a good idea at all.
There only reasons for doing so are
Yet none of them know why they are the 6th largest, and assume if CalExit went through that the tech industry would stay in California, with Texas, North Dakota, and other states having booming tech sectors they would transfer their companies locations to continue gaining the USA's benefits, and tax breaks for companies.

None of the liberals I've interacted with these seem to think it's weird that I fully support California leaving the union.
It's as if they don't question any information they consume as long as it makes them feel they are right.

I think you underestimate what it would do to them to actually see it come down. Disabling is nice, but I would want to send a statement that you have the capability to topple their most important infrastructure at any time.
Don't forget what 9/11 did to Americans. Seeing the towers fall had a psychological effect that you're underestimating. Seeing the actual collapse of the GGB would demoralize them and cause them to panic and do irrational things. This is what you want. You want their police and military going apeshit with people not fully understanding what's happening. If you went with the GGB and followed it up with several smaller attacks immediately following it, fucking Hawaii could invade and take over California, they'd be so vulnerable.

Kill leftists is always the answer. The more dead, the better.

Leftists in general seem to have any real understanding of how economics work, or really any understanding of how prosperity occurs.

Here's a hint, strong military, and strong economy means prosperity. Without either, California is fucked and will either be seeking to join the US or Mexico.

If they join Mexico, Mexican-American War 2.0 occurs. Mexico gets BTFO again, possibly annexed. United States of North America is one step closer to being achieved.


Annexation of the western provinces, drive useless shits liberals to the east. I'd like a proper highway to Alaska.

Excuse me we don't want niggers and torontofaggots in our beautiful 95% white maritimes.

Don't you mean "ADD LEAF" if the point is to make a continental empire?

Yeah, unfortunately you're going to need to remove a whole lot of chink, pajeet and mystery meat from Ontario. Gonna get hairy like a second NYC.

Ordinarily, I'd say yes… But these are the people who voted in Trudeau and ruined hockey. Do you really want to live with them?

Not if you remove "LEAF" from all context. Adding Canadians (IE: White Canadians, IE. British and French Canadians) to the union and disposing of that retarded flag will only be for their own good. USNA here we come!

I fucking hope they do it
Commifoma can fuck of and die before they bring the reat of the country down with them,hell them maybe we can get Jefferson state out of it!

They'd probably swarm Toronto, you can continue voting for the reds though. Not my problem what you do with them though, prove yourself and maybe you can join in.

idk tbh fam. I mean, I feel a brotherhood with all Anglos and frenchies, but something about the maple syrup or something makes them too close to commie for me. Canada is pretty cucked in relation to even the US under king nigger. They refuse to give up their free health care and love to rub it in the face of Americans that if they wait several months in line, they can get surgery for free - if they live long enough.
Plus, they are just too eager to accept nigger trash refugees. I don't know if you can fix Canadians. I think you need to remove them. They've been compromised.

Rural south ontario leaf here. Help us get rid of the turd and we'll gladly join up.

I know your neck of the woods, fam. Burger but family owns a home in Colchester. You're good people. If I gave you a Big Mac and an AR-15, would you become burger?

What are you, a globalist? Because that's what globalists want. A confederacy of the whole of North America like the EU.

Ideally we take Canada through imperialistic measures. They will be Americans, the whites ones at least. All others will be sterilized and shipped to the north-most parts of Canada. :^), another good idea would be picking up Greenland while we're at it. Always expand up user. Expanding down makes you retarded.

From what I know of maple land is the rural folk know the "free" healthcare is a fucking scam, as in most of them don't have doctors and/or have to travel to the cities to be entered into a queue for surgeries and other basic shit.

Everything is so regulated. I remember when I used to work in commercial auto parts. Busloads of Canadians would come into Michigan to buy auto parts because of some bullshit regulation on taxing and selling auto parts to anyone who isn't a licensed mechanic. Decent people, but you need a taste of freedom.

Think a good number of us will. Our premiere is a coward and our PM cares little for us. Merit means nothing for the local businesses these days and even the simple jobs are brimming with people hoping for work. Some even have to swallow their pride to take disability just to live. Give us the means to regain our pride and show our merit and we will be willing. I just want my family to grow up proud and strong.


You'd be required to fix hockey as well. Why did you fuckers take enforcers out of the game? It was a great product when players like Probert, Domi and Kocur were allowed to play. Fix it.

The rural folk according to a fellow burger in mapleland celebrated with a retarded amount of gunfire on the 8th of November. I think the right leaning city folk need just a tad bit of push to get things going considering gun owners there outnumber the army 30:1, and that isn't including those who are of right leaning in said army either or those who have guns regardless of the restrictions the government there has placed on the populace.

I wouldn't know anything about that.


Good. I support this. We don't want them. Let them secede and then we can declare war on them and kill every single commiefornian there.

GDP is a meaningless metric.

muh cascadia


smh tbh kameraden

Who said anything about Confederacy? Canada won't have a choice in accepting the Big American Cock.

We don't want ((them)) but we want the land of California.

Mostly due to safety and keeping the players functional. Had a family member lose his teeth to a puck. But I will agree that it's not the stuff I've seen as a kid. Probably why I don't pay too much attention to it these days. Competition, hot blood, and cold ice are needed to keep you sharp.

1. Not ALL of them voted in that cunt
2. I don't watch hockey because it's retarded
3. I DO live with them.
4. I AM them.

Look, I agree it's no Union Jack or Stars and Bars (or Stripes, I suppose, but it's not as good as the confederate one) or anything, but it's at least in the top ten country flags, man. I realize it's a matter of taste and everything, but come on.

Anyway, I never wanted to be American until CY+2. I'd still rather be Canadian, but I can no longer believe we'll be safe without a Canadian Trump or the man, himself, in control.

Why is gdp meaningless uncle anons.

Hypothetically speaking, in the event of secession, what would happen to the US forces inside california? Are there any nuclear weapons stationed there, us navy ICBMs or USAF bombs?

Look at the first civil war, it stayed federal property.

I wish a nigger would.

Just accept the fact that being American is better.

And in regards to the flag, a fucking leaf is terrible. It's not threatening, it's not majestic, it's not glorious, it's a fucking leaf. Whenever you feel the balls to come to America and help it become great again, we can guarantee that we'll help you make Canada become great by destroying that monstrosity.

Shit, even the Australians and Kiwi's did it better.



FFS, user. 4th generation warfare, look it up.

Here, I'll help you get started on some resources:

Don't forget, a screwdriver, bolt cutters, and a cable cutter can instantly fuck up communications for multiple city blocks with less than a minute's work. Fiber optic, phone lines, cable, all incredibly vulnerable. The only communications they'd have left would be cell phones and radios.

Cell towers can be shot out or otherwise sabotaged, and both cell phones and radios can be jammed with a simple spark gap generator, which can be plugged into an outlet in public areas and left transmitting, jamming all wireless comms until the power is cut to it.

Niggers with no lights, no A/C, no water, and no sail phones start riots. Especially if you lower the local water pressure by opening up fire hydrants all up and down the street, then toss road flares and molotovs onto the rooftops of nigger/spic hives in the middle of the night.

National Guard/police will be too busy dealing with rioting niggers/beaners to chase after the handful of white guys sabotaging all the infrastructure, and the local whites will side against the shitskins just like they did in the '92 riots.

That in human trafficking? Kek.
If they think that the technological breakthroughs of Silicon Valley will help them, they're quite mistaken. They've been turning their cities into mini third world countries. San Fran is one of them.
"But here's something football fanatics bound for the City by the Bay might not realize: They're getting themselves into a whole lot of crap. Human crap.
San Francisco currently faces a prodigious poop problem. What does that mean, exactly? Well, human excrement and humans defecating have become so common that the city's paper of record recently called it a full-on "crisis."
“It’s getting worse, and people are tolerating it,” Joe D’Alessandro, head of San Francisco's convention and visitors bureau, told Matier and Ross. “People come here thinking of this as the center of innovation and entrepreneurship, and they see a street scene that looks like something out of a Third World country.”
There's also a pee problem. Earlier this month, a three-story lamp post located in the heart of the city toppled over. It landed on a nearby car, just missing the driver. A city official said he believed corrosion caused by some combination of human and dog urine had contributed to the nearly-fatal accident. To reiterate: The metal pole had been peed on so many times it fell over. "
Even though this was in 2015, this article is still fun to come back to.

Such a weak, retarded retort. Always makes me laugh.

Stop memeing this. This is a contrived movement and jews are without a doubt behind this.

Thats the bay bridge, used chinese bolts

Also we need to remember that all Oroville dam needs is just a little push…maybe a ryder truck and some barrels


This is it. Take out the water as much as possible and then burn their filthy houses down. Lock them inside if possible.

I doubt these disgusting trash, sissies sluts owned by democrats party within of hollyweird who make propaganda for pathetic garbage like hillary clinton, forced to see all these traash fake newa websites owned by DNC democrats party to be filled of propaganda and manipulation shit all day by disgusting democrats party, have disgusting trash from Fake news CNN, trash Buzzfeed and other disgusting democrtats party corporatio money owned by them while they attack the few who aren't owned by this big money corrupt corporation owned by democrats

I hope you go to hell, like all the piece of shit celebrities who aren't out of america after these disgusting trash promised go to hell

And to be worse we have pathetic disgusting trash like BBC who is owned by same corrupt globalist, produces the same manipulation, try to promote unelected shit of european union, take propaganda direct of what democrats are shiting in their disgusting websites or fake news cnn, msnbc and other trash 60% of them in the hacked emails of the wikileaks

Every day i feel more disgust of hollywood and i'm not even america, because is a giant turn off know that any woman or male actor in hollywood is a sissy slut owned by democrats party and like sluts will make propaganda for their disgusting owners

It's so sad and disgusting have this 90% of monopoly of democrats party in industries and media and other countries who have corrupt m

NorCal will support this and the reason is to turn Cali into right wing again to rejoin USA or become a country that are free of liberals. Any liberal Cals won't understand the right wing cal wanting to exit. They have no ideas what they are digging the holes for them to be bury in.

Thanks for the correction, it was one or the other I read about in an article.


Fuck Calfree. Let 'em leave. We'll just invade and remove the leftists.


You'd be surprised, Antifa often recruits nog gangbangers. A couple even came down from Chicago to the big scrap at Sacramento where they got BTFO.

What do you think all those additional ICE and DHS jobs were?


It'll be like our own little Bosnian crisis, except nobody will give a shit becasue california is shitskins.

This could be the greatest thing to ever happen to America and our people. A legal chance to purge the degenerate filth from our society.

Sounds like the 1977 blackout in New York.

Even in the 70s the first thing they feel the need to steal is shoes.

Well that's the most boring protest sign I've ever seen.

Fuck off norcal faggot, it's the exact opposite. Despite memes "muh jefferson" you've always been a bunch of faggots up there, you've utterly ruined republican areas like san diego, orange, etc down here

(checked dubs checking dubs)

Holy shit go back to cuckchan you cancerous faggot

kek I thought that image of the EPA dudes breaking the door down was from an old RPG book.

Let's airlift them and put them in south america where they belong

Californian secession would be an instant civil war, seeing as it's illegal for states to secede from the union. Did these morons never learn about the civil war?


They also don't expect Mexico to immediately invade the moment they "secede" through the cartels, or the Chinese and Russians to establish a foothold by wrecking their shit.

The Pelican Bay was a LARP. But you're spot on with the notion that $20 of equipment can can cause millions in damages.
This is how you wage war against the US. All of what's important is so insanely vulnerable that about 1,000 people could win a war against California. After you make California as shitty as Mexico, mass riots ensue. After their water, food, comms and equipment is destroyed, the spics go back to Mexico and the traitor whites will fall at your feet.
Sand niggers have given the blueprint. You make war too costly to fight in a way which they hold the advantage. If they still want to fight without vehicles, communications, water and food, then you have a distinct advantage. You'll have food, water, vehicles and you'll set up your own wired communications. They would be sitting ducks.

I knew something was off.


So wait. After Whites built California the Spics and their supporters want to break away from the country, and take what whites built with them?

They also have like triple the debt. Also they need to funnel water in from other states along with other resources. A move like this would hurt California more than it would hurt the rest of America.

If the US stops to be a superpower like 16 small wars and 3 large ones would start in the power vacuum, that shit might trigger a new dark ages. China would invade parts of south east asia, Russia would invade more of eastern europe the baltics would be fucked


in all seriousness, if California does make the ludicrous decision to secede, you can be assured they'll get assistance from (((certain groups))). I'd put money down that the CIA would actively help them, hopefully getting discovered in the act and causing a purge in the intelligence community.

This, Calicucks get nothing and they don't have a say in the matter. It's not open for debate so it's bizarre to see them LARPing as if it were.


RIP sides.

Whatever option results in the extermination of the most Californians is good by me.
t. Californian

muh cascadian junglereich


Remember when your country meant your people? Remember when fighting and being willing to die for your country was a noble and valiant act and didn't just mean you were a pawn for kikes to use in their geopolitical game? How many Western countries can now stake that claim?

This user knows whats up. I could probably wire that bridge to blow with a half dozen guys each packing 20-40lb of explosives, just gotta place them in the right places.
t.civil engineer

What a bunch of faggots.

It's that one user that posts the entire fucking article in 30 posts so the thread is already at least 4% of maximum capacity before anyone can actually fucking respond, as if the article being in the archive link isn't enough.

And this is just autism, and not the type that rediscovers ancient gods.

No, you can fuck off with your balkanization shilling.

So the spammerOP user doesn't know how the software works. Sad! Just link the archived article and a summary faggot. It's not that hard.

Their people can go to mexico. The land, will not. GIVE UP NOT ONE INCH OF AMERICAN CLAY.

there should really be a 'pocket evola' book. Distill his essence down into some of his strongest statements without the hundreds of pages of medieval aristocratic autism.

In order to claim clay and make it truly yours, you have to have a united people with a common purpose who are willing to fight and die to make that land theirs and repel anyone else who might try to assert their authority. Israel knows this, which is why the settlements continue to expand: nobody from the ZOG countries of the West will do anything about it, and the Arabs have tried and failed twice to conquer Israel as a state, so when they build new settlements, that land becomes theirs whether it's "legal" or not. In California's case, something like almost 20% of the people there are foreign nationals now, and they're not going to risk their lives for a hypothetical state that isn't bound by race, religion, language, ideology or anything else.


American Reich confirmed for warrior-savior and torch of civilization.

God save the noble of our Euro-breatheren.

I think you're forgetting Mexico which we previously conquered. It's ours. I say we remove beaners all the way down to the Darien Gap. All of North and Central America open to white pioneers.

Polk's America and beyond confirmed

c-c-c-checkered checking a check of a check
We American Imperium now.


They are so delusional. California's economy would instantly collapse the moment they declared independence.

This is very good.
Calexit must be meme'd to reality.

All the fools who value territory but would surrender the whole country to the teeming massed of general humanity are fool.

Yeah considering everything is under US copyrights and patents, they'd have to rebuild everything from scratch


Or what? If Cali actually achieves sovereignty it's not like the US is gonna waste resources declaring war on them over fucking patent violations.

California IS a US resource, there's no sovereignty to achieve, they would immediately go to war if California even tried this shit

Nice try beaner but Mexico is rightful American clay.

Probably, but the war would not be over patents. Also note I said if somehow Cali actually managed to achieve independence. That itself is laughable and given the number of Trump saboteurs here.

I'm from southern california m8. You can't deny that Los Angeles is the epicenter for this bullshit.
San Francisco for the Northerners.

This. Who gives A FUCK about the contiguous United States if those states have become an instrument of white genocide? Why should we have loyalty to a meaningless abstraction when we should have loyalty to our flesh-and-blood people? Nationalism does not mean dying for an artificial border. I swear some anons here are really just patriotard faggots. You can usually tell because they're easily entranced by meaningless symbolism.

Did you forget about Hawaii?

Los Angeles outside of the kikes in hollywood is more bean infested than gay liberals, either way the entire coast up and down needs to be glassed. The rest of California is fine especially after deportations.

This is the most FBI thread I have ever seen.

California is strategically important to the US. Therefore, it has to remain in the Union.

What the flying fuck is wrong with the people in this thread?

Defense against what? Against the endless waves of shitskins pouring over our borders and raping and murdering us? Oh wait…..

I'm not saying write off California entirely. But if you think some glorious reconquering of California won't be spun into another civic nationalist cuckshow to help massacre white people in YET ANOTHER pointless war, then you've got rocks in your head.

Yeah, I know, even if I live here I'd never let them secede, I'd fight on the side of the union.

It's not "your land" you LARPing pencil-dick, it's the land of the United States, an entity that does not act in favor of white people, and in fact promotes our gradual extinction through the imposition of racial egalitarianism.

when people point out to these Calexit folks that the Nation of California would be heavily dependent on a foreign nation for both electricity and drinking water, do they just stick their fingers in their ears and yell "I can't hear you!" ?

theres that word again.

Your nose is showing, Spergberg. Still pissed the tribe doesn't have anywhere to put down roots?

Half the people who would spin it that way are already in California. Of course, the kikes could end up playing both sides.

I don't really know what to think about cali, I mean it's some of the best land in the whole country but whites are already a minority there and the spic population is massive and breeding at a crazy rate

you're going to be raked up, leaf

i find it hard to believe you're this dense.

What about C H I N A ?

It would be very difficult for Californian secessionists to succeed, they would rely on assets that would have to be smuggled in, which would be difficult if they were surrounded by the US Military.
How would Intel agencies funnel weapons to them when they're supposed to be operating against them in a civil war situation?

It's an impossible treasonous situation drummed up by panicking foreigners and communists.

You can chalk a lot of that up to california's large population, when you have tens of millions of people a lot of your infrastructure/businesses/economy is going to be focused on catering to their immediate needs like food and water, so a better comparison is the GDP-to-population ratio, which for cali and texas amounts to 63:1 and 52:1 respectively. Suddenly the gap is a lot smaller, with most of the difference likely being made up by silicon valley speculators, which will be exposed for the fraud it is once the other states start rebuilding their manufacturing prowess. Really, cali only continues to exist because the federal government props it up, if they were left to their own devices they'd go the south africa route pretty quickly, and then they'll beg us to take them back.


Hey mongoloid, what does it matter if US land symbolically belongs to you because you're white? It doesn't matter one fucking ounce, because in actual fact, it belongs to a government that has targeted you (arguably since the 14th and 15th Amendments) for eventual non-existence. I call you a LARPer because you're unable to separate symbolism from fact, unable to realistically assess the situation, and realize that this country, NONE of it, belongs to you by virtue of your heritage. There are extremely powerful interests keeping it that way, and if we some day establish a white nationalist system on this continent then fucking GREAT, but it will never, ever be under the auspices of the United States.

Checked. They leave and we play escape from la irl

^ this poster is correct.

for all anons.

Currently the US government is full of persons that are slowly working against the majority white population that makes up the backbone of the USA.
Once it hits the 50% mark its gloves off. If you think this 60% level that we are at right now is bad…wait till 50%.
50% will be attainable in 1 GENERATION.
Trump may be able to slow it but its GOING TO HAPPEN. White races WILL die off as we are flooded more and more.
As you have noticed as White populations die off…so does IN USA productivity in general. Productivity is a lose term for everything that can encompass
the benefits of the fruits of labor that makes up the USA and the western world.

The only thing that will stay the white die off is an immune system reaction from the white population of the western world. Right now the collective

The appropriate immune reaction is purge all non white cells. A GOD did create this reality that we are in. This is a thing. THERE IS A GOD. Once it hits you it will hit you…you will know.
You will also see the truth of your own existence. I cannot tell you what form that will come in. It will be a deep thing for you. Its terribly frightening.

Gird your loins FOR WAR NOW. Always be prepared. Say a prayer to your god every moment of everyday..and be thankful for your life that you are here an now and for what you have.

You're in a thread about kikes trying to take Cali out of the union, bitching about how bad the US is. Who could be behind this post I wonder?

All the US would have to do in a secession situation would be to take everything up to the coastal ranges (which wouldn't be hard, considering that area will be populated with rightists) and dig in and set up a blockade there. Without even the food from inland California, all the coastcucks will be forced to surrender or starve.

What ABOUT China? What are they going to do, invade North America, when they can much more easily make South asia their bitch, set up factories there to sell Americans more plastic shit and make a killing off it? Or buy up half of Apefrica to take advantage of the monkey's resources? Or better yet, have their population just fucking immigrate to the US under our suicidal (for white people) immigration policies and green card standards?

I don't give a fuck. Calexit would do wonders for white America. I would absolutely take reductions in pay for a white, safe, homogeneous society.

Trips motherfucking wasted. BELIEVE me, the kikes are much more interested in keeping America, home of the excellent goyim, as alive and kicking as possible. Butthurt spic golems don't speak for the puppet masters.

I don't know why so many anons in this thread are trying to concern troll about us Losing Cali. It's like you faggots forgot that the last time states seceded from the union it sparked civil war, you don't think Trump wouldn't go on to completely reclaim California and go full "Reconstruction" on it? Cali seceding can only smoke out the truly treasonous rats and allow white America to retake truly earned clay

TL;DR: Do it faggots

I actually fantasized something like this would happen if I were a president. I would quarantine EVERY commie/socialist fuck to California, make it so no one can go in or out, and let the whole state exclusively practice Communism to see if they can get to work within 5 -10 years. If they can, great, I'd consider more socialist ideas since it apparently works. If it doesn't work, however, any and all individuals that believe in communism or socialism will be killed.
Why would it be too extreme? It's been proven that it doesn't work because of the project so the only CLEAR reason one would believe in this cancerous ideology would because that want to destabilize a county and I'd consider that treason. Also, make it a global mandate that communism is illegal.

This, also it's not like the military would have to mount an expedition or anything, a big chunk of it's already there.

ITT: Secession movements that aren't happening

Nobody here thinks killing commies is extreme. You've been hanging out on reddit too long. In a thread where I've literally advocated for torture for propaganda of communists, giving them 10 years to get their gommie utopia running is actually too lenient. Letting them set up gommunism at all on American borders is treasonous and should be killed with fire immediately.

No no, I meant from the POV of normies.

You're not Hitler! Killing commies is never extreme, in fact it's mild.

Damn right.

Fucking do it cal fags..we are not threatened by you. All fucking commerce will HALT and you will all fucking starve.

do it now fagggssss

Oh gotcha. Still think you're being too lenient. We don't need another Cuba with Mexicans.
Can anyone say "California Missile Crisis?"
California, when totally out of money, will allow China to set up their missile silos a few hundred miles from the US. And then we'll be in another fucking world war. It will not go down like Cuba. The Chinese will not call it off like Russia did.

None of those things are acceptable

So then get white people back into government. do your part

Most people don't want to make the effort to get into government or lack propaganda, and party cohesion. So what can we do about it?

Not to mention: What kind of fucking resistance would we even get? The Confederates were ready to fight back, you really think the anti-gun faggots in san-fran are ready for a legitimate civil war? The most push-back we'd likely get would be from the Antifa militia, and I think you all know how the US Military vs. those little bitches would go.

I wish these people would fucking do it

The reason whites don't go into government to promote things that are good for whites is because kikes will tear them down. The only whites that make it in government are the ones that want to destroy their own race. That's not an accident. Kikes will dig into your life or harass you or use the media to suppress or demonize you. We have precious few whites that are willing to take that on and can win.

Do you seriously believe that any potential secession would last less than a week, California has absolutely no military leverage here, They're surrounded on almost all sides by US Territory, Give it a week and Cali would be contained under martial law or FEMA camps.

The guy from a previous post said he would give them 10 years to get their communism up and running. If you gave them 10 years, California would be in China's back pocket because they'd be borrowing money from Big Red. Eventually, Big Red will have military bases and missile silos in California.
That's why you don't give them 10 years. If they seceeded, you send troops in the very next day. Because if you don't, you've got communism creeping into America. And China now has military bases in California and they're polluting the fuck out of the land and creeping into the 49 states.

Don't forget that I mentioned

Had they used anything else, they would've triggered themselves.

I was raised in a part of the south so dixie, that there were confederate negros who would beat up niggers while wearing the flag as a cape. I never knew how to react to that though, so just kept drinking. With that said, the Californian has always talked shit on my people and denied our right to be free of the Fed. FUCK THEM TO DEATH! I WILL SLAUGHTER THEM!

Oh I see, yah no point in letting them LARP as an independent nation running off of feels and communism, the two options would be to either suspend HC in Cali and round up all the treasonists, or to let them secede and then declare martial law after a campaign of maybe 1-2 days taking back the land

Could California leave the US by revolution? There's no chance in the hell they'll leave in peace so if it does go down to war, what kind of chance would they have in waging a war of independence from the US? What would their manpower and war industry be? Who would supply them with arms? How well organized would it be?

Is it even a fucking question?

Trump Enclave Images would be good

China would totally finance a communist regime in California in exchange for letting them put their nukes aimed at the 49 in Death Valley. And California would do it, too.
Any communist nation would finance California because it would mean crippling the pesky free market capitalism in the US. It would be in their best interest to finance a communist California state. Then you'd be fighting not only California, but also China or anyone else that chose to finance it.

This is what the left is completely blind to.

Fucking do it and validate everything Trump does even more.
After you get a disaster and desperately need "international" aid from us.
After you need to cut deals for basics like water to keep your state on life support afloat.
After the cartel easily roll in and make you slaves.
We'll carpet bomb the scum ridden cities clean and reclaim the state, uncucked.

How to embolden the movement in favor of Jefferson in order to piss off the Calexit faggots?


Fixed that for you

I've been wanting to pull a March to Sea on you faggots since I was a teen, so do it Cali. Do it you spic. Do it you greased up kikes.


You know what , I'm okay with this.

That's only because of Silicone Valley, Cali can't actually support itself due to their population size. They get food and drink from other states DESPITE BEING BESIDE THE FUCKING OCEAN, JUST FILTER THE WATER YOU LAZY PRICKS, SV would collapse after only a year or two if they didn't get federal funding and California would go through a serious economic crisis very quickly.


Nigger, they already did this.

This shit chaps my ass so hard. I get why they do it, but the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Child prostitution should only be decriminalized not legalized IF coersion can be proven AND the victim flips on their pimp; in no other instance should they be allowed to walk away, since laws like this should only exist to help the children.

Fucking short-sighted politicians never see the reality of the world, just what some dumbass advisor feeds them so they can look tough on paper.

It already happened in Germany. Whites just move away from mudslime infested parts if they can. The old and poor are left there to be terrorized by them 24/7.

There is no fighting back as everybody is clamoring to their measly existence.

People just stop having kids and move until there is nowhere to move to or they just numb up to being surrounded by human garbage like in Berlin.

The lesser races can only be sustained in a majority white place, but even then it has it's limits.

Blacks and mudslimes cannot lower themselves to the only jobs that are suitable to their nature, as they cannot accept anything but being on top of the foodchain. This inevitably results in crime.

The problem with such a massive spectacle is that is focuses the average person into realizing shit is going down 'for real'. Even normies at that point will waddle home and bunker down looking for guidance from authority. Commonly uppity faggots would instead go along with cops and military orders because that is whom they would look to for help and direction. This gets people to clear the streets, staying home and in offices until clear. Once clear they go home and try to get more info from authority.

You actually help the system by invoking human psychology in their favor. So you need to avoid the perception 'they' are under attack. Instead you have to show others are going nuts or the system is coming down hard on them unfairly. So instead you have cars crash on the bridge and catch fire over a large stretch before you get to the main bridges in populated areas. A chain of ten accidents with massive car fires disrupts emergency services and allows people to perceive anarchy not focused attack.

To get people to distrust the system you dress up as police and soldiers and setup a quick checkpoint. Have an third party video tape you while you are masked as you strip search upper class people, rape their women, steal their shit and publicly execute people whom 'dindu nuthin' for real. Then you pack it up and disappear and do it again someplace else. This works doubly effective if you kill shitskinns and you are clearly white. Cover your fucking identifying marks tho.

A couple ambushes by snipers on politicals, cops and an few fires in the right building turns command and control hopes into chaos when done concurrently. When it comes to initial electric system hits you want to go for rolling blackouts. It causes the most disruption and fear in minds coupled with the media hits you should also be carrying out to cripple their ability to communicate to the masses. Major points of media distribution should of course be hit first, remotely if possible.

Chaos in such cases can be your friend. Just remember to never bunker down and keep mobile moving from safe point to safe point with constant scouting ops done by unarmed people.


I'll put it like this Holla Forums

If California does not exit, next election the Democrats will win and the globalists will win, and the little white Renaissance will be crushed.

Calexit is the best thing that could happen for white nationalism in a democratic America. It would buy the country another generation to determine it's future. Meanwhile the failed state next door would like Sweden, be a reminder of the inequality of all things including human sub-species.

If you don't support this and don't like what is happening in South Africa, and what happened in Rhodesia, you are a fool.

Are you sure about that? Even if Trump does not gain any popularity for his work, there will be millions less spics in the country. The Republicans in 2020 might take all the states they did this election, plus New Mexico, Colorado - hell, maybe even California itself.

With current democrat leadership electing a spic chairman, after the majority of the country voted for a man whose platform consisted mostly of removing spic, it doesn't look good for the DNC. And they're in-fighting because they wanted the nigger muslim instead? Yeah, I'm not putting any money on Democrats in 2018 or 2020.

This is a slim possibility on the odd chance the market keeps on going up for the next 4 years… not going to happen. Trump himself said the market was a bubble. If it pops on his watch (it will) he's toast without calexit.

Why does OP greentext the entire fucking site? What the fuck?

This country witnessed the worst recession and recovery since 1929 under Obama and he was elected a second term. Do you mean to tell me that Democrats are impervious to market collapses and walk away unscathed, but Trump can't?
You're sounding like a concern shill.

Yes. The nature of the Republican voter base is very different from the young 'international' democrat voter base.

Bet you woulda got some sick digits if you had realized we are not fantasizing; we are planning.

Everyone needs to pretend to be SJW's/Commies/Jews/Spics/Blacks and shill for Calexit

You sound like a Jew


Nope, just a son of Loki.

Fire up the fake accounts and use these resources to shill for Calexit!



With rose colored glasses anything is fine and dandy, until an outsider comes and steals their presidency. These glasses are state of the art! The lenses changes when the chosen is president or not, rose for chosen and regular for outsider.

Bitch please. We CIA tier now. This is planning and fomenting how to engage and destroy an hostile foreign nation state that doesn't even exist yet. We on 18th dimensional chess at this point. FBI cannot even into pedogate or arresting the treasonous clintons when we have clearly offered enough evidence to arrest and convict already.

Get on our level or go arrest some fucking seditious commies in cali with that fbi tier pajeet shit.

is it better for calexit to not happen at all, or for it to happen and then be retaken by the US?

Yeah, no. California is white man's land, it must be annexed while the problem is removed.

Would a Calexit make killing Californian transplants in the Mountain West legal? If so, make it happen!

As evidenced by the two posts following yours, it's a split issue.


it's not fair


this state is a net loss and offers little to the rest of the country. fuck california, it's a shame what this state has become

it's der/die jude/juden, not das

Aren't there a bunch of good rural Californians who don't vote cuck? Get them out of there and into the heartland states. The rest can fall into the ocean and drown for all I care.

Yes im sure about that. Trump got less votes then romnie and Oboma blew him the fuck out. Look up the voting numbers for the last 3 elections. If dems run a minority they will never lose again.

1/3 voted trump, I wonder what it would have been if disheartened voters sent in their ballots too



I was against this on principle and nostalgia, but now, as long as they won't get to have any of our military bases, I support it. When California goes, it will be like cutting off a cancer. I guess I'll move to Oregon.

If California becomes its own country then by default ill be one of its citizens. If this were to happen I would become a terrorist set on destroying the country of California

March to the sea 2.0: Now with more tanks.

In case Holla Forums isn't quite appreciating this timeline, we're fighting a civil war again, except this time the feds are the good guys and get all the cool Dixie songs and iconography.

I wonder if any Dixie Americans ever thought they'd be fighting a Civil War on the feds side.

Dixiefag here. I'm willing to cast aside the bad blood and work with Northerners if we draw the new frontlines as East vs. West this time.

On one hand, I feel bad for the sane people that live there (although they may be few).
On the other, I want to see California completely collapse because they can't support themselves apart from the rest of the US.

Will it even really be a civil war?
The South actually had a good shot at winning for a while.
California not so much.
It wouldn't even be a contest.

Google Texas Nationalist Movement.

I urge all of you to move to Texas and help us secede and go back to our republic days. We say republic of texas for normies, but we all know what we really mean. White mans homeland.

Come home boys.

Its alright to have as a backup in case Trump fails, but unless we purge Austin, DFW, Houston and the border counties, things would go very bad very quickly I reckon.

Its not a civil war. Don't go into it with that mentality. Its a complete genocide of leftists on the west coast.

This is the perfect time to organize Texans though. The fact that Trump got elected is fact that people are waking up to (((them))). If we get TNM on peoples minds, and start on the path now, by the end of Trumps second term, we could be close to the goal. And by then we would have purged Austin and San Antonio. The point of TNM isnt white nationalism though, but its anti-degeneracy and anti-kikery so its better than being under Israels grasp.

The "recovery" so successful the Democrats lost their core voters in the rust belt by promising to continue the same to implement that same "recovery".

Anybody have information on the huge sum of money California requested a while ago?




Burn the fucking longcat.

You fucker.

It's better for it to happen so we can have our civil war. The only way this country moves forward in a direction that doesn't lead to absolute disaster is for us to purge leftists from our land.

At least at that time it was because they didn't actually have suitable shoes for walking in. These days it's just their newest most expensive cheap plastic and foam foot covers.

Why are none of you faggots using the dark theme? Maybe I just have special eyes but I am convinced you cunts are retarded.

Disdain for plebs. Been using this theme for years not changing now.

Explain this t\you fucking cunt.

My mistake, I took your last comment to mean you were using dark theme when it wasn't the case. I use dark theme because I lurk late into the night while trying to maintain a regular sleep scheduled.

Fuckj I'm retarded that was meant for

I normally use dark themes for the same reason, I'm just too used to this one now.

Dark theme on top of f.lux is comfy as fuck if you ask me.


…which is why you must allow Calexit so that their representation in Congress is eliminated, then immediately invade and annex as a territory, purge, then readmit as a state once the region is unpozzed.

Right. When under 50% of the children in the US right now are white. America's future is Brazil without Calexit.