Neanderkike sciences
Proof kikes are truly incompatible with the human race.
Neanderkike sciences
Proof kikes are truly incompatible with the human race.
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Neanderthals interbred with Europeans, retard. Kikes have less of their DNA than whites. This is disinfo.
Gas yourself
Funny how those defects are shown to be higher in jews.
I honor the now vindicated, courageous, visionary, part-Jewish author Michael Bradley of Alabama.
His seminal 1992 book Chosen People from the Caucasus states that semitic peoples have Stone Age neanderthal genes in significant amounts.
And this genetic makeup encourages violence, fanaticism and terrible oppression of women.
And it gives him, and Arabs as racial cousins, odd physical traits: High pitched voice theory Neanderthal
Bradley suggests that some modern peoples such as Armenians and others (certain Jews, Georgians, Jews, Arabs, etc.) are up to 40% Neanderthalic.
Der Spiegel magazine in Germany has done a major article on the discovery that modern Europeans are 1-4% neanderthal.
Indeed, with Sephardic showing higher incidence and severity over Ashkenazi.
The biggest redpill of all and the hardest to swallow is the fact that modern Europeans are essentially mulattoes- Neanderthals being the real and original Whites that mixed with the inferior African Homo sapiens.
Neanderthals had White skin with often light eyes and hair, and had bigger brains, were physically stronger and were more cold-adapted than modern Europeans. Whites have the most Neanderthal blood, then Asians, then niggers have none. "The Jews are Neanderthals" meme doesn't make any sense, it implies that Neanderthals are evil when they're actually the original stock of the Caucasoid race. The Jews have plenty of Neanderthal blood but so do we and the Neanderthal is not responsible for what is wrong with the Jews. It's probably a combination of race mixing/inbreeding/genetic bottleneck/the culture and religion/being an out-group and epigenetic misanthropy from thousands of years of circumcisions; besides being of Middle Eastern goat herder stock in the first place.
It's never lupus.
Meanwhile, back in Africa, the homo sapiens that were too lazy to leave were interbreeding with remnant homo erectus half-apes and literally de-evolving.
Europeans are pure 96%-99% Cro Magnons with 1-4% neanderthal.
Jews are Cro Magnons with larger amounts of neanderthal. Some studies say 10-20% others up to 40% neanderthal.
Bradley posited that because Neanderthal were unattractive to white Cro-Magnons, and in fact their hooked nose looked sinister to them, virtually all interbreeding was by rape.
The Neanderthals were perhaps shorter than Cro-Magnons (this is uncertain) but they were physically very powerful and with a large brain.
They were not stupid, but likely inflexible and less creative and innovative than Cro-Magnons.
Post your source or get the fuck out. There is no study in the world saying that Jews are 40% Neanderthal, you're full of shit.
Reminder that were all cyborgs and everything else is a Jewish invention.
no europeans are nearly 100% neanderthals
There's zero evidence to suggest that Jews have more neanderthal admixture than Europeans. It's a retarded meme which may serve as an attempt to discredit race realism.
I think this is shilling to stop whites from realising that we are neanderthals. Simple dis info.
Just because some of them were sullied by the raping kikes, doesn't make Neanderkike DNA a white racial heritage.
I did post my source.
Let me guess: they started entertainment industries, encouraged the Cromags to perform, then Neanderthalled them out of all the profits and royalties?
This is fucking stupid. I had my DNA tested and have more Neanderthal genes than 95% of the population and 0% Jew genes. I'm 100% European.
All I see in this is extrapolation based on poor info and worse reasoning. Nowhere in this do I see Jews getting genetic tests that reveal they're 40% Neanderthal. Because it never fucking happened, because no existing human is more than a few percent Neanderthal, and of those the highest amount of admixture is found in Whites. His only source for a higher number than 4% in any modern human population is a dead link that he acknowledges is dead, but he doesn't provide a mirror of the content (a site like would be ideal, but he doesn't even offer a copy and paste of the text beyond the one sentence he wants for his argument).
OP, haven't you noticed the trend to associate everything wrong with human genetics to Neanderthals? I've variously read depression, antisocial behavior, the shit you listed, etc.
Does it *really* stand to reason that modern humanity came about as the result of mating the two comical caricatures from the movie Twins – where one is pure, virtuous, healthy, and strong and the other was the exact opposite?
FFS, we don't even know which alleles are associated with these disorders. If we don't even have a genetic test for this, or a physiological explanation, how credible is the "science" that links these kinds of "diagnoses" to an extinct group?
Every few months the yid in the OP comes by Holla Forums and tries to force this meme probably hoping we've forgotten the last time. Sage, report, and move on.
sage for funposting
Red/blonde haired blue-eyed cheese eating Neanderthals were kikes, Prometheus is laughing.
Lol at explaining the low testosterone high pitched voice. But who knows
Middle Eastern populations certainly showed the same propensity for religious fanaticism, violence, fear of nakedness, including the early Christians
Neanderthals are NOT white.
Pig related.
sure, buddy