Operation Sliced Cheese


Keith Ellison has just been selected as the new head of the DNC. There is a unique opportunity in this moment only to further D&C the democratic party. You people know what shilling is. Do the best you can and do not reveal where you came from. You can make a new account in 30 seconds, no email required.

Keith is a dirty guy. He's Islamic (always connect this to the LGBTQ+ crowd and women), a male in current year, and was exposed to have been colluding against Bernie Sandberg. Extra dirt: archive.is/BG1Vo


There's plenty of other far left subs to infiltrate. Post them below if you find anything particularly ripe.

>posting on leddit
It's current year faggot, there's glory to be had.

https:// archive.fo/FfONX

Thomas Perez was selected as DNC Chair shitbrain

point stands


Wikileaks is already releasing dirt on him.

Sounds like a good idea.

If you're going to use Reddit, your account history is important.
Posting on a brand new account will sometimes get your post deleted automatically. And if people disagree with you, they will have a look at your history. Don't even think about it if you've got anything pro-Trump in there.
Best bet is to seem balanced and just agree with people already talking about your topic.

If you don't have a good enough post history then stick to up/down voting. These people are heavily conditioned by groupthink.

Top kek. It looks like Hillary really will try and run again and get the nomination.


It literally doesn't though, your point no longer stands, because your entire OP is about the "new DNC head" being Islamic and so on. Well he's not, because Perez got chosen and not the Moslem. So your point doesn't stand. What a failure of a thread OP.

He truly is our guy, lately he has been leaking about specific enemies that we have talked about here. Also he direct linked to 8ch Holla Forums couple days ago. He's had enough of these greedy kikes.

What the fuck. It's this like ir cuck pr0n for nogs? I mean it's lulzy in its own weird way but…


Tom Perez is the new DNC head. OP is a huge faggot. This thread should be deleted.

He's an illiterate fuckwit, too.

WTF I love the doppelganger Assange that was installed after the October black bag operation now.

This is one dark fucking world


It's like watching siamese cats bully a gorilla.

I read he was put in 2nd command. Perez was the head.


