This Holla Forums seems far better then 4chan Holla Forums
I want to have a discussion on how to make this board as influential as 4chan Holla Forums. There are constant spammers, LARPs, shills etc etc on there and from what I've read here we all believe in KEK, meme magic, the God emporer etc and it's had an impact on the world and we can feel it in our bones. But it isn't as widely seen as 4chan Holla Forums or cuckchan. Holla Forums spams Holla Forums why not go there and expose what it is? A paid for containment center for the power we actually hold. Get people to come here and when the vast majority of people are viewing this board only then no shill and paid for board can contain what we're capable of, it's just a thought of mine and it's just because I've seen how genuine this board is, I couldn't even make a thread about this without it saying it's spam even though I didn't even right anything spammy, it's a containment board.
tl;dr Why not help get Holla Forumsacks to convert here a not bought and paid for board to unleash the full potential of the autism continuum?
Dylan Myers
Asher Gutierrez
Start by going back where you came from, refugee.
Caleb Peterson
Owen Robinson
So your reply to trying to make things better and more influential is by saying that I must go back to the place I'm criticizing? Are you retarded or just super autistic?
Brayden Perry
How do those things negate each other? This Holla Forums has better content to the other Holla Forums but it is by a long shot not as influential and is essentially contained by its new owner and the faggot mods that don't moderate shit.
Carson Brooks
So you don't know how to read past something that triggers your autism. Don't reply then, let the thread die if you don't like it.
Jacob Gomez
Tyler Nelson
We're Nazis, we don't have to discuss shit
Cameron Kelly
If you're just now figuring out how shit 4chan is, you're a massive retard and of no use to anyone here.
Anthony Flores
He doesn't know.
Nathan Murphy
Nigger, anything relevant that happened in the last election cycle was done by us. We blame 4chan to reduce traffic here.
That's because we don't have faggots like you who are trying to join "supa kewl sekrit club xDD". Stay on your containment chan. You are not wanted here.
Nathan Clark
Im also a midgetclown with a nerf bat. Trying to learn how to mold clay pottery out of flour, its my dream.
Alexander Young
You have to go back
Leo Parker
this is guna be good
Grayson Reed
Nigger, we're the chaninati.
Jace Young
I see you get paid per post. How about you go down another level to the Holla Forums that controls 8/pol/ which controls cuck/pol/?
Owen Carter
The issue is frequency. I work full-time and have only lurked there for random news etc. I got a lot of interesting info WWII, Jews etc all the issues but lately it's been more apparent that the sliders and shills are turning it into Holla Forums and I like the content of this board. This isn't rocket science how big of a NEET are you?
Alexander Rivera
Jordan Stewart
Mods what the fuck
Jacob Sanchez
mods, ban anyone not sageing
Gavin Hall
You can only clean so much while your hotpockets are cooking.
Jeremiah Brooks
Theres an absolutely abstract kind of cancerous shilling going on here
Jackson Phillips
Then prove it?
I don't want to join anything I barely go on either there and I've been here before but never posted, I'm not a child I don't care how you try to mold what I'm asking here.
Anyway I don't get the hostility, it's very confusing, you act like an unhinged hyper-progressive over issues we both see happening in the world.
Adam Green
You shouldn't post outside of the questions that don't deserve their own thread until you don't reek of newfaggotry
Blake James
His point is that if you are JUST now noticing that it is infested with shills, normies, and low IQ imbeciles (this is where you fit in), then you do no belong here. 4/pol/ has been in that state for years. Why do you think alternative boards sprouted up in the first place?
Mods rev up the gas chambers pls
Jayden Wright
Kill yourself if you want to help
Xavier Howard
We're against shitty immigrants like you from inferior cultures who refuse to integrate :^)
Levi Murphy
Prove what? Nice reddit spacing. Lurk for 2 years before posting.
You're on a National Socialist board, and you are too stupid to realize why a community with a very specific culture is annoyed that you don't want to take time to assimilate yourself before posting? How fucking stupid are you?
Kayden Price
I know a better board for you OP >>>/oven/
William Roberts
hivemind has spoken, fuck off OP
Blake Taylor
I didn't notice it now, it has always been a thing I've noticed, I work a lot it isn't a big issue, I just saw this board has a good amount of relevant content, no need to get so ass-blasted by it.
Cooper Butler
dude it's 3 fucking minutes. are they fishing 40yo microwaves out of dumpsters or something?
Samuel Torres
See I get your autistic LARPers but that doesn't take away from the fact that I'm not trying to normalize the board I'm just trying to have a discussion, if you don't want to talk then let the thread die. The fact that you need to say something is retarded.
Ian Harris
Alsp. if you didn't leave with the exodus, then you were part of the problem, OP.
Zachary Sanchez
Stop bumping this retards thread let it die you cucks
William Harris
Read these posts again.
Maybe reading it a second time will help you understand?
Cooper Foster
You're such a fucking retard. Why the hell would we want people like you making discussion threads here? If you knew a single fucking thing about how this place worked, you'd at least have the decency to use
But because you're so fucking important you're shitting up the catalog and reveling in your newfaggotry.
Jace Thompson
You have to go back, nigger.
Jose White
OP is the only one who isn't saging, user-kun
Oliver Williams
No one is bumping except for OP who seems oblivious to imageboard culture.
Ryder Long
Nah there was a fire-sale from a Polish oven supplier.