Why is Holla Forums so racist and sexist ?? ;-;
Why hating on others for who they are ?
you are not my comrades
End racism
leftypol is more deadset on looking good to muh board culture fascists than trying to bring forth the revolutionary leftist collective that we need to move forward
That was a good trap thread; sadly, you're not a good poster.
Like a lot of the posters here, I used to be Holla Forums. It's hard to purge your mind of racist ideology, but I am trying.
but I am not racist
Because we need to keep tumblr cucks out
define racism or sexism
dear fucking christ
The notion that allowing any discourse about race/sex/gender will lead to getting slid by liberals is literally internalized reactionary ideology.
There's no reason you can't be a feminist and a communist. The two aren't mutually exclusive and you can very well choose to give representation to a specific group of issues while still maintaining a communist stance on economics. If nothing else, it's at least alienating to female and POC comrades to shut down any discussion about being marginalized on the axis of reified identity categories just because it doesn't fit with Holla Forums's narratives and post-GG fears about "feminism".
Fuck this liberal logic of categorization of the self,they make and talk to you based on the logic that you are already in a group independent from your ideals and ego
I am not a fucking skin color and a sexual organ between my legs fuck you that is not who i am
To be a true authentically radical leftist today is to destroy identity both in politics and in social daily interactions, you are not the component of your body parts and whether you would like a penis to go inside your ass or not, you are everything but that, if i was to group you i will group you based on your beliefs and actions, based on what you made out of yourself, you real fucking self
Identity/culture/nationality; these are the things that stand against our total liberation
If you do follow this IDpol shit you end up in madness, political powers built on what is between your legs "feminism", a fucking whole political up raising based on nothing but the the percentage of Melanin in you.
This, so much this
While the idea that destroying all categories of identity is necessary is absolutely correct, the general attitude Holla Forums takes on it is conflating all critique of these categories with identity politics. Which is frankly a misuse of what identity politics is supposed to mean. Identity politics is precisely that which reifies categories of identity under the guise of being emancipatory politics. Really, what identity politics does is sequester people into categories of identity where they can be further marginalized into safe spaces, where they can be more easily managed and where more markets can be opened up to cater to these groups, and where these people can continue to play the part of the suffering victim. Identity politics destroys any revolutionary fervor that might come out of being oppressed on the axis of your identity by forcing liberal ressentiment into the discourse. Those evil bigots are oppressing me, they're wrong and need to be called out for being wrong, I need the State to help me, etc.
The thing is though that you can't just overturn a lifetime of having your identity reified as an object of the ruling class by memeing about spoogaloos. It takes time and praxis to shape your character around understanding and experiencing yourself as a free and unique individual, and this has to be done by critiquing categories of identity on their own terms, in their own logic. Much as we must destroy capitalism on its own terms, in its own logic, by forcing material conditions to the breaking point by pushing the interests of the industrial proletariat until profit becomes impossible.
It's just disingenuous to say that anything that isn't 100% focused on class is victimizing liberalism. It's not even the case that everything focused 100% on class isn't victimizing, for that matter, but then again it's just part of Holla Forums's narrative to say that anything that isn't Holla Forums is probably invalid liberalism anyways.
But I'm not racist or sexist
I just don't like talking about retarded idpol issues. I usually don't even react negatively when feminism is brought up to discussion I only get annoyed when the person bringing it up begins accusing me or anyone of being a fedora fat white guy who hates women.
It's not and it isn't. We simply think those things won't be erradicated by censorship but by the abolition of the material conditions which necessitate and allow them. We live in a world run on exploitation, hence anything that can be exploited will be exploited. Women and colourful people have less cash than men and so have less economic power and so are more easily exploited. When this economic power balance is righted this exploitation will be eradicated
There's a difference between being a racist/sexist bigot like a lot of the people on this board, and being anti-idpol.
OP I think it's mainly do to Holla Forumsyp shitposting. I think a majority of leftists here aren't racist/sexist, except for recently converted Holla Forumsyps.
oh boy it's another
This, and Holla Forums wasn't always so fucking reactionary about it. The threads during the Baltimore riots were pretty great for discussing how race fit into capitalist exploitation and the nature of struggle among different layers of the population.
why not just CP for "colored people?"
This is a pretty good post.
I don't disagree with this, but I do think that the spook memery and adamant refusal to consider argument from identity as valid is one of Holla Forums's strengths that unfortunately can be very easily turned into
Hey guys I'm black and I
Liberal please go
Being from Texas means that I have to use crass epithets like "Got-dayum niggers" and so on or else I won't be understood, even by the niggers! Beyond that it's just a funny word; just try it out for yourself. I'm not racist though. Anyway, good thread, good points made OP.
Post more qts
Yeah, it actually used to be possible to have a sane discussion about race and gender, but the reactionary elements on Holla Forums have, shockingly, slowly slid the discourse over identity politics into being about "idpol" - that is, a condensed version of the actual critique that ends up missing the point entirely. I remember too when a lot of threads started cropping up late last year about feminism that were really divisive and were getting astroturfed hard. I think that it's just become the norm since then. A lot of posters left around that time too and have been replaced by Holla Forums shitposters or newfags, or both.
The problem isn't the concept of spooks so much as how it's used haphazardly, as you pointed out, to curb discussion. And a lot of times it seems to earnestly come from the standpoint that someone can just intellectualize away the experience of having your identity reified and supplanted for your individuality. It pretty much ignores human psychology to say that you can just be like, "lol but spoos" and be an enlightened Unique One, but it's easy to think that you can do this if you're not a marginalized identity. Because in that case, you're not used to being reduced to your identity, or if you have been then you've nevertheless been reduced to an identity that has subject-hood rather than object-hood.
Meaning what?
meant for
The critique of identity and its praxis are concomitant through the processes of reification and are not separate moments.
The apogee of this contradiction is that you're on a website which offers a gradient of freedom in speech unlike any other, yet proliferates paranoic content across the continents and dominates discourse through force.
"Radical freedom" in so far it's a barrier to others.
as a tranny i laughed my ass off
estrogen tendies when ?
Part of it I think is that >idpol became a kneejerk reaction to actual idpol threads and posters. Even when leftypol was predominantly theory-literate posters, eventually you just get tired of explaining your stance, why you disagree, why their argument doesn't logically follow, and so on. Some polcuck rolls in ranting about his race, his culture, >idpol. A liberal comes in raving about some special interest group, >idpol.
Then newfags come in and see that and they don't know any of the theory behind it and before you know it, anything that's about any section of the population in particular is >idpol.
But yeah, I wish the theory and philosophy fags would come back ;~;
I think I see what you mean.
I suppose I mean it in the sense of "I'm an expert on X because I'm a Y." "How dare you contradict me as a proud Z." You know, the assumption that because they are whatever they are, only they are qualified to speak about a subject, or that not only is theirs the only legitimate view, but also that being a particular identity automatically validates whatever they have to say.
Coming from elsewhere on the internet where not only are sentiments like that not just validated but enforced, I imagine it would be pretty shocking to suddenly come to a community where not only do you not have an online persona, but that the population doesn't care about your identity. To them it's just as irrelevant as what shoes you're wearing. Not only do they not care, they reject the validity of identity as a concept.
Which isn't to say that >spooks is going to cause this miraculous metamorphosis of self, but that as a board–I dunno what you'd call it, ethos?–it has its uses.
Not that the average poster puts that much thought into a meme response.
The Human race is the only race comrade
You hardly need to be racist to keep the cucks at bay. just tell them that their personal choices have consequences, that's normally enough to make them cut themselves out of your life permanently.
you have to be seriously bluepilled to not know that communist philosophy is inherently anti-racism. didn't marx send lincoln a letter of gratitude after he freed the slaves?
you're not exactly proving them wrong
get a load of this cuck
Reddit get out
racism is fun
prove me wrong
i'm capturing pol's terminology
Their terminology is trash just like their ideology.
yeh thats why i wanna capture it and make it not trash
The only brown people we need is brown anime girls.
well at least you're not falseflagging
It's fun until you're the butt of the racism. Making racist jokes or something is not what it means to be racist. Read zizek
The overdramatic rejection of liberal identity politics is probably one of the few things that keep this board sane when compared to shitholes like plebbit.
Russia today
How does this one rank on the zizek scale of ideology?
I shouldn't have to prove anything to such a giant autist
You can't turn a sphincter into a crown.
some people are very elastic
For the love of Marx SAUCE!!!!
this tbh
I'm not racist or sexist.
But user, you're posting on Holla Forums, which by default makes you a pedophile rapist alt-right troll that drowns nigger babies