WoW Private Server General: Anger edition

A thread dedicated to shitting up various WoW private servers in the name of 8ch (Not literally, goddamn)

Our current servers we're on are:

- Kronos (Vanilla) |
- World of Crusade (Burning Crusade, not out yet) |
- Vengeance


-Create your account at:
- (Kronos is the Vanilla server of the TwinStar server group)
- [N/A]

-Change the text in to one of the following and log in to the client:
- realmlist
- [N/A]
set realmlist
set patchlist

Either we don't know or care enough, make it known and shill it hard baby

- (Horde) ==Ongoing==
- (Alliance) ==N/A==
- N/A
- (Alliance) (DORF ONLY)
- (Horde)

- /who g-"Guild Name"

Don't be an autist
Don't be a normalfag
Remove Elf


Whatever the fuck you want.

Whatever the fuck you want.

check >>>/nostalrius/ for vanilla and TBC addons, otherwise google

do /join Holla Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

World of Crusade when?

Note to self: If you play on Vengeance or if you're a VoA shill you should do the honorable thing and commit sudoku.

Please stop promoting that shit server. Killerwife is 16 years old brat, X-Savior is an old fart with family who has no time for this shit and Laizer plays retail.

Karazhan released in february, three months later still two bosses not available. Yes, when you can't rip off other peoples work it's hard isn't it.

You can dupe gold and items on the server.
There is no anti-cheat system.

PvP is a joke because most class abilities are broken.


kill me

Oh boy, I can't wait for another 300 posts of people bitching about servers.

me too, every person who has bitched so far doesn't actually suggest a server or suggests one that's even worse and low pop

What is the best hybrid class?


None of them.

be specific, most classes were single role till wrath casualized shit

druid paladin and shaman

there an actual guild on kronos 2? is it horde or ally?

Some people said they made one but no one posted the guild and faction so we never had a chance to add it

Yes, on horde. Haven't played in a while but say your nick and I'll invite.

right, will add to the OP next thread

I'm trying to enter Kronos 2, but it never gets passed the first loading screen.

Are the servers up?

At one point they started being unstable as fuck. High ping and DC in general.

you think china is at it again?


because "MUH 60s" when there hasn't been many 60s helping the lowbies as most Kronos vets view them as dirty filthy refugees

you're right a lot of us have stopped playing till WoC because we're so fucking disjointed


actually it's because Kronos 2 is an actual 1x blizzlike server unlike Kronos 1 which had a fucking 7x exp event for over a month, and the raid progression has been reset. plus there are far more low level players to do dungeons with on Kronos 2. Kronos 2 is literally better in every possible way.

it looks like the guild is hopelessly split for now, but the launch of a good TBC server should unify us again.

What episode of Naruto is this?

you mean the thing you weren't around for so it never affected you?

you're looking for shit to not play on a server at this point

you're making it out to be like we've EVER gotten a raid cleared even in nost

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA stop throwing this word around it makes you look like a tool

Probably in part because of people bitching about every server at this point.

we should've just stuck to K1 and been done with it


what's the name of the new levelling addon that uses the mangos db or whatever to get all the coords and shit

In vanilla? Tauren Shaman with Engineering, hands down.

Right so we need to consolidate, in the event of WoC going into "NEVER EVER" mode are we going to be done with WoW or no?

Crestfall or official legacy servers (fucking kek) for me. Not saying nost was any better than kronos, just that is used up all the days I'm willing to spend on typical buggy trash pservers in this lifetime.

Aren't there like a billion upcoming TBC servers? If any of them are good, I mean REALLY good, shill them hard then.

problem is there aren't, the only good once coming up is WoC which may go "never ever" mode

Nost was better than Kronos in that pathing worked much better to an extent.

We'll see how shit goes, summer is a ways off

actually I was around for the 7x event, I quit the server because of it. I will not tolerate that unblizzlike trash.

was nost baby's first WoW private server?

considering how "unblizzlike" nost was I'm surprised you didn't quit THAT as well

While we're on the whole "Blizzlike" thing, is it just me or do the hunter pet-like mobs (e.g. the tigers/panthers that the STV trolls have) tend to always have pants-on-head retarded drops on private servers (for example, dropping ores)

nost was very blizzlike. "blizzlike" does not mean "100% scripted perfectly LITERALLY an exact clone", because recreating blizzard's server-sided scripts is very difficult and no private server does it perfectly. blizzlike means the server actually attempts to provide the same experience you got on retail WoW. one of the most important blizzlike qualities of a server is that the rates are strictly set to 1x. Kronos 2 is far more blizzlike than Kronos 1 because it always had strictly 1x rates.

if you had been playing private servers for a full decade like I have, you would know that Nost was one of the best and most blizzlike private servers there has ever been. WoW emulation is getting better every year. back in 2008 the best private servers didn't even have LoS or pathing at all.

now you're just mangling shit
wasn't very blizzlike when I couldn't gank on the boat, or farm DMN trib because some people whined

then how did they exist, why did people play them if nothing worked right and just stood there?

you're getting upset because of an event that happened and will never happen again

Let's take this literally shall we

mobs in WoW have always had retarded loot tables, the spiders in swamp of sorrows had a chance of dropping bow of searing arrows

I'm not talking about standalone beasts dropping random greens/blues/purples. I'm talking about mobs that dropped barely, if any loot on live, that drop like 5-6 different items at a time on private servers.

Could you possibly be one of the 90% of players here who quit by level 30 then spout how shit the server is, hop to a different one, do the same thing, repeat ad naseum?

Is this the go to healing build for Druids?

How autistic are people on private servers when it comes to Balance/Feral druids?

Having one moonkin and one feral for the aura is good for the raid DPS boost.

I remember feral druids being used for off tanking adds and some bosses.

lmao nice projection kiddo

I was level 60 on nost, and I'm almost level 60 on kronos 2. kronos 1 is just unblizzlike trash, try not to get too upset about it. you can always switch to the superior server.

Can you play offline without paying Blizzard?

I guess you can make a local server.

But why would you want to? Half the content is group based.

I've never seen that happen, maybe 2 items SOMETIMES

what fucking creatures are dropping 5 items for you

Hey you're probably that guy from that nost thread awhile back who claimed to have been in the guild and gave money to people without naming himself

Please just stop playing altogether

Do you not realize what a PRIVATE SERVER is?

replace player with NPCs and you ll have your blizzlike MoP/WoD/Legion blizzlike server

Skullsplitter Panthers, Vengeance. They've dropped ores, stones, herbs, cloth (I think), and most bizarrely of all, Skullsplitter Tusks, which should only be dropping off of trolls. I shouldn't be expecting a TBC server to have perfect old world content, but still.

veng is hilariously broken


Also, Balance and Feral both suck until AQ/Naxx. In early raids Feral is sometimes used for off-tanking because of their fuckhuge monster armor but in later raids their inability to stop crushing blows and crits sucks. In that case go Enchanter for Smoking Heart of the Mountain and get a Mark of Tyranny. Balance on the other hand is fucked under a huge amount of resists and mana issues. It's not until AQ40/Naxx that they pick up. Feral DPS Druids need AQ40/Naxx just for the DPS gear. There are no DPS weapons for Druids pre-AQ40 (aside from the far weaker AQ20 mainhand). What those Druids lack in personal DPS they do usually make up for in contributing raid DPS.

In the AQ40/Naxx world you'd have a better time being a DPS caster as a Shaman than Druid though simply because Lightning Bolt scales like an absolute monster. It's even possible to do outrageous raid DPS as a Shaman by taking advantage of the fact that offensive casts do not interrupt the auto-attack timer to melee while you cast but then you're liable to do too much damage, pull aggro, and die.

not really, there are some bugs and shit but in general its an ok server

Unless you think that incident with gnome multiboxer hacker that was hiding underground for 2 hours means the game is ruined forever because such things happen every minute or so (which it doesnt)

oh I know veng is good, but sometimes it's just like the spell casters not acting like spell casters

also I killed that gnome who was fly hacking, it felt so good

i think thats because devs forgot to put spells on some mobs like Shattered Hand Warlocks, they just stand at range looking at you instead of spamming Shadow Bolt

Same thing with demons in starting area, i enslaved Dread Lord and he didnt had Inferno or Carrion Swarm or Sleep, i enslaved Sister of Pain (succubus model) and she didnt have spells which were a big deal back then because several warlocks in top guilds enslaved those sucubi and casted their spells on raid members to get another haste buff which was significant enough for raid damage.

Atleast devs are responding on forums when you make a thread and present your problem/bug.

That's what ankh if for you pussy.

Next thread can you add Gamer-District, Warmane, and Dalaran-wow under a Wotlk section, please? I know other anons here play on these servers too, and anything pre-Cata is worth mentioning imo

there are maybe 4 people who actually enjoy wrath


Since all the private servers up are ded, decided to make my own on localhost. Using a playerbot addon so i can add my own "players" i can raid with alone.
Thinking about doing a full pre-raid bot group and going for it

Attunements will be a pain i think

Kronos is working isn't it?

K1 is bugging out, K2 is fine, veng is up

You can do feral until endgame if you want. Even tank 60 dungeons much better than many warriors at that level, but it'll only get you into raids if you ninja all the healing shit that drops and that might not go down well.

well Beefstacks DID tank strat UD with a group as a restro druid in bear tank

problem with bear tanks in end game, ESPECIALLY strat is the lack of armor reduction, basically you'd want to FF baron and have a rogue pop the armor reduction thing because they actually stack, but outside that it was a CC nightmare that required precise coordination

nigger that was such a struggle
I miss the struggle tho

that was a good run and showed how well we could coordinate

we had good class balance. the CC made it possible
also shows the potential the game has and the content that can be cleared when the unwashed masses arent dictating what the proper strategy is.

i fuckin miss you guys
1-70 bc server when

that's what WoC is supposed to be but it's "THIS SUMMER" a few of us bum around the discord, the server hopping has left us disjointed, we don't have cuckchan numbers so we need to either pick a server or just let the threads die

yeah, even though we never got to kill a raid boss, a good portion of was above and beyond most of the playerbase.

We killed 1 in MC and 4 in ZG.

and were on our way to ony, which I'm told is retardedly easy

wasn't the best, but we were solid

wasnt around for the MC one, but now that you say it i remember ZG.
even tho bloodlord was bugging out

So for those who want to play we should really consider consolidating or would everyone rather let the threads die till WoC or use the threads to post news about WoC

speaking of, there has been news, progress continues, just as gummy puts it "nothing worth posting about"

Tit for that, the old world, at least, is probably just a bit below Kronos in terms of script quality.

Mobs will reset if you don't attack them for a certain period of time, regardless of how far they move. There's the caster issue, where mobs will sometimes just stand by idly. Nightlash (level 14 quest mob) will use an ability dealing 1000 damage to you and healing her to full, an ability that's supposed to target the gnolls in the area, making her effectively impossible to solo at normal level. There's some other minor crap too, but it's still not horrid.

Leveling from 1-57 was comfy as fuck, though.

yeah beware insta level servers, typically the servers that aren't vanilla focus on the post vanilla content first and foremost since you're playing for that content specifically

What the fuck you faggots never told me you moved /wpsg/ to superiorchan

Is this meergeneral then?

we're not from cuckchan faggot

this is just the nost threads for the old 8ch guild

wew lad, this thread is just for keeping track of shit until we go to WoC and hopefully stay there. Fuck this server hopping shit tbh

Calm down child.
This explains everything.


Lately I've been thinking more and more about starting playing WoW again, rerolling on some new random server and just try to make friends and try have fun like I did when I was younger. I'm looking at the launcher right now as I write this.

Pic related, I've been clean for over a year now and I know that I probably will end up playing it solo again all the way to max level, talk to no one and realize once more why I quit playing this damn game in the first place.

Help me ;_;

none of us here are playing retail

basically all guilds are dead because we're too spread out, so you can do whatever because most are waiting for WoC so yeah

i just want to play a blizzlike TBC that s worth it .

if it s to fool arround while WoC come out then i prefer doing so with free account in retail in RP serv where the trolling can get some real and funny reactions


thing about leveling rates for WoC


No-one is denying that the leveling rate is modified when compared to a retail version of the Burning Crusade.

The point in what was said is that it's inaccurate for us to respond to questions about how fast the leveling is by saying the server is "x2" or "x3", as we have not multiplied XP values across the board, this would be referred to as a "flat" increase.
However, the solution is not curved either, curved would imply that the modifier increases as you level, but is still a global or "flat" modifier.

Like you say, the concept is not overly complicated, at the end of the day you get a value of experience for whatever you do, of which you need a certain quantity to level - it's just that we have looked at each element (e.g What value for quests, what value for creatures, what value when you're in a group, how much XP to level up per level, etc.) instead of applying a "flat" multiplier.

The problem is that we can't answer the question in a way that people are expecting us to answer, the leveling is simply a different experience, we're not claiming it to be revolutionary or ground breaking, but its not as simple as calling it "twice as fast".

If you asked Blizzard how XP rates work in Warlords of Draenor compared to how they were in Burning Crusade, their answer would not be "They are faster by x3".