Hey guys I had an idea. Given all the paranoia for 'muh Russian hacking', I think it could be a good time to turn that to our advantage. For the longest time, the US has allowed Israel to have its citizens serve in Congress with dual citizenship. I think we can combine these two problems into a solution.
My proposal is that get this petition I made going:
I used some ebin anti-Russian wording to make the normalfags think this isn't about removing bagel. Let's keep this one under wraps, but try to rope in the 4cucks and/or maybe plebbit because we need to zerg this one.
Why would they stop the last one if they didn't do anything? Their actions betray the idea that these are ineffectual.
Jeremiah Russell
Excellent. We need to shill this on twitter.
Nicholas Parker
Can you change that to "is not compromised"?
Isaiah Ortiz
Joseph Morris
Josiah Wood
Docking your pay, CREW.
Can't edit after you publish, but I deliberately wanted to imply that it's not already compromised (even though we already know it is).
Michael Bailey
neck yourself shill
Ethan Hughes
Stop derailing
Jace Clark
Colt lmao my bad
Noah Bailey
Good work, user. This has been something I've been talking about to normal fags for a while. While these petitions never "work," they can be used to spread awareness, and make people interested in the issue/asking questions/etc.
Colton Green
I had a laff at this tbh
Robert Nguyen
wew laddie ;^)
Ostensibly the website is supposed to get responses, but since the #1 petition right now is a 'DRUMPF show us your taxes' this might be less focused on in the future.
Ayden Robinson
About fucking time. Too bad the kikes will give up Israeli and just make Aliyah later when convenient.
I don't get it, the White House is minimally involved with this website.
Nathaniel Young
wtf is this
Isaiah Wood
want to cause salt? make a petition that declares English as the official language of America
Daniel Williams
that site is owned by soros, dummy.
Thomas Rivera
OP, your pic is shit, all porn is degenerate.
Even the Federal Reserve has a .gov domain.
Hudson Anderson
Benjamin Williams
Good Idea so take a bump. The kikes are the ones who will be most assblasted over this.
Adam Reed
Good idea, but the language is somewhat unprofessional; it should be written less like a personal opinion statement and more like the petition it's supposed to be. I would recommend re-writing before spreading this - proposed edits:
Removal of Foreign Nationals and Dual Citizens from United States Congressional Office
I'd leave "Russia" out of the petition itself and simply reference it while spreading to associate them. Also leftists seem to like the phrase "sanctity/integrity of the Republic" when discussing Russian interference; that should be enough to tip them off.
Carson Diaz
I like your wording better tbh, would you want to make your own petition? Then we can ask mods to replace the link in the OP
John Sullivan
That is mostly what I was suggesting, though I'd rather not set up the required account personally. If possible it would be best for you to just take down your current version and put up a new one.
Reporting myself to ask mods to replace the link in the OP with this one
Jason Ward
I agree. This is better.
Noah Butler
We need a list of which congresskikes have dual citizenship, and to where.
Zachary Long
I'm really amused.
Zachary Gutierrez
Signed. As for spreading this, I would suggest spending as long as possible targeting exclusively fringe liberal groups using the Russia angle. Keith Olbermann, Paul Krugman, Occupy Democrats, former pro-Hillary groups, etc. are good starting points; anyone who's been most obsessed with pushing the "Russian hackers" story. If at all possible, do not use accounts linked to right wing content to do this, they will notice and become suspicious.
Use of the Israel angle should be used only as a last resort within the final 10 days of the petition period if liberals aren't providing the signatures needed.
Christian Butler
Look at the kike trying to shy us away from getting his brethren booted from our capitol.
Leo Barnes
Here's another one: Put President Trump on Mt. Rushmore.
The link's broken, you mouthbreathing, booger-eating, pants-shitting retard.
Matthew Davis
petit i o n s . w h i t e h o u s e . g o v / p e t i t i o n / r e m o v a l - f o r e i g n - n a t i o n a l s - a n d - d u a l - c i t i z e n s - u n i t e d - s t a t e s - c o n g r e s s i o n a l - o f f i c e
Lincoln Williams
Gavin Hughes
>when your pic gets shoah'd
Caleb Cook
How in the fuck did you Americans let it get THIS bad?